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By Breeanna & Michael

Aim of the Game

The aim of the game is to throw a beanbag into the circle with the
highest value. The person who gets the most points or throws the
most bean bags into the circles wins.
10 + beanbags

Age: 4+
Number of players:
Four single players or teams of two

How to Play
1. Draw four big circles
with chalk as shown
in the photo.
2. The first player, picks up
a beanbag and stands at
the Throwing Line.
3. Start the timer for first round. The first round is for two minutes
and the second round is for three minutes.
4. Players toss the beanbags into the circles. If a beanbag lands in a
circle, the player is awarded the number of points written in the
5. Take turns throwing the beanbags.
6. Keep throwing and retrieving the beanbags until the time is up.
7. When the time is up for the first round, start the stopwatch and
start the timer for three more minutes.
8. When the second timer finishes, the game time is up.
9. Players add up the number of points they earned.
If it is too difficult to toss the beanbag into a circle, move the
throwing line closer. If it is too easy, stand further back.

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