Tigrinya Dictionary

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Tigrigna - English

English - Tigrigna
(First Edition, third draft)

Compiled by

Efrem Zecarias

What has changed since the last draft?

Third draft:
I have added, removed and re-spelled a lot of the Tigrigna words to try to conform it with common usage, but
when I became confused as to the most common used spelling (which was often) I used all known spellings.
The final total of Tigrigna words in this version of the dictionary is now ~3700. I also re-organized the Tigrigna
collating sequence (alphabetical order) to conform with the Unicode order for the Geez (Ethiopic) script.
Second draft:
A few words have been added and some minor editing has taken place, but nothing significant has been
changed in the core content. The biggest difference between this draft and the first is the change in the layout
which cut the page length from 116 to a slim 54.
First draft:
I hope to revise this draft after I receive comments and suggestions from regular users and scholars of Tigrigna.
This dictionary has been a huge undertaking for me, as such, there are still some major problems with this draft
concerning the assignment of grammar terms to the Tigrigna words, common spellings, mistranslations, and
anything else that I didnt have the time -nor the proper knowledge- to fix.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Canada
License. It was made to be freely distributed for educational purposes, and it must not be sold for profit without
the express written permission of its author. I hope this dictionary can help further common understanding
between English and Tigrigna speakers.

I would like to first thank my Mother Alem Negash, and my Father Zecarias Gebrehiwet. I would have
never accomplished such a task without their common knowledge of Tigrigna, and instilling a strong sense of
Eritrean identity in me at a young age. Thanks also to Mehari Gebregziabher for his early help and enthusiasm
in this project.
My second thanks goes to Dr. Robert Van Buskirk whose Unicode Geez program was instrumental in
(painstakingly) writing out each of the ~3,500 Tigrigna terms that needed to be translated for this book.
I would also like to acknowledge the contribution of the authors of Dictionnaire tigrigna-francais,
francais-tigrigna: Erythree which was an important resource in the creation of this dictionary; another thanks
goes to Tuquabo Aressi whose Concise English-Tigrinya Dictionary served as a great supplemental source of
My final thanks goes to the various Eritrean online Diaspora who helped define this book by translating the first
300 words and will continue to redefine this book for the years to come through their suggestions and advice.
Thank you everyone.

Tigrigna is an interesting language. It belongs to the Semitic family of languages, along with: Amharic,
Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew, Maltese, Syriac, and Tigre; however it is most closely related to Tigre, and then
Amharic. It has an estimated number of about 6 million native speakers, which guarantees that most interest in
this language will stem from linguists or from Tigrigna speakers themselves. My interest in Tigrigna comes
from a more personal angle as I am of Eritrean Tigrigna decent. Ever since I was a small child, I have found it
difficult to learn the mother tongue of my parents; as there are very few technical resources available from
which I can learn this obscure Semitic language.
Early on I found that one difficulty was that all the Tigrigna dictionaries that I encountered were only
unidirectional (English to Tigrigna). This is helpful for those who are native speakers of Tigrigna and are
learning English, as they can look up any newly encountered English word and find the Tigrigna equivalent; but
for those who are learning Tigrigna, it's not as helpful as one can't look up any unknown Tigrigna words. So, I
decided to create such a resource for myself.
Being a native English speaker I found my new project very difficult and frustrating, I had started
without any knowledge of the required work and studying it takes to compile a bidirectional dictionary; luckily,
I was not alone. I had help from family, friends, and also from a large anonymous internet based Eritrean
Diaspora to work with. So, I quickly gathered a collection of commonly used English words and organized
them by subject (food, clothes, body parts, household items, outdoor items, etc...) and asked many people for
their Tigrigna translations. Everyone I asked was very helpful and after a month or two I had a small collection
of 300 words. I was very happy with the results, however I needed more words. This is when I discovered a
book for sale on amazon.com it was a Tigrigna-French/French-Tigrigna dictionary. I bought it and used my
elementary knowledge in French (and Microsoft Word translation service) to translate it to English. Much of the
bi-directional Tigrigna-English dictionary is in fact based on this French book, however all the French has been
removed and new English translations have been added. As a supplemental another more complete EnglishTigrigna diction was used to add more terms.
This dictionary would have to be the most effort that I have ever put into a single project, as I spent
around two years typing and translating the first draft; but once it was done and checked for accuracy it has
enabled me to continue learning at an impressive speed, however now I believe it something everyone can use.
So I offer it to you free of charge as an eBook, it is my life-long belief that education and information should be
free to all those who want it; I see no need to deny this book to anyone who wants to learn from it. All I ask is
that you help out by sending me all your comments, suggestions, and inquiries regarding this dictionary to my
websites forum: http://www.memhr.org/mb/ or to the following e-mail address: tigrigna@gmail.com. Thank
Efrem Zecarias
Halifax, Nova Scotia
December, 2007

English Tigrigna Dictionary

| (m) masculine | (f) feminine | (a) adjective | (n) noun | (v) verb | (adv) adverb |
| (prep) preposition | (prn) pronoun | (con) conjunction | (interj) interjection |
a little - (adv) , ,

a long time - (adv)

a lot - (adv)
abandon - (v) ,
abandonment - (n)
abbot - (n)
ability - (n) , ,
able - (a) ,
above - (adv)
abrupt - (n)
abruptly - (adv)
abscess - (n)
absence - (n)
absent (from oneself) - (v)
absent - (a)
absent minded - (a)
absent mindedness - (n)
absolute - (a)
absolutely - (adv)
absolve - (v)
abundance - (n) ,

abuse - (n) ,
abuse - (v)
abusive - (a)
abusively - (a)
accept - (v)
accident - (n)
accidental - (a) ,
accidentally - (a)
acclaim - (v)
acclamation - (n)
accompany - (v)
account - (n)
accuracy - (n) , , ,

accurate - (a) , ,
accurately - (a) , ,

accusation - (n) ,
accuse - (v) ,
accuser - (nf) ,
accuser - (nm) ,
accusers - (np) ,

accustomed, get - (v)

ache - (n)
achieve - (v)
achievement - (n)
aching - (a)
achy - (a)
acidic - (a)
acorn - (n)
acquaint - (v) ,
acquaintance - (n) ,
acquire - (v)
acquit - (v) , ,
acquittal - (n) ,
act - (v) , ,
action - (n) ,
actively - (a) ,
activity - (n) ,
actor - (nm)
actors - (pl)
actress - (nf)
actresses - (pl)
add - (v)
addition - (n)
address - (n)
addressee - (n)
adjacent - (an)
adjust - (v) , ,
administer - (v)
administration - (n)
administrations - (n)
administrator - (nf)
administrator - (nm)
administrators - (npl)
admirable - (a)
admiration - (n)
admire - (v)
admit - (v)
adolescence - (n)
adorable - (af) ,
adorable - (am) ,
adore - (v) , ,

advance - (n)

advantage - (n)
adventure - (n)
adversary - (n)
advertisement - (n)
advice - (n)
advise - (v)
adviser - (nm)
advocate - (n) , ,
advocate - (v) ,
advocator - (nf) ,
advocator - (nm) ,
advocator - (npl) ,
aerate - (v)
affect - (v) ,
affection - (n) ,
affectionate - (a) ,
affirm - (v) ,
affirmable - (a)
affirmably - (adv)
afford - (v) ,
affordable - (a)
afraid, be - (v)
after - (adv)
afterwards - (adv)
afterwards - (prep)
age - (n)
age - (v)
aged - (an)
agency - (nf)
agency - (nm)
agency - (npl)
agile - (a)
agitate - (v)
agitation - (n) ,
agony - (n)
agree - (v) ,
agreeable - (a)
agreement - (n)
agricultural - (a)
agriculture - (n)
ahead - (adv)
aid - (n)
aim - (v)
aim at - (v)

air - (n) ,
airplane - (n)
airport - (n)
alarm - (n) ,
, ,
alarm - (v)
alight (set) - (v)
align - (v) , ,
alive - (a)
alive, be - (v) , ,

all - (adv)
alliance - (n) , ,

allow - (v)
alone - (a) ,
alphabet - (n)
already - (n adv)
always - (adv)
amateur - (n)
amaze - (v) , ,

amazed - (a) ,
amazedly - (adv) ,

amazing - (a)
ambition - (n)
ambulance - (n)
amenable - (a)
amends - (n)
amount - (n) ,
ample - (a)
amuse - (v) , ,
, ,
amusement - (n) ,
, ,
amusing - (a)
ancestor - (n)
ancient - (a)
angel - (n)
anger - (n) ,
anger - (v) ,
angle - (n)
angry - (a) ,
angry - (af) ,
angry - (am)
anguish - (n)
animal - (n)
animate - (v)
ankle - (n) ,
announce - (v)

announcement - (n) ,
annoy - (v)
annoyed, get - (v)
annual - (a)
answer - (n)
answer - (v)
ant - (n)
antenna - (n)
ant hill - (n)
anticipated - (a)
antique - (a)
antiquity - (n)
anvil - (n)
anxiety - (n) , ,

anxiety, have - (v)

anxious - (a)
any - (adv)
anybody - (n)
anything - (adv)
apartment - (n)
apologize - (v)
appalling - (a) , ,

apparatus - (n)
appeal - (n) ,
appeal - (v)
appear - (v)
appear suddenly - (v)
appearance - (n)
appease - (v)
applaud - (v) , ,

applauder - (nf)
applauder - (nm)
applauder - (npl)
applause - (n) ,
apple - (n) , ,
apple tree - (n)
application - (n)
applied - (a)
apply - (v)
apply for - (vn)
appoint - (v)
appointment - (n)
appraise - (v)
appreciable - (a) , ,

appreciate - (v) ,
apprenticeship - (n)

approach - (v)
approval - (n)
approve of - (v)
apricot tree - (n)
April - (n)
apron - (n)
aptitude - (n)
arc - (n) ,
ardent - (a)
area - (n) ,
argue - (v) , ,
arithmetic - (n)
arm - (n)
arm - (v)
armchair - (n)
armistice - (a)
arms - (n)
army - (n)
arouse - (v)
arrange - (v) ,
arrest - (n)
arrest - (v)
arrive - (v)
art - (n) ,
artery - (n) ,
article - (n)
artificial lake - (n) ,
artist - (n) ,
as far as - (adv prep)
as many - (adv)
as much - (adv)
as well - (adv)
ascent - (n)
ashamed - (a)
ashes - (n)
ask - (v)
assassin - (an)
assassinate - (v)
assemble - (v) , ,

assembly - (n) ,
assert - (v)
assess - (v)
assign - (v)
assist - (v)
assistance - (n)
association - (n)
assurance - (n)
astonish - (v) ,
astonished (to be) - (v)
astonishment - (n)

at - (prep)
at last - (adv)
at least - (adv) ,
atmosphere - (n)
attach oneself to - (v)
attachment - (n)
attack - (v)
attempt - (nv)
attend - (v)
attention - (n) , ,

attentive - (a) , ,
attentively - (adv)
attorney - (n)
attract - (v)
attractiveness - (n)
attribute - (v)
August - (n)
aunt (father's side) - (n)
aunt (mother's side) - (n)
author - (n) , ,
authority - (n)
authorize - (v)
automatic - (a)
autumn - (n)
autumnal - (a)
avenge - (v)
avenue - (n)
avert - (v)
avoid - (v)
awakening - (n) ,
award - (n)
aware of, be - (v)
away, take - (v)
away, turn - (v)
axe - (n)
babble - (v)
baby - (n)
bachelor - (an)
back (body) - (n)
back (return) - (n)
back away - (v)
back, go - (v)
back, take - (v)
background - (n)
backward - (n)
bad - (a)
bad luck - (n)

bag - (n)
baggage - (n) ,
bait - (n)
baker - (n)
baker's shop - (n)
balance - (n)
balcony - (n)
ball - (n)
ban - (v)
banana - (n)
band - (n)
bandage - (n) ,
bandit - (n)
bang - (v) , ,
bang on - (v)
bank - (n)
banker - (n)
baptism - (n)
bar - (n) ,
barbed wire - (n) ,

barge - (n)
bark - (n) ,
bark - (v)
barley - (n)
barn - (n)
barometer - (n)
barrel - (n) ,
barren - (a)
barrier - (n)
barring - (n)
barrister - (n)
basil - (n) ,
basin - (n)
basket - (n)
bath - (n)
bathe - (v)
baton - (n)
battalion - (n)
battle - (n)
battlefield - (n)
bazaar - (n) ,
be (descriptive) - (v)
be (present) - (v)
beach - (n)
bead - (n)
beam - (n)
bean - (n)
beans - (n)
beans stew - (n)
bear - (n)

bear out - (v)

beard - (n)
beast - (n)
beat - (v) ,
beautiful - (a)
beauty - (n)
become - (v)
become rich - (v)
bed - (n)
bed, v - (v)
bedroom - (n)
bee - (n)
beech - (n)
beef - (n)
beef stew - (n) ,
beehive - (n)
beer - (n)
beet - (n)
before - (prep)
before long - (adv)
beg - (v)
beggar - (n)
begin - (v)
beginner - (n)
beginning - (n)
behave - (v)
behind - (adv)
belief - (n)
believe - (v)
bell - (n)
belly - (n)
below - (adv)
belt - (n)
bench - (n)
bend - (v)
bend down - (v)
benefit - (n)
benevolence - (n)
benevolent - (a)
berry - (n)
betray - (v)
beverage - (n)
bicycle - (n)
big - (a)
big finger - (n)
big toe - (n)
bill - (n)
billion - (n)
bind - (an)
biology - (n)
bird - (n)

birth, give - (v)

birthday - (a)
biscuit - (n)
bishop - (n)
bit - (n)
bite - (v)
bitter - (a)
bizarre - (a)
black - (a)
black pepper - (n)
blackbird - (n)
blackboard - (n)
bladder - (n)
blame - (v)
blanket - (n)
blaze - (v)
bleat (from a sheep) - (v)

bleed - (v)
bless - (v)
blessing - (n)
blind - (a)
block - (v)
blond - (a)
blood - (n)
bloody - (a)
bloom - (v)
blossom - (n)
blot - (n)
blotting paper - (n)
blouse - (n)
blow - (v) ,
blow up - (v) ,
blue - (a)
board - (n)
boast - (v)
boat - (n)
boathouse - (n)
bobbin - (n)
body - (n)
boggy - (a)
boiled beef - (n)
bomb - (n)
bombard - (v)
bombardment - (n)
bone - (n)
bones - (n)
book - (n)
booklet - (n)
bookstore - (n)
boot - (n)

border - (n)
boring - (a)
born, be - (v)
borrow - (v)
boss - (nm)
bother - (v)
bottle - (n)
boulevard - (n)
boundary - (n)
bouquet - (an)
boutique - (n)
box - (n)
boy - (n)
boyhood - (n)
brace - (v)
bracelet - (n)
brain - (n)
branch - (n)
brass band - (n)
brave - (a)
bravery - (n)
bread (flat, unleavened) - (n)

bread - (n)
bread, thick unleavened - (n)

breadth - (n)
break up - (v)
breakdown - (n)
breakfast - (n)
breaking open - (n)
breast - (n) ,
breath - (n)
breathe - (v)
breed - (v)
brick - (n)
bridge - (n)
brief - (a)
briefcase - (n)
bright - (a)
brightness - (n)
brilliant - (a)
bring - (v)
bring close - (v)
bringing together - (n)
broad - (a)
brochure - (n)
broom - (n)
brother - (n)
brotherly - (a)
brown - (a)

brush - (n)
brutal - (a)
bucket - (n)
buddy - (n)
build - (v)
building - (n)
bulb - (n)
bulk - (n)
bull - (n)
bullet - (n)
bunch - (an)
bundle - (n)
burden - (n)
burgle - (v)
burial - (n)
burn - (v)
burning - (a)
burst - (v)
bush - (n)
bushy - (a)
business - (n)
but - (con) , ,
butcher's shop - (n)

butter - (n)
butter milk - (n)
butterfly - (n)
button - (n)
buy - (v)
buyer - (n)
buzz - (v)
by all means - (adv)
cabbage - (n)
cage - (n)
cake - (n)
calculate - (v)
calculation - (n)
calculator - (n)
calendar - (n)
calf - (n) ,
call - (v)
calm - (v) , (a)
camel - (n)
camp - (n)
candle - (n)
candy - (n)
cane - (n)
cap - (n)
capable - (a)
capital - (nf)
captain - (n)

car - (n)
card - (n)
card game - (n)
cardboard - (n)
care - (n)
care for - (v)
career - (n)
carefully - (adv)
carefulness - (n)
careless - (a)
caretaker - (n)
carpenter - (n)
carpet - (n)
carriage - (n)
carrot - (n)
carry - (v)
carry out - (v)
cart - (n)
carve - (v)
case - (n)
cashier - (n)
casing - (n)
castle - (n)
cat - (n)
catch - (v)
catch again - (v)
caterpillar - (n)
cathedral - (n)
Catholic - (a)
Catholicism - (n)
cauliflower - (n) ,

cause - (n) ,
cave - (n)
ceiling - (n)
celebrate - (v)
celery - (n)
cement - (n)
cemetery - (n)
cent - (n)
center - (n)
centimetre - (n)
centre of the eye - (n)

century - (n)
ceremony - (n)
certain - (a)
certainly - (adv)
certainty - (n)
certificate - (n)
certify - (v)

chain - (n)
chair - (n) ,
chalk - (n)
chance - (n)
change - (v)
channel - (n)
chapel - (n)
chapter - (n)
character - (n)
charge - (v)
charity - (n)
charm - (n)
charming - (a)
chase - (v)
chasm - (n)
chatter - (v)
chauffeur - (n)
cheat - (v)
check - (v)
cheek - (n) , ,

cheer - (v)
cheer up - (v)
cheerfulness - (n)
cheese - (n)
chemistry - (n)
cheque - (n)
cherish - (v)
cherry tree - (n)
chest - (n)
chest of drawers - (n)
chestnut - (n)
chestnut tree - (n)
chick - (n)
chicken - (n) ,
chicken stew - (n) ,
chickpeas - (n)
chief - (n)
child - (n)
childhood - (v)
chilly - (a)
chimney - (n)
chimney sweep - (n)
chin - (n)
chocolate - (n)
choice - (n)
choir - (n)
choose - (v)
chorus - (n)
Christian - (a)
Christianity - (n)

