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Various Ganesha Mantra

Various Bija Mantra for Ganesha. Note that the dhyana bija is the second syllable like (ga) or
(gah). There are twelve such mantra for each of the Rashi having the twelve vowels.

om ga ganeya namah

om g ganeya namah

om gah ganeya namah
This is different as it takes another step forward in the Bija.

om gr ganeya namah
14-syllable | 2nd house Ketu or artha trikona

om hr ga hr mahganeya namah svh
14-syllable | 2nd house Ketu or artha trikona

om hr gr hr mahganeya namah svh

10-syllable | Mahanarayana Upanisad 10th house or artha trikona

om mahganapataye namah
Radhika Pujita Ganesha Mantra

om glau ga ganapataye vighna vinine svh
That magic mantra which removes the death and such energies that cause terrible fears. If you
are afflicted, then do this and you will be protected from terrible dangers.

om ma msikya gandhipavhanya dharmarjya svh
Shiva Purana Mantra for siddhi sureshot success mantra

om laksalbhayutya siddhibuddhisahitya ganapataye namah
Badhaka Removal Mantras for 12 badhaka rashi

vakratund ya hu

ekadantya hu

kr s n apingksya hu

gajavakrya hu

lambodarya hu

vikat ya hu

vighnarjya hu

dhmravarnya hu

bhlacandrya hu




vinyakya hu

gajapataye hu

gajnannya hu

Multiple Hanuman Jayanti

In Sanskrit he is more appropriately called (hanumat) which

means one having mighty jaws indicating the power to bite and hold on to the task a symbol
of determination. He is vnara (monkey) and one of the most celebrated of a host of divine apelike beings, created by the blessings of Nrada, to become the allies of r Rma in his war with

Multiple Jayanti
Jayanti refers to the celebration associated with any deity in Hinduism. It is a birthday, but the
Hindu have several birthdays one is their birth in a lunar calendar called Janma Tithi while
another is a solar calendar which is in some sort of sync with the Gregorian calendar.

Ajan-suta Hanuman

Mrgaira Amvsya Jayanti

The first jayanti is the janma tithi. Tithi refers to the jala tattva in pacga which resonates with
the mother. Celebration of ones janma tithi is really a mark of respect for ones mother who not
only passed through nine months of carriage but also the pangs of labour and all the sacrifices
and unconditional love to see us become fit for life on earth.

r Hanuman was born in the month of Mrgaira (Dec-Jan nowadays) in Amavasya tithi (Kr s n
paksa). Therefore the first jayanti which is the janma tithi is celebrated in Mrgaira K30
amvsya. Tamil Nadu and Kerala are known to celebrate this date as the Hanuman jayanti.
His mother name was Ajan, an incarnation of the fabled Mahvidy Bagalmukh, the mother
of Mars. It is believed that whosoever calls Hanuman through his mother shall be granted
unquestioned protection, even if he is pursued by the infallible arrow of Rama! Here is that
powerful mantra for this shield of Hanuman. It is the real kavaca in Kali Yuga.

om namo bhagavate njaneyya mahbalya svh|

Vyuputra Hanuman

Mrgaira Mla Naksatra Jayanti

The second birth called dvija, is the receiving of the sacred thread or a mantra that initiates them
into religious life as a Hindu. This is the second Jayanti. The mantra is the protector and giver of
long life. In jyotisa longevity is associated with the wind (breath, prna) and in the pacga, the
breath is in the janma naks atra. Now while Hanuman was born in Mrgaira Kr s n a Amvsya
tithi, the Moon was also in mla naks atra. This naksatra is the janma naksatra of Hanuman.
Janma naksatra is associated with the prna (life-force) and father who sacrifices his prna to
infuse life into the baby. Celebration of ones birthday on the janma naks atra is carried out in
various traditions for long life and blessings of lineage.
Hanumat was a son of Pavana (Mruta, the Wind god). By virtue of his birth and
accomplishments, he had various siddhi including the capacity to assume any form at will,
removed mountains, fly like a bird by leaping across huge lengths in the air, jump into and seize

the clouds, and rivalled Garuda in flight. Other people of Tamil Nadu worship Hanuman on Mla
naksatra day with the vyuputra mantras:

om vyuputrya namah
However both father and mother can be worshipped if the Mrgaira amvsya also happens to
be Mla naksatra:

om njaneyya vidmahe vyuputrya dhmahi tanno hanumat pracodayt|

r Guru Hanuman

Chaitra Prnim Jayanti

The third birth is the date of enlightenment, which happens only for a very few who are destined
to become world teachers. These are Gautam Buddha, Guru Nanak Dev, Hanuman, Datttreya
and Kr s n a Dvaipyana (Veda Vysa) etc., who birth into a new reality where they no longer
have any association with their pasts and are fully enlightened. Hanuman Jayanti is also
celebrated to commemorate this third birth of Hanuman as fully enlightened Guru. The date is the
full-moon (prnim) of the month of Chaitra (Mar-Apr) called Chaitra Prnim. Tulsidas starts the
famous Hanuman chalisa with the line r guru charana referring to this form of Hanuman as
a great teacher of vedic knowledge. The mantra to worship him for vedic knowledge is the Hanumukha vedamrti mantra:

hanumukha siddhirastu

Rmadta Hanuman

Vaisakha Sakrnti Jayanti

Yet another kind of Jayanti is the investment of a great responsibility like coronation of a king or
the appointment as a prime minister. This is a new karma birth and is yet another jayanti. The
date of coronation of the local king is used by all astrologers to mark the horoscopes of subjects
as being born in so-and-so year and date of the kingship. Of these kings, the most important is
r Rama Himself and every year, the Chaitra ukla Pratipada chart is drawn to determine what
lord Rama wishes for the year. This is the chart applicable for the world and is drawn for different
capitals. The moment of ingress of the new lunar year is the manifestation of Vis n
u himself i.e.
Rama. The first sakrnti following this ukla Pratipada is the Vaisakha sakrnti or Mes a
(Aries) sakrnti when the Sun enters Aries. This is the date for the appointment of the Prime
Minister for the year. Hanuman is the Prime Minister of Rama and hence this date of Mes a
sakrnti is celebrated in Odisha and some places as Hanuman Jayanti to commemorate
Hanuman as the Prime Minister of Rama. They sing the rmadta gyatr

om rmadtya vidmahe vyuputrya dhmahi| tanno hanumat pracodayt
and repeat the rmadta mantra with bja or without bja both forms given below:

om ai h hanumate rrmadtya namah|

om rrmadtya hanumate namah|

Rudra-avatra Hanuman

Avina Kr s n a Caturda Jayanti

There is a moment when one suddenly awakens to ones true calling. This happened when
standing on the shores of south India, Hanuman knew that Rvana was across the ocean in
Lanka and he had to ascertain the whereabouts of St for sure. Hanuman awakens to his true
calling and all his powers as being Rudra-avatra are realised. He assumes a gigantic form and
leaps into the air with a bone-chilling war dry in the name of Rama. The trees uprooted from the
mountain follow him for a short distance. The entire description of this moment, given in the
Ramayana, is very thrilling. There is no task which is impossible for him. This Rudra-avatra
jayanti is celebrated in Maharashtra on a day of iva kr s n
a caturda (K14) in the lunar month
Avina. This is after Dusshera (navartri).
He is an incarnation of iva as well as a son of iva in the sense of an avatra hence is is
called Rudra-avatra and extolled as such in some mantras, particularly the 11-syllable mantra
from Mah-Nryana Upanisad.

