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Philosophy of Nursing
NURS 300- Introduction to Theories and Concepts I
NURS 431- Transition to Professional Nursing Practice
Purpose of Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to enable the student to rediscover his or her personal
philosophy of nursing as it exists upon the completion of the baccalaureate nursing program.
Student Approach to Assignment
The development of a nursing philosophy happened naturally for me throughout my time
in the baccalaureate nursing program, even though I may not have known it at the time. Through
the development of this paper I have gained a better understanding of how my personal nursing
philosophy has developed since the beginning of the nursing program. I have discovered that
with the expansion of my knowledge base, my nursing philosophy has also expanded.
Reason for Inclusion of this Assignment in the Portfolio
Demonstrates accountability for ones own professional practice.
Example: When evaluating the definition, purposes, assumptions and ethical
principals as a requirement of this paper, I began to gain a more in depth
understanding of my responsibilities as a professionally practicing nurse. By being
able to express these responsibilities in a paper, I am holding myself accountable to
fulfill these responsibilities throughout my entire career. This paper helped me to
evaluate my own values and acted as a reminder to me of the characteristics of a
responsible and safe nurse.
Applies an ethical decision-making framework and legal guidelines to clinical situations
that incorporate moral concepts, professional ethics, and advocacy for patient well-being
and preferences.
Example: In the paper, I identified the two major ethical principles that guide my
nursing practice as nonmaleficence and the patients right to autonomy.
Nonmaleficence is one of the most important aspects of nursing and every medical
profession, which is why I included it in the paper. This paper made me realize that I
practice nonmaleficence during every clinical shift. I also think that the patients right
to autonomy, or self-determination, is highly important, as I would want to be able to
make my own decisions if I were a patient. Additionally, the importance of the nurse
being an advocate for the patient is emphasized in my definition of nursing.

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