Christmas - (a)
church - (n)
church tower - (n)
cigarette - (n)
cinema - (n)
circle - (n)
circulate - (v)
circulation - (n)
circumstance - (n)
circus - (n)
citizen - (n)
city dweller - (an)
civil office - (n)
civilization - (n)
claim - (v)
clang - (n)
clap - (v)
clapping - (n)
clash - (v)
class - (n)
classical - (a)
classmate (female) - (n)

classmate (male) - (n)

classmate - (n)
clatter - (n)
clean - (a) ,
clean out - (v)
cleanliness - (n)
clear - (a)
clear away - (v)
clearly - (a)
clearness - (n)
clever - (a) ,
climate - (n) ,
climb - (v)
climb again - (v)
cling to - (v)
clinic - (n)
cloakroom - (n)
clock - (n)
clockmaker - (n)
close - (a)
close - (v)
close to, be - (v)
closed - (a)
closer, get - (v)
clothes - (n)
cloud - (n)
cloud - (v)
cloudy - (a)

clump - (n)
cluster - (v)
clutter up - (an)
coal - (n)
coast - (n)
coat - (n)
cocoa - (n)
code - (n)
coffee - (n)
coffin - (n)
cold - (a)
colder, get - (v)
collapse - (v)
collar - (n)
collect - (v)
collection - (n) ,
college - (n)
collide - (v)
colonel - (n)
colonial - (a)
colonize - (a)
colony - (n)
colour - (n)
colourful - (a)
colourless - (a)
colt - (n)
column - (n)
comb - (n)
combine - (v)
come - (v)
come after - (v)
come alongside - (v)
come back - (v)
come down again - (v)

come from - (v)

come in - (v)
comedy - (n)
comfort - (n)
comfort - (v)
comfortable - (a)
command - (n)
commanding officer - (n)

comment upon - (v)

commerce - (n)
commercial - (a)
commercial leavened bread - (n)

commit - (v)
committee - (n)

common - (a)
commune - (n)
communication - (n)
communion - (n)
companion - (an)
company - (n)
compare - (v)
comparison - (n)
competition - (n)
complaint - (n)
complete - (a)
complicate - (v)
compliment - (n)
composition - (n)
compost - (n)
computer - (n)
conceal - (v)
conceit - (n)
concern - (v)
concert - (n)
conclude - (v)
conclusion - (n)
condemn - (v)
condemnation - (n)
condition - (n)
condolence - (n)
conduct - (n)
confederation - (n)
conference - (n)
confess - (v)
confide - (v)
confidence - (n)
confirm - (v)
confirmation - (n)
conflict - (n)
confuse - (v)
confused - (a)
confusion - (n)
congratulate - (v)
congress - (n)
connect - (v)
connection - (n)
conquer - (v)
conquest - (n)
conscience - (n)
consent - (n)
consent to - (v)
consequence - (n)
consider - (v)
considerable - (a)
consideration - (n)

consolation - (n)
console - (v)
constable - (n)
constant - (a)
constitute - (v)
construct - (v)
construction - (n)
consult - (v)
consultation - (n)
contact - (v)
contagion - (n)
contain - (v)
contempt - (n)
content - (a)
contents - (n)
continual - (a)
continuation - (n)
continue - (v)
continuous - (a)
contractor - (n)
contradict - (v)
contradiction - (n)
contrary - (n)
contribute - (v) ,
control - (v)
convalescence - (n)
convalescent - (a)
convene - (v)
convenient - (a)
convent - (n)
convention - (n)
conversation - (n)
converse - (v)
convert - (v)
convert oneself - (v)
conviction - (n)
convince - (v)
cook - (v)
cooker - (n)
cookie - (n)
cooking - (n)
coolness - (n)
copper - (n)
copse - (n)
copy - (n)
cordial - (a)
corn - (n) ,
corn bread - (n)
cornea - (n)
corner - (n)
correct - (a)

correctly - (adv)
correspond - (v)
correspondence - (n)
corridor - (n)
cost - (n)
costly - (a)
cottage cheese - (n)
cotton - (n)
cough - (v)
coughing - (n)
councillor - (nm)
counsel - (n)
count - (v)
country - (n)
countrymen - (a)
countryside - (n)
couple - (n)
courage - (n)
courageous - (a)
courageously - (adv)
course - (n)
courthouse - (n)
cousin - (n)
cousin - (n)
cousin - (n)
cousin - (n)
cover - (v)
cover oneself up - (v)
cover up - (v)
coverage - (n)
cow - (n)
cowshed - (n)
cradle - (n)
craft - (n)
crane - (n)
crawl - (v)
crazy - (a)
crazy person - (an)
cream - (n)
create - (v)
creator - (n)
creditor - (n)
cricket - (n)
crime - (n)
criminal - (an)
criticize - (v)
cross - (n)
cross - (v) ,
crossroads - (n)
crowd - (n)
crown - (n)

crowning - (n)
cruel - (a)
cruelty - (n)
crumb - (n)
crush - (v)
cry - (n)
crystal - (n)
cult - (n)
cultivate - (v)
cultivated - (a)
cultivation - (n)
cunning - (a) ,
cup - (n)
cupboard - (n)
cure - (n)
curiosity - (n)
curious - (a)
curly - (a)
current - (a)
currently - (adv)
curse - (v)
curtain - (n)
curved - (a)
cushion - (n)
custom - (n)
customer - (n)
cut - (v)
cut out - (v)
cut short - (v)
cyclist - (n)
daily - (a)
dairy - (n)
dam - (n)
damage - (n)
dance - (n)
dancing - (n)
danger - (n)
dangerous - (a)
dare to do - (v)
dark - (an)
darken - (v)
darn - (v)
date - (n) ,
dates - (n)
daughter - (n)
dawn - (n)
day - (n)
daytime - (n)
dead - (a)
dead body - (n)
deadline - (n)

deafness - (n)
dear - (a)
death - (n)
debate - (v)
debris - (n)
debt - (n)
debtor - (n)
decease - (v)
deceased - (a)
deceive - (v)
December - (n)
decent - (a)
decide - (v)
decision - (n)
deck - (n)
declaration - (n)
declare - (v)
decline - (v)
decorate - (v)
decoration - (n)
decorative - (a)
decrease - (v)
dedicate - (v)
deed - (n)
deep - (a)
deer - (n)
defeat - (n)
defeated person - (a)
defect - (n)
defence - (n)
defend - (v)
defender - (n)
deforest - (v)
degree - (n)
delay - (v)
delicate - (a)
delicious - (a)
delight - (n)
delighted (be) - (v)
deliver - (v)
delivery - (n)
delivery man - (n)
delusion - (n)
demand - (v)
demolish - (v)
den - (n)
deny - (v)
departing ticket - (n)
departure - (n) ,
depend on - (v)
deprivation - (n)

deprive - (v)
deputy - (n)
describe - (v)
description - (n)
desert - (an)
deserve - (v)
deserving - (a)
design - (v)
designer - (n)
desire - (n)
desire - (v)
desk - (n)
desperate - (a)
desperation - (n)
despise - (v)
destiny - (n)
destroy - (v)
detach - (v)
determination - (n)
determined - (a)
detest - (v)
devastate - (n)
develop - (v)
development - (n)
devil - (n)
devotion - (n)
dew - (n)
diamond - (n)
dictionary - (n)
die - (v)
difference - (n)
different - (a)
difficult - (a)
difficulty - (n)
dig - (v)
digestive system - (n)
dim - (a)
diminish - (v)
dining room - (n)
dinner - (n)
diplomatic - (a)
direct - (a)
director - (n)
dirt - (n)
dirty - (a) ,
disadvantage - (n)
disappear - (v) ,

disappearance - (n)
disappointment - (n)
disastrous - (a)

discharge - (v)
disciple - (n)
discipline - (n)
disclose - (v)
discomfort - (n)
discord - (n)
discourage - (a)
discover - (v)
discrimination - (n)
discuss - (v)
discussion - (n)
disease - (n)
disgrace - (v)
dishes - (n)
dismiss - (v)
disobedience - (vn)
disobedient - (a)
disobey - (vn)
disorder - (n)
dispatch - (v)
displace - (v)
display - (n)
display - (v)
displeased - (a)
dissolve - (v)
distance - (n)
distant - (a)
distinction - (n)
distract - (v)
distribute - (v)
distribution - (n)
district - (n)
distrust - (n)
disturb - (v)
ditch - (n)
dive - (v)
divert - (v)
divide up - (v)
division - (n)
divorce - (v)
divorced - (a)
do - (v)
do away with - (v)
do one's best - (v)
do someones hair - (v)
docile - (a)
doctor - (n)
dog - (n)
dog house - (n)
doll - (n)
dominate - (v)

donkey - (n)
door - (n)
doorstep - (n)
double - (a)
double - (v)
doubt - (n)
doubt - (v)
dough - (n)
down, take - (v)
dozen - (n)
dragon fly - (n)
drain - (v)
drama - (n)
dramatic - (a)
draw - (v) ,
draw oneself up - (v)
draw up - (v)
draw water - (v)
drawer - (n)
drawing - (n)
dream - (n)
dream - (v)
dress - (n)
dress - (v)
dressing - (n)
dressmaker - (n)
dried - (a)
drink - (v)
drive - (v)
driver - (n)
drop - (n)
drop - (v)
drought - (n)
drown - (v)
drowned, be - (v)
drum - (n)
drunk - (a)
dry - (a)
dry - (v)
dryness - (n)
duck - (n)
dull - (a)
dust - (n)
duty - (n)
dwarf - (an)
dying - (a)
ear - (n)
early - (a)
early - (adv)
ease - (n)
easily - (adv)

easiness - (n)
east - (an)
Easter - (n)
easterly - (an)
eat - (v)
echo - (n)
echo - (v)
economics - (n)
economize - (v)
economy - (n)
edge - (n)
editor - (n)
educate - (v)
education - (n)
effect - (n) ,
effect - (v)
effort - (n)
egg - (n)
egoism - (n)
eight - (an)
eighteen - (an)
eighth grade - (n)
eighty - (an)
elbow - (n)
eldest - (a)
elect - (v)
electrical - (a)
electricity - (n)
elegant - (a)
elementary school - (n)

elephant - (n)
eleven - (an)
eleventh grade - (n)

elsewhere - (adv)
empire - (n)
employ - (v)
employer - (n)
employment - (n)
empty - (a)
encircle - (v)
encourage - (v)
end - (n)
end - (v)
enemy - (n)
energetic - (a)
energy - (n)
engaged to (get) - (v)
engagement - (v)
engine - (n)

engineer - (n)
English - (a)
English - (n)
engrave - (v)
engraving - (n)
enjoy - (v)
enlarge - (v)
enormous - (a)
enough - (a adv)
enough, be - (v)
ensure - (v)
enter - (v)
enterprise - (n)
entertain - (v)
entirely - (adv)
entrance - (n)
envelope - (n)
equal - (a)
equally - (adv)
equip - (v)
equipment - (n)
eraser - (n)
erect - (v)
error - (na)
escape - (v)
especially - (adv)
essay - (nv)
essential - (a)
establish - (v)
estimate - (n)
estimate - (v)
eternal - (a)
eternity - (n)
evacuate - (v)
even - (a)
evening - (n)
event - (n)
ever - (adv)
everyday - (a)
everywhere - (adv)
evidence - (n)
evidence, give - (v)
exact - (a)
exaggerate - (v)
exam - (n)
examine - (v)
example - (n)
exception - (n)
exceptional - (a)
exchange - (n)
exchange - (v)

excitement - (n)
exclamation - (n)
excuse - (n)
excuse - (v)
exercise - (n)
exhaust - (v)
exhibit - (v)
exhibition - (n)
exist - (v)
existence - (n)
exit - (n)
expand - (v)
expect - (v)
expense - (adv n)
expensive - (a)
experience - (v)
experienced - (a)
expire - (v)
explain - (v)
explanation - (n)
explode - (v)
express - (v)
express train - (n)
extend - (v)
extraordinary - (a)
eye - (n)
eyebrow - (n) ,

eyelash - (n)
eyelid - (n)
fabric - (n)
face - (n)
face to face - (adv)
facilitate - (v)
factory - (n)
faded - (a)
fail - (v) , ,
failed - (a) ,
failure - (n)
faith - (n)
faithful - (a)
fall - (n)
fall - (v)
fall again - (v)
fall asleep - (v)
fall back - (v)
family - (a)
family - (n)
famous - (a)
fantasy - (n)
far - (adv)

farewell - (interj)
farm - (n)
farmer - (n)
fashion - (n)
fast - (a)
fasten - (v)
fat - (a)
father - (n)
fatigue - (a)
fault - (na)
favourite - (an)
fear - (n)
fear - (v)
feast - (na)
feather - (n)
February - (n)
feed - (v)
feel sorry - (v)
female - (n)
female director - (n)
female guard - (n)
feminine - (a)
fence - (n)
fertile - (a)
fertilizer - (n)
festival - (na)
fever - (n)
feverish - (a)
fianc - (v)
fiance - (v)
field - (n)
fifteen - (an)
fifth grade - (n)
fifty - (a)
fight - (n)
fighter - (n)
figure - (n)
fill up - (v)
film - (n)
finally - (adv) ,

finance - (n)
find - (v)
fine - (n)
finger - (n)
finger nail - (n)
finger nails - (n)
fingers - (n)
finish - (v)
fire - (n)
fireman - (n)

firmly - (a)
first - (a)
first grade - (n)
first name - (n)
fish - (n)
fish for - (v)
fisher - (n)
fishhook - (n)
fist - (n)
fit - (v)
five - (a)
fix - (v)
flag - (n)
flake - (n)
flame - (n)
flat - (a)
flatten - (v)
flesh - (n)
flexibility - (n)
flexible - (a)
flight - (n)
float - (v)
flood - (v)
flour - (n)
flow - (v)
flower - (n)
flower - (v)
flu - (n)
flute - (n)
fly - (n)
fly away - (v)
flying - (n)
fog - (n)
foggy - (a)
fold - (n)
fold - (v)
folk - (n)
follow - (v)
following - (a)
food - (n)
foolish - (a)
foot - (n)
football - (n)
footstep - (n)
forbid - (v)
force - (n)
forehead - (n)
foreign - (a)
foreigner - (an)
forest - (n)
foretell - (v)

forget - (v)
forgetfulness - (n)
forgive - (v)
fork - (n)
form - (n)
formality - (n)
formation - (n)
formerly - (adv)
fortune - (n)
forty - (an)
forward - (v)
found - (v)
fountain - (n)
four - (an)
fourteen - (an)
fourth grade - (n)
fox - (n)
fragile - (a)
fragrance - (n)
frankly - (adv)
frankness - (n)
free - (a)
freedom - (n)
French - (a)
frequent - (a)
frequent - (v)
frequently - (adv)
fresh - (a)
Friday - (n)
friend - (n)
friendly - (a)
friendship - (n)
frightening - (a)
frog - (n)
front - (n)
front of, in - (prep)
front, in - (adv)
frost - (n)
fruit - (n)
fruit tree - (n)
frying - (n)
fuel - (n)
fulfill - (v)
full - (a)
fun (have) - (v)
function - (v)
fund - (n)
fund - (v)
funeral - (a)
funny - (a)
furious - (a)

furnace - (n)
furniture - (n)
future - (n)
gain - (n)
gallery - (n)
game - (n)
game of chance - (n)
gangster - (n)
garden - (n)
garlic - (n)
gas - (n)
gasoline - (n)
gather - (v)
gather honey - (v)
gathering - (n)
general - (a)
general - (n)
generosity - (n)
generous - (a)
genius - (an)
gentleness - (n)
gently - (adv)
geography - (n)
geometrician - (n)
German - (a)
get - (v)
get around - (v)
get used to - (v)
get used to someone - (v)
gift - (n)
giraffe - (n)
girl - (n)
girlhood - (n)
give - (v)
give an airing - (v)
give back - (v)
gladly - (adv)
glass - (n)
gleam - (v)
glide - (v)
gloomy - (a)
glove - (n)
glue - (n)
glue - (v)
gnash - (v)
go - (v)
go away - (v)
go beyond - (v)
goal - (n)
goat - (n)
God - (n)

godchild - (n)
godfather - (n)
godmother - (n)
godson - (n)
goggles - (n)
gold - (n)
good - (a)
good evening - (n)

good looking - (a)

good morning - (n interj)

goodbye - (interj)
goodnight - (interj)
goods - (n)
goodwill - (n)
gossip - (v)
government - (n)
grace - (n)
grade - (v)
graduate - (v)
graduated - (a)
grain - (n)
gram - (n)
grammar - (n)
granary - (n)
grand father - (n)
grand mother - (n)
granddaughter (daughter) - (n)

granddaughter (son) - (n)

grandson (daughter) - (n)

grandson (son) - (n)

grant - (v)
grape - (n)
grasp - (v) ,
grass - (n)
grasshopper - (n)

grateful - (a)
gratitude - (n)
grave - (n)
grazing - (n)
grease - (n)
great - (a) ,
greatly - (adv)
green - (a)
green beans - (n)
green cabbage - (n)
green collards - (n)

green mustard - (n)

green onion - (n)
green pepper - (n)
greenery - (n)
greet - (v)
greeting - (n)
grey - (a)
grief - (n)
grilled meat - (n)
grind - (v)
grip - (n)
grocer - (n)
grocery - (n)
ground - (n)
group - (n)
group - (v)
grow - (v)
grow old - (v)
growl - (v)
grumble - (v)
guarantee - (n)
guarantee - (v)
guard - (n) ,
guess - (v)
guide - (n)
guilt - (n)
guilty - (a)
guilty - (n)
gums - (n)
gun - (n)
gymnastics - (n)
habit - (n)
hail - (v)
hair - (n) ,
hairdresser - (n)
half - (an)
half year - (n)
hammer - (n)
hand - (n)
hand bell - (n)
handful - (n)
handkerchief - (n)
handshake - (n)
hand writing - (n)
hang up - (v)
happen - (v)
happiness - (n)
happy - (a)
hard - (a)
hare - (n)
harm - (n)

harmful - (a)
harmless - (a)
harmony - (n)
harvest - (n)
harvest - (v)
harvest grapes - (v)
hat - (n)
hate - (v)
hay - (n)
hazy - (a)
he - (prn)
head - (n) ,
head - (nm)
head master - (n) ,

healing - (n)
health - (n)
healthy - (a)
hear - (v)
hearing - (n)
heart - (n)
heat - (n)
heat - (v)
heater - (n)
heating - (n)
heavenly - (a)
heavy - (a)
heel - (n) ,
heels - (n)
height - (n)
hello - (interj)
helmet - (n)
help - (n)
help - (v)
henhouse - (n)
here - (adv)
hero - (n)
heroic - (an)
hers - (a)
hesitate - (v)
hesitation - (n)
hide - (v)
hiding place - (n)
high school - (n)
higher - (a)
hill - (n)
hip - (n)
hips - (n)
hire - (v)
his - (a)
history - (n)

hit - (v)
hobo - (n)
hold - (n)
hold - (v)
hold up - (v)
hole - (an)
hole - (n)
holiday - (na)
holy - (a)
holy - (n)
home - (n)
homeland - (n)
homeless - (n)
homemade leavened bread - (n)

honest - (a)
honesty - (n)
honey - (n)
honey wine - (n)
honour - (v)
honourable - (a)
hope - (n)
hope for - (v)
horizontal - (a)
horn - (n)
horrible - (a)
horse - (n)
horse rider - (n)
horsemanship - (n)
hose - (n)
hospitable - (a)
hospital - (n)
host - (n)
hot - (a)
hotel - (n)
hour - (n)
house - (n)
how - (adv)
how much - (adv)
however - (con) , ,
huge - (a)
human - (a)
humanitarian - (a)
humanity - (n)
humidity - (n)
humiliate - (v)
hump - (n)
hundred - (an)
hundred kilos - (n)
hunger - (n)
hungry - (a)

hunt - (v)
hunter - (n)
hurry - (n)
hurry - (v)
hurry up - (v)
hurt - (n)
hurt - (v)
hurt oneself - (v)
husband - (nm)
hut - (n)
hyena - (n)
hygiene - (n)
I - (prn)
idea - (n)
ideal - (n)
identify - (v)
ignorance - (n)
ignorant - (a)
ignore - (v)
ill - (n)
illuminate - (v)
image - (n)
imagine - (v)
imitate - (v)
immediately - (adv)
immobile - (a)
impatient - (get) - (v)
importance - (n)
important - (a)
impossibility - (n)
impossible - (a)
impress - (v)
improve - (v)
in advance - (a)
in, go - (v)
incapable - (a)
include - (v)
inconvenience - (v)
increase - (v)
indeed - (adv)
independence - (n)
independent - (a)
indicate - (v)
indigestion - (n)
industrial - (a)
industrial area - (a)

