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Title page

Approval sheet
Table of contents
List of tables
List of figure
List of graphs
Main body:
Chapter 1- the problem and its setting
>background of the study (includes rationale)
>review of related literature
>theoretical and conceptual framework
>schematic diagram
>statement of the problem
>significance of the study
>scope and limitation of the study
>scope and limitations of the study
>definition of terms
Chapter 2- methodology

>research design
>research locale
>research respondents
>research instrument
>data gathering procedure
>statistical treatment
>data analysis and evaluation
chapter 3- presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data
Chapter 4- summary of findings, conclusion and recommendation

Supplementary pages:
Bibliography (based on the schools official format)
a. Letter of approval
b. Instrument
c. Curriculum vitale
d. documentations

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