Table 4 Pk-How Healthy Is Honiniwai

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How Healthy is Honiniwai?

Westin Oliva, Tuitasi Fenumiai, David Kaikala-Wong

Project Purpose: For our question we
wanted to find out the quality of the water in
Honiniwai, an estuary located in Zablan. In
order to determine if the pond was healthy,
we needed to do several tests and analyze
our data. We tested pH, salinity, water
temperature, dissolved oxygen, phosphate,
nitrate, and fecal coliform. We also made
environmental observations. Below is a
description for each of the test we did and
what should be considered healthy.
pH(parts of hydrogen) - A figure
expressing the acidity or alkalinity of a
solution on a logarithmic scale on which 7
is neutral, lower values are more acid,
and higher values are more alkaline. Fish
need a pH of 6.5 to 7.5
Salinity-Is the saltiness or dissolved salt
content of a body of water
Turbidity- Is a measure of water clarity
how much the material suspended in
water decreases the passage of light
through the water. Suspended materials
include soil particles (clay, silt, and sand),
algae, plankton, microbes, and other
Water Temperature- A temperature is
a comparative objective measure of hot
and cold. The water temperature should
of been above 20 degrees for a healthy
freshwater stream.
Dissolved Oxygen- Is how much
oxygen is in the water. The water should
be 4 ppm or higher to be a healthy
freshwater stream.
Environmental Observations- At
Honiniwai we saw trash all over. The type
of trash that we saw was pudding cups,
bricks, cans/bottles, and cardboard.
This is important to us because there is
trash all over in Honinwai and we want to
make Honiniwai a better place for people to
come and enjoy. Its also important because
we wanna restore Honinwai to the way it
was in the past when people used it as a food
source. Another reason to restore the area is
because people think that Honiniwai is an
old dirty pond but little do they know is that
Honiniwai is similar to the ocean.

Our pH is between 7 and 7.5 so fish can live in the Honiniwai.

Water Temperature

Our Water Temperature is between 28 and 34 so its a good temp. for

fish to live in.


Our Salinity is between 20 and 36 so the pond is mixed with fresh and
salt water


Our turbidity is between 37 and 40 so the water is somewhat clear

Dissolved Oxygen

Our Dissolved Oxygen is between 4 and 6 so the water has some bit of

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