industrialist - (n)
inevitable - (a)
inevitably - (adv)
infant - (n)

infantile - (a)
inferior - (a)
infinite - (an)
inflame - (v)
influence - (n)
inform - (v)
information - (n) ,
ingratitude - (n)
inhabitant - (nm)
inheritance - (n)
injure - (v)
injure oneself - (v)
injury - (n)
ink - (n)
ink well - (n)
innocence - (n)
innocent - (a)
inquiry - (n)
insect - (n)
inside - (a)
insist - (v)
insoluble - (a)
inspect - (v)
inspector - (n)
institute - (n)
instructive - (a)
instrument - (n)
insult - (n)
insult - (v)
intellectual - (a)
intelligence - (n)
intelligent - (an)
intend - (v)
intention - (n)
interest - (n)
interesting - (a)
interrupt - (v)
intervene - (v)
intestine - (n)
introduce - (v)
introduction - (n)
invade - (v)
invalid - (a)
invent - (v)
invention - (n)
investigate - (v)
investigation - (n)
invisible - (a)
invitation - (n)
invite - (v)
involve - (v)

iron - (n)
ironing - (n)
irrigate - (v)
irritate - (v)
island - (n)
isolate - (v)
Italian - (a)
Italian parsley - (n)
item - (n)
item of clothing - (n)
ivory - (n)
ivy - (n)
jacket - (n)
jacket - (n)
jalapeo pepper - (n)
jam - (n)
January - (n)
jaw - (n)
jealous - (a)
jealousy - (n)
Jesus Christ - (n)
jewel - (n)
job - (n)
join - (v)
joke - (n)
jostle - (v)
journal - (n)
journalist - (n)
journey - (n) ,
joy - (n)
joyful - (a)
judge - (n) , ,
judge - (nf)
judge - (nm)
judge - (v) , ,
judgement - (n) , ,

juicy - (a)
July - (n)
jump - (n)
jump - (v)
junction - (n)
June - (n)
junior high school - (n)

juror - (n)
jury - (n)
just - (a)
justify - (v)
keep - (v)
kennel - (n)

key - (n)
kick - (v)
kidney - (n)
kill - (v)
kilogram - (n)
kilometre - (n)
kind - (a)
kind - (n)
kindergarten - (n)
kindly - (a)
kindness - (n)
king - (n)
kingdom - (n)
kingly - (a)
kiss - (n)
kiss - (v)
kitchen - (n)
kitten - (n)
knead - (v)
knee - (n)
kneel - (v)
knew - (a)
knife - (n)
knight - (n)
knit - (v)
knock - (v)
knot - (n)
know - (v)
know how to - (n)
knowledge - (n)
ladder - (n)
lady - (n)
lair - (n)
lake - (n)
lamb - (n)
lamp - (n)
lampshade - (n)
land - (v)
language - (n)
large - (a) ,
large intestine - (n)
last - (a)
late - (n) , (a)
latecomer - (n)
lateness - (n adv)
latest - (a)
laugh - (v)
laugh, at - (v)
laughter - (n)
law - (v)
lawyer - (n)

lay - (v)
lay eggs - (v)
laziness - (n)
lazy - (a)
lead - (v) ,
leader - (n)
leaf - (n)
leak - (v)
lean - (a)
lean on - (v)
lean out - (v)
leap - (v)
learn - (v)
learned - (n)
least - (a adv)
leather - (n)
leave - (v)
lecture - (n)
left - (an)
left, be - (v)
leg - (n)
leg muscles - (n)
legacy - (n)
legend - (n)
legs - (n)
lemon - (n)
lemon tree - (n)
lend - (v)
lengthen - (v)
lens - (n)
lentils - (n)
leopard - (n)
less - (a adv)
lesson - (n)
let - (v)
letter (alphabet) - (n)
letter - (n)
letter box - (n)
lettuce - (n)
level - (a)
liar - (a)
liberal - (a)
liberty - (n)
library - (n)
lick - (v)
lid - (n)
lie - (n)
lie - (v)
life - (n)
lift - (v)
ligament - (n)

light - (a)
light - (n)
light - (v)
light up - (v)
likable - (a)
like - (adv a)
limb - (n)
lime - (n)
limit - (n)
limit - (v)
line - (n)
linen - (n)
lining - (n)
link - (n)
lion - (n)
lip - (n)
liquid - (a)
list - (n)
listen - (v)
listen to - (v)
liter - (n)
literature - (n)
little - (a)
live - (v)
liven - (v)
liver - (n) ,
living - (a)
living room - (n)
load - (n)
load - (v)
loading - (n)
loan - (n)
loan - (v)
loathe - (v)
local - (a)
locality - (n)
lock - (n)
lock up - (v)
locomotive - (a)
locust - (n)
loneliness - (n) ,
lonely - (a)
long - (a)
long - (adv)
long sigh - (v)
long lived - (a)
look - (v)
look after - (v)
look at - (v)
loosen - (v)
lord - (n)

lorry - (n)
lose - (v)
loser - (a)
loss - (n)
loud - (a)
love - (n)
love - (v)
love with, in - (a)
loving - (a)
low - (a)
lower - (v) ,
luck - (n)
lunch - (v)
lung - (n)
lungs - (n)
luxury - (n)
machine gun - (n)
Madame - (n)
magical - (a)
magnificent - (a)
mail - (n)
mailman - (n)
main - (a)
maintain - (v)
maize - (n)
make - (v)
make a hole - (v)
make bigger - (v)
make up - (v)
make widely known - (v)
male - (n)
malicious - (a)
mammal - (n)
man - (n)
manage - (v)
manager - (n)
mandate - (n)
manifest - (v)
mankind - (n)
manner - (n)
manufacture - (v)
many - (adv)
map - (n)
marble - (n) ,
march - (n)
marine - (a)
maritime - (a)
mark - (n)
marriage - (n)
married (get) - (v)
marry off - (v)

marvellous - (a)
mass - (n)
mass - (n)
massage - (n)
master - (n)
match - (n)
mate - (nf)
mate - (nm)
material - (n)
matter - (n)
matter - (v)
maturity - (n)
May - (n)
mayor - (n)
me - (prn)
mead - (n)
meal - (n)
mean - (a)
measles - (n)
measure - (v)
measurement - (n)
meat - (n)
mechanic - (n)
medal - (n)
medication - (n)
medicine - (n)
medium - (n)
meet - (v)
meeting - (n)
melt - (v)
melting - (n)
member - (n)
Member of Parliament - (n)

memory - (n)
mend - (v)
mention - (v)
merchant - (n)
mercy - (n)
merit - (n)
messenger - (n)
metal - (n)
metallic - (a)
meteorology - (n)
meter - (n)
method - (n)
metre - (n)
middle - (a)
middle - (n)
middle school - (n)
midnight - (n)

migrant - (a)
military - (a)
milk - (n)
milk man - (nm)
milk woman - (nf)
millimetre - (n)
mind - (v)
mine - (a prn)
mineral - (an)
minister - (n)
minor - (a) ,
minor - (n)
minority - (n)
minute - (n)
miracle - (n)
mirror - (n)
misdemeanour - (n)
misfortune - (n)
miss - (n)
miss - (v)
missing, be - (v)
missionary - (an)
mistake - (na)
Mister - (n)
mix - (v)
mixed - (a)
moan - (n)
mob - (n)
mobile - (a)
mocking - (a)
mode - (n)
mode of transport - (n)
model - (n)
modern - (a)
modest - (a)
modesty - (n)
moisture - (n)
momentary - (a)
monastery - (n)
Monday - (n)
money - (n)
monk - (n)
monkey - (n)
month - (n)
monthly - (a)
monument - (n)
moral - (n)
more - (adv)
more than enough - (adv)

morning - (a)

morning - (n)
mortgage - (n)
mosque - (n)
mosquito - (n)
mother - (n)
motionless - (a)
motive - (n)
motor - (n)
motorbike - (n)
mountain - (n)
mountainous - (a)
mouse - (n)
mouth - (n)
move - (v)
move away - (v)
move everything out - (v)
moved, be - (v)
much - (adv)
mucus - (n)
mud - (n)
muddy - (a)
mule - (n)
multiple - (an)
multiplication - (n)
mumps - (n)
municipal - (a)
murder - (v)
murderer - (an)
murderous - (an)
murmur - (v)
muscle - (n)
museum - (n)
mushroom - (n)
music - (n)
musician - (an)
mustard - (n)
mutton - (n)
mysterious - (a)
mystery - (n)
nail - (n)
nail file - (n)
naive - (a)
narrow - (a)
nastiness - (n)
nasty - (a)
national - (a)
nationality - (n)
natural - (a)
navigate - (v)
near - (a)
nearly - (adv)

neat - (a)
neatness - (n)
necessary - (a)
necessity - (n)
neck - (n)
necktie - (n)
need - (v)
needle - (n)
neglect - (v)
negligence - (n)
negligent - (a)
neighbourhood - (n)
neighbouring - (an)
nephew (brother) - (n)
nephew (sister) - (n)
nest - (n)
nest - (v)
never - (adv)
new - (a)
new year - (n)
news - (n)
newspaper - (n)
next - (a)
next - (adv)
nice - (a) ,
niece (brother) - (n)
niece (sister) - (n)
night - (n)
nightstand - (n)
night time - (a)
nine - (a)
nineteen - (an)
ninety - (an)
ninth grade - (n)
no - (a)
nobility - (n)
noise - (n)
noisy - (a)
normal - (a)
north - (na)
northern - (na)
nose - (n)
nostril - (n) ,

note - (v)
notebook - (n)
nothing - (adv)
notice - (n)
notify - (v)
novel - (n)
novelist - (nf)

novelist - (nm)
November - (n)
now - (adv)
numb - (v)
number - (n)
numerous - (a)
oak - (n)
oath - (n)
obedience - (n)
obedient - (a)
obey - (v)
objection - (n)
oblige - (v)
observation - (n)
observe - (v)
obstacle - (n)
occasion - (n)
occupy - (v)
ocean - (n)
October - (n)
odd - (a)
odour - (n)
off, take - (v) ,
offence, v - (v)
offend - (v)
offend against - (v)
offer - (v)
officer - (n)
official - (a)
often - (adv)
oil - (n)
old - (an) ,
old age - (n)
olive tree - (n)
on top - (adv)
once again - (adv)
one - (a)
one time - (adv)
onion - (n)
only - (a)
open - (a)
open - (v)
opening - (n) ,
openly - (adv)
opera - (n)
operate - (v)
operating room - (n)

operation - (n)
opinion - (n)
opportunity - (n)

oppose - (v)
opposite - (n)
orange - (a)
orange juice - (n)
orange tree - (n)
order - (n)
order - (v)
ordinarily - (adv)
ordinary - (a)
organ - (n)
organize - (v)
oriental - (a)
origin - (n)
original - (an)
orphan - (n)
ostrich - (n)
otherwise - (adv)
ought - (v)
ours - (a prn)
out of tune - (a)
outside - (adv n)
oval - (a)
oven - (n)
overcome - (v)
owe - (v)
owl - (n)
own - (v)
owner - (n)
ownership - (n)
ox - (n)
package - (n)
packing - (n)
page - (n)
pail - (n)
pain - (n)
pain, be in - (v)
painful - (a)
paint - (v)
painter - (n) ,
painting - (n)
pair - (n)
pal - (n)
palace - (n)
pale - (a)
pale,go - (v)
palm - (n)
palm tree - (n)
pan - (n)
papaya - (n)
paper - (n)
parachute - (n)

paragraph - (n)
parallel - (a)
pardon - (n)
parent - (n)
parish - (n)
park - (n)
park - (v)
parking ticket - (n)
participate - (v)
particular - (a)
particularly - (adv)
partridge - (n)
pass - (v) ,
pass on - (v)
passage - (n)
passed - (a)
passenger - (an) ,
passion - (n)
past - (n)
paste - (n)
pastor - (n)
pastry - (n)
patch - (v)
path - (n)
patience - (n)
patient - (a)
patient - (n)
pattern - (n)
pause - (v)
pay - (n)
pay - (v)
pea - (n)
peace - (n)
peaceful - (a)
peach - (n)
peanuts - (n)
pearl - (n)
peas - (n)
peck - (v)
pedestrian - (n)
peel - (n)
peel - (v)
pen - (n)
penal - (a)
penalty - (n)
pencil - (n)
pencil box - (n)
pendulum clock - (n)

penknife - (n)
people - (n)

pepper - (n)
perfect - (a)
perfection - (n)
perfectly - (adv)
perform - (v)
performance - (n)
period - (n)
permission - (n)
permit - (v)
persist - (v)
person - (n)
personal - (a)
personnel - (n)
persuade - (v)
petrol - (n)
pharmacist - (n)
pharmacy - (n)
photograph - (n)
photograph - (v)
photographer - (n)
piano - (n)
pick - (v)
pick up - (v)
pick axe - (n)
picture - (n)
piece - (n)
pig - (n)
pig farm - (n)
pigeon - (n)
piggy bank - (n)
pill - (n)
pillow - (n)
pilot - (n)
pin - (n)
pipe - (n)
pit - (n)
pity - (n)
place - (n)
place - (v)
plain - (n)
plan - (n)
plant - (n)
plant - (v)
plate - (n)
platform - (n)
play - (n)
play - (v)
player - (nf)
player - (nm)
plead - (v)
please - (adv)

pleasure - (n)
plug - (n)
plumber - (n)
pocket - (n)
poem - (n)
point - (n) ,
point out - (v)
poison - (n)
poisonous - (a)
police - (n)
polish - (v)
polite - (a)
politeness - (n)
political - (a)
politician - (n)
pomp - (n)
pool - (n)
poor - (a) ,
pope - (n)
popular - (n)
population - (n)
port - (n)
porter - (n)
portfolio - (n)
portrait - (n)
position - (n)
possess - (v)
possession - (n)
possible - (a)
possible - (n)
post card - (n)
post office - (n)
postal - (a)
poster - (n)
pot - (n)
potato - (n)
pound - (n)
pour - (v)
pour out - (v)
poverty - (n)
powder - (n)
power - (n)
powerful - (a)
practical - (a)
practice - (n)
practise - (v)
praise - (n)
pray to - (v)
prayer - (n)
preach - (v)
precaution - (n)

precise - (a)
precisely - (adv)
prefer - (v)
preference - (n)
preparation - (n)
prepare - (v)
prescribe - (v)
presence - (n)
present - (a)
president - (n)
press - (n)
press - (v)
press release - (n)
pretty - (a)
prevent - (v)
previous - (a) , (n adv)
prey - (n)
price - (n)
prick - (v)
prickle - (n)
prickly - (a)
pride - (n)
priest - (n)
primary - (a)
prince - (n)
princess - (n)
principal - (a)
principal - (n) ,
principle - (n)
print - (n)
print - (v)
prison - (n)
prisoner - (n)
privilege - (n)
probable - (a)
problem - (n)
proceed - (v)
proclaim - (v)
produce - (an)
produce - (v)
profession - (n)
professional - (a)
professor - (n)
profit - (n)
profitable - (a)
program - (n)
progress - (n)
prohibit - (v)
promise - (n)
promise - (v)
pronounce - (v)

proof - (n)
property - (n)
prophet - (n)
prosecution - (n)
protect - (v)
protest - (v)
protestant - (an)
proud - (a)
proudly - (adv)
prove - (v)
provide - (v)
provinces - (n)
provoke - (v)
public - (a)
public - (n)
pull - (v)
pumpkin - (n)
punish - (v) ,
pupil - (n)
purchaser - (n)
pure - (a)
purr - (v)
pursuit - (n)
push - (v)
push aside - (v)
put - (v)
put into words - (v)
put out - (v)
put out of shape - (v)
put right - (v)
put up - (v)
quality - (n)
quarter - (n)
question - (n)
quick - (a)
quickly - (adv)
quickness - (n)
quiet - (n) , (a)
quiet down - (v)
quietly - (adv)
quietness - (a)
quiver - (v)
rabbit - (n)
rabbit hutch - (n)
race - (n)
radiator - (n)
radio - (n)
rag - (n)
rage - (n)
rail - (n)
rain - (n)

rain - (v)
rainbow - (n)
raise - (v)
raisins - (n)
rake - (v)
ranch - (n)
rapid - (a)
rare - (adv a)
rat - (n)
rate - (n)
reach - (v)
read - (v)
read again - (v)
reader - (nf)
reader - (nm)
reading - (n)
real - (a)
reality - (n)
reap - (v)
reason - (n)
receipt - (n)
receive - (v)
recent - (a)
recently - (adv)
reception - (n)
recess - (n)
recognize - (v)
recover - (v)
recovery - (n)
rectangle - (n)
red - (a)
red chilli pepper - (n)
reduce - (v)
referee - (n)
reflection - (n)
reform - (v)
refuse - (v)
regain - (v)
region - (n)
regret - (n)
regulation - (n)
rehearsal - (n)
reject - (v)
rejoin - (v)
relative - (n)
relaxation - (n)
release - (v)
reliable - (a)
reliance - (n)
relief - (n)
religion - (n)

religious - (a)
remain - (v)
remark - (n)
remedy - (n)
remember - (v)
remind - (v)
remorse - (n)
remove - (v)
renew - (v)
rent - (n)
rent - (v)
repair - (v)
repeat - (v)
replace - (v)
reply - (v) ,
represent - (v)
representative - (n)
reptile - (n)
republic - (n)
request - (vn)
require - (v)
rescue - (v)
rescuer - (n)
reserve - (n)
residence - (n)
resist - (v)
resistance - (n)
resolution - (n)
resolve - (v)
resources - (n)
respect - (n)
respect - (v)
respectful - (a)
responsibility - (n)
rest - (n)
rest - (v)
restart - (v)
restaurant - (n)
result - (n)
retirement - (n)
return - (v)
return ticket - (n)
reunion - (n)
reveal - (v)
revenge - (n)
reverse - (n)
review - (v)
revolution - (n)
reward - (n)
rhythm - (n)
ribs - (n)

rice - (n)
rich - (a)
rid of, get - (v)
ride - (v)
rifle - (n)
right - (a)
right to vote - (n)
rightly - (adv)
ring - (v)
rip up - (v)
rise - (v)
risky - (n)
river - (n)
road - (n)
roast - (n)
rob - (v)
robbery - (n)
rock - (n)
rocky - (a)
roof - (n)
room - (n)
roomy - (a)
rooster - (n)
root - (n)
rope - (n)
rose - (n)
rose bush - (n)
rosemary - (n)
rot - (v)
rough - (a)
round - (a)
round - (n)
round - (v)
route - (n)
royal - (a)
rub - (v)
ruin - (n)
rule - (n)
ruler - (n)
run - (v)
runner - (n)
rural - (a)
rural area - (n)
rush - (v)
rush - (v)
rusty - (a)
sack - (n)
sacrament - (n)
sacrifice - (n)
sacrifice - (v)
sad - (a)

