The Defense Calls Its Next Witness

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The Defense Calls Its Next Witness

By Elton Camp
This brute is now in danger of his life
The entire neighborhood, it gave strife
To kill children and pets, he did try
Charges the owners strongly deny
To trial, the case did go
A lawyer served pro bono
The attorney was a dog-loving jerk
However, no defense seemed to work
It was in vain that he did try
To refute the many who testify
Their accounts of its acts were consistent
Vicious, dangerous, they were consistent
In desperation, the lawyer did demand
To put his client on the witness stand
As the bailiff swore him in
The utter chaos did begin
Bruiser savagely attacked the jury
Then turned on the judge in his fury
His attorney got the next dog bite
The esquire screamed in great fright
Guilty! Guilty! the jury did yell
The judge said, Convicted! as well
Bruiser was sentenced to death that day
His owner was sent to prison to stay
Justice, justice, dog lovers did plead
A fair trial we so desperately need.

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