Syllabuseng 11

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English 11 Syllabus

Miss Pflanz
Office: B217
Welcome! English 11 will build upon your previous English classes. We will work on improving
your writing skills through reading, researching, listening, speaking, and critically thinking.
In this class we will be
reading a combination of short fiction and nonfiction, choice novels, common
novels, the text A Multicultural Reader, and various other short stories and essays
writing journals and formal papers
building vocabulary and improving language and grammar skills
working on essential elements of writing emphasizing on narrative and expository
Reminders for success within this class
Turn in your work. If you do not turn in your work, you will not get a grade.
Be a positive participant in class. Contribute to discussion and complete your work.
Be ready to learn and do not cause distractions.
Classroom Expectations
Be on time. Tardies are a distraction and horrible habit. We will follow the LNS
attendance policies for absences and tardies. 3 tardies will result in a detention. If it
is not served it will result in a referral.
Have a pen/pencil and class materials every day. I will provide you a folder, you
must get a notebook.
No food is allowed in the classroom.
We will follow the LNS Cell Phone policy and iPod/Music Device policy, as well as all
other LNS and LPS policies.
If you need to leave the classroom, you must use your own planner and have your
school ID.
No passess will be given the first 10 minutes and the last 10 minutes of class.
Be respectful to yourself and others; be support and cooperative with your peers
and me. Keep an open mind and a positive attitude.
Do not interrupt others when they are talking.
Ask for help when you need it.
Choice Reading
One day each week on Tuesdays will be devoted to personal silent reading. You must have a book
each Tuesday! More information will come when we have our first reading day.
Final Note:
I encourage you to take responsibility for your own learning. Growing as an independent lifelong
learner is a major accomplishment in high school that carries over to every aspect in life. I am
here to guide you through this learning process and am looking forward to a great semester with
each of you.
Miss Pflanz

English Department STAR Expectations

SAFETY - You are expected to use kind actions and words in our classroom. You will hand items to one another instead of throwing
them. You are expected to put materials away neatly and politely.
TRUSTWORTHINESS - We trust that you will produce original thoughts and work. We trust you to respect and meet deadlines. If you
have been entrusted with LPS technology you will be responsible for it and with it.
ACCOUNTABILITY - We believe you should read on your own time. LPS expects students to complete 8-10 books on their own during
a school year. (That means 4-5 books per semester outside of books assigned). We will allow you to grow as a writer by giving you the
opportunity to take your papers through several polished drafts. Complete drafts with quality and promptness. Make the most of the
feedback you receive. Even if you are absent for a major deadline your work needs to find its way to your teacher UNLESS you
have made other previous arrangements. We encourage you to use technology to help you outGoogle Docs and email can help you
to make sure you hit your deadlines! When you know ahead of time youre going to miss class you should, one, let your teacher know,
and two, get your work turned in early, or at the very least, on time. Pre-planned, excused absences and extracurricular activities do not
remove you from your academic responsibilities (in any of your classes).
RESPECT - Please respect our time together, and that starts with listening to one another. We expect you to respect the class and be
on time and prepared for class when the bell rings. We expect you to be fully present in class. No passes the first or last 10 minutes
of class. Please respect other peoples belongings. Be respectful of the materials and technology we are allowed to use. Respect
your and others right to learn by behaving appropriately during class time.

LNS English Department Statement on Academic Integrity

North Star is a community of learners and scholars where the ideals of freedom of inquiry, thought, and expression are
sustained. In order to preserve these freedoms we must respect the rights of all in our community. We value our
students written voices, and our instruction intends to develop these voices. If students engage in academic
misconduct they are not giving their own voices a chance, and we cannot see their real levels of learning and
achievement. Developing our students voices is one of our primary missions.
Examples of academic misconduct include, but are not limited to:
Cheating: copying homework assignments from another person; working together on a take-home
test or homework when not permitted by the teacher; looking at and receiving information from a source not
authorized by the teacher; looking at and using notes during an examination when not specifically permitted.
Tendering of information: giving ones work to another student to be copied; providing answers to
another person for examination questions before, after, or during an exam; giving or selling a paper or any work that is
to be handed in to a teacher.
Plagiarism: copying assignments from a text, either printed or electronic, to hand in to a teacher;
quoting text of other works without citations; handing in a paper purchased from a research service; reproducing
someones paper and handing it in as ones own; citing resources deceptively for written assignments.
Unauthorized collaboration: planning with one or more students to commit any form of academic
misconduct; giving ones work to another student whom one suspects will represent it as his/her own; working with
other students on any assignment unless specifically allowed by the teacher.
Misrepresentation: having another person do ones work; lying to improve ones score; submitting
the same work for a grade in two different courses without permission from both teachers; misrepresenting the
amount or type of work done; altering a graded work after it has been returned and then submitting it for re-grading
without the teachers knowledge.
The Consequences for Academic Misconduct:
We agree with Ken OConnor that instances of academic dishonesty should be dealt with in a positive and instructive
mannerthe purpose of these consequences is not punitive: Consequences should recognize that academic

dishonesty deprives everyone of quality evidence of student achievement. The appropriate consequence is to have
the students redo the work with honesty and integrity (A Repair Kit for Grading, 39). Consequences may include a
student conference to determine the nature of the offense; parent contact; a report of the misconduct to the students
other teachers, counselor, and administrator; and an appearance before the Academic Integrity Advisory Committee
composed of administrators/teachers/ peer(s). The purpose of appearing before this board is for the students to
explain their actions in order to begin to re-establish their academic integrity. Students suspected of plagiarism may
have the opportunity to redo the assignment within a reasonable time frame (no longer than two weeks), so the
teacher can honestly assess student learning.
Honor Code
I have received the above information, I understand what academic integrity is, and I understand the consequences of
misconduct. I pledge that all of the work that I do for this class will be my own. I will not plagiarize, cheat, or otherwise
commit acts of academic or intellectual dishonesty.

STUDENT PRINTED NAME _____________________________


STUDENT SIGNATURE ________________________________

DATE _____________

PARENT SIGNATURE _________________________________

DATE _____________

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