om ha rudrya hanumate namah

Paca-Mukha Hanuman

Vaisakha Kr s n a Daam
Knowledge, persistence and purity are the keys to success. This comes from the five faces of
Hanuman as a complete incarnation of paca-brahma-mrti Sadiva. Various mantras for
various kinds of knowledge relate to the five-faced Hanuman which is like the five-faced iva
(paca-brahma-mrti). The tenth day is always celebrated for success and in particular the tenth
day of the Avina msa is celebrated as Dusshera when Durg killed Mahiasura or Rama killed
Vaisakha kr s n a
daam gives various mantra siddhi and the paca-mukha Hanuman is
particularly worshipped for protection from black magic, evil spirits and ghosts. In parts of Uttar
Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Odisha and middle India, this is prevalent. The mantras given below
should be learnt from an able teacher.
Mla Paca-mukha Mantra

om harimarkat ya svh
These five mantras can be done for the correction of the five tattva of the trimsamsa which brings
various evils upon us. The mantra is in the tattva order: agni, pr thvi, vyu, jala and ka.

om namo bhagavate pacavadanya prvakapimukhya sakalaatrusahrakya svh |

om namo bhagavate pacavadanya daks inamukhya karlavadanya narasihya
sakalabhtapramathanya svh |

om namo bhagavate pacavadanya pacimamukhya garudnanya sakalavisaharya svh |

om namo bhagavate pacavadanyottaramukhy divarhya sakalasampatkarya svh |

om namo bhagavate pacavadanyordhvamukhya hayagrvya sakalajanavaa karya svh
Kara-nysa Mantra

om ajansutya agust hbhy namah |

om rudramrtaye tarjanbhy namah |

om vyuputrya madhyambhy namah |

om agnigarbhya anmikbhy namah |

om rmadtya kanist hikbhy namah |

om pacamukhahanumate karatalakarapr s t hbhy namah |

Dig-bandha mantra

om ajansutya hr dayya namah |

om rudramrtaye irase svh |

om vyuputrya ikhyai vas at |

om agnigarbhya kavacya hum |

om rmadtya netratrayya vaus at |

om pacamukhahanumate astrya phat |

pacamukhahanumate svh |

vande vnaranrasihakhagart k rodvavakrnvita
divylakarana tripacanayana dedpyamna ruc |
hastbjairasikhet apustakasudhkumbhkudri hala khat vga
phanibhruha daabhuja sarvrivrpaham |

Paca-Mukha Hanuman Prayoga Mantra


om rrmadtyjaneyya vyuputrya mahbalaparkramya stduhkhanivranya
lakdahanakranya mahbalapracand ya phlgunasakhya
kolhalasakalabrahmnd avivarpya saptasamudranirlaghanya
pigalanayanymitavikramya sryabimbaphalasevanya dus t anivranya dr s t i nirlakr tya
sajvinsajvitgadalaks manamahkapisainyaprnadya daakant havidhvasanya
rmest ya mahphlgunasakhya stsahita rmavarapradya
sat prayoggamapacamukhavrahanumanmantrajape viniyogah |

om harimarkat amarkat ya bababababa vaus at svh |

om harimarkat amarkat ya phaphaphaphapha phat svh |

om harimarkat amarkat ya khekhekhekhekhe mranya svh |

om harimarkat amarkat ya lululululu kars i tasakalasampatkarya svh |

om harimarkat amarkat ya dhadhadhadhadha atrustambhanya svh |

om t at at a
t at a krmamrtaye pacamukhavrahanumate
parayantraparatantrocct a
nya svh |

om kakhagaghaa cachajajhaa t a
t h
tathadadhana paphababhama yaralava has asaha
aksa svh |
Prayoga Mantra

om prvakapimukhya pacamukhahanumate t at at at at a sakalaatrusaharanya
svh |
South-Daks i a

om daksinamukhya pacamukhahanumate karlavadanya narasihya om hr hr hr

hrai hrau hrah sakalabhtapretadamanya svh |

om pacimamukhya garudnanya pacamukhahanumate mamamamama
sakalavisaharya svh |

om uttaramukhydivarhya lalalalala nr s ihya nlakant hamrtaye
pacamukhahanumate svh |

om urdhvamukhya hayagrvya rururururu rudramrtaye
sakalaprayojananirvhakya svh |
Always ed prayoga with this matra stated oce

om ajansutya vyuputrya mahbalya stokanivranya rrmacandrakr ppdukya
mahvryapramathanya brahmnd anthya kmadya pacamukhavrahanumate svh |

bhtapretapicabrahmarks a
sakindkinyantariksagraha parayantraparatantroccat a
svh |
sakalaprayojananirvhakya pacamukhavrahanumate rrmacandravaraprasdya
jajajajaja svh |

Graha Puracaraa Prayoga

These prayers are from the sdhusakuli tantra and are titled
(grahapuracarana prayogah)



om raktapadmsana deva caturbhusamanvitam |
ksatriya raktavarnaaca gotra kyapasambhava ||
saptvarathamrdha pracand a sarvasiddhidam |

dvibhuja raktapadmaica sayukta prmdbhuta ||

kaliagadeaja deva maulimnikyabhsanam |
trinetra tejas prnamudaycalasasthita ||
dvdaagula-vistrna prabara ghr takauikam |
ivdhidaiva purvsya brahmapratyadhidaivata ||

kl ai r hr sryya namah



om ukla uklmbaradhara vetbjastha caturbhujam |
hrakeyranpurairmand i ta tamaspaha ||
sukhadr ya sudhyukta-mtreya vaiyajtijam |
kalakkitasarvga keaptisundara ||
mukut ermanimnikyaih obhanyantu locanam |
yositpriya mahnanda yamunjalasambhava ||
umdhidaivata devampapratyadhidaivata ||

hr hr hu somya svh


om mesdhirdha dvibhuja akticpadhara mud |
raktavarna mahteja tejasvin samkula ||
raktavastraparidhnm nnlakrasayutam |
raktga dharanputra raktamlynulepana ||
haste varhadaana pr s t h
e tnasamanvitam |
kat ksd bhtijanaka mahmohaprada mahat ||
mahcpadhara deva mahogramgravigraham |
skandhdidaiva srysya ks i tipratyadhidaivata ||

hr om ai kujya svh


om sutaptasvarnbhatanu romarjivirjitam |
dvibhuja svarnadand eva araccandranibhnana ||
carane ratnamajra kumra ubhalaks anam |
svarnayagyopabtaca ptabastrayugbr ta ||
atrigotrasamutpanna vaiyajti mahbalam |
mgadha mahimprna dvinetra dvibhuja ubha ||
nryanadhidaivaca visn upratyadhidaivatam |
cintayet somatanaya sarvbhis t aphalaprada ||

om kl om budhya svh


om kanakaruciragoura crumrti prasanna
dvibhujamapi sarajau sadadhna surejyam |
vasanayugadadhna ptavastra subhadra
suravaranarapujyamagirogotrayuktam |
dvijabarakulajta sindhudeaprasiddha
trijagati ganarest hacdhidaiva tadyam |
sakalagirinihant indrah pratyadhidaiva
grahaganaguruntha ta bhajebhis t asiddhau |

ra ya hr ai gurave namah



om uklmbara-uklaruci sudptam |
tusrakundendudyuti caturbhuja ||
indrdhidaiva acpratyadhidaivam |
vedrthaviga ca kavi kavn ||
bhr gugotrayukta dvijajtimtram |
ditndrapjya khalu uddhinta ||
sarvrthasiddhipradameva kvyam |
bhajepyaha bhojakatodbhava bhr gu ||

hu hu r r na ra ukrya svh


om souri gr dhragattikr s n
avapusa klgnivat sakulam |
sayukta bhujapallavairupalajastambhaicaturbhih samaih ||
bhma cogramahbaltivapus a bdhganaih sayutam |
gotra kyapaja surs t r avibhava klgnidaiva ani ||
vastraih kr s n amaryuta tanubara ta sryasnu bhaje ||

