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The Monthly Newsletter of the Milan Art Institute

In this Issue:
MIA Prophetic Art Seminar
Welcome Angela Kehm
Greece Art Tour Recap
New Classes: Epic, Nose and
Feet, Mixed Media
Artist Spotlight: Cecelia
For more images from artist
journals from the Greek Art
Tour, visit our webpage!

Save the Date!

Please join us for

the Mastery Art
Program Info Night
at the MIA from
6pm 8pm on July
R.S.V.P at 480.307.7150

Milan Teaches the Powerful and

Prophetic Nature of the Arts
Do you want to find the meaning behind your creative endeavors?
Art has always been utilized as a form of communication and
expression. Colors, textures and lines speaks to us visually, creating
and evoking our emotions. Historically, art was utilized to tell of
human kind; in those stories we have crated universal archetypes
that represent meaning behind forms. In the Prophetic Art
Workshop you will learn to cultivate these techniques. If you are
interested in the patterns throughout nature that visually appeals to
us, how we subconsciously repeat this proportion in our
composition, how creativity is used to tell allegories of our lives and
how this can bring reform, this class is for you. Through the
exploration of meaning and forms in art, you will create a symbolic
painting spoken to you; a depiction of your intuition. In the
completion of this class you will learn to interpret and bring
visionary meaning to your painting. All art supplies are provided.
Prophetic Art Workshop July 16-18; click on Milan Art School /
Class Schedule to register.



Greece Art Tour Recap

From May 18th to June 19th, twenty-two professional and
emerging artists participated in this years Art Excursion Tour to
Greece. Tour participants were given watercolor kits and created
personal art journals to visually document their journeys through
this amazing country, drawing inspiration from the Greek museum
artifacts. The Tour included visits to Thessaloniki which is the
homeland of Alexander the Great, the history and unique island of

Welcoming Angela Kehm

the the Milan Art Institute

Corfu, the peninsulas of Halkidiki, and the vibrant port city of

We would like to welcome

digitally recreated. Due to the overwhelming success of the tour,

Angela Kehm to the Milan Art

we are ready making plans for the Greek Art Tour in 2016. You can

Institute as our Marketing Intern.

sign up to receive all the details by clicking on the Milan Art Tour

Angela is joining us from Fort

section of our website.

Kavala. Please visit our blog and Facebook page to view the
participants beautiful and exquisite art journals which have been

Worth, Texas. She is a Fine Art

Major with Psychology Minor at
the University of Texas at
I am ecstatic to begin this adventure
with the Milan Art Institute. So much
of this chapter in my life is new. I
came from a home full of my wild
amazing family, to starting a new,
independent life where I am
constantly pushed to utilize all of
which I have learned not only from
my education at UT but from my work
experience. I have worked with
paints both acrylic and oil, lightly in
watercolor, charcoal, oil pastels,
graphite, clay and metal. Here at the
Milan Art Institute I get to enjoy an
atmosphere that, back home, was
always privately mine. Watching
people of all ages explore their
creativity, learn new techniques, and
push themselves apply both the
classical and innovative methods the
Milan has to offer is incredible and
inspiring. With my future goals to
obtain my Masters Degree in Art
Therapy, I believe in the MIAs vision:
that the visual arts are enlightening,
transformational, and uplifting. I am
dedicated to share and support their

Photo credit: Cathy Maiorano



July Classes
Feet: Monday July 20, 6pm - 8:30pm. Learn the anatomical structure
of feet and paint with volume and form. Move forward in confidence
and stop avoiding hands and feet!
Epic Story Telling Figure: Wednesday July 22, 29 & August 5, 12, 19,
4pm - 6:30pm. Learn how to create a narrative in oil with figures. You
will set up your own photos and learn about lighting and composition.
Beginner Mixed Media: Wednesday July 23 & 30, 9am - 11:30am.
Learn layering techniques that you can use to represent different forms
in your work.
Youth Classes on July 11th & July 25th!
For more detail, visit

Artist Spotlight: Cecilia Calderon

Cecilia Calderon was born and raised in Mexico
City, where she received her bachelor's degree in
graphic design and started her own stained glass
and sculpture studio in 1981.
By 1995, she moved with her husband and four
children to Austin, Texas, where she continued with
her studio doing extensive commission work for
architects, designers, and private clients. There she
learned the art of working with copper and fell in
love with it. Cecilia feels that copper, which has
been mined and used in the Americas for
centuries, is a noble and beautiful material.

Stay Connected to the Milan Art Institute!

Theres a lot going on at the Milan Art Institute and you wont want to miss a minute! Be
the first to know about classes, programs, events and more on your favorite social
network and visit us at:

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