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Wall Carving from Assyrian Palace

Assyrian Empire
900-600 BCE

Assyrian Military

Assyrian Archers and Battering Ram

Palace Wall Carving, 865-860 BCE

Assyrian Empire

Assyrian Artifacts

The Destruction of Susa,

647 BCE

Assyrians Taking
Cedar from Lebanon,
716-713 BCE

Assyrian Scribes

Assyrian Scribes Record Battle Victory

Palace of King Sennacherib, 700-692 BCE

King Sennacherib
Ruled 705-681 BCE
Used military force
against revolts
Led campaign against
a rebellion in Judah
Conquered several
Judean cities
Attacked King Hezekiah
in the city of Jerusalem

Palace Carving of King Sennacher



What do other artifacts show us?

Do the artifacts agree? If not, why?
What are other possible artifacts?
What artifacts are most reliable?

Two Sources

The Book of Kings

The Sennacherib Prism

Central Historical Question

What happened during
Sennacheribs siege of

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