hr klm anaicarya namah


om mahisastha kr s n
a vadanamayavibhu karnansksimtram |
krlsya bhma gadavibhabayuta ymavarna mahogra ||
pait hna gotrayukta raviadamana cdhidaiva yamopi |
sarpapratyadhidaiva malayagiribhava ta tamasa nammi ||

ba ai ba ba kl ba tamase svh


om mahogra dhmbha karacaranayuta chinnarsa sudptam |
haste vna kr pna triikhaaidhr ta vedahasta prasanna ||
brahm tasydhidaiva sakalagadayuta sarpapratyadhidaiva dhyyet |
ketu vila sakalasuranare ntida pus t idaca ||

r r ba ra la ketave svh

These graha mantras should be done under guidance of an able Jyotisa Guru. The mantras of
Ad and Pratyadi devata are standard mantra of the Veda.
It is interesting to note that the Sun and Jupiter are catuskona (square) with four bija each while
Saturn is an exception with two bija forming a rekha (line) like the Lakshman rekha which should
not be crossed else suffering is sure to follow. The Sun, Jupiter and Saturn mantras end with
(namah). The Adi devata is worshipped on the top and Pratyadi devata is worshipped on the
Also note that the remaining six planets are in two groups of three each (a) Moon, Mars and
Mercury forming trikona (trine) and (b) Venus, Rahu and Ketu in satkona (hexangle polygon).
These mantras end with (svh). The Adi devata is worshipped on the left and Pratyadi
devata is worshipped on the right
Bear in mind that the adi and pratyadi devata are reversed in most cases as compared to
standard navagraha. This is used for reversing and ending karma

iva Sahasranma

Perhaps the most revered of the

prayers to Lord iva, the iva Sahasra nma has the power to remove every
malefic aspect or blockage on Bhaspati, represented by Jupiter in vedic
astrology. There are a number of variations of the Shiva sahasranma in the
ancient texts (about 18 scriptures). These include Mahabharata (anusanaparva and nti-parva versions), Liga Pura (2 versions Ch-65 and 97), iva
Mah Pura (Kotirudra Sahit), Vyu Pura, Brahma Pura, Devi Mah
Bhgavata Upa-pura, Padma Pura, Skanda Pura, Vmana Pura,
Mrkaeya Pura, Saura Pura, Bhairava Tantra, Bhringiridi Sahit, Rudra
Yamala Tantra, iva Rahasya Itihsa, ka Kalpa Tantra. Agnideva has concluded
that there are four primary versions of the iva sahasranma[1].
Mahabharata-ARudra Yamala

sthira sthu prabhurbhnu pravaro varado vara |
sarvtm sarvavikhyta sarva sarvakaro bhava || 1||

ja carm ikha ca sarvga sarvabhvana |
harica harikaca sarvabhtahara prabhu || 2||

pravttica nivttica niyata vato dhruva |
manacr bhagavn khacaro gocarordana || 3||

abhivdyo mahkarm tapasv bhta bhvana |
unmattaveapracchanna sarvalokaprajpati || 4||

mahrpo mahkyo varpo mahya |
mahtm sarvabhtaca virpo vmano manu || 5||

lokaplontarhittm prasdo hayagardabhi |
pavitraca mahcaiva niyamo niyamraya || 6||

sarvakarm svayabhcdirdikaro nidhi |
sahasrko virpka somo nakatrasdhaka || 7||

candra srya gati keturgraho grahapatirvara |
adriradrylaya kart mgabrpaonagha || 8||

mahtap ghora tapdno dnasdhaka |
savatsarakaro mantra prama parama tapa || 9||

yog yojyo mahbjo mahret mahtap |
suvararet sarvaja subjo vavhana || 10||

daabhustvanimio nlakaha umpati |
vivarpa svaya reho balavrobalogaa || 11||

gaakart gaapatirdigvs kma eva ca |
pavitra parama mantra sarvabhva karo hara || 12||

kamaaludharo dhanv bahasta kaplavn |
aan ataghn khag pai cyudh mahn || 13||

sruvahasta surpaca tejastejaskaro nidhi |
ui ca suvaktracodagro vinatastath || 14||

drghaca harikeaca sutrtha ka eva ca |
sgla rpa sarvrtho mua ku kamaalu || 15||

ajaca mgarpaca gandhadhr kapardyapi |
rdhvaretordhvaliga rdhvay nabhastala || 16||

trijaaicravsca rudra senpatirvibhu |
ahacarotha nakta ca tigmamanyu suvarcasa || 17||

gajah daityah loko lokadht gukara |
sihardlarpaca rdracarmbarvta || 18||

klayog mahnda sarvavsacatupatha |
nicara pretacr bhtacr mahevara || 19||

bahubhto bahudhana sarvdhromito gati |
ntyapriyo nityanarto nartaka sarvalsaka || 20||

ghoro mahtap po nityo giri caro nabha |
sahasrahasto vijayo vyavasyo hyanindita || 21||

amarao maratm yajah kmanana |
dakayajpahr ca susaho madhyamastath || 22||

tejopahr balah muditorthojito vara |
gabhraghoo gabhro gabhra balavhana || 23||

nyagrodharpo nyagrodho vkakarasthitirvibhu |
sudkadaanacaiva mahkyo mahnana || 24||

vivakseno hariryaja sayugpavhana |
tka tpaca haryava sahya karmaklavit || 25||

viuprasdito yaja samudro vaavmukha |
hutanasahyaca pranttm hutana || 26||

ugratej mahtej jayo vijayaklavit |
jyotimayana siddhi sadhirvigraha eva ca || 27||

ikh da ja jvl mrtijo mrdhago bal |
vaiav paav tl kla klakaakaa || 28||

nakatravigraha vidhirguavddhirlayogama |
prajpatirdi bhurvibhga sarvatomukha || 29||

vimocana suragao hirayakavacodbhava |
mehrajo balacr ca mahcr stutastath || 30||

sarvatrya nind ca sarvavdyaparigraha |
vylarpo bilvs hemaml taragavit || 31||

tridaastrikladhk karma sarvabandhavimocana |
bandhanastvsurendr yudhi atruvinana || 32||

skhyaprasdo survs sarvasdhunievita |
praskandano vibhgactulyo yajabhgavit || 33||

sarvvsa sarvacr durvs vsavomara |
hemo hemakaro yaja sarvadhr dharottama || 34||

lohitko mahkaca vijayko virada |
sagraho nigraha kart sarpacranivsana || 35||

mukhyomukhyaca dehaca deha ddhi sarvakmada |
sarvakmaprasdaca subalo balarpadhk || 36||

sarvakmavaracaiva sarvada sarvatomukha |
kanidhirpaca nipt uraga khaga || 37||

raudrarpourdityo vasurami suvarcas |
vasuvego mahvego manovego nicara || 38||

sarvvs riyvs upadeakaro hara |
munirtma patirloke sabhojyaca sahasrada || 39||

pak ca pakirp ctidpto vipati |
unmdo madankro arthrthakara romaa || 40||

vmadevaca vmaca prgdakiaca vmana |
siddhayogpahr ca siddha sarvrthasdhaka || 41||

bhikuca bhikurpaca vi mduravyaya |
mahseno vikhaca aibhgo gavpati || 42||

vajrahastaca vikabh camstabhanaiva ca |
turtu kara klo madhurmadhukarocala || 43||

vnaspatyo vjaseno nityamramapjita |
brahmacr lokacr sarvacr sucravit || 44||

na vara klo nicr pinkadhk |
nimittastho nimitta ca nandirnandikaro hari || 45||

nandvaraca nand ca nandano nandivardhana |
bhagasyki nihant ca klo brahmavidvara || 46||

