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Siblings with a Mission: International Society for Support and Awareness


Name: ______________________
Age: _______________________
State or Country: ____________________

Position You Are Applying For: _____________________________

(If you are applying for a Chairmen position, please specify the Group, i.e. MPS, Autism, etc.)

1. What is your siblings name and age? What is your siblings diagnosis? Do you have other

2. Do you have access to a computer and webcam? If not, will you be able to get access to a
computer and webcam? A webcam will be needed for video discussions, but if you are applying
for Chairman and you dont have access to a webcam, you can still participate by leading web
chat forums, writing articles for the Advice Column, and organizing Sibling Workshops.

3. (United States Siblings can move to the next question.) How well do you speak English? How
long have you been speaking English? What other languages do you know?

4. If you are a sibling located in the US, what time zone are you located in? If you are an
international sibling, what is the time difference between your country and Washington D.C.,
USA? For example, what time is it now in your country and what time is it in Washington D.C.?

5. What is your schedule like after school or after work? We are asking these questions to get an
idea of when you are available to communicate with other siblings.

6. Do you have experience offering advice to other siblings? Have you participated in Sibling

7. How would you describe your writing skills? Are you interested in writing articles and advice
that will be posted on our website?

As Chairmen, you will need to know how to answer these questions (but no worries, an
information packet with a typical answer and response will be sent to you soon).
a. How do I explain my siblings disability to my friends and family?
b. What should I do when people stare at my sibling?
c. How can I concentrate on my work and activities if my sibling makes a lot of
noise and requires a lot of attention?

d. Why do my parents spend more time with my sibling with a disability than they
do with me?
e. How should I deal with my emotions of anger, jealousy, and embarrassment?
f. How can I have more privacy when my sibling requires a therapist, aid, or nurse
at the house?
g. What should I do when my sibling goes to the hospital?

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