sadness - (n)
safe - (a)
sailing ship - (n)
sailor - (n)
saint - (n)
salad - (n)
salary - (n)
saliva - (n)
salt - (n)
sample - (n)
sand - (n)
satisfy - (v)
Saturday - (n)
save - (v)
save up - (v)
saving - (n)
saviour - (n)
saw off - (v)
say - (v)
say again - (v)
scarf - (n)
scent - (n)
schedule - (n)
school - (n)
school teacher - (n)
schoolboy - (n)
schoolgirl - (n)
science - (n)
science - (n)
scissors - (n)
score - (v)
scrape - (v)
scratch - (v)
screen - (n)
screwdriver - (n)
script - (n)
sculpture - (n)
sea - (n)
seal - (n)
seam - (n)
search - (n)
search - (v)
season - (n)
seat - (n)
seat - (v)
second grade - (n)
secondary - (a)
secondary school - (n)

secret - (a)
secretary - (n)

secretary - (n) ,
section - (n)
security - (n)
see - (v)
seed - (n)
seem - (v)
select - (v)
selection - (n)
self confidence - (n)
self control - (n)
sell - (v)
seller - (n)
seller - (nf)
send - (v)
send someone to do something (v)
send to sleep - (v)
sender - (n)
senior - (an)
sensational - (a)
sensitive - (a)
separate - (v)
separation - (n)
September - (n)
serenity - (n)
sergeant - (n)
seriously - (adv)
servant - (nf) ,
servant - (nm)
serve - (v)
service - (n)
set - (v)
set right - (v)
set up - (v) ,
set up again - (v)
settle - (v)
settle down - (v)
seven - (a)
seventeen - (an)
seventh grade - (n)
seventy - (an)
several - (a)
severity - (n)
sew - (v)
sewing - (n)
shade - (n)
shadow - (n)
shake - (v)
shame - (v)
shameful - (a)
shape - (n)

share - (v)
sharp - (n)
sharpen - (v)
shatter - (v)
shave - (v)
she - (prn)
sheep - (n)
sheep pen - (n)
sheet - (n)
sheet paper - (n)
shelter - (v)
shelter, take - (v)
shepherd - (n)
shine - (v)
shining bright - (a)
ship - (n)
shipper - (n)
shirt - (n)
shiver - (n)
shiver - (v)
shoe - (n)
shoemaker - (n)
shoes, put on - (v)
shoot - (v)
shore - (n)
short - (a)
short story - (n)
shortage - (n)
shorten - (v)
shoulder - (n)
shovel - (n)
show - (v)
shower - (n) ,
shudder - (v)
shut - (a)
shut - (v)
shutter - (n)
shy - (a)
sick - (n)
sidewalk - (n)
sigh - (v)
sight - (n)
sign - (n)
signal - (n)
signature - (n)
silence - (n)
silent - (a)
silver - (n)
silvery - (a)
similar - (a)
similar - (adv a)

simple - (a)
simplify - (v)
simply - (adv)
sin - (n)
sincerely - (adv)
sincerity - (n)
sing - (v)
singer - (nf)
singer - (nm)
single - (an)
sinister - (a)
sink - (v)
sinus - (n)
sister - (n)
sit - (v)
sit down - (v)
site - (n)
situation - (n)
six - (a)
six months - (n)
sixteen - (an)
sixth grade - (n)
sixty - (an)
size - (n)
skate - (v)
skeleton - (n)
sketch - (n)
skilful - (a)
skill - (n)
skilled worker - (n)
skin - (n)
skirt - (n)
skull - (n)
slain - (v)
slam - (n)
slaughter - (v)
slave - (an)
sleep - (n)
sleep - (v)
slide - (v)
slight - (a)
slightly - (adv)
slip - (v)
slipper - (n)
slippery - (a)
slope - (n) ,
slowly - (adv)
slowness - (n)
small - (a) ,
small finger - (n)

small intestine - (n)

small toe - (n)
smart - (a)
smell - (v)
smelting - (n)
smile - (n)
smile - (v)
smoke - (n)
smoke - (v)
smooth - (a)
snack - (n)
snail - (n)
snake - (n)
so much - (adv)
soak - (v)
soap - (n)
soccer - (n)
social - (a)
society - (n)
sock - (n)
soft - (a)
soil - (n)
soldier - (n)
sole of the foot - (n)
solely - (adv)
solid - (a)
solution - (n)
solve - (v)
something - (adv)
sometimes - (adv)
son - (n)
song - (n)
soon - (adv)
sore - (n)
sorrow - (n)
sorry - (n)
sort - (n)
sort - (v)
soul - (n)
sound - (n)
soup - (n)
south - (n)
southern - (a)
space - (n)
spade - (n)
spare - (v)
spare time - (n)
sparing with, be - (v)
sparkle - (v)
speak - (v)
speaker - (n)

special - (a)
spectator - (nm)
speech - (n)
speed - (n)
spell - (v)
spend - (v)
spice - (n)
spider - (n)
spinach - (n) ,
spine - (n)
spirit - (n)
spit - (v)
splendid - (an)
split up - (v)
spoil - (v)
spoon - (n)
sport - (n)
spot - (n)
spot - (v)
spread - (v)
square - (n)
squeeze - (v)
squirrel - (n)
stable - (n)
stadium - (n)
staff - (n)
stage - (n)
stain - (n)
staircase - (n)
stairs - (n)
stalk - (n)
stamp - (n)
stand - (v)
stand up again - (v)
standing - (adv)
stapler - (n)
start - (n)
start - (v)
state - (n)
statement - (n)
station - (n)
statue - (n)
stay - (n)
stay away from - (v)
steal - (v)
steam - (n)
step - (n)
step back - (v)
step ladder - (n)
stew lentils - (n)
stick - (n)

stiff - (a)
still - (adv) ,
sting - (n)
sting - (v)
stir - (v)
stitch - (v)
stock - (v)
Stomach - (n)
stone - (n)
stool - (n)
stop - (v)
store - (n)
storm - (n)
stormy - (a)
story - (n)
stove - (n)
strange - (a)
strap - (v)
stream - (n)
street - (n)
stretch - (v)
strict - (a)
strictness - (n)
strike - (v)
stroke - (n)
stroll - (n)
stroller - (n)
strong - (a)
struggle - (n)
student - (nf)
student - (nm)
studio - (n)
study - (n)
study - (v)
stupid - (a)
stupidity - (n)
style - (n)
subject - (n)
subscriber - (an)
subtraction - (n)
suburbs - (n)
succeed - (v)
success - (n)
suck - (v)
sudden - (n)
suddenly - (adv)
suffer - (v)
suffering - (n)
sufficient - (a adv)
sufficient, be - (v)
sugar - (n)

suggest - (v)
suit - (n)
suitcase - (n)
sum - (n)
summer - (n)
summon to law - (v)
sun blind - (n)
Sunday - (n)
superintendent - (n)
superior - (a)
supervise - (v)
supplies - (n)
support - (n)
support - (v)
suppose - (v)
suppress - (v)
suppression - (n)
supreme - (a)
sure - (a)
sureness - (n)
surprise - (n)
surprising - (a)
surrender - (v)
surroundings - (n) ,
survive - (v)
suspect - (v)
suspicion - (n)
swallow - (v)
swamp - (n)
swamp - (v)
swan - (n)
swarm - (n)
swear - (v)
sweat - (n) ,
sweat - (v)
sweet - (a)
swim - (v)
swimming - (n)
swing - (n)
switch - (v)
switch on - (v)
symbol - (n)
sympathy - (n)
system - (n)
table - (n)
tablecloth - (n)
tail - (n)
take - (v)
take off one's hat - (v)

tale - (n)

talent - (n)
tall - (a)
talk - (n)
talk - (v)
talk to each other - (v)
talkative - (a)
tangled - (a)
tape - (n)
tart - (n)
taste - (v)
tasteless - (a)
tax - (n)
taxation - (n)
tea - (n)
teach - (v)
teacher - (n) ,
team - (n)
tear - (n)
tear up - (v)
tears - (n)
tease - (v)
teeth - (n)
teff - (n)
telephone - (n)
television - (n)
tell - (v)
temperature - (n)
temple - (n)
temporalis muscle - (n)
temporary - (a)
temptation - (nv)
ten - (an)
tenant - (n)
tendon - (n)
tent - (n)
tenth - (a)
tenth grade - (n)
terrible - (a)
terrify - (v)
territory - (n)
test - (v)
testify - (v)
testimony - (n)
thank - (v)
thank you - (n)
thankless - (a)
that - (prn) ,
thatched cottage - (n)
thaw - (n)
theatre - (n)
theft - (n)

theirs - (f prn)
theirs - (m prn)
then - (adv)
theory - (n)
there - (adv)
thermometer - (n)
they - (f prn)
they - (m prn)
thick - (a)
thieving - (a)
thigh - (n)
thin - (a) ,
thing - (n)
think - (v)
think up - (v)
third - (a)
third - (n)
third grade - (n)
thirst - (n)
thirsty - (a)
thirteen - (an)
thirty - (a)
thorn - (n)
thorny - (a)
thought - (n)
thousand - (na)
thread - (n)
threaten - (v)
three - (a)
thrilled, be - (v)
throat - (n)
throw - (v)
throw back - (v)
thunder - (n)
thunder - (v)
Thursday - (n)
ticket - (n)
tidiness - (n)
tie - (n)
tie - (v)
tiger - (n)
tight - (a)
tighten - (v)
tile - (n)
timber - (n)
time - (n) ,
time allowed - (n)
tiny - (a) ,
tip - (n)
tire - (n)
tire - (v)

tiredness - (a)
tiredness - (n)
title - (n)
to try hard - (v)
tobacco - (n)
today - (a)
toe - (n)
toe nail - (n)
toes - (n)
toilet - (n)
tolerance - (n)
tomato - (n)
tomb - (n)
tomorrow - (adv)
ton - (n)
tone - (n)
tongue - (n)
tonsil - (n)
too - (adv)
too many - (adv)
too much - (adv)
tool - (n)
tooth paste - (n)
top - (n)
topic - (n)
torment oneself - (v)
tortoise - (n)
total - (n)
touch - (n)
touch - (v)
touched, be - (v)
towel - (n)
town - (n)
town hall - (n)
toy - (n)
trace - (n)
tractor - (n)
trade - (n)
trader - (n)
tradition - (n)
traditional - (a)
train - (n)
train - (v)
transcript - (n)
transfer - (v)
transform - (v)
transformation - (n)
translate - (v)
translation - (n)
transmit - (v)
trap - (n)

travel - (v)
traveller - (n)
tray - (n)
treasurer - (n)
treat - (v)
treatment - (n)
treaty - (n)
tree - (n)
tremble - (v)
tremendous - (a)
trench - (n)
triangle - (n)
trip - (n)
tripe - (n)
triple - (a)
troop - (n)
trouble - (n)
trousers - (n)
truck - (n)
true - (a)
trumpet - (n)
trunk - (n)
trust - (n)
trust - (v)
truth - (n)
try - (nv)
Tuesday - (n)
tuna - (n)
tune - (v)
tunnel - (n)
turkey - (n)
turn - (v)
turning - (n)
turtle - (n)
twelfth grade - (n)

twelve - (an)
twenty - (an)
twilight - (n)
two - (an)
ugly - (a)
umbrella - (n)
umpire - (n)
uncle (father's side) - (n)
uncle (mother's side) - (n)
uncommon - (a)
underneath - (adv)
underpants - (n)
understand - (v)
understood - (a)
undiluted - (a)

undo - (v)
uneven - (a)
unexpected - (a)
unfit - (a)
unfortunate - (a)
ungrateful - (a)
unhappy - (a)
union - (n)
unite - (v)
united - (n)
unity - (n)
university - (n) ,

unknown - (a)
unload - (v)
unlucky - (a)
unmarried - (an)
unpleasant - (a)
unroll - (v)
unstick - (v)
untie - (v)
until - (adv prep)
unwind - (v)
unworthy - (a)
up to - (adv prep)
up, get - (v)
up, give - (v)
uphold - (v)
upper arms muscles - (n)
upset - (v)
urban - (a)
urgent - (a)
urine - (n) ,
use - (v)
useful - (a)
uterus - (n)
vaccine - (n)
value - (n)
vanish - (v)
varnish - (v)
vegetable - (n)
vegetable stew - (n) ,
vein - (n)
verdict - (n)
verify - (v)
very much - (adv)
veteran - (n)
victim - (n)
victor - (a)
victory - (n)
view - (n)

village - (n)
vinegar - (n)
violet - (a)
virgin - (an)
Virgin Mary - (n)
visible - (a)
visit - (n)
visit - (v)
visitor - (n)
voice - (n)
vote - (v)
vow - (v)
vulture - (n)
wage - (n)
wagon - (n)
wait - (v)
waiter - (nm)
waiting room - (n)
waitress - (nf)
wake up - (v)
walk - (n)
walk - (v)
walker - (n)
wall - (n)
wanderer - (n)
wandering - (n)
want - (v)
war - (n)
warm - (a)
warm - (v)
warmth - (n)
warn - (v)
warning - (n)
was aware of - (a)
wash oneself - (v)
wasp - (n)
waste - (v)
wastebasket - (n)
watch - (n)
watch - (v)
water - (n)
water melon - (n)
water spray - (n)
water well - (n)
wave - (n)
wax - (v)
way down - (n)
we - (prn)
weak - (a)
weaken - (v)
weakness - (n)

wealth - (n)
wealthy - (a)
wear - (v)
weather - (n)
weave - (v)
wedding - (n)
wedding ring - (n)
Wednesday - (n)
weed - (n)
week - (n)
weekly - (a)
weight - (n)
welcome - (a)
welcome, be - (n)
west - (an)
western - (a)
wet - (v)
whale - (n)
what - (prn)
wheat - (n)
wheel - (n)
when - (adv)
whip - (n)
whisper - (n)
whisper - (v)
whistle - (n)
whistle - (v)
white - (a)
why - (adv)
wicked - (a)
wide - (a)
widely - (adv)
widen - (v)
widow - (an) ,

widowed - (an) ,

widower - (an) ,

width - (n)
wife - (n)
wild beasts - (n)
wild boar - (n)
will - (n)
win - (n)
win - (v)
wind - (n)
window - (n)
wine - (n)
wine harvest - (n)
wing - (n)

winner - (a)
winter - (n)
wintery - (a)
wisdom - (n)
wise - (a)
wish - (n)
wish for - (v)
withdraw - (v)
witness - (n)
wolf - (n)
woman - (n)
wonder - (v)
wonderful - (a)
wood - (n)
woodcutter - (n)
wool - (n)
word - (n)
work - (n)
workable - (a)
worker - (n)
workshop - (n)
worm - (n)
worn - (a)
worn out - (a)
worried - (a)
worry - (n)
worry - (v)
worse - (a)
worship - (n)
worth - (n)
worth, be - (v)
wound - (n) ,
wound - (v) ,
wreck - (v)
wrinkle - (n)
wrinkled - (an)
write - (v)
writer - (n)
writing - (n)
yard - (n)
yarn - (n)
year - (n)
yearly - (a)
yellow - (a)
yes - (a)
yesterday - (adv)
yet - (adv)
yogurt - (n)
young - (a)
youth - (n)
zeal - (n)

zinc - (n)

zoology - (n)

zucchini - (n)

Tigrigna English Dictionary

| (m) masculine | (f) feminine | (a) adjective | (n) noun | (v) verb | (adv) adverb |
| (prep) preposition | (prn) pronoun | (con) conjunction | (interj) interjection |
- (n) thin/thick home made
- (a) alive, living
- (n) life
- (v) exist, live
- (v) disappear
- (v) search
- (n) flame, fire
- (n) fly
- (v) knock, beat
- (n) shit
- (a) dark, dim, faded
- (a) crafty, cunning,
- (v) aim
- (v) give, supply, provide,
offer, reward
- (v) become rich
- (n) resources, wealth
- (a) rich, wealhy
- (a) talkative, gossiping
- (v) construct, build
- (a) passive, inert
- (a) instructive, educational
- (n) anxiety
- (a) surprising, amazing
- (n) surprise, sudden
- (a) imprudent
- (a) lazy, sluggish
- (v) bother, disturb
- (n) atmosphere
- (a) pious
- (a) religious
- (n) religion
- (v) flee, avoid, shun
- (v) hunt, dispel, chase
- (v) threaten

- (n) hunter
- (v) calm, pacify, soothe
- (n) countryside, village,
rural area
- (a) national, countrymen
- (n) country
- (n) emperor
- (n) steam
- (a) current, present
- (n) existence, presence
- (v) accept
- (n) monkey
- (n) gust, burst
- (a) curious
- (n) curiosity
- (n) building, construction
- (a) lazy
- (a) imprudent
- (n) people
- (a) public
- (n) gift
- (v) animate, liven
- (a) calm, quiet
- (v) escape
- (n) calm, silence
- (n) attack
- (a) urgent
- (n) hospital
- (n) hotel
- (v) lick
- (v) crawl
- (v) beg
- (v) get used to
- (v) varnish
- (n) lemon, lime
- (n) reptile
- (n) beggar

- (n) painter
- (n) greenery
- (v) release, free
- (v) wear, dress
- (a) wise
- (v) send someone to do
- (n) February
- (v) knead
- (v) bend down, stoop
- (v) change, switch
- (a) kind
- (v) exchange
- (n) kindness
- (n) change
- (v) raise
- (v) soften
- (n) night
- (a) night-time
- (v) grant
- (v) patch
- (a) generous
- (v) stick, glue
- (n) pearl
- (a) violet
- (n) skilful person
- (n) litre
- (n) cream
- (n) cow
- (a) higher
- - (n) college, university
- (n) joke
- (v) shave
- (n) acquaintance
- (adv) ordinarily
- (a) common, normal,

- (a) smooth
- (a) soft
- (n) practice
- (n) tradition, custom
- (a) traditional
- (n) loan
- (a) warm, tepid
- (n) heart
- (a) worn
- (a) cordial
- (n) novel
- (n) wisdom
- (n) mission, task
- (a) accurate
- (a) exact, accuracy
- (n) perfection, accuracy
- (n) generosity
- (n) exchange
- (a) noble
- (a) polite
- (a) birth, birthday,
- (a) today
- (n) green mustard
- (v) hide
- (n) brain
- (n) advocate
- (nf) advocator
- (n) cough
- (n) brick
- (n) sand
- (v) dream
- (n) chief
- (v) pass, get around, cross
- (a) passed
- (n) guard
- (n) female guard
- (n) superintendent,
- (n) director
- (n) female director
- (n) responsibility
- (n) Thursday
- (n) fifth grade
- (a) five

- (n) ashes
- (n) July
- (n) spinach, green collards
- (a) fifty
- (v) crush
- (v) swim
- (v) plough
- (v) give birth
- (n) farmer
- (v) pick, choose
- (v) cut, slaughter
- (n) flour
- (n) tractor
- (a) angry
- (a) furious
- (v) saw off
- (n) elephant
- (n) liberty, freedom
- (a) rough
- (n) pig
- (n) hay, straw
- (v) think, consider
- (n) worm, insect
- (v) lie
- (n) idea, thought
- (v) express
- (a) liar
- (n) lie
- (v) spend
- (a) honest
- (a) true, (n) truth, accuracy
- (v) melt, dissolve
- (n) crystal
- (a) accurate
- (v) shake
- (v) suggest, direct
- (n) information, signal
- (n) pride
- (n) guide
- (n) sister
- (v) hide, conceal
- (n) bravery, courage
- (v) print
- (v) demand, apply, ask

- (n) aunt (mother's side)

