Lesson Plan For Web 2

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Lesson Planning

Waynesburg University

Writing the lesson plan:

Translating thoughts into a plan of action
Pennsylvania Academic Standard(s) addressed during this lesson:
(Provide Standard number and statement)
o 3.6 Technology Education
o 3.7 Technological Devices
o 1.4 Types of Writing
o 1.8 Research

Lesson Objective(s)
(Stated in observable and measurable terms)
o Students will make use of technology to create a before and after document.
o Students will compile information to write a report.
o Students will explain what constitutes a hero to them.

Assessment Plan
(What will be done to determine if lesson objectives have been met?)
o The lesson will be assessed upon completion of the Befter( before and after) document.
o Pictures of family member/friend, computer, paper, pencil
Inclusion Techniques for Students with Special Needs:
o Work with partner
o Teacher assist

Enrichment Techniques:
o May include 2 paragraphs
Lesson Differentiation (What modifications/accommodations will be made to ensure that ALL students have access to and are able
to participate in the lesson):
o Students with special needs my write a 3 sentence paragraph

Lesson Presentation
Introduction/Motivational Activities/Anticipatory Set:

o Students will watch the YouTube video that demonstrates the use of the “Befta” website

Detailed Teaching Sequence:

(Provide sufficient detail that would enable a substitute to effectively present this lesson. Bulleted statements are preferred)
o Students will download two pictures of someone they personally know whom they consider a hero. (For example, before
military and then after military or before medical profession and after joining medical profession)
o Students will use proper grammar, punctuation and sentence structure to write at least one paragraph telling why this
person is a hero to them. This paragraph will be written on the Befta site

Guided Practice/Independent Practice/Assessment Activities

o The lesson will be assessed upon completion of the Befta

o Students will share their Befta with the class

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