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This caselet, second in a series of two caselets, can be used to discuss the need for effective performance
appraisal process, standards and tools to evaluate employee performance and administer performance appraisal.
Sundari Vedula (Sundari) was the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Jocata Financial Advisory and Technology
(Jocata), a start-up commenced in 2011 in India, she was also responsible for the employees performance
appraisal. Sundari had to prepare a summary of the employees performance from their filled-up appraisal
forms. However, it was not an easy task. Since the first performance appraisal process, Sundari still continues
to face few challenges with regards to the content of the review forms, the employees goal convergence with
the company vision, employees hesitation to share feedback about peers and team leads and managing the
performance of underperformers. The management strived to improve its performance appraisal processes and
find solutions to these challenges, however, some still stay unresolved.

Pedagogical Objectives

To understand the difference between performance management and appraisal and also set effective
performance appraisal processes and standards using appropriate tools to evaluate the employee performance
and finally administer the appraisal

To discuss and debate about the challenges in the performance appraisal processes at Jocata and find a
probable solution

Case Positioning and Setting

This caselet can be used in either MBA or Executive MBA or Executive Development Programs, for the
following module/topic in the Human Resource Management course:

Performance Appraisal To understand the need for effective performance appraisal process, standards,
tools to evaluate employee performance and administer the appraisal

Performance Management The process of identifying, measuring and developing the performance of
individuals and teams to align their performance with organizational goal

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