- (n) aunt (mother's side)
- (n) brain
- (v) scratch
- (v) treat, look after
- (n) doctor
- (v) scrape
- (v) climb
- (n) brother
- (n) monument, statue
- (v) mix
- (n) uncle - (father's side)
- (v) cure
- (n) fire
- (v) mix
- (v) hold, handle, keep,
- (n) mourning
- (a) strong, powerful
- (a) several
- (n) energy, power, force
- (a) one
- (adv) one time
- (v) let
- (a) dangerous
- (n) danger, accident
- (a) accidental
- (a) new, fresh
- (n) awakening
- (n) new year
- (n) unity
- (v) assist, help
- (n) assistance, help
- (npl) advocator
- (nm) advocator
- (n) summer
- (v) rake, search
- (n) satisfaction,
- (v) sin
- (n) sin
- (v) tease, mock
- (a) mocking
- (v) wash
- (a) short

- (v) note
- (n) iron
- (v) harvest
- (a) general
- (a) timid, shy
- (n) past
- (n) dream
- (n) conscience
- (n) sick, ill
- (a) grey
- (n) disease, illness
- (n) contagion
- (a) bad
- (n) misfortune, bad
- (n) navel, center
- (n) agriculture
- (a) agricultural
- (n) ferocity
- (n) anger
- (a) cruel, mean
- (n) account
- (n) whisper, murmur
- (v) whisper
- (n) back
- (n) united
- (n) prisoner
- (n) union
- (n) society
- (n) colour
- (v) colour
- (a) colourless
- (a) colourful
- (n) appeal, question
- (n) revenge, vengeance
- (v) to avenge
- (n) thick round leavened
home made bread
- (n) locust
- (a) stubborn
- (n) small
- (n) parrot
- (n) treatment, medicine
- (a) mixed

- (a) brotherly
- (a) benevolent, kindly,
- (n) benevolence,
kindness, gentleness
- (n) November
- (v) entrust, confide
- (adv) now
- (a) happy
- (v) law
- (a) legitimate
- (v) engagement, betrothal
- (v) fianc
- (v) fiance
- (n) child, infant, baby
- (v) infancy, childhood
- (v) shame, disgrace
- (n) choir, chorus
- (v) educate, teach
- (n) engineer
- (v) create, invent
- (n) wage, pay, salary
- (v) return, restore, give
back, take back, answer, reply
- (v) answer
- (v) escape
- (n) egg-plant
- (v) fill up
- (v) link
- (n) tongue
- (n) answer, reply
- (v) fill up
- (n) angel
- (n) messenger
- (n) announcement
- (n) button
- (v) swear, vow
- (v) excuse, forgive
- (n) calculator
- (n) body, limb
- (n) foot, leg
- (n) buddy, pal, friend
- (n) road, path, route
- (n) hiding place
- (n) lavatory

- (n) tooth-paste
- (n) comb
- (v) sort
- (n) dining room
- (n) classmate
- (n) teacher
- (n) heater
- (v) bless
- (n) soup
- (n) watering can
- (n) proof, evidence
- (v) choose, pick, select,
prefer, elect
- (a) bitter
- (n) guide, president,
- (n) driver
- (n) pilot
- (n) pig farm
- (n) henhouse
- (a) rusty
- (n) junction
, () - (n) landscape
- (v) lead, direct
- (v) examine, scrutinize
- (n) website
- (v) prove
- (n) sample
- (n) boat, ship
- (n) marriage, wedding
- (n) centre of the
eye, cornea, lens, pupil
- (n) poison
- (a) poisonous
- (n) needle
- (n) pin
- (v) seem
- (n) right, privilege
- (n) right to vote
- (a) boring
- (v) suppose
- (n) alarm
- (v) establish
- (v) drink
- (n) ribs

- (n) stool
- (n) equipment
- (n) instrument
- (a) instrumental
- (n) nostril
- (n) amusement
- (a) amusing, funny
- (n) span, range
- (n) rule, ruler, line, row
- (n) nail
- (v) form
- (n) career
- (n) column, pillar, rank
- (n) crossroads,
- (n) cross
- (n) place/something
used to hang a picture/painting
- (n) beverage
- (a) attentive
- (a) attentive
- (n) mirror
- (v) irrigate
- (n) brush
- (v) testify, give evidence
- (n) September
- (n) window
- (n) nostril
- (n) sacrifice
- (n) mosque
- (n) sale
- (v) rot, spoil
- (n) lock
- (v) divide up, share
- (a) tasteless
- (n) scissors
- (n) reception,
- (a) painful, aching
- (n) scissors
- (n) continuation
- (n) fishhook
- (n) injury, wound
- (n) echo
- (v) ring, echo

- (n) cemetery, grave

- (n) disaster
- (n) pot
- (n) fine, penalty,
- (an) original
- (n) origin
- (n) beginning, start
- (n) elementary
- (a) primary
- (n) nail-file
- (adv) often,
- (n) promise
- (n) passage
- (n) calculator
- (n) pillow, cushion
- (n) assurance, selfconfidence
- (n) tool
- (n) temporalis muscle
- (n) temple
- (n) channel
- (n) nerves
- (n) principle
- (n) beak
- (n) spectacles, goggles
- (n) park
- (n) chair
- (a) young
- (n) sting
- (n) chin
- (n) shoulder
- (n) wheel
- (n) chisel
- (n) board, plank
- (n) wall
- (n) handkerchief
- (n) hump, bump
- (an) passing, passenger
- (n) route, path, road
- (n) sidewalk,
- (n) jaw
- (n) government, state

- (n) umpire, referee

- (n) fall, waterfall
- (n) wing
- (n) spirit
- (n) half-year, six months
- (adv) when
- (n) introduction
- (n) street level,
ground floor
- (n) entrance
- (n) car
- (n) lorry, truck
- (n) mechanic
- (n) officer
- (v) advise
- (v) melt, dissolve
- (a) sterile, barren
- (n) gain, profit, benefit
- (n) barn
- (n) granary
- (n) coverage
- (n) tile
- (n) cover, lid
- (n) tablecloth
- (n) broom, brush
- (n) end, conclusion
- (adv) finally
- (a) dying
- (n) kindergarten
- (n) heating
- (n) exit
- (n) day, daytime
- (a) daily, everyday
- (n) camp
- (n) bridge, deck
- (n) disaster
- (n) intestine
- (n) lounge, living
- (n) stop
- (n) station
- (n) airport
- (n) shelter
- (n) refuge

- (v) weigh, consider,

estimate, assess
- (v) assign
- (n) town hall
- (n) amusement
- (n) stroll, walk
- (n) dictionary
- (n) eraser
- (n) conclusion
- (n) bedroom
- (v) decide
- (n) program, plan, project
- (n) bar, rail
- (n) staircase, stairs
- (n) support
- (n) medal
- (n) palette
- (n) remedy, cure,
- (n) rescuer, saviour
- (n) platform, stage
- (n) gun, barrel
- (n) hook
- (n) beginning, start
- (n) journey, tour, trip
- (v) serve
- (n) barrier
- (n) curtain, shutter
- (n) furnace
- (n) march
- (n) announcement,
explanation, description
- (v) justify
- (n) congratulations
- (n) food
- (a) colonial
- (n) rake
- (n) praise
- (n) herd, flock
- (n) mode of transport
- (n) close, conclusion
- (n) packing, package
- (n) warning, alarm
- (n) warning, alarm
- (v) stretch

- (npl) applauder
- (n) band, tape
- (n) attack
- (n) mammal
- (n) operation
- (v) come
- (v) suck
- (a) acidic
- (a) next
- (n) amusement, toy
- (n) trap
- (n) book
- (n) brochure,
booklet, pamphlet
- (n) illustrious
- (n) study
- (n) lesson,
- (n) test
- (n) wild boar
- (n) solution
- (n) key
- (n) legs/leg muscles
- (n) temperature
- (n) underpants
- (n) cheek
- (an) musician
- (n) music
- (a) musical
- (n) concert
- (n) performance
- (n) millimetre
- (n) mistletoe
- (n) minister
- (an) hundred
- (n) weight
- (n) April
- (n) vocabulary
- (v) mean
- (n) jam
- (n) undergarment
- (v) tear out
- (a) glorious
- (n) oath
- (n) ploughing

- (n) plough, plough

- (n) kid
- (a) social
- (n) company, association
- (n) seal, impression
- (n) spark
- (n) invent
- (n) uterus
- (v) attract
- (n) marmot
- (n) hammer
- (n) attractiveness
- (v) make fun of, tease
- (n) machine gun
- (n) rabbit
- (n) hare
- (n) spoon
- (n) trowel
- (v) browse
- (n) arrest, custody
- (a) middle, medium
- (n) junior high
school, middle school
- (n) middle, medium,
- (n) honey
- (v) gather honey
- (n) small/large intestine
- (a) equal, level
- (a) parallel,
- (a) stormy
- (n) wave, storm
- (n) treasury
- (n) press
- (an) mineral
- (n) door
- (a) marshy
- (n) water
- (n) similar to Butter
- (n) apple
- (n) honey wine, mead
- (n) meter
- (n) ground
- (a) intellectual

- (v) be alive
- (v) bang
- (n) invention
- (a) complete, full
- (v) reply
- (v) acquaint
- (a) good looking
- (n) notice
- (n) mark, symbol, signal,
- (n) transformation,
- (n) rise
- (n) hold
- (v) pass
- (v) swim, (n)
- (n) grace, mercy, pardon
- (v) anger
- (n) melting, thaw
- (v) appeal
- (n) hip
- (n) cure, healing,
- (n) alliance
- (n) alliance
- (v) advocate
- (n) bath
- (n) administration
- (a) municipal
- (v) graduate
- (v) applaud, appreciate
- (n) division
- (v) arrange
- (n) installation
- (n) calf
- (n) exam
- (n) blessing
- (n) multiplication
- (n) display, exhibition
- (n) cane
- (n) sap
- (v) marry off
- (v) affirm

- (n) choice, selection,

- (n) lunch
- (prep) with
- (a) hypocrite
- (n) proverb
- (v) amuse
- (n) hearing
- (v) agree
- (v) align
- (n) surrender
- (n) witness
- (n) testimony
- (n) gratitude, testimony,
- (a) mysterious
- (n) mystery
- (n) evening
- (a) delicious, sweet
- (v) argue
- (v) get closer, be close
- (v) adjust
- (a) obliging
- (n) appearance
- (n) agitation, excitement
- (an) east, easterly
- (n) visit
- (v) fail
- (v) be alive
- (v) act
- (a) comfortable, favourable
- (n) comfort
- (adv) probably
- (n) probability
- (n) arm
- (n) retreat, refuge
- (n) movement
- (n) gymnastics
- (n) shiver
- (n) source
- (n) carpet
- (n) comparison
- (v) collect
- (a) obedient

- (n) defence
- (v) argue
- (v) anger
- (n) advice, counsel
- (n) excuse
- (n) cause, reason
- (v) afford
- (n) acquittal
- (n) heat, ardour
- (a) late, deceased, dead
- (n) gymnastics
- (v) advocate
- (v) accuse
- (v) fail
- (a) western
- (an) west
- (v) adjust, assemble
- (n) chapter
- (n) progress, development
- (n) advice
- (n) cheek,
- (v) agitate
- (v) bang
- (n) absent-mindedness,
amusement, (v) amuse
- (n) circulation
- (an) subscriber
- (n) consultation
- (n) search
- (n) addition
- (v) adore
- (an) desert, deserted
- (n) ground
- (n) massage
- (v) adore, amaze
- (n) mountaineering
- (n) begin, start
- (n) subtraction
- (n) expression
- (v) amaze
- (v) act
- (v) align, assemble
- (n) peach
- (n) game of chance
- (v) applaud

- (v) alarm
- (a) charming
- (n) charm
- (n) suppression
- (af) adorable
- (am) adorable
- (n) squirrel
- (n) resistance, tolerance
- (n) consolation
- (n) charity, (v) amuse
- (v) acquaint
- (n) separation
- (v) judge
- (v) judge
- (v) escape from
- (n) moral
- (n) gratitude
- (v) perish, decease, die
- (n) motor, engine
- (n) decease, death
- (n) motorbike
- (n) profession
- (a) professional
- (a) manual
- (a) appreciable
- (n) guardian
- (n) compliment
- (v) perspire, sweat
- (n) sweat
- (v) go away, move away
- (n) rhythm
- (v) forget
- (a) dirty
- (a) fiery
- (n) fever
- (v) forget
- (a) thin
- (v) mention
- (v) align
- (n) Wednesday
- (n) gain, benefit
- (a) profitable
- (v) water, wet, spray
- (n) agitation

- (a) enormous,
- (v) see
- (v) find
- (n) advertisement
- (v) find, get, discover
- (v) recover
- (n) help, assistance, aid
- (v) help, assist, aid
- (n) regiment
- (v) curse
- (a) big, large
- (v) enlarge
- (v) abandon
- (n) porter
- (v) purr
- (n) rice
- (n) yogurt
- (n) republic
- (v) delude
- (n) fourth grade
- (n) terror
- (n) rice
- (n) radio
- (n) dead body
- (n) sweat
- (a) distant
- (n) distance
- (a) feverish
- (n) pencil
- (n) forgetfulness, forgetting
- (n) house, building
- (n) rectangle
- (an) produce, yield,
- (n) quarter
- (a) sensible, reasonable
- (n) capital
- (n) head
- (nf) capital
- (n) sight, view
- (n) opinion
- (n) risk
- (n) meeting
- (n) correspondence

- (adv) certainly
- (n) nastiness, malice
- (n) pigeon
- (n) pigeon
- (n) balance, self-control
- (a) sure, certain
- (a) affirmable
- (a) certain
- (n) certainty, sureness
- (a) humid
- (n) abandonment,
desertion, desertion
- (n) debris, crumb
- (n) Wednesday
- (n) gull
- (n) rosemary
- (n) seesaw, swing
- (v) decorate
- (a) three
- (a) triple
- (n) thigh, leg
- (n) Tuesday
- (a) peaceful, quiet
- (n) peace
- (n) greeting
- (n) handshake
- (a) thirty
- (n) blackboard
- (n) sign
- (v) be bored
- (n) money
- (v) sharpen
- (v) laugh
- (v) pull
- (v) miss
- (v) grant, fulfill, unite,
- (v) hear
- (a) weekly
- (n) week
- (an) eighty
- (n) martyr
- (n) hearer, listener
- (n) hearer, listener
- (a) blue

- (na) northern
- (na) north
- (v) listen
- (v) steal, burgle
- (v) fund, found
- (v) penetrate
- (n) glassmaker
- (n) clockmaker
- (n) shoemaker
- (n) plumber
- (n) roofer
- (n) contractor
- (n) personnel, staff
- (a) thieving
- (n) vein
- (n) army
- (n) artery
- (v) manufacture, build
- (n) bush
- (n) nostril
- (n) circus
- (v) organize, arrange, set up
- (n) sergeant
- (v) collide with, engage
- (n) authority
- (v) break, break up
- (n) foam
- (v) preach
- (an) widowed,
widower, widow
- (n) wife, woman, lady
- (n) people, folk
- (an) missionary
- (n) person
- (n) couple
- (a) humanitarian
- (an) widowed,
widower, widow
- (n) man
- (an) seventy
- (v) conceal, hide, cover
- (v) drink
- (n) envelope
- (n) blotting-paper
- (n) June

- (n) Monday
- (n) mustard
- (n) chain
- (n) Sunday
- (n) centimetre
- (n) baker
- (n) baker
- (v) throw
- (v) pierce, penetrate
- (n) penknife
- (v) paint, photograph, draw,
- (n) painter, drawer
- (n) second
- (v) squander
- (a) drunk
- (n) revolution
- (v) sacrifice
- (v) cough
- (n) cough, coughing
- (v) kiss
- (v) rise above, win, defeat,
beat, overcome, outdo
- (v) join, follow, come after,
- (n) disciple
- (n) hour, time, clock
- (n) pendulum clock
- (n) watch
- (n) waking,
awakening, revival
- (n) devil
- (n) bench, seat
- (v) release, loosen, slacken,
let go of, dispatch, send
- (n) sender, shipper,
- (n) celery
- (v) cross, pass
- (n) ostrich
- (n) lock, flood gate
- (v) walk
- (v) spread, lay
- (v) toss
- (v) sew, stitch,
- (v) navigate
- (a) spacious, roomy

- (a) liberal
- (n) dressmaker
- (n) crane
- (n) sponge
- (n) root
- (n) siren
- (n) third
- (n) cinema
- (n) salad, lettuce
- (a) third
- (n) third grade
- (n) laughter,
- (adv a) rarely, rare
- (n) soap
- (n) spider
- (n) sardine
- (n) lung, lungs
- (n) cent
- (n) pail, bucket
- (n) trunk, case, box
- (n) sack, bag
- (n) artist
- (n) shoe,
- (v) put shoes on
- (n) oats
- (n) grass, weed, lawn
- (n) grazing
- (v) graze
- (v) dance
- (n) dance, dancing
- (n) effect, consequence,
(v) affect
- (n) science
- (n) coffin
- (n) spider
- (n) chair
- (adv) why
- (n) triangle
- (a) decorative
- (n) decoration, jewel,
- (n) collar
- (a) tired, weary
- (n) civilization
- (n) agony

- (n) poison
- (n) first name
- (n) last name
- (n) agreement
- (a) affectionate
- (n) affection
- (n) trousers
- (a) even
- (n) activity, employment,
- (n) theft, larceny, robbery
- (n) wheat, grain
- (n) sinus
- (n) order, rule
- (v) regulate
- (an) sixty
- (n) egoism
- (n) suffering
- (a) fat
- (n) breaking open,
- (n) grease
- (n) sermon, lecture
- (n) stapler
- (n) discipline
- (n) botany
- (n) meteorology
- (n) zoology
- (n) hygiene, health
- (n) literature
- (n) teeth
- (n) ivory
- (n) reed
- (a) disprove
- (n) edition
- (n) gorge, ravine, gully
- (n) map, portrait,
photograph, drawing, sketch,
picture, image
- (n) scruple
- (a) scholarly
- (n) grammar
- (n) swan
- (a) defeated person, loser
- (n) kiss

- (n) defeat, failure

- (n) palm tree
- (a) migratory, migrant
- (v) send
- (n) prose
- (n) family
- (n) imprudence, rashness
- (n) barley
- (n) step, tread, footstep,
- (n) meat, flesh, meat
- (n) bacon
- (n) calf, veal
- (n) sheep, mutton
- (n) beef
- (n) fear
- (v) step
- (n) point
- (n) width
- (n) sewing, seam
- (n) spinach
- (n) spinach
- (n) sport
- (v) neglect, desert,
- (n) negligence
- (n) plate
- (n) purchase
- (an) eight
- (n) worker
- (n) merchant
- (n) sting, prick
- (n) concern, worry
- (n) slipper
- (v) smell
- (a) slippery
- (n) heel
- (a) seven
- (v) sell
- (nf) vendor, seller
- (n) vendor, seller
- (v) sell
- (v) cover
- (n) eyebrow
- (n) tea