caturmukho mahligacruligastathaiva ca |
ligdhyaka surdhyako lokdhyako yugvaha || 47||

bjdhyako bjakartdhytmnugato bala |
itihsa kara kalpo gautamotha jalevara || 48||

dabho hyadabho vaidabho vaiyo vayakara kavi |
loka kart pau patirmahkart mahauadhi || 49||

akara parama brahma balavn akra eva ca |
ntirhyanti uddhtm uddho mnyo manogati || 50||

bahuprasda svapano darpaotha tvamitrajit |
vedakra strakro vidvn samaramardana || 51||

mahmeghanivs ca mahghoro vakara |
agnijvlo mahjvlo atidhmro huto havi || 52||

vaa akaro nityo varcasv dhmaketana |
nlastathgalubdhaca obhano niravagraha || 53||

svastida svastibhvaca bhg bhgakaro laghu |
utsagaca mahgaca mahgarbha paro yuv || 54||

kavara suvaracendriya sarvadehinm |
mahpdo mahhasto mahkyo mahya || 55||

mahmrdh mahmtro mahnetro diglaya |
mahdanto mahkaro mahmehro mahhanu || 56||

mahnso mahkaburmahgrva manadhk |
mahvak mahorasko antartm mglaya || 57||

labano labitohaca mahmya payonidhi |
mahdanto mahdaro mahjihvo mahmukha || 58||

mahnakho mahrom mahkeo mahjaa |
asapatna prasdaca pratyayo giri sdhana || 59||

snehanosnehanacaivjitaca mahmuni |
vkkro vka keturanalo vyuvhana || 60||

maal merudhm ca devadnavadarpah |
atharvara smsya ksahasrmitekaa || 61||

yaju pda bhujo guhya prako jagamastath |
amoghrtha prasdacbhigamya sudarana || 62||

om sauramaalamadhyastha smba sasrabheajam |
nlagrva virpka nammi ivamavyayam ||

om asya rivasahasranmastotramahmantrasya ambhuri | anuup
chanda | paramtm rsadivo devat | mahevara iti bjam | gaur akti |
mahea eva sasevya sarvairiti klakam | rsmbasadiva prtyarthe
mukhyasahasranmajape viniyoga |

nta padmsanastha aidharamakua pacavaktra trinetra
la vajra ca khaga paraumabhayada dakabhge vahantam |

nga pa ca gha varaamaruyuta ckua vmabhge
nnlakrayukta sphaikamainibha prvata nammi ||

om namo bhagavate rudrya |

om hirayabhu sennrdikpatistarur hara |
harikea paupatirmahn saspijaro ma || 1||

vivydh babhlua reha paramtm santana |
sarvnnar jagatkart pueo nandikevara || 2||

tatv mahrudra sasrstra surevara |
upavtirahantytm ketreo vananyaka || 3||

rohita sthapati sto vijo mantrirunnata |
vkeo hutabhugdevo bhuvantirvrivaskta || 4||

uccairghoo ghorarpa patta pamocaka |
oadha pacavaktra ktsnavto bhaynaka || 5||

sahamna svararet nivydhirnirupaplava |
vydhina kakubho niag stenarakaka || 6||

mantrtm taskardhyako vacaka parivacaka |
arayea paricaro niceru styurakaka || 7||

praknteo giricara kuluceo guheada |
bhava arvo nlakaha kapard tripurntaka || 8||

vyuptakeo giriaya sahasrka sahasrapt |
ipiviacandramaulirhrasvo mhuamonagha || 9||

vmano vypaka l varynajaonau |
rvya srmyogriya bhya prathama pvakkti || 10||

crastrakastrovasvanyonantavigraha |
dvpya srotasya no dhuryo gavyayano yama || 11||

prvajoparajo jyeha kaniho vivalocana |
apagalbho madhyamormyo jaghanyo budhniya prabhu || 12||

pratisaryonantarpa sobhyo ymyo surraya |
khalyorvaryobhaya kemya lokya pathyo nabhogra || 13||

vanyovasnya pttm rava kakya pratirava |
ueo mahseno mahvro mahratha || 14||

rotightako varm varth bilmirudyata |
rutasena ruta sk kavac vaakdva || 15||

hananyonanyantho dundubhyorianaka |
dhu prama itytm vadnyo vedasammata || 16||

tkeupi prahita svyudha astravittama |
sudhanv suprasanntm vivavaktra sadgati || 17||

srutya pathyo vivabhu kyo npyo ucismita |
sdya sarasyo vaianto ndya kpyo irmanu || 18||

sarvo varyo vararpa kumra kualomala |
meghyovaryomoghaakti vidyutyomoghavikrama || 19||

dursado durrdhyo nirdvandvo dusaharabha |
dhriya krodhaamano jtukara puruuta || 20||

tapyo vyurajaro vtya ktyyanpriya |
vstavyo vstupo remyo vivamrdh vasuprada || 21||

somastmrorua aga rudra sukhakara sukt |
ugronugro bhmakarm bhmo bhmaparkrama || 22||

agrevadho hanytm hant drevadho vadha |
ambhurmayobhavo nitya akara krtisgara || 23||

mayaskara ivatara khaaparuraja uci |
trthya klyomtdha pryovryomtkara || 24||

uddha pratarao mukhya uddhapiralolupa |
ucca uttaraastryastryajastryahdgati || 25||

trya srabhttm sragrh duratyaya |
ldyo mokada pathyonarthah satyasagara || 26||

apya phenya pravhyoh sikatya saikatraya |
iriyo grma puya araya uddhasana || 27||

vareyo yajapuruo yajeo yajanyaka |
yajakart yajabhokt yajavighnavinaka || 28||

yajakarmaphaldhyako yajamrtirantura |
prapathya kiilo gehyo ghyastalpyo dhankara || 29||

pulastya kayao gohyo govindo gtasatkriya |
hradayyo hdyakt hdyo gahvareha prabhkara || 30||

nivepyo niyatoyant psavya sapratpana |
ukyo harityopttm rajasya stvikapriya || 31||

lopyolapya paraadya parya pra purtana |
bhto bhtapatirbhpo bhdharo bhdharyudha || 32||

bhtasagho bhtamrtirbhtah bhtibhaa |
madano mdako mdyo madah madhurapriya || 33||

madhurmadhukara krro madhuro madanntaka |
nirajano nirdhro nirlupto nirupdhika || 34||

niprapaco nirkro nirho nirupadrava |
sattva sattvaguopeta sattvavit sattvavitpriya || 35||

sattvaniha sattvamrti sattvea sattvavittama |
samastajagaddhra samastaguasgara || 36||

samastadukhavidhvas samastnandakraa |
rudrkamlbharao rudrkapriyavatsala || 37||

rudrkavak rudrkarpo rudrkapakaka |
vivevaro vrabhadra samr dakamakhntaka || 38||

vighnevaro vighnakart gururdevaikhmai |
bhujagendralasatkaho bhujagbharaapriya || 39||

bhujagavilasatkaro bhujagavalayvta |
munivandyo munireho munivndanievita || 40||

munihtpuarkastho munisaghaikajvana |
munimgyo vedamgyo mgahasto munvara || 41||

mgendracarmavasano narasihaniptana |
mtyujayo mtyumtyurapamtyuvinaka || 42||

duamtyuraduea mtyuh mtyupjita |
rdhvo hiraya paramo nidhaneo dhandhipa || 43||

yajurmrti smamrti mrtirmrtivarjita |
vyakto vyaktatamovyakto vyaktvyaktastamo jav || 44||

ligamrtiraligtm ligligtmavigraha |
grahagraho grahdhro grahkro grahevara || 45||

grahakd grahabhid grh graho grahavilakaa |
kalpkra kalpakart kalpalakaatatpara || 46||

