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HSA 2: Plight of the Natives

The tone expressed by Chief Joseph is one of great sadness and betrayal. His people
(Native Americans) have been forced to flee their land by the government. His tribe is a people
of peace and equality. They mean no harm to strangers; rather they welcome them with open
arms and bare gifts among them. Yet they are treated as though they are outlaws and slaughtered
like animals. They are given false hope from the government that everything will be okay and
they will be treated equally, but that word is never acted upon.
It is the desire of Chief Joseph that his people are treated the same as any other man. This
is the excerpt mentioned in the Declaration of Independence that all men are created equal.
While the white man is allowed to roam the lands as they please, the natives are forced to live on
a reservation. The government had claimed the Native American land for gold, and took
possession of their horse and cattle without rightful cause. When Chief Joseph confronts the
government, many authorities say and promise different things.
The white man treats them as though they are savages, not as though they are equals. It is
the land of the natives and they are peaceful people, but they still take their land and their
possessions and treat them unfairly. Although they could show violence towards the white men,
they dont do this to preserve the peace. All men should be allowed to travel, trade and work
amongst each other. Any wrong doing should be handled to bring justice no matter who they are;
Native American or white man.
Chief Joseph makes mention that there can be no more wars if they treat each other as
equals. That his people can be recognized as men and to live as the white man lives. The Nez
Parce are a people of peace, and had no intentions of wars or violence. If the white man wants to
live in peace with the Indian he can live in peace (Chief Joseph 1879, online). Despite the way
they have been treated, they still dont act upon feelings or anger. Their property and their
freedom had been taken from them, while the white man is free to roam as they please and take
what they want. If they would allow the tribes to roam, work, trade and all manner of things just
as the white man, then there would be no contentions among them.
They should all be treated the same in regards to law and justice. If man were treated as
equals, much of the violence and bloodshed on both sides could have been prevented. They
helped the white man fight against other Native Americans, yet the government still treats them
as outlaws. If man would treat the Native Americans as they treated Lewis and Clark when they
arrived in their country, there would be more peace and less violence.

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