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Lesson Planning

Waynesburg University

Writing the lesson plan:

Translating thoughts into a plan of action
Pennsylvania Academic Standard(s) addressed during this lesson:
(Provide Standard number and statement)
o 1.2 Reading Critically in all content areas
o 1.3 Reading, Analyzing and Interpreting Literature
o 3.6 Technology Education
o 3.7 Technological Devices

Lesson Objective(s)
(Stated in observable and measurable terms)
o Students will general response/comments via blogging
o Students will analyze information and rewrite it in chronological order
o Students will employ technological skills to post response

Assessment Plan
(What will be done to determine if lesson objectives have been met?)
o Students will be assess by their responses to the question via comment on the blog
o The story of Beowulf, paper, pencil, computer
Inclusion Techniques for Students with Special Needs:
o Students with special needs will work with their partners
o Students with special needs will have teacher assistance if needed

Enrichment Techniques:
o Students may elaborate on the rise, climax and fall of the story
Lesson Differentiation (What modifications/accommodations will be made to ensure that ALL students have access to and are able
to participate in the lesson):
o Students with special needs will only need to write 3 sentences.

Lesson Presentation
Introduction/Motivational Activities/Anticipatory Set:
o Students will participate in class discussion generated by completing a KWL chart on the chalkboard

Detailed Teaching Sequence:

(Provide sufficient detail that would enable a substitute to effectively present this lesson. Bulleted statements are preferred)
o Students will take turns and those that want to read will ready the story of Beowulf in class.
o Teach will stop periodically to check for comprehension
o When story is complete, class will discuss entire story
o Students are instructed to write the rise, climax and fall of the story, the beginning, middle and end
o This is to be in paragraph form with at least 5 sentences
o They will then enter their answers under comments on the Blog

Guided Practice/Independent Practice/Assessment Activities

o The assignment will be assessed based on their

o When all students have completed the assignment, we will discuss answers together in class

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