Questions 1

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Paper 401
Unit i

a. Russian formalism
1.`defamiliarization shklovsky (2014,2012,2010)
2. how does the Russian formalists differentiate between plot and story(sjuzet an fabula)?
(2013,2011,2013 internal)

b. dialogic criticism
1. heteroglossia? (2014,2012) is a monologic text different from a dialogic text?(2011,2010)
3.carnivelesque? (2010) criticism
1. affective fallacy(2014,2012 and 2010 internal)
2.intentional fallacy(2012,2009,2014 internal)
3.practical criticiam(2012,2009)
4.define tension(2011)
5.close reading(2011)
6. how does warren distinguish between pure and impure poetry?(2013,2010)

d.psychoanalytic criticism
1. how does freud define castration complex?(2013) does freud define parapraxes?(2012
3.briefly comment on freud,s theory of jokes?(2011)
4.wrtie a note on lacans mirror stage.(2010 internal)
5.what is according to lacan the difference between need and denmand?(internal)

e.archetypal criticism would you define myth?what is its relationship with archetype?(2014,2009,2013

internal) or distinguish between myth and archetype?

Psychoanalytic+archetypal criticism
1. What does jung mean by collective unconscious?(2014,2009)
2. 2.jungs theory of individuation(2013,2010)
3.jungs theory of projection?(2012 internal)

Unit ii

1.distinguish langue and parole?(2013,2010)
2.signifier and signified(2009)
3.why does barthes declare the death of the author?(2010 internal)

1.aporia? (2014) does barthes distinguish between readerly and writerly text?(2014)
3.derridas concept of writing.(2010)
5.derridas concept of the free play of signifiers?(2011)

c.reader response criticism

1.fishs concept of interpretive communities?(2014,2012,2011,2009)
2.what does jauss mean by paradigm?(2012)
3.hypograms?(2010) according to wolfgang iser the implied reader is different from the actual reader?(2014
and 2012 internal)

d.feminist criticism does Beauvoir distinguish between sex and gender?(2014,2012 internal,2010 internal)
2.gynocriticism?(2013,2009,2014 internal)
3.alice walkers concept of womanism?(2012)
4.ecriture feminine?(2010)
5.what does millet mean by female reader?(2010)
6. one is not born,but rather becomes a woman comment.(2011)

1.bretchts concept of alieanation effect.(2012)
2.althussers notion of interpellation(2009)
3.lukacs concept of critical realism(2009)
4.write a note on socialist realism(2014) does lukacs distinguish between social realism and critical realism?(2011 internal)
6.what is isa(althuser)(2013,2011)
7.what did the soviet realists mean by partinost and klassovost?(2012)

1.discourse?(2013 internal)

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