kalpo kalpkti kalpanaka kalpakalpaka |
paramtm pradhntm pradhnapurua iva || 47||

vedyo vaidyo vedavedyo vedavedntasastuta |
vedavaktro vedajihvo vijihvo jihmanaka || 48||

kalyarpa kalya kalyaguasaraya |
bhaktakalyado bhaktakmadhenu surdhipa || 49||

pvana pvako vmo mahklo madpaha |
ghoraptakadvgnirdavabhasmakaapriya || 50||

anantasomasrygnimaalapratimaprabha |
jagadekaprabhusvm jagadvandyo jaganmaya || 51||

jagadnandado janmajarmaraavarjita |
khavg ntimn satyo devattmtmasambhava || 52||

kaplamlbharaa kapl viuvallabha |
kamalsanaklgni kamalsanapjita || 53||

kldhastriklajo duavigrahavraka |
nyakart naaparo mahnyavirada || 54||

virrpadharo dhro vro vabhavhana |
vko vabhdho vtm vabhadhvaja || 55||

mahonnato mahkyo mahvak mahbhuja |
mahskandho mahgrvo mahvaktro mahir || 56||

mahhanurmahdaro mahadoho mahodara |
sundarabhr sunayana sulala sukandara || 57||

satyavkyo dharmavett satyaja satyavittama |
dharmavn dharmanipuo dharmo dharmapravartaka || 58||

ktaja ktaktytm ktaktya ktgama |
ktyavit ktyavicchreha ktajapriyakttama || 59||

vratakd vratavicchreho vratavidvn mahvrat |
vratapriyo vratdhro vratkro vratevara || 60||

atirg vtarg rgaheturvirgavit |
rgaghno rgaamano rgado rgirgavit || 61||

vidvn vidvattamo vidvajjanamnasasaraya |
vidvajjanrayo vidvajjanastavyaparkrama || 62||

ntiknntivinntipradt ntivitpriya |
vintavatsalo ntisvarpo ntisaraya || 63||

krodhavit krodhakt krodhijanakt krodharpadhk |
sakrodha krodhah krodhijanah krodhakraa || 64||

guavn guavicchreho nirguo guavitpriya |
gudhro gukro guakd guanaka || 65||

vryavn vryavicchreho vryavidvryasaraya |
vrykro vryakaro vryah vryavardhaka || 66||

klavitklaktklo balakd balavidbal |
manonmano manorpo balapramathano bala || 67||

uttara phik

evametni nmni mukhyni mama amukha | ubhadni vicitri gauryai

proktni sdaram || 1||

vibhtibhitavapu uddho rudrkabhaa | ivaligasampastho nissago
nirjitsana || 2||

ekgracitto niyato va bhtahite rata | ivaligrcako nitya ivaikaaraa
sad || 3||

mama nmni divyni yo japedbhaktiprvakam | evamuktaguopeta sa devai
pjito bhavet || 4||

sasrapasabaddhajanamokaikasdhanam | mannmasmaraa nna
tadeva sakalrthadam || 5||

mannmaiva para japyamahamevkayrthada | ahameva sad sevyo
dhyeyo muktyarthamdart || 6||

vibhtivajrakavacai mannmaarapibhi | vijaya sarvato labhyo na te
dyate bhayam || 7||

na te dyate bhayam om nama iti |

rsta uvca
ityudritamkarya mahdevena tadvaca |
santua amukha ambhu tuva girijsuta || 8||

rskanda uvca
namaste namaste mahdeva ambho namaste namaste prapannaikabandho |
namaste namaste daysrasindho namaste namaste namaste mahea || 9||

namaste namaste mahmtyuhrin namaste namaste mahdukhahrin |
namaste namaste mahppahrin namaste namaste namaste mahea || 10||

namaste namaste sad candramaule namaste namaste sad lape |
namaste namaste sadomaikajne namaste namaste namaste mahea || 11||

vedntavedyya mahdayya kailsavsya ivdhavya |
ivasvarpya sadivya ivsametya namaivya || 12||

om namaivya iti

rsta uvca
iti stutv mahdeva sarvavypinamvaram |
punapraamytha tata skandastasthau ktjali || 13||

bhavantopi munireh smbadhynaparya |
ivanmajapa ktv tihantu sukhina sad || 14||

iva eva sad dhyeya sarvadevottama prabhu |
iva eva sad pjyo muktikmairna saaya || 15||

mahenndhiko deva sa eva surasattama |
sa eva sarvavedntavedyo ntrsti saaya || 16||

janmntarasahasreu yadi tapta tapastad |
tasya raddh mahdeve bhaktica bhavati dhruvam || 17||

subhag janan tasya tasyaiva kulamunnatam |
tasyaiva janma saphala yasya bhakti sadive || 18||

ye ambhu surasattama suragaairrdhyama iva
aildhasutsametamamala sapjayantydart |
te dhany ivapdapjanapar hyanyo na dhanyo jana satya
satyamihocyate munivar satya puna sarvath || 19||

satya puna sarvath om nama iti |

nama ivya smbya sagaya sasnave |
pradhnapurueya sargasthityantahetave || 20||

namaste girijntha bhaktnmiadyaka |
dehi bhakti tvayna sarvbha ca dehi me || 21||

smba ambho mahdeva daysgara akara |

maccittabhramaro nitya tavstu padapakaje || 22||

sarvrtha arva sarvea sarvottama mahevara |
tava nmmta divya jihvgre mama tihatu || 23||

yadakara pada bhraa mtrhna ca yad bhavet |
tatsarva kamyat deva prasda paramevara || 24||

karacaraakta vkkyaja karmaja v ravaanayanaja v mnasa
vpardham |
vihitamavihita v sarvametat kamasva jayajaya karubdhe rmahdeva
ambho || 25||

kyena vc manasendriyairv buddhytman v prakte svabhvt |
karomi yadyat sakala parasmai sadivyeti samarpaymi || 26||

Mahabharata-ARudra Yamala

sthirah sthnuh prabhurbhnuh pravaro varado varah |
sarvtm sarvavikhytah sarvah sarvakaro bhavah || 1||

jat carm ikhand ca sarvgah sarvabhvanah |
harica harinksaca sarvabhtaharah prabhuh || 2||

pravr ttica nivr ttica niyatah vato dhruvah |
manacr bhagavn khacaro gocarordanah || 3||

abhivdyo mahkarm tapasv bhta bhvanah |
unmattavesapracchannah sarvalokaprajpatih || 4||

mahrpo mahkyo vr s arpo mahyah |

mahtm sarvabhtaca virpo vmano manuh || 5||

lokaplontarhittm prasdo hayagardabhih |
pavitraca mahcaiva niyamo niyamrayah || 6||

sarvakarm svayabhcdirdikaro nidhih |
sahasrkso virpksah somo naksatrasdhakah || 7||

candrah sryah gatih keturgraho grahapatirvarah |
adriradrylayah kart mr gabnrpanonaghah || 8||

mahtap ghora tapdno dnasdhakah |
savatsarakaro mantrah pramna parama tapah || 9||

yog yojyo mahbjo mahret mahtaph |
suvarnareth sarvajah subjo vr s avhanah || 10||

daabhustvanimiso nlakant h
a umpatih |
vivarpah svaya rest ho balavrobaloganah || 11||

ganakart ganapatirdigvsh kma eva ca |
pavitra parama mantrah sarvabhva karo harah || 12||

kamand aludharo dhanv bnahastah kaplavn |
aan ataghn khadg pat t i cyudh mahn || 13||

sruvahastah surpaca tejastejaskaro nidhih |
usn is ca suvaktracodagro vinatastath || 14||

drghaca harikeaca sutrthah kr s n
a eva ca |
sr gla rpah sarvrtho mund ah kund kamand aluh || 15||