- (v) ignore
- (n) scarf
- (n) eighth grade
- (n) scarf
- (n) seventh grade
- (n) grass plot
- (n) sixth grade
- (na) thousand
- (a) magical
- (an) old, aged, senior
- (n) candle
- (n) breach
- (n) scent, fragrance
- (n) urine
- (n) lavatory
- (n) skull
- (n) sugar
- (a) six
- (n) onion
- (n) garlic
- (n) cigarette
- (n) trouble, difficulty,
- (n) anxiety
- (n) towel
- (n) bandit, robber, ruffian,
- (v) appoint
- (v) fade
- (n) ink
- (v) peel
- (a) easy, simple
- (a) lake
- (n) lake
- (v) faint
- (v) reveal, disclose, make
widely known, show
- (v) reveal
- (v) rush, hurry up
- (n) spice
- (n) barber, hairdresser
- (v) glean
- (v) furnish, prepare, bring
close, approach
- (a) recent

- (v) sculpt, carve, form,

shape, make, engrave
- (n) rate
- (n) sculptor
- (n) horn
- (v) earn, obtain
- (adv) gently, softly, carefully
- (n) arch
- (n) rainbow
- (n) arc
- (n) arc
- (n) priest, pastor
- (n) burial
- (a) funeral
- (v) paint, varnish
- (v) kill, murder, assassinate
- (an) murderous, assassin,
- (a) jealous
- (v) stand up again, draw
oneself up
- (a) main, essential
- (n) star, hero
- (n) star, heroine
- (v) strip
- (a) constant
- (v) harvest, gather
- (n) harvest, crop, autumn,
- (n) harvester
- (v) change, exchange,
transform, convert
- (v) redden
- (a) red
- (n) beet, root
- (a) reddish, red
- (v) pass, go beyond, exceed
- (v) tear up, rip up
- (a) first
- (n) first grade
- (n) Saturday
- (v) imitate, pour out
- (a) green
- (a) thin, lean, slender
- (n) sharp

- (a) direct
- (n) through
- (n) method, system, way
- (v) continue, continue with
- (adv) then, afterwards,
- (a) continual, continuous
- (n) yard, playground
- (v) punish
- (n) way down
- (n) belt
- (n) height
- (a) a little
- (n) part, portion, piece
- (n) piece, bit
- (n) breakfast
- (n) sacrament, communion
- (n) wound, sore
- (n) bobbin, spool, roll, coil
- (n) rage
- (n) knot
- (n) number, arithmetic
- (n) flat round unleavened
home made bread
- (v) give your word,
- (n) word, saying
- (n) fight, struggle, conflict,
- (n) clearing
- (n) twig, branch
- (n) windpipe
- (v) tune
- (n) tune
- (a) out of tune
- (n) pain, suffering, ache
- (n) mushroom\
- (n) bell, hand bell
- (a) faded
- (n) easiness, ease,
- (n) peel
- (n) bark
- (v) emerge
- (n) frying
- (a) fast, quick, rapid

- (n) express train

- (n) speed, quickness
- (n) arm, upper arm
- (n) reservation, reserve
- (n) deposit
- (n) offer
- (n) crust
- (n) preparation
- (a) unlucky, unfortunate
- (n) bad luck, misfortune
- (n) axe
- (n) antenna
- (n) corn, grain
- (n) eyelash
- (n) farm-yard
- (n) sculpture, figure, shape,
form, engraving
- (a) oval
- (n) flake, shell
- (a) comfort
- (n) comfort, peace
- (n) receipt
- (n) ointment, cream
- (n) despair,
- (a) correct, right, accurate
- (n) tone
- (n) jealousy
- (n) sincerity, frankness,
- (n) piece, bit
- (n) model, pattern
- (n) mood, mode,
method, fashion
- (n) copy, transcript
- (n) service, mass, worship,
- (n) front of a building
- (n) advance, front
- (prep) before, in front of
- (n) race
- (n) volume
- (n) child, infant
- (v) breakfast
- (a) cold, chilly

- (a) brave, courageous - (n) woodcutter

- (n) skin, leather
- (n) pelt, fur
- (n) partridge
- (n) cap, hat
- (n) beret
- (n) helmet
- (n) hawthorn, bush,
- (v) save up, economize
- (v) reclaim
- (v) count, value, expect, hire
- (n) appointment, date
- (n) meter, counter
- (n) leaf
- (v) catch
- (n) child, Baby
- (v) cut
- (v) count
- (v) control
- (v) advance, hasten
- (v) chuckle
- (v) copy, pour out
- (a) direct
- (v) punish
- (n) accuracy, acquittal
- (a) achy
- (n) alarm
- (n) eyelash
- (a) accurate
- (v) acquit
- (n) language
- (v) say
- (v) sparkle, scintillate
- (v) eat
- (v) fly
- (n) forest
- (n) red chili pepper, spice
- (n) black pepper
- (v) furnish
- (n) mule
- (v) germinate, sprout,
- (v) strew, disperse

- (n) stick, cane

- (n) bracelet
- (n) oil, petrol, gasoline,
- (v) cry
- (a) brutal
- (na) feast, festival, holiday,
- (nm) husband
- (nm) grocer
- (nm) milk-man
- (nf) wife
- (nf) grocer
- (nf) milk-woman
- (n) den, cave
- (a) only
- (a) guilty
- (a) abusive
- (n) misdemeanour, offence,
- (n) sheep
- (n) visitor
- (v) achieve, reach, overtake,
arrive, inspect
- (n) mail, post, office
- (a) brown
- (n) coffee
- (n) corporal
- (n) billion
- (n) paste, dough
- (n) beer
- (n) beer
- (n) biscuit, cookie
- (n) beech
- (n) bridge
- (a) yellow
- (n) cultivation
- (a) natural
- (n) fancy, fantasy
- (n) marble
- (n) balcony
- (n) baggage, suitcase, bag
- (n) beans
- (n) sailor
- (n) sea

- (a) marine,
- (n) doll,
- (n) powder, dust
- (n) fire
- (an) slave
- (n) barometer
- (npl) paste
- (n) train
- (n) boat, ship
- (n) leavened bread,
commercial bread
- (n) banana
- (n) banker
- (n) bank
- (n) bench
- (n) flag
- (n) bathroom
- (v) stammer
- (a) foreign
- (n) packet
- (n) basil
- (n) bazaar
- (n) mercury
- (n) mare
- (n) ground, soil
- (n) assembly
- (n) biology
- (n) spade, shovel
- (n) certificate
- (n) wagon, truck, carriage
- (n) house
- (n) Laundromat
- (n) temple
- (n) museum
- (n) prison
- (n) printers
- (a) family, domestic
- (n) restaurant
- (n) school
- (n) library
- (n) cathedral,
- (n) factory, workshop,
- (n) chapel, parish

- (n) town hall, city

- (n) courthouse
- (n) bar
- (n) basil
-- - (adv) through something
- (a) stupid
- (adv) suddenly
- (n) topic, remark, talk
- (adv) quietly
- (a) superior, upper, higher
- (a) worn out
- (adv) accurately
- (n) meal
- (n) award
- (n) tributary
- (adv) indeed, accurately
- (adv) accidentally
- (a) brief, short
- (a) personal
- (n) loneliness,
- (adv) entirely
- (adv) tenderly
- (adv) easily
- (adv) amazedly
- (adv) amazedly
- (v) whistle,
hiss, sizzle
- (a) metallic
- (n) metal, rifle
- (a) sunny, clear, bright
- (n) silver
- (a) silvery
- (n) light, clearness,
- (a) transparent
- (n) lentils
- (a) difficult, hard
- (n) knee
- (n) pen
- (n) rich person
- (adv) affirmably, certainly
- (n) glass
- (n) water melon
- (n) bronze

- (a) mature
- (n) boiled beef
- (n) maturity
- (adv) regularly
- (n) bicycle
- (adv) slightly
- (adv) simply, easily
- (adv) slowly
- (adv) directly
- (adv) quickly, soon,
before long, early
- (adv) accurately
- (a) worthy, deserving
- (adv) sincerely, frankly,
- (n) ability
- (adv) in front, ahead
- (adv) immediately
- (adv) considerably, more
than enough
- (a) postal
- (v) run up
- (adv) willingly, gladly
- (adv) courageously
- (adv) correctly
- (adv) immediately
- (n) absence
- (a) absent
- (adv) proudly
- (adv) please
- (n) cry
- (adv) at least
- (n) crude, rude
- (n) ox
- (adv) too much, too
- (a) numerous
- (n) majority
- (adv) much, many, a lot
- (v) recite
- (adv) frequently
- (a) abusively
- (adv) behind
- (n) departure
- (adv) abruptly

- (adv) rightly, precisely

- (adv) so much, so or as
many, so, as much, very much,
- (adv) seriously,
- (a) yellow
- (nf) mate, friend,
- (a) solemn
- (nm) mate, friend,
- (n) quotient
- (adv) perfectly, exactly
- (adv) especially,
- (adv) explicit, clear, overt
- (v) give up
- (adv) absolutely, by all
means, ever, never
- (n) bomb
- (n) shell
- (n) sack, briefcase
- (n) mailman
- (n) letter-box
- (n) post office
- (n) area, space, interval,
room, place, locality, spot, site
- (v) shift, move, dislodge,
displace, transfer
- (a) elder, eldest,
- (v) ferment
- (v) absent, away
- (n) battalion
- (v) get impatient
- (v) rush, hurry up
- (n) prey
- (n) confirmation
- (v) borrow
- (n) television
- (v) exchange
- (v) come from
- (n) telegram
- (n) telephone
- (v) practise
- (v) recommend

- (v) discuss
- (v) make fun of, laugh at
- (n) amateur, beginner
- (n) amateur, beginner
- (v) get ones bearings
- (n) patient
- (n) treasurer, cashier
- (v) be delighted
- (v) wash ones self, bathe
- (v) get engaged to
- (n) student
- (v) return, go back
- (v) turn, return
- (v) look
- (a) graduated
- (v) depend on
- (v) get married
- (n) zeal
- (v) intrigue
- (v) promise
- (v) promise
- (v) desire
- (n) snake
- (n) drawer
- (v) consult, talk to each
- (v) feed
- (n) schoolgirl, pupil,
- (n) schoolboy, pupil,
- (v) learn
- (v) take
- (v) beg, plead
- (n) date
- (n) passion
- (v) kneel
- (v) relate
- (v) risk
- (v) understand,
- (v) be left, remain, stay
- (n) rest, remainder
- (n) rest, remainder
- (a) hard

- (a) failed
- (a) simple
- (v) appear, manifest
- (v) deal, encounter,
correspond, communicate, meet,
- (nm) novelist
- (nf) novelist
- (n) thermometer
- (v) translate
- (v) agree
- (v) suit
- (v) feel
- (v) parade
- (a) fragile
- (v) carry
- (v) disappear
- (v) sacrifice
- (v) be in pain, suffer
- (v) lose
- (v) participate
- (v) cross
- (an) ninety
- (n) hope
- (v) become
- (n) despair
- (a) discourage,
desperate, despairing
- (v) transport, carry
- (v) worry about, have
- (v) suddenly appear
- (v) stay, remain
- (nm) citizen, inhabitant
- (nf) citizen, inhabitant
- (v) greet, welcome, accept,
agree, receive
- (n) receiver
- (n) host
- (n) poet
- (a) variable
- (v) fight, struggle
- (a) useful
- (v) contradict
- (v) resist

- (n) resistance
- (v) blaze
- (v) dominate
- (n) inspector
- (v) revive, wake up
- (n) departure
- (v) blow up, explode
- (a) brave, courageous
- (n) male
- (v) wish for
- (v) hope for
- (v) foresee
- (a) delicate
- (a) sensitive, appreciable
- (v) clash
- (v) cross
- (v) get up, rise
- (v) float
- (v) move, circulate
- (a) mobile
- (v) touch
- (n) tent
- (v) realize
- (v) admit, confess
- (v) groan
- (v) meet
- (v) owe
- (n) debtor
- (v) obey
- (n) obedience
- (a) sensitive
- (v) replace
- (v) shoot
- (v) plant, erect, put up
- (v) defend, protect
- (v) protect
- (n) defender
- (v) rent
- (v) follow, take
- (v) succeed
- (n) set
- (v) look after, take care
- (n) wolf
- (v) provoke

- (n) tenant
- (v) discuss, debate
- (v) argue
- (v) involve, attend
- (n) plant
- (n) fence
- (n) fruit tree
- (n) possible, everything
one can do
- (v) give the cold
- (v) be born
- (v) throw oneself, rush
- (v) perch
- (v) ride
- (v) guarantee
- (pl) actors, actresses
- (nm) actor
- (n) character
- (nf) actress
- (n) piece
- (v) represent, perform
- (v) fight
- (v) win, make a success
- (v) keep watch over,
watch, supervise, observe
- (nm) onlooker, spectator
- (nf) onlooker, spectator
- (a) flexible
- (n) flexibility
- (v) speak
- (v) take place
- (v) have a good time,
have fun
- (v) express, speak, talk
- (n) speaker
- (v) discuss
- (v) walk, go for a walk
- (n) walker
- (v) dine
- (n) window
- (v) dive
- (v) wonder
- (v) lean on

- (a) frequent, common

- (v) be astonished, be
- (v) deserve
- (v) care
- (n) application
- (v) lie
- (n) combatant, veteran,
- (v) fit
- (a) actively
- (n) action, deed
- (v) cover oneself up
- (v) injure oneself, hurt
- (v) travel through
- (a) harmful
- (v) doubt, hesitate
- (v) use
- (v) ask for, claim, demand
- (v) repent, be sorry
- (v) worry
- (v) expect, wait
- (v) rely
- (v) oppose
- (n) opponent, adversary
- (v) support
- (v) play
- (v) perform,
- (nm) player
- (nf) player
- (n) adversary
- (v) vary
- (v) split, crack, break
- (v) get a divorce
- (n) pipe, hose
- (n) apple
- (n) apple
- (n) apple
- (n) apple tree
- (n) stamp
- (n) tuberculosis
- (n) ticket
- (n) return ticket

- (n) departing ticket

- (n) hurry, haste
- (n) December
- (a) low
- (a) inferior
- (n) happiness
- (n) history
- (n) history
- (n) ninth grade
- (n) announcement
- (n) turkey
- (n) heel
- (n) laziness
- (a) humble
- (a) minor
- (a) underground,
- (n) ceiling
- (n) modesty, politeness
- (adv) yesterday
- (n) instruction,
- (n) spiced beans/lentils
- (n) wish
- (n) anecdote
- (n) barbed wire
- (n) trout
- (n) tragedy
- (a) tragic
- (n) square
- (n) appearance
- (n) translation
- (a) nine
- (n) residence, place
of residence
- (n) courage, bravery
- (n) palace
- (n) awakening
- (n) tobacco
- (n) touch
- (n) breath
- (n) miracle
- (v) behave
- (n) command, order

- (a) gloomy, melancholy

- (n) smoke
- (n) institute, institution
- (a) perpendicular
- (a) vertical
- (a) proud
- (n) vanity, conceit
- (n) observation
- (n) patience
- (a) applied
- (n) ton
- (n) tuna
- (n) cement
- (n) cherry tree
- (n) cheque
- (n) chocolate
- (n) bandage
- (n) urine
- (n) copper
- (n) August
- (v) coo
- (v) loosen
- (v) criticize
- (v) hatch
- (a) determined
- (v) shake
- (v) exist, live, be alive,
- (v) read
- (n) wine
- (n) prophet
- (v) bark
- (n) berry
- (n) tiger, leopard
- (n) body
- (v) burst, explode
- (v) reduce
- (an) hollow, hole
- (v) prick, sting, bite
- (a) long, tall
- (n) boot
- (adv) long, a long time
- (a) long-lived,
- (v) despise
- (v) spread

- (v) burn
- (v) write, draw up
- (a) poor
- (n) fuel
- (v) kick
- (n) bronchitis
- (v) inform, tell, tell about
- (n) matter, substance
- (n) supplies, equipment
- (v) scrub,
- (n) merchant, trader
- (n) groove
- (v) thunder
- (n) thunder
- (v) jump, leap
- (v) drop - (n) drop, (v) grade, score
- (v) note, note down,
write down
- (n) reflection
- (v) refuse, decline, reject
- (a) free, independent
- (n) independence
- (v) shake
- (v) fly away, take off
- (v) blow
- (n) airplane
- (v) blow up
- (n) soul, feeling
- (n) roof
- (n) carpenter
- (v) maintain
- (n) praise
- (prep) of
- (n) farm
- (a) infantile
- (a) choral
- (a) municipal
- (n) profession
- (a) autumnal
- (a) maritime
- (a) morning, early,
- (a) wintry
- (n) new-born
- (n) bee

- (adv) sometimes
- (n) eagle, genius
- (a) dry, dried
- (n) consciousness,
- (v) proceed
- (n) reading
- (a) alone
- (n) teardrop, tears
- (n) youth, boyhood,
- (a) small, little, minor
- (n) plaque
- (a) tiny, small, minor
- (n) pond, pool
- (n) equipment,
- (n) contempt, scorn,
- (n) sketch, outline, plane,
level, sphere
- (n) model , pattern
- (n) morning
- (a) royal, kingly
- (n) King
- (n) Queen
- (n) empire, influence,
kingdom, realm
- (n) pilgrimage
- (n) trade, commerce
- (a) commercial
- (a) agile, nimble
- (n) drop
- (n) stain, spot, blot,
- (n) activity
- (v) acquit
- (a) clean
- (n) breach, gap, notch
- (a) innocent
- (n) innocence
- (n) water spray
- (a) clever
- (n) air, climate, weather,
- (n) mucus
- (n) flying, flight
- (n) measles

- (npl) administrators
- (n) head-master,
principal, administrator
- (nf) administrator
- (n) fingers
- (n) toes
- (n) empress
- (n) knitting, knitwear
- (n) industrialist
- (a) industrial
- (n) flu
- (v) surrender
- (n) hand
- (a) Italian
- (v) blow
- (n) sigh
- (n) hand
- (n) number
- (n) common
- (n) syllable
- (a) communal
- (v) calm, quiet down
- (v) distinguish, recognize
- (v) knit, weave
- (v) lend, loan
- (v) excite
- (v) divert
- (v) deny
- (v) present, introduce
- (v) assemble, gather,
- (v) get used to, get
accustom to
- (n) diamond
- (v) dress, clothe
- (v) lift, raise
- (v) estimate, value,
- (v) remove, take away
- (n) unspiced
beef/chicken/vegetables stew
- (v) be - (present)
- (v) cherish
- (v) renew
- (v) complicate

- (v) burn
- (v) irritate, annoy, offend,
offend against, take offence
- (v) whisper
- (v) shorten, cut short
- (n) habit
- (v) indicate, point
- (v) transmit, pass on
- (v) improve
- (v) manage
- (v) marry off
- (v) appreciate, to
- (v) assert, affirm,
maintain, intend
- (v) thank
- (a) grateful
- (v) trust, believe
- (v) compare
- (v) consult
- (n) counsel, committee
- (nm) adviser, councillor
- (nf) councillor
- (v) arrange
- (v) promote
- (v) adore
- (v) administer, manage
- (v) lead
- (v) put down
- (n) ambulance
- (v) bring
- (n) bulb
- (n) aunt (father's side)
- (n) vulture
- (v) appreciate
- (a) brutal, fierce, harsh
- (a) pagan, heathen
- (n) paganism
- (n) snail
- (v) deliver
- (v) gather, pick
- (v) expect, explain
- (v) age, grow old
- (an) old, aged
- (v) prove, ensure, assert,

