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In New Yor k cit y , t her e

ar e 8.5 mil l ion of peopl e

and t her e ar e mor e t han
56,000 homel es s chil d r en,
men, and w omen ar e in
t he s hel t er and at l eas t
3,300 mor e s l eep on t he
s t r eet s or s ubw ay s .

Homel essness wil l be

overcome and
homel ess peopl e?s l if e
wil l be change.

Homel ess But not

Hopel ess!

"Wemakea livingby
what weget , but make
a lifeby what wegive"
W in ston Ch u r ch il l


is donating
items that can help them
in variety ways like:
- Winter gear (for
example coat, hats,
- When donating money,
make sure donate to the - New underwear
- Professional clothing
local organization or
(need it when they are
National organizations.
doing job interview)
- First-Aid items (such as

There are 3 easiest ways

to helping the homeless.
First of all is donating


Lastly is donating food.

Everyone needs to eat
everyday. And You can
donate food like:
-Canned food
-fresh vegetables
-fresh fruits

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