ajaca mr garpaca gandhadhr kapardyapi |
rdhvaretordhvaliga rdhvay nabhastalah || 16||

trijat aicravsca rudrah senpatirvibhuh |
ahacarotha nakta ca tigmamanyuh suvarcasah || 17||

gajah daityah loko lokadht gunkarah |
sihardlarpaca rdracarmbarvr tah || 18||

klayog mahndah sarvavsacatuspathah |
nicarah pretacr bhtacr mahevarah || 19||

bahubhto bahudhanah sarvdhromito gatih |
nr tyapriyo nityanarto nartakah sarvalsakah || 20||

ghoro mahtaph po nityo giri caro nabhah |
sahasrahasto vijayo vyavasyo hyaninditah || 21||

amarsano marsantm yajah kmananah |
daksayajpahr ca susaho madhyamastath || 22||

tejopahr balah muditorthojito varah |
gabhraghoso gabhro gabhra balavhanah || 23||

nyagrodharpo nyagrodho vr ksakarnasthitirvibhuh |
sudksn adaanacaiva mahkyo mahnanah || 24||

visvakseno hariryajah sayugpdavhanah |
tksn a tpaca haryavah sahyah karmaklavit || 25||

visn uprasdito yajah samudro vadavmukhah |
hutanasahyaca pranttm hutanah || 26||

ugratej mahtej jayo vijayaklavit |
jyotismayana siddhih sadhirvigraha eva ca || 27||

ikh dand jat jvl mrtijo mrdhago bal |
vainav panav tl klah klakat akat ah || 28||

naksatravigraha vidhirgunavr ddhirlayogamah |
prajpatirdi bhurvibhgah sarvatomukhah || 29||

vimocanah suragano hiranyakavacodbhavah |

medhrajo balacr ca mahcr stutastath || 30||

sarvatrya nind ca sarvavdyaparigrahah |
vylarpo bilvs hemaml taragavit || 31||

tridaastrikladhr k karma sarvabandhavimocanah |
bandhanastvsurendrn yudhi atruvinanah || 32||

skhyaprasdo survsh sarvasdhunisevitah |
praskandano vibhgactulyo yajabhgavit || 33||

sarvvsah sarvacr durvs vsavomarah |
hemo hemakaro yajah sarvadhr dharottamah || 34||

lohitkso mahksaca vijaykso viradah |
sagraho nigrahah kart sarpacranivsanah || 35||

mukhyomukhyaca dehaca deha r ddhih sarvakmadah |
sarvakmaprasdaca subalo balarpadhr k || 36||

sarvakmavaracaiva sarvadah sarvatomukhah |
kanidhirpaca nipt uragah khagah || 37||

raudrarpourdityo vasuramih suvarcas |

vasuvego mahvego manovego nicarah || 38||

sarvvs riyvs upadeakaro harah |
munirtma patirloke sabhojyaca sahasradah || 39||

paks ca paksirp ctidpto vipatih |
unmdo madankro arthrthakara romaah || 40||

vmadevaca vmaca prgdaks inaca vmanah |
siddhayogpahr ca siddhah sarvrthasdhakah || 41||

bhiksuca bhiksurpaca visn mr duravyayah |
mahseno vikhaca s a
st i bhgo gavpatih || 42||

vajrahastaca viskabh camstabhanaiva ca |
r turr tu karah klo madhurmadhukarocalah || 43||

vnaspatyo vjaseno nityamramapjitah |
brahmacr lokacr sarvacr sucravit || 44||

na varah klo nicr pinkadhr k |
nimittastho nimitta ca nandirnandikaro harih || 45||

nandvaraca nand ca nandano nandivardhanah |
bhagasyksi nihant ca klo brahmavidvarah || 46||

caturmukho mahligacruligastathaiva ca |
ligdhyaksah surdhyakso lokdhyakso yugvahah || 47||

bjdhyakso bjakartdhytmnugato balah |
itihsa karah kalpo gautamotha jalevarah || 48||

dabho hyadabho vaidabho vaiyo vayakarah kavih |
loka kart pau patirmahkart mahaus adhih || 49||

aksara parama brahma balavn akra eva ca |
ntirhyantih uddhtm uddho mnyo manogatih || 50||

bahuprasdah svapano darpanotha tvamitrajit |
vedakrah strakro vidvn samaramardanah || 51||

mahmeghanivs ca mahghoro vakarah |
agnijvlo mahjvlo atidhmro huto havih || 52||

vr s a
nah akaro nityo varcasv dhmaketanah |
nlastathgalubdhaca obhano niravagrahah || 53||

svastidah svastibhvaca bhg bhgakaro laghuh |
utsagaca mahgaca mahgarbhah paro yuv || 54||

kr s n
avarnah suvarnacendriyah sarvadehinm |
mahpdo mahhasto mahkyo mahyah || 55||

mahmrdh mahmtro mahnetro diglayah |
mahdanto mahkarno mahmedhro mahhanuh || 56||

mahnso mahkaburmahgrvah manadhr k |
mahvaks mahorasko antartm mr glayah || 57||

labano labitost haca mahmyah payonidhih |
mahdanto mahdas t ro mahjihvo mahmukhah || 58||

mahnakho mahrom mahkeo mahjat ah |
asapatnah prasdaca pratyayo giri sdhanah || 59||

snehanosnehanacaivjitaca mahmunih |
vr k skro vr k sa keturanalo vyuvhanah || 60||

mand al merudhm ca devadnavadarpah |
atharvarsah smsya r k sahasrmiteksanah || 61||

yajuh pda bhujo guhyah prako jagamastath |
amoghrthah prasdacbhigamyah sudaranah || 62||

Gyatr Mantras

Gyatr is a chandas, a vedic meter, designed with 24

syllables (phonemes) and having three pada (feet) each having eight syllables. This conception
of gyatr is based on (a) the standard mantra pada which is of eight syllables called as t
This is the simplest form of the mantra-pada. --- --- | sa-sa-va-da pa-ra-ra-ja and (b)
the fact that Agni devat, the deva of bh-loka (earth plane of consciousness) has three legs. [
| om bhr agnaye svh]
Each leg is pointed at a direction of 120 from the other. Together, the three legs cover the 360
of the geo-centric zodiac. These feet are exactly at 0, 120 and 240 of the zodiac which are the
gand nta points. When any planet is at these junctions, it is subject to destruction under the feet
of Agni devat. We speak about gand nta at the Sivananda Ashram 15th Annual Vedic Astrology
Conference. Suffice is to say that we need mantra(s) that would prevent various types of
destruction under the terrible flames of Agni at the gand nta. These mantra are in the gyatr
chandas, which alone is most adored by Agni Devat, and are from the Mahnryana
Upanisad. Unlike the gyatr of the Rk Veda which require initiation to function, these mantra
shall work by the mere recitation.
These gyatr are based on the kavacha mantra of the devat. For example, consider the
Nryana Kavacha which is composed of three nma mantra
| om namo nryanya nma Nryana
| om visn ave namah nma Visn u
| om namo bhagavate vsudevya nma Vsudeva

These three names are used in the Nryana Gyatr as taught in the Mahnryana Upanisad.
Just as the three nma-mantra of the Nryana Kavacha can protect the brhmana (Jupiter)
from false allegations and every kind of evil, so also the Nryana gyatr protects when Jupiter
passes through gand nta.

