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Testing the hypothesis is based on interval estimation.

Null Hypothesis is represented by H0 and Alternative Hypothesis by HA
The Null Hypothesis is based on concept of equality of the assumption with the actual data estimation
The normal data is compared on the basis of means() and tests are called parametric tests


The non-normal data is compared on the basis of medians(


The hypothesis is also made accordingly i.e. whether you testing on the basis of mean or medians.
Comparing one group with a target
Data is Normal (p> 0.05), H0: 0 = Hypothesized mean and HA: A Hypothesized mean
Data is Non-Normal (p< 0.05) H0: (


)and tests are called non-parametric tests

) = Hypothesized Median, HA: (

) Hypothesized Median

One group measure Twice

Data is Normal (p> 0.05) H0: 1 = 2 and HA: 1 2 (Paired Sample T-Test)
Data is Non-Normal (p< 0.05) > Test the difference column with test median = 0 in Signed Rank Test.
H0 :



Put the test median of the difference column = 0 in Minitab

Comparing two groups
Data is Normal (p> 0.05) H0: 1 = 2 and HA: 1 2, Check for equality of variances and appropriate Test
Data is Non-Normal (p< 0.05) H0:

and HA:


Use Mann Whitney (U) Test based on comparison of average ranks.

10. Comparing more than two groups
Data is Normal (p> 0.05) Check for equality of variances (Levenes Test) and Appropriate Test (Flow)
H0: 1 = 2 = 3 =.... n and HA: At least one group is significantly different from others Check for equality of
variances and Appropriate Test
Data is Non-Normal (p< 0.05) >
H0 :

2 = .

Kruskal Wallis (H) Test

HA: There is at least one group with the median significantly difference from others
11. Decision Making
1. Data is Normal when p > 0.05 Anderson test is used for checking the normality
2. The Variance are equal when p > 0.05 and the test is Levenes Test
3. Accept the Null Hypothesis when P>0.05 otherwise accept the alternative hypothesis

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