- (n) orange
- (a) orange
- (n) wild beasts
- (v) unload
- (n) bull
- (n) cupboard,
- (v) multiply, favour,
flatter, soil, sully
- (an) forty
- (an) four
- (n) artery
- (v) display, demonstrate,
show, indicate, point out
- (v) show
- (n) title, topic
- (v) rejoin - reach, meet
- (v) appease, calm, soothe
- (nm) waiter
- (nf) waitress
- (v) strap, brace, tie, arrest,
- (n) decoration
- (n) trace, track
- (v) trace, draw
- (v) lend
- (v) dismiss
- (v) accompany
- (v) dismiss, discharge
- (n) company
- (v) scare
- (a) horrible
- (v) expand
- (v) amuse, entertain
- (n) frost
- (v) unite or combine
- (v) employ, use, spend
- (nm) boss, head,
proprietor, protector
- (nf) boss, head,
proprietor, protector
- (n) skeleton
- (n) brush
- (v) birth
- (n) science
- (an) genius, intelligent

- (n) attention
- (n) intelligence
- (v) come back
- (n) ladder
- (v) provoke, follow
- (a) thorny, prickly
- (n) grocery
- (n) situation, location,
- (n) formation
- (n) reception, welcome
- (v) simplify
- (n) cup, section
- (n) direction
- (v) stop, end, interrupt,
- (n) cup, section
- (v) humiliate
- (v) set, place, put, lay
- (v) hand
- (v) hand off, go, pass by
- (v) offend
- (a) early, in
advance, anticipated
- (n) material
- (n) dishes
- (n) luggage, baggage
- (v) injure, wound, hurt,
- (v) facilitate
- (n) thing, matter,
merchandise, goods, article, item
- (n) furniture
- (v) offer, display
- (v) set up again, set right
- (v) appoint, set up
- (v) stop
- (v) contribute
- (v) deforest
- (n) bishop, cardinal
- (n) abbot, priest
- (n) grandfather
- (n) godfather, godmother
- (v) spoil, damage, ruin
- (n) drafting,

- (n) member, limb

- (v) waste
- (n) delivery man
- (prep) at
- (adv) above, on top
- (adv) formerly,
another time
- (adv) finally, at last
- (adv) below,
- (v) walk, go,
- (adv) everywhere
- (adv) elsewhere
- (v) execute,
perform, carry out
- (n) caterpillar
- (v) feed
- (v) light, illuminate
- (v) contribute
- (v) cook
- (adv) there
- (a) paternal, fatherly
- (n) example
- (adv) there
- (v) celebrate
- (v) knead
- (adv) here
- (adv) recently
- (adv) currently
- (v) refuse
- (v) deliver
- (n) father
- (n) president
- (n) grand father
- (n) dressing, bandage
- (v) encourage, cheer up
- (v) breathe
- (v) reassure
- (v) correct, put right
- (v) come in, enter
- (v) cheat
- (v) lower, reduce
- (v) put out of shape,

- (v) set up
- (v) smoke
- (n) plant, vegetable
- (n) Mister
- (n) vinegar
- (n) steel
- (prn) me, I
- (v) compare
- (v) humiliate, humble
- (v) extend
- (v) seek
- (v) air, give an airing
- (v) withdraw, draw, step
- (v) float
- (n) female
- (a) feminine
- (n) sheet
- (v) skate, slip, slide
- (v) move
- (v) shiver, tremble,
- (v) dry, wipe
- (v) move
- (n) eggs
- (v) wave
- (v) place, put, set, seat
- (nf) lioness
- (nm) lion
- (v) read
- (n) locust
- (nm) reader
- (nf) reader
- (v) purify
- (v) decrease
- (v) make a hole
- (v) lengthen, extend
- (v) burn
- (n) corner
- (v) hang on, hang up
- (n) smith
- (v) applaud, clap
- (n) rat, mouse
- (v) shine, glisten,
sparkle, gleam

- (a) shining bright

- (n) opposite, contrary
- (n) direction, sense
- (n) conduct,
- (v) shudder
- (a) hospitable
- (v) treat
- (v) persuade, convince,
- (a) intellectual
- (v) use up
- (v) combine, gather, collect
- (n) district, surroundings
- (n) body
- (n) body
- (v) rent
- (v) last
- (v) share
- (n) uncle (mother's side)
- (v) ruminate
- (v) be enough, be sufficient,
- (v) respect
- (v) surround
- (a) abounding
- (n) thresher
- (n) seat, sitting, conference,
lecture, meeting, bringing
together, collection, gathering,
- (n) crown, wreath
- (v) honour, respect
- (v) round, surround,
encircle, enable
- (a) respectful
- (n) Prosecutor
- (v) declare, proclaim,
- (n) creditor
- (n) declaration, statement
- (n) olive tree
- (n) provinces
- (n) agreement,
- (a) automatic

- (n) bus
- (v) heat, warm, heat
- (v) extract, pull
- (v) cost
- (v) issue
- (v) mend, repair, fix,
correct, put right,
- (v) satisfy
- (v) gossip, chatter, talk
- (v) rest, retire
- (v) make bigger, increase,
- (v) wreck, destroy
- (n) poultry
- (v) murmur, whisper,
babble, growl
- (v) arm
- (v) amuse, entertain,
cheer up
- (v) tell
- (v) remind
- (v) frequent
- (v) organize, arrange, put in
order, command, order
- (v) favour, promote
- (n) ear
- (n) air
- (n) springtime
- (n) torrent
- (n) airplane
- (n) ivy
- (n) mother
- (n) grandmother
- (v) send to sleep
- (n) place, position, space
- (n) conduct
- (a) maternal, mother
- (v) impress, amaze
- (a) amazed, adorable
- (af) adorable
- (v) confuse, mix up
- (v) delay, defer
- (v) encourage
- (v) arrange, organize,

- (n) castle, palace, gallery,

- (v) graft
- (a) attentive
- (n) attention
- (v) require
- (a) necessary
- (n) necessity,
importance, need
- (v) save, rescue
- (v) emboss, batter
- (v) listen to, vote, vote
for, pronounce, pass
- (a) universal
- (n) address, skill, dexterity
- (v) admire
- (a) sensational
- (n) admiration
- (v) weaken, tire, exhaust
- (n) donkey
- (n) similar to cottage
- (n) rye
- (v) use, serve, function,
- (nm) servant, serf
- (nf) servant
- (v) surprise, astonish
- (v) astonish, amaze
- (a) amazed, appalling
- (n) style, manner
- (n) accent, stress,
- (v) prohibit, forbid
- (v) concern, matter
- (v) oblige
- (a) important,
considerable, interesting
- (v) grumble
- (v) take away
- (n) hut
- (n) pedestrian
- (v) exaggerate
- (n) opportunity, occasion
- (v) show, manifest,
- (v) cause

- (v) evacuate, transport

- (v) widen
- (n) niece
- (v) chase
- (v) reduce
- (v) warn
- (v) combine
- (f) applauder
- (m) applauder
- (v) stick
- (v) wet, soak, water
- (v) inundate, flood,
- (v) own, possess
- (v) attack
- (v) fasten
- (v) put out, suppress,
abolish, stop
- (v) lose
- (v) acclaim, hail,
applaud, cheer
- (v) clutter - (up), bother,
put in an awkward position
- (a) hard, difficult
- (v) verify, confirm
- (v) comfort, fortify
- (v) summon to law
- (n) orchard
- (n) finger
- (n) toe
- (n) toe
- (v) clean, clear, clear away
- (v) study, investigate
- (n) munitions
- (v) approve of, consent to,
- (v) flatten, crush, level,
smooth away
- (n) legend
- (v) threaten
- (v) relieve
- (n) mouth
- (n) chest
- (n) viper
- (v) inform, advise,
announce, foretell, warn, notify

- (n) chest, breast

- (v) scare, terrify
- (v) produce
- (a) frightening, appalling
- (v) demolish
- (n) pick-axe
- (v) love
- (v) permit, allow, make
possible, authorize, grant
- (n) muzzle,
- (n) nose, snout
- (a) electrical
- (n) electricity
- (n) stitch, link
- (a) fair, sincere, faithful,
true, exact
- (a) no
- (n) refusal
- (n) mountain
- (v) bleat, (from a
- (n) marble
- (n) worship, religion,
belief, faith, conviction, trust
- (v) convert oneself
- (v) convert
- (n) stone
- (n) wine-harvest
- (n) picking,
- (n) old age, old people
- (n) stadium
- (n) ironing
- (n) shelves
- (n) thorn, prickle
- (n) branch
- (n) dictation
- (n) receipts, income,
production, product
- (n) oven, chimney
- (n) animal, beast
- (a) domestic, menial
- (n) frog
- (n) egg
- (v) lay eggs

- (v) congratulate
- (adv) otherwise
- (prn) what
- (a) alone, only
- (v) recover, regain
- (adv) once again
- (v) catch again
- (v) return, come back
- (v) get up, rise
- (v) read again, read
- (v) come down
- (v) fall again
- (v) reclimb
- (v) restart
- (n) butcher's shop
- (n) baker's shop
- (n) sheep pen
- (n) stable
- (n) church tower,
- (n) pastry, pastry
- (n) portfolio, wallet
- (n) dairy, creamery
- (n) English
- (a) English
- (a) nasty, mean, bad
- (n) mass
- (n) collection of
books, compendium
- (n) fund, money
- (n) nastiness, meanness,
- (n) collection
- (a adv) sufficient, enough
- (n) abundance
- (n) cereal, grain
- (v) harvest, reap
- (a) yes
- (n) actuality
- (n) period, epoch, period of
- (a) obedient
- (prn n) order

- (prn) those
- (n) ear
- (v) be - (descriptive)
- (n) part, role
- (n) handle
- (n) deprivation
- (n) foot
- (n) God
- (a) splendid, magnificent
- (n) forest, tree
- (n) organ
- (n) oak
- (n) opera
- (n) dog
- (adv) how
- (n) hello, good
- (n) good evening
- (n) hello, good
- (adv a) like, similar
- (adv) equally, as well,
- (v) cut out
- (n) bag
- (a) miserable, wretched,
- (n) coal
- (v) pursue, accuse
- (np) accuser
- (nm) accuser
- (nf) accuser
- (n) stomach
- (v) cook
- (nm) cook
- (nf) cook
- (a) round
- (a) heavy
- (n) region
- (n) cupboard
- (v) run around
- (n) belly, stomach, liver,
digestive system
- (n) sole
- (n) palm

- (n) sole of the foot

- (n) town
- (a) urban
- (an) protestant
- (n) Protestantism
- (n) pill
- (n) mayor
- (n) lip
- (n) rock
- (a) rocky
- (v) pour
- (v) stock
- (v) walk, leave, go, travel
- (v) cover
- (nm) servant
- (nf) servant
- (v) deceive, betray
- (v) pay
- (v) open
- (v) pay
- (a) open
- (n) part of a house
- (adv) all, any
- (adv) always
- (n) kidney
- (n) kidney
- (an) clutter, heap, pile
- (n) heels
- (a) trust, proud
- (n) anger
- (n) whip
- (n) armchair
- (n) chalk
- (n) hill
- (n) corner, angle
- (n) elbow
- (n) ankle
- (af) angry
- (n) thimble
- (a) cultivated
- (n) cup
- (n) wandering
- (n) cube
- (n) Catholicism

- (n) condition, situation

- (n) circumstance
- (n) mood
- (n) condemnation
- (n) war
- (n) hundred kilos
- (n) soccer, football
- (n) peach
- (n) ball
- (n) math
- (n) kilometre
- (n) kilogram
- (a) capable
- (v) pay off
- (n) alliance
- (an) ecclesiastical
- (n) sock
- (n) bottom
- (a) secondary
- (an) companion
- (a) worn
- (n) second grade
- (n) high school,
secondary school
- (n) shirt, blouse
- (n) computer
- (n) knife
- (n) candy
- (n) card, map
- (n) post card
- (n) cardboard
- (n) cart
- (n) carrot
- (n) piggy bank
- (n) concrete
- (n) coat
- (n) ring
- (n) cocoa
- (n) cabbage
- (n) cabbage, green
- (n) cauliflower
- (n) cauliflower
- (n) shower
- (n) captain

- (n) chemistry
- (n) climate
- (n) clinic
- (a) classical
- (n) theory
- (an) two
- (n) winter
- (n) necktie
- (n) rent
- (n) Christianity
- (a) Christian
- (n) match
- (n) accusation, prosecution
- (adv prep) as far as, up to,
- (adv) so, so much
- (adv) as much, many
- (n) neck
- (n) collar
- (n) loss, ruin
- (n) cooking, kitchen
- (a) honourable, precious,
dear, expensive, costly
- (n) circle, round
- (v) put up, erect, pitch
- (n) respect
- (v) be worth, cost
- (n) signature
- (n) vaccine
- (n) discussion
- (n) town hall
- (n) feather
- (n) care
- (adv) how much, (n)
- (n) fin
- (a) skilful
- (a) affordable
- (a) able
- (n) talent, skill, ability
- (n) reality
- (n) clothes, suit, garment
- (n) opening
- (n) season
- (n) century

- (n) cabin, section, room,

- (n) operating
- (n) waiting room
- (n) workshop
- (n) phone booth
- (n) security, safety
- (n) glue
- (n) comedy
- (n) nightstand
- (n) committee
- (n) tomato
- (n) tomato
- (n) commanding officer
- (n) chest of drawers
- (v) get annoyed
- (n) corridor, passage
- (v) whip, flog
- (n) course
- (a) curly
- (n) colonel
- (v) cultivate
- (n) hobo, bum, homeless,
- (n) cover, blanket
- (n) drum
- (n) battery
- (n) eyelid
- (a) Catholic
- (v) turn up, produce, happen,
- (v) sentence, give up,
- (n) code
- (v) sit
- (n) seat
- (v) sit down
- (v) become, happen, occur
- (v) dig
- (n) neck, collar
- (n) crow
- (v) hollow out, dig
- (n) grave-digger
- (a) angry

- (af) angry
- (am) angry
- (v) light up, switch on
- (n) parent, relative
- (n) interest
- (n) ancestor
- (v) polish, wax, rub
- (v) run, flow
- (v) swallow, devour
- (n) news, information,
- (v) invade, overcome,
overwhelm, conquer
- (n) paper
- (v) compose
- (v) descend
- (a) polite
- (n) month
- (a) monthly
- (n) gold
- (v) decide, limit, fix
- (n) border, edging
- (n) coast, chop
- (n) edge
- (an) infinite,
- (v) define
- (v) increase, rise, add
- (v) take away, take
- (n) gesture
- (n) channel
- (v) reproach, accuse
- (n) reproach
- (v) hit, strike
- (a) military
- (n) soldier, police
- (v) block
- (v) to have, possess
- (n) enterprise
- (n) owner, landlord
- (v) represent
- (n) advocate
- (npl) advocator
- (n) accusation
- (np) accuser

- (n) representative
- (n) deputy, Member
of Parliament
- (nm) advocator
- (nf) advocator
- (nm) accuser
- (nf) accuser
- (n) fox
- (n) appearance, look
- (n) grape
- (v) bring in the grape
- (n) miss
- (n) madam
- (v) drop, fall
- (n) port
- (v) finish
- (n) boy, son
- (n) nephew (sister)
- (n) cousin (mother's
- (n) cousin (father's
- (n) nephew (brother)
- (a) humane, human
- (n) godson
- (n) prince
- (n) cousin (father's
- (n) cousin (mother's
- (n) classmate (male)
- (n) grandson
- (n) compatriot
- (a) country
- (n) grandson
- (a) failed
- (v) conclude
- (n) flank
- (v) sentence, condemn
- (v) ban, forbid, abolish, get
rid of, avoid
- (n) dawn
- (v) sting, prick
- (a) official
- (n) surgeon

- (v) draw, pull

- (n) goat
- (v) come/go out, leave
- (n) anvil
- (adv n) outside
- (an) strange, foreign,
stranger, foreigner,
- (v) offer, dedicate
- (n) willow
- (n) employer
- (n) chair
- (n) river
- (n) blackbird
- (n) owner
- (n) secretary
- (n) ownership, property
- (n) heat, warmth
- (n) conference
- (n) cost, value, worth, price
- (a) invalid
- (v) win
- (n) saving
- (n) kitten
- (n) minority
- (n) guarantee, security
- (adv) a little
- (a) famous
- (n) inheritance
- (n) decision, determination,
- (a) inside
- (n) crumb
- (adv) inferior
- (n) ocean
- (a) hot
- (n) treaty, agreement,
- (a) warm
- (n) enthusiasm
- (n) acclamation
- (a) exhausted
- (n) fall
- (n) competition
- (n) war, battle, fight

- (n) effect, result,

- (n) devotion
- (n) corn, maize
- (n) bird
- (n) haddock
- (n) artificial lake, water well
- (n) kitten
- (v) bring, put up
- (v) land, arrive
- (n) material, fabric, linen
- (n) screen
- (a) nice, friendly
- (n) sympathy, liveliness
- (n) race, descent
- (a) annual, yearly
- (n) year
- (n) customer
- (a) deep
- (n) customers
- (v) open up, flower,
- (n) lead
- (v) land
- (nf) judge
- (nm) judge
- (n) bed
- (n) cradle
- (n) Friday
- (n) friend
- (an) ten
- (an) fifteen
- (an) eleven
- (n) eleventh
- (an) thirteen
- (an) eighteen
- (an) seventeen
- (an) sixteen
- (an) nineteen
- (an) fourteen
- (an) twelve
- (n) twelfth
- (n) fish

- (n) whale
- (n) troop
- (a) stale
- (a) tenth
- (a) foolish
- (n) tenth grade
- (v) keep, maintain, uphold,
save, protect, shelter
- (v) measure
- (a) patient
- (v) take in, shelter
- (n) slope
- (n) size, measurement,
- (v) develop, grow
- (n) grand mother
- (n) clock
- (n) big toe/finger
- (v) dominate
- (a) great, old, large
- (a) great, old, large
- (n) avenue
- (n) chickpea
- (v) collapse
- (v) be in the way
- (n) paragraph, article
- (v) prevent
- (n) tonsil
- (v) frolic
- (n) column
- (n) spine
- (n) farmer, peasant
- (n) success, triumph, win,
- (n) calendar,
- (n) battlefield
- (n) goose
- (n) swamp
- (v) employ
- (a) blind, dazzle
- (n) quality, sort, kind
- (n) eye
- (n) pea,peas
- (v) distribute, deliver

- (v) invite
- (v) buy
- (n) country
- (n) buyer, purchaser
- (v) restrict, prevent, warn
- (n) deer
- (v) close, shut, lock up
- (v) mow down
- (v) fold, bend
- (n) bone, bones
- (n) date
- (v) date
- (n) target, aim, goal
- (n) flood
- (n) task
- (n) depth
- (n) flower, blossom
- (n) fist, punch
- (n) rest, relaxation
- (a) friendly, association
- (n) friendship
- (n) wall
- (n) ascent
- (n) swarm
- (an) twenty
- (v) not know, ignore
- (n) stupidity
- (n) economy, economics
- (n) puddle
- (n) favourite
- (n) size
- (a) serious, grave
- (a) serious
- (n) handful
- (n) pot
- (n) obstacle
- (n) pearl
- (n) devastate, desolation,
- (n) bumblebee
- (n) adventure
- (n) cricket
- (n) wood
- (n) wasp
- (a) winner, victor