nryanya vidmahe vsudevya dhmahi |
tanno visn uh pracodayt || 29||
Devat Nma

vakratund a

cakratund a




Gyatr [Mahnryana Upanisad]

tatpurusya vidmahe mahdevya dhmahi |
tanno rudrah pracodayt || 23||

tatpurusya vidmahe vakratund ya dhmahi |
tanno dantih pracodayt || 24||

tatpurusya vidmahe cakratund
ya dhmahi |
tanno nandih pracodayt || 25||

tatpurusya vidmahe mahsenya dhmahi |
tannah sanmukhah pracodayt || 26||

tatpurusya vidmahe suvarnapaksya dhmahi |
tanno garudah pracodayt || 27||

vedtmanya vidmahe hiranyagarbhya dhmahi |
tanno brahma pracodayt || 28||

pt habhedah


kamand aludhara

caturmukhya vidmahe kamand aludharya dhmahi |


tanno brahm pracodayt ||

visn u

tksn adast ra

nryanya vidmahe vsudevya dhmahi |
tanno visn uh pracodayt || 29||

vajranakhya vidmahe tks n
adast rya dhmahi |
tanno nrasihah pracodayt || 30||

bhskara mahaddyutikara


bhskarya vidmahe mahaddyutikarya dhmahi |

tanno dityyah pracodayt || 31||

pt habhedah



dityya vidmahe sahasrakiranya dhmahi |


tanno bhnuh pracodayt ||


vaivnaraya vidmahe lllya dhmahi |
tanno agnih pracodayt || 32||

pt habhedah



pvakya vidmahe saptajihvya dhmahi |


tanno vaivnarah pracodayt ||


ktyyanya vidmahe kanykumri dhmahi |
tanno durgih pracodayt || 33||

pt habhedah



mahlinyai vidmahe mahdurgyai dhmahi |


tanno bhagavat pracodayt ||

pt habhedah-2



subhagyai vidmahe kamalamlinyai dhmahi |


tanno gaur pracodayt ||


navakulya vidmahe vis adantya dhmahi |
tannah sarpah pracodayt ||

Nryaa Kavacha Part-1

In the Bhagavat Gita, Kr s n

a reveals His universal form
(Vivarpa) to Arjuna which was so formidable for the great hero to even behold. Therefore,
before jumping to worship Vivarpa, we need to see the teachings in the rmad Bhagavata .
Bear in mind that the Vis n u avatra are sustainer of things based on their specific forms.
There are at least three parts to the Nryana Kavacha. The three principal parts are the

ast ksar mantra (om namo nryanya). Ast ksar means ast a
aksara (syllable)


dvdasksar mantra (om namo bhagavate vsudevya).

Dvdasa means twelve and aks ara means syllables, hence dvdasks ar mantra refers to
the famous twelve syllable mantra of Vis n


sadksar mantra (om visn ave namah). sad means six and aksara means


Specific protection based on situation

Part-1: Akar Kavacha

rmad Bhagavata 6.8.4-6

rvivarpa uvca
dhautghripnircamya sapavitra
kr t asvgakaranyso mantrbhy
vgyatah ucih
nryanaparavarma sannahyedbhaya
pdayorjnunorrvorudare hr d
mukhe irasynuprvydokrdni
onamo nryanyeti
viparyayamathpi v

Translation: r Vivarpa teaches that when there is any sort of fear, then one must adorn the
armour called Nryana Kavacha. To do so, first cleanse the limbs and perform camana.
Thereafter the mantra o namo nryanya is recited in the direct and reverse order while
touching eight parts of the body from feet to head and back.
Let us do this in simple steps.
Step 1: First, wash hands and legs properly and wear some clean clothes.
Step 2: Recite the following camana prayer for cleansing yourself.

om apavitrah pavitro v sarvavasthm gatopi v|
yah smaret pund arikksam sa bhyabhyantarah sucih||
Take some water in your cupped right hand palm and sip it thrice while reciting

r visn u
r visn u
r visn u

Step 3: Recite each of the syllables of the eight syllable Nryana mantra while touching the
eight body parts with your fingers. This is called sr s t i nysa (creation process) also known as
utpatti nysa. What we are doing is energizing the eight vital junctions of the body to ensure
proper flow of fluids and energy in the system. By this the body gets the power to heal itself and
create new cells and repair parts.
Nysa is always done with nysa mantra which have to be extricated from the main mantra
which is going to be recited. r Vivarpa has advised that nysa has to be done on eight
specific body parts with each of the syllables of the as t ksar (eight syllable) Nryana mantra.
Each of these syllables is recited after om and then the name of the body part is recited followed
by nmah.

Aksara Placed on

Nysa Mantra

om pdayoh Feet

om om pdaye namah

om najnune namah

om mourvaye namah

na jnunoh Knees

mo rvo


n udara

Abdomen om nudarya namah

hr d


om rhr dayya namah



om yaurase namah

n mukha


om nmukhaye namah


om yairase namah




Step 4: Recite each of the syllables of the eight syllable Nryana mantra in the reverse while
touching the eight body parts in the reverse order, with your fingers. This is called sa hra
nysa (dissolution process). What we are doing is energizing the eight vital junctions of the body
to ensure proper removal of toxins and dead cells. By this the body gets the power to heal itself
as the sins are removed.


Placed on



om yairase namah



om namukhaye namah




om yaurase namah

hr d


om rhr dayya namah


Nysa Mantra



om mourvaye namah

jnunoh Knees

om najnune namah

om om pdaye namah

mo rvo


Abdomen om nudarya namah

om pdayoh Feet

Step 5: Recite the ast ksar mantra (om namo nryanya) 108 times or
multiples thereof to reinforce the kavacha and protect from all diseases and evils.

Bagalmukh Yuddha Mantra

Five Headed Bagalamukhi

dut asthambanamugravingha amana daridyavidravana
vignaigha bagale hara pratidina kalyani tubhyam namah|

kacana pt h
anivist a
karunapritanaya rbagalaptambar vande||

madhye sudbdhimanimand aparatnavedya
simhsanoparigat pariptavarna|
devi smarmi dhr tamudgaravairijihva||

||tritup cchanda mantra||
om hr bagalmukh sarvadus t n vca mukha
sthambhaya jihva klaya kla buddhi nya hr om svh|

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Nineteen Mantras for Brihaspati

Devaguru Br haspati
The Rk Veda gives nineteen r k (prayers) in two hymns for Br haspati (devat) also referred to as
Brhmanaspati and Ganapati. When using ast ottari da each of these r k are recited for one
year of the da. These are from the second mandala hymn 24 and 25 although the version of
the Rk veda by r Dayananda Sarasvat has given them together, which seems more
appropriate. Anyway, these r k are extremely powerful in protecting us in nineteen ways.

gann tv ganapati havmahe kavi kavnmupamaravastamam|
jyest h
v anntibhih sda sdanam ||1
arja brahman brahmanas pata nah sr n

devcitte asurya pracetaso br haspate yajiya bhgamnauh |
usr iva sryo jyotis maho vivesmijjanit brahmanmasi ||2

vibdhy parirpastamsi ca jyotis manta ratha r tasya tist hasi |
br haspate bhmamamitradambhana raks ohanagotrabhida svarvidam ||3

suntibhirnayasi tryase jana yastubhya dn na tamaho anavat |
brahmadvisastapano manyumrasi br haspate mahi tat te mahitvanam ||4

na tamaho na durita kutacana nrtayastitirurna dvayvinah |
viv idasmd dhvaraso vi bdhase ya sugop raks asi brahmanas pate ||5

tva no goph pathikr d vicaksanastava vratya matibhirjarmahe |
br haspate yo no abhi hvaro dadhe sv ta marmartu ducun harasvat ||1

uta v yo no marcaydangasortv martah snuko vr kah |

br haspate apa ta vartay pathah suga no asyai devavtaye kr dhi ||2

trtra tv tann havmahevaspartaradhivaktramasmayum |
br haspate devanido ni barhaya m durev uttara sumnamun naan ||3