- (n) lamb
- (n) exercise, work
- (n) house work
- (n) distribution, delivery
- (n) guest
- (n) debt
- (n) bazaar, fair
- (n) chance, luck, fortune
- (n) destiny
- (n) invitation
- (n) age
- (n) agitation
- (an) wrinkled, crumple
- (n) wrinkle
- (n) uniform
- (n) lot
- (n) fold
- (a) closed, shut
- (a) double
- (n) corn
- (v) jump
- (a) eternal
- (n) eternity
- (a) pleasant
- (v) get colder
- (a) deplorable
- (a) shameful, ashamed
- (v) sing
- (v) steal, rob
- (a) modern
- (n) age, epoch
- (n) relative
- (n) talk, speech
- (n) growing
- (n) giraffe
- (v) sow, spread
- (n) seed
- (n) seed
- (a) harsh
- (v) unroll, unwind, exhibit
- (a) horrible, terrible
- (a) horrible
- (a) burning
- (v) beat, strike

- (n) guard
- (v) rain, raining
- (n) basket, wastebasket
- (n) stick, baton
- (a) luminous, bright
- (v) remember
- (n) orphan
- (v) drive, conduct
- (n) driver, conductor
- (n) screwdriver
- (n) chauffeur
- (n) cyclist
- (v) crown
- (a) unpleasant,
- (a) ungrateful,
- (a) rare, scarce, sparse
- (a) waste, uncultivated
- (n) indigestion
- (a) unhappy, displeased
- (n) ingratitude
- (an) single, unmarried,
- (a) disobedient
- (vn) disobey,
- (a) invisible
- (n) acquittal
- (a) unworthy, unfit
- (an) minor
- (a) strange
- (a) inevitable, fatal
- (a) unexpected
- (n) oil
- (n) impatience
- (a) motionless,
- (a) impossible
- (n) impossibility
- (a) incapable
- (a) careless, negligent,
- (a) harmless
- (n)

- (n) discomfort,
- (a) odd
- (a) unprocessed
- (a) unknown, strange
- (a) insoluble
- (a) magnificent, wonderful,
- (a) strange, bizarre
- (a) wild
- (n) walk, walking, stroll
- (n) surroundings,
- (n) zucchini
- (n) zinc
- (v) buzz, hum, ring
- (n) terrace
- (n) coolness, cold
- (n) stream
- (n) stream
- (n) story, account
- (n) subject
- (n) dew
- (n) pheasant
- (n) chorus
- (n) citizen
- (n) nationality
- (v) naturalize
- (a) supreme
- (n) sovereign
- (n) jump
- (a) cold, slow
- (a) previous, late
- (n) slowness
- (a) similar
- (a) visible, clear
- (n) maintenance, upkeep,
- (n) list
- (a) agreeable, (n) ideal
- (a) next, following
- (n) green onion
- (n) tray, surface, stage
- (a) edible
- (n) hyena

- (a) anxious, worried,

- (a) clear
- (a) harmonious
- (n) solid
mass, solid
- (a) different, varied,
- (a) different
- (a) divorce
- (n) glory, reputation
- (a) rainy
- (n) rain, storm
- (n) shower
- (a) foolish, thoughtless,
- (a) major
- (a) possible
- (a) worse
- (n) memory
- (n) practice
- (adv n) more
- (n) spiced
beef/chicken/vegetables/fish stew
- (a) upset
- (a) muddy
- (v) turn, stir, toss
- (n) area, neighbourhood,
- (a) industrial area
- (a) commercial area
- (a) local
- (n) Jesus Christ
- (n) thank you
- (n) arms
- (n) university
- (v) excuse, forgive
- (n) sorry, excuse me
- (v) apologize
- (v) ought
- (n) appeal, call
- (n) voice, sound
- (v) need, want, desire
- (a) sturdy
- (v) back away, fall back,
- (v) survive

- (a) good, okay

- (interj) goodnight
- (a) welcome
- (a) be welcome
- (interj) farewell,
- (n interj) hello,
good morning
- (v) add, addition
- (v) bleed
- (n) grenade
- (a) bloody
- (n) blood
- (n) blood
- (v) undo, take down,
- (v) conclude
- (n) pay
- (v) dry
- (v) double
- (n) limit, boundary
- (adv) infinitely
- (v) force
- (v) caress, cherish
- (n) class, level
- (v) sing
- (n) author, editor, writer
- (n) author
- (nm) singer
- (nf) singer
- (n) chicken, rooster
- (n) duck
- (an) gigantic, giant
- (n) floor, story
- (n) doorstep, doorstep
- (n) dozen
- (n) song
- (n) ruler
- (n) island
- (v) enjoy
- (n) joy, pleasure
- (v) sleep, fall asleep, go to
- (a) tiny, minuscule
- (n) minute

- (v) console, comfort

- (n) condolence
- (n) cloud
- (a) cloudy
- (n) south
- (a) southern
- (v) bomb, bombard
- (n) mail, courier, letter
- (n) bombardment
- (v) lean out, bend down
- (a) stupid, ignorant
- (n) shore
- (v) be moved, be touched,
feel sorry
- (v) delay, hold up
- (n) latecomer
- (v) ring, phone, telephone
- (v) stand
- (v) stop
- (n) bell
- (v) climb
- (v) repeat, say again
- (v) support
- (v) dazzle
- (v) dare to do
- (v) rush
- (v) push
- (n) forest
- (n) pumpkin
- (n) fur
- (v) explore, reveal
- (v) judge
- (n) calf, leg
- (n) judge
- (n) head-master,
- (n) nut
- (n) will, wish, desire
- (a) thick, dense
- (n) dyke, bridge
- (prep) afterwards
- (adv) after
- (adv) now
- (n) back, backward
- (a) safe and sound

- (n) cat
- (a) shiny, bright
- (n) amount, sum
- (n) subtle, slight
- (n) voice, sound
- (a) vocal
- (a) hard, dry
- (n) drama
- (a) dramatic
- (n) dinner
- (n) composition
- (n) dryness, drought
- (n adv) previous, already
- (a) satisfied, content, joyful
- (n) pan
- (n) sleep
- (n) bear
- (n) shade
- (n) potato
- (n) ignorance
- (a) admirable
- (n) clump
- (an) dwarf
- (n) tent
- (a) confused
- (n adv) lateness, late
- (n) pity, sympathy
- (an) virgin
- (n) Virgin Mary
- (n) astonishment
- (n) store, boutique
- (n) bookstore
- (a) weak, fatigued,
- (n) fertilizer, manure,
- (a) poor
- (n) weakness, tiredness
- (n) poverty
- (a) outside, external
- (n) repetition
- (n) crowning
- (n) cake
- (n) tart

- (n) dust
- (n) frontier, border
- (n) doctor
- (v) row
- (n) dress
- (v) begin, start
- (v) overflow
- (n) garden
- (n) cheese
- (n) general
- (n) walnut
- (an) heroic, hero
- (n) heroine
- (n) cowardice
- (n) pocket, vest, jacket
- (n) claim
- (n) majesty
- (n) parachute
- (n) vest, jacket
- (a) German
- (n) geometry,
- (n) geography
- (v) gnaw, eat into
- (adv) something
- (v) draw water
- (n) tunnel, gallery
- (adv) anything, nothing
- (v) describe, express, voice,
- (n) camel
- (v) guess
- (n) rope
- (v) clap, slam
- (n) slam, chattering
- (n) coast, edge
- (n) beach
- (n) calculation
- (n) rose bush
- (n) tree
- (n) lemon-tree
- (n) orange tree
- (n) chestnut-tree
- (n) lampshade, sunblind,

- (a) naive
- (v) travel
- (n) boathouse
- (v) make, do, perform, act,
- (a) criminal, guilty
- (a) penal
- (n) crime
- (n) benefactor
- (a) heavenly
- (n) paradise
- (n) money
- (v) unroll, unfold
- (v) howl, roar, bawl
- (v) move everything out,
- (a) big, large
- (n) house, home
- (n) rabbit hutch
- (n) kennel, dog house
- (n) nest
- (v) nest
- (v) rule, control, reign
- (n) traveller, passenger
- (v) leave, abandon
- (n) convent, monastery
- (a) rural
- (n) countryside
- (n) face, page
- (n) landscape
- (n) dial
- (adv) face to face
- (v) fish for
- (a) wide
- (n) boulevard
- (n) fisher
- (a) sad
- (n) ant-hill
- (n) shawl
- (v) take off one's
hat, clear up
- (n) sword
- (n) neighbourhood,
- (n) duty

- (n) assembly, meeting,

gathering, congress
- (n) adolescence, youth
- (n) May
- (n) owl
- (n) cheek
- (n) green pepper
- (n) distance, journey, trip
- (n) fraction
- (n) lack, shortage
- (n) business, matter, case
- (n) fault, error, mistake
- (n) damage, injury, hurt
- (n) pit, hole, ditch, trench
- (n) rabbit hole
- (n) group
- (n) grove
- (n) choir, chorus
- (n) well, shaft
- (n) frankness
- (n) basin, artificial lake
- (n) cage
- (n) team
- (n) shadow
- (n) sailing ship
- (n) journalist
- (n) journal, newspaper
- (n) press release
- (n) gas
- (adv) still, yet, but
- (na) error, mistake
- (n) block
- (n) fog, smog
- (a) foggy, hazy
- (n) estimate, (v) estimate
- (n) reverse
- (an) magnificent,
marvellous, wonderful
- (n) gram
- (n) apron
- (n) contradiction
- (n) gums
- (n) tax, duty, taxation
- (a) actively
- (a) practical

- (n) reception
- (n) captain
- (con) but, however
- (a) ugly, nasty, unpleasant
- (con) but, however
- (n) forehead
- (n) ankle
- (n) glove
- (a) colonize
- (a) enormous, huge
- (a) momentary,
temporary, modern
- (n) time
- (n) leisure, spare time
- (n) territory, colony,
kingdom, domain
- (n) victim
- (n) kindness
- (n) problem, puzzle
- (a) horizontal
- (n) barring
- (a) essential
- (adv) inevitably
- (n) poetry, poem
- (n) match
- (n) width
- (v) cover up, conceal
- (n) field, ground
- (n) hips
- (n) tire
- (an) neighbouring
- (a) cunning, smart, clever
- (n) throat, neck
- (an) young, youth, younger
- (v) yield
- (a) mountainous, hilly
- (n) turtle, tortoise
- (n) mountain
- (v) knock
- (a) violent
- (n) violence, force
- (n) skirt
- (n) knock, hit, clash
- (v) carve, cut up
- (v) run, race, flow

- (n) runner
- (n) lord
- (n) nobility
- (v) be absent
- (a adv) lesser, the least, the
slightest, less
- (n) suburbs, outskirts
- (n) street
- (a) obtuse, dull
- (n) rivet
- (v) injure, wound, hurt,
offend, grind
- (v) group, gather, cluster
- (n) beehive
- (v) run
- (v) decline
- (v) hurt
- (n) flat round unleavened
home made bread
- (n) jalapeo
- (n) sadness
- (n) embers
- (n) daughter, girl,
- (n) niece (sister)
- (n) cousin (mother's
- (n) cousin (father's
- (n) niece (brother)
- (n) niece (brother)
- (n) fairy
- (n) godchild
- (n) princess
- (n) cousin (father's
- (n) cousin (mother's
- (n) classmate (female)
- (n) granddaughter
- (n) granddaughter
- (v) keep, preserve, mind,
look after
- (n) shepherd
- (n) tray, plateau
- (vn) request, require
- (v) embroider

- (n) moisture, humidity

- (v) sink, drown
- (v) grind
- (n) miller
- (n) mill
- (v) tie, bind
- (v) see, observe, look at,
- (v) terminate, end, finish,
- (n) desk
- (v) gather, pick up
- (v) complain
- (v) suspect
- (n) butter
- (v) profit
- (n) chimney sweep
- (v) refer
- (n) total
- (v) cling to
- (n) attorney, lawyer,
counsel, counsellor
- (n) lizard
- (n) rifle, gun
- (n) patient
- (v) operate, do
- (n) cause, reason
- (v) cause
- (v) turn, twist
- (v) taste
- (n) snack
- (v) recover, be restored,
- (v) park, dock
- (adv) upright, standing
- (v) stop, pause, cease
- (v) push, shove, jostle
- (n) bud, pimple
- (v) disappear, vanish
- (n) breast
- (n) cotton, wool
- (v) spit
- (n) card game
- (v) intervene
- (n) thicket

- (n) thick fog

- (n) applause
- (n) mosquito
- (n) table
- (n) taste, luxury
- (n) regret, remorse
- (n) teff
- (n) goat
- (n)
- (a) hungry
- (an) tie, bunch, bouquet
- (n) hunger
- (n) baptism
- (a) gross, crude, rude, crass
- (n) brass band
- (n) trumpet, trumpeter
- (n) January
- (n) notebook
- (adv) merely, only
- (a) empty
- (v) undress, strip - (v) undress oneself
- (n) bottle, flask
- (n) ink-well
- (n) helmet
- (n) complaint, objection
- (a) stiff, straight
- (n) crest
- (n) hesitation
- (v) suspect
- (n) distrust
- (n) doubt, suspicion
- (n) retreat, retirement
- (n) October
- (adv n) vicinity, near, close
- (n) package, pack,
- (n) crisis
- (n) artist, dexterous
- (a) artistic, able
- (n) art, ability
- (n) roast
- (n) grilled meat
- (n) attachment

- (a) attentive
- (n) carefulness, prudence,
attention, precaution
- (n) antiquity
- (a) antique, ancient, old,
- (a) curved
- (a) good, nice
- (a) healthy
- (n) health
- (n) bullet
- (n) disappearance
- (n) saliva
- (v) aim at
- (v) finish
- (n) piece, part
- (n) rag, scrap
- (a) blurred, muddy
- (n) applause
- (v) smell
- (n) odour, scent
- (n) twig
- (n) branch
- (n) service
- (n) salt
- (a) pale
- (n) hair
- (n) eyebrow
- (n) stomach
- (v) press, crush
- (n) light, beam
- (v) whistle, sizzle
- (n) chick
- (n) chicken
- (n) forest
- (n) noise
- (a) noisy, loud
- (n) point, tip, end
- (n) beard
- (n) bird
- (n) tail
- (n) mud
- (a) muddy, dirty
- (n) proof, evidence

- (a) worried, anxious,

- (n) anxiety, worry,
concern, agony
- (n) grit
- (n) cruelty
- (n) muscle
- (n) Pentecost
- (n) Pen
- (n) Pope
- (v) pray to
- (n) prayer
- (a) black
- (n) granite
- (n) liver
- (n) enemy
- (v) darken
- (an) darkness, dark
- (v) hate, detest, loathe
- (n) secretary, employee
- (v) write
- (n) author, secretary
- (n) author
- (v) harness
- (a) deaf, dumb, unable to
- (n) deafness
- (n) press
- (v) press, squeeze
- (v) insult, abuse
- (n) insult, abuse
- (v) crush, press, squeeze
- (n) overwhelm, crush
- (n) sorrow
- (n) milk
- (n) spiced
beef/chicken/vegetables/fish stew
- (v) calculate
- (n) note, bulletin
- (n) manufacture
- (v) last
- (v) drain, empty
- (v) persist in, persevere
- (v) keep up, maintain
- (n) game, play

- (v) call, summon

- (v) do one's best, to try
- (v) load
- (v) bother, inconvenience
- (n) problem, puzzle
- (v) satiate, full
- (v) mend, repair, fix
- (n) protection
- (n) hair
- (n) fortune, prosperity
- (an) left
- (a) silent
- (n) silence
- (n) pebble
- (a) flat
- (n) orange juice
- (n) pot
- (n) reward
- (v) reward
- (v) play
- (a) studious, hard worker
- (n) effort
- (v) go pale, fade
- (a) white
- (n) garlic
- (n) saint, holy
- (n) ant
- (v) affect
- (an) irrational, delusional,
crazy person
- (a) fatal, deadly
- (n) delusion, irrationality,
- (n) umbrella
- (n) shadow, shade
- (a) irrational, delusional,
- (n) influence
- (n) confusion, twilight
- (v) write
- (n) fir tree
- (n) hand-writing, writing,
- (a) thirsty

- (a) alone
- (a) pale, pallid, wan,
- (n) butterfly
- (n) ceremony, formality
- (n) solitude, loneliness
- (a) solitary, lonely
- (n) pair
- (a) equal, even
- (a) pure, clear, neat, clean
- (a) plainly, flatly,
- (n) cleanness, neatness,
tidiness, cleanliness - (n) tolerance
- (n) press
- (n) crowd
- (a) good, pretty, beautiful
- (n) goodwill,
- (n) benefit, service
- (a) narrow, tight
- (adv) tomorrow
- (n) beauty
- (a) firmly, strict, hard
- (n) rigour,
- (v) remain
- (n) stay, abode, dwelling
- (n) story, tale
- (n) chalice
- (a) bushy, tangled
- (n) crowd
- (n) load
- (n) delinquency
- (n) amends, reform
- (n) hair
- (n) rose
- (n) mumps
- (n) finger nails
- (n) toe nail
- (v) isolate, separate
- (n) river
- (v) know, know how to
- (n) relation, relationship

- (v) separate
- (n) monk
- (v) exclude
- (n) physics
- (n) fountain
- (v) dig
- (n) minor
- (n) horse rider, knight,
- (n) horse
- (n) horsemanship
- (a) French
- (v) rule, judge
- (a) fertile
- (n) judge
- (n) judge
- (n) jury, board, panel
- (v) fear, be afraid
- (n) calf
- (v) flow
- (a) liquid
- (a) juicy
- (v) fail, fail
- (a) affectionate
- (v) allow, count, grant
- (v) undo, detach, solve,
- (nv) temptation, try,
- (v) test
- (n) thread, yarn, string
- (v) release
- (v) loosen, slacken
- (v) boast
- (a) light
- (n) remedy
- (n) alphabet
- (n) confederation
- (v) repay
- (v) create
- (n) creator
- (v) commit, conclude
- (v) perform
- (a) appreciable
- (n) peanuts

- (n) film
- (n) bladder
- (n) barrel
- (n) sob
- (n) finance, ready money
- (v) make up,
- (n) letter
- (n) whistle
- (n) disorder
- (v) rub, scour, scrape
- (n) pharmacy
- (n) pharmacist
- (n) fork
- (n) Easter
- (n) axe
- (n) manufacture, factory
- (v) triumph
- (n) lamp
- (n) bean, green beans
- (v) whistle, hiss, sizzle
- (a) uncommon, special,
- (n) distinction
- (a) knew, was aware of,

- (n) difference
- (a) first, primary
- (n) know, know how to,
knowledge, acquaintance
- (n) weasel
- (a) likable, pleasant
- (n) seed
- (n) chestnut
- (n) acorn
- (n) fruit
- (v) fear
- (n) fear, dread
- (an) half
- (n) midnight
- (n) pound
- (n) judgement
- (n) judgment, verdict
- (a) calm, smiling
- (n) pleasure, delight
- (n) failure, defeat
- (v) smile, (n) smile
- (a) loving, in love with
- (n) permission
- (n) affection, love
- (n) judgement, justice

- (an) favourite
- (n) revenge
- (a) absolute
- (n) action, act, event
- (n) leaf, sheet paper
- (n) cheese
- (n) furnace, cooker
- (n) lining
- (n) pear tree, pear
- (n) Italian parsley
- (n) petroleum
- (n) green pepper
- (n) piano
- (n) pipe
- (n) plane tree
- (n) teacher, professor
- (a) political, diplomatic
- (n) party
- (n) politician
- (n) policeman, police
- (n) pomp
- (n) poster
- (n) popular

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