tvay vaya suvr dh brahmanas pate sprh vasu manus y dadmahi |
y no dre taito y artayobhi santi jambhay t anapnasah ||4

tvay vayamuttama dhmahe vayo br haspate paprin sasnin yuj |
m no duhaso abhidipsurata pra suas matibhistris mahi ||5

annudo vr s a
bho jagmirhava nist apt atru pr tansussahih |
asi satya r n
ay brahmanas pata ugrasya cid damit vuhars inah ||6

adevena manas yo rianyati smugro manyamno jighsati |
br haspate ma pranak tasya no vadho ni karma manyu durevasya ardhatah ||7

bharesu havyo namasopasadyo gant vjes u sanit dhanadhanam |
viv idaryo abhidipsvo mr dho br haspatirvi vavarh rath iva ||8

tejisthay tapani raksasastapa ye tv nide dadhire dr s t a
vryam |
vistat kr s va yadasat ta ukthya br haspate vi parirpo ardaya ||9

br haspate ati yadaryo arhd dyumad vibhti kratumajjanes u

yad ddayaccavasa r t aprajta tadasmasu dravina dhehicitram ||10

m na stenebhyo ye abhi druhas pade nirmino ripavonnesu jgr dhuh |
devnmohate vi vrayo hr di br haspate naparah smno viduh ||11

vivebhyo hi tv bhuvanebhyas pari tvas t janat smnahsmnah kavih |
sa r n acid r n ay brahmanas patirdruho hant maha r t asya dhartari ||12

tava riye vyajihta parvato gav gotramudasr jo yadagirah |
indrena yuj tamas parvr ta br haspate nirapmaubjo arnavam ||13

brahmanaspate tvamasya yant sktasya bodhi tanaya ca jinva |
viva tad bhadra yadavanti dev br had vadema ||14

Maha Mrtyunjaya Mantra


Mr tyujaya literally means

Victory over Death and Mah-mr tyujaya mantra is also called- Mah-moks a mantra as it gives
the ultimate enlightenment. Received by Mahars i Vasist ha and enshrined as a hymn of the Rk
Veda, it has been sung for thousands of years by the pious who seek penultimate victory over
this mr tyu-loka (earthly plane where death is the only surety).
Mr tyujaya mantra
anust u
bh chandas 32 syllables = 4 pada (48=32)

trayabakka yajmahe sugandhi pus t i vardhanam|
urvrukamiva bandhann mr t yormksya mmr t t ||
There are many mantra for warding off evils like death and other suffering given in the sacred
literature of the Hindus. These mantra are of various types but the Mr tyujaya mantra has been
extolled in sacred literature as being the best. This mantra is addressed to Lord Shiva and is
taught in the Rig Veda (7 mandala 59 Chapter) as well as the Yajur Veda (3-60) showing that it is
a ruti having been received by Mahrishi Vasis t ha, the Kula Guru of Bhagavn Sri Rma
Chandra. This Mah-mr tyujaya mantra is from the Rig-Veda (7th Book or Mandala, 59 Chapter)
and needs initiation for attaining siddhi. Anybody can recite this mantra and attain good health,
release from bondage and other problems. This is the greatest panacea for all evils and can be
recited at any time like any other Mah-mantra.

ukrcryas Penance &


Jyotish teaching
The Mah-mr tyujaya mantra was taught by Lord Shiva to ukrcrya the preceptor of the
demons after he succeeded in the impossible test of hanging upside down from a tree for twenty
years (Vimottari da period) with smoke blowing into him from a fire lit beneath. Even
Br haspati was shocked at the prospect of such a terrible penance and calmly settled to observe
ukrcrya accept the challenge of Indra and succeed.

Tapasvi Yoga definition

Since ukrcrya (Venus in astrology) passed the penance he was glorified as the Tapasvi Raja
(the king of the spiritual discipline and penance). The definition of Tapasvi Yoga comes from this
penance as Saturn (punishment, hard toil), Ketu (smoke blown into the nose and other forms of
self-inflicted torture) and Venus (desire and its renunciation) must come together to define the
personal ability of the Tapasvi.
After the penance, Lord Shiva taught the Mahmr tyujaya mantra to ukrcrya, who under
very compelling circumstances had to teach this to the son of Brihaspati and that is how the
devas also got the mantra. This mantra was given (ruti) to Vasis t ha Maharsi for the welfare of
this world. The mantra and explanation given by ukrcrya to Rs i Dadhicha when the latters
body was cut and thrown by Raja Ks uva, is recorded in the Shiva Purna.

Mantra Pada
ukrcrya said O! Dadhicha, I pray to Lord Shiva and give you the upadea (advise, wisdom,
teaching) of the highest Mah Mr tyujaya mantra. The mantra is in Anus t ubh Chandas and
accordingly, is divided into four padas composed of eight syllables each.

ukrcrya said The first pada is (trayabakka yajmahe) and means we

worship or sing the praise of Lord Tryabakka. Tryabakka is the name of Lord Shiva as the
father of the three worlds bh, bhuva and svarga lokas. He is the father and lord of the three
mandalas Surya, Soma and Agni mandala. He is Mahevara, the lord of the three gunas
Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. He is Sadiva, the teacher of the three tattva tm tattva, Vidy
tattva and Shiva tattva. He is the father (cause and source) of the three energies (agni)
vhaniya, garhapatya and daks i ngni. He is the father of all physical creation through the three
mrti bhta Pr thvi (solid), Jala (liquid) and Tejas or agni (energy). He is the lord of the three
heavens created by the dominance of the three Guna Rajas (Brahma), Sattva (Vishnu) and
Tamas (Shiva). Know Him to be the nirkra (formless) Sadiva as He is above this physical
mode and is their Mahevara. This is the first foot of the mantra (composed of eight syllables).
The second pada of the mantra, continued ukrcrya, is (sugandhi
pust ivardhanam).Sugandhim refers to the fragrance of the flower that spreads in all directions,
and in a similar way Shiva is present in the entire creation, both animate and inanimate. In all the
bhutas (modes of existence), in the three Guna (nature of creation as being Satva, Rajas or
Tamas), in the ten indriya (five jna-indriya or senses and five karma-indriya or organs of
action), in all the devas (33 devas are the source of all illumination and enlightenment) and the
ganas (hosts of demi-gods), Shiva exists and pervades as the illumine tm (soul) and is their
essence. Pustivardhanam is now being explained. That inward dwelling spirit (atman), the
Purusa Shiva is the real sustainer of Prkr ti (and not vice-versa as all people perceive). Starting
with the Mahtattva (primordial state of matter/energy) to the individual parts of creation, the
entire sustenance of the physically created beings (both animate and inanimate) is done by the
imperishable Purusa. You, I, Brahma, Vishnu, the Munis and even Indra & devas are
maintained/sustained (by the tm and that is Him). Since the Purus a (tm Shiva) is the
granter of sustenance to prkr ti (body/nature), he is Pusti-vardhaa.
Having explained the first two pada of the mantra, ukrcrya continued to explain the remaining
two pada. He said the next two pada urvruhamiva
bandhann mr tyormksya mmr tt || (consisting of sixteen syllables) is meaning Prabhu! just
as the ripe cucumber is severed from the bondage of the creeper, in the same manner may we
be delivered from death for the sake of immortality (moksha). Rudra deva is like amr ta (nectar of
immortality). Those who worship Him with good karma, penance and repentance, meditation,
contemplation, prayer or praise, will surely renewed life and vigour. The strength of truth force (in
this mantra) is such that Lord Shiva shall definitely free the worshipper from the bondage of
death because Shiva alone is the giver of bondage and moksha.
This is the Mr tasajvani mantra and has the power to give back life and rescue from death and
great evils. You should adore Lord Shiva and recite this mantra. Water sanctified with this mantra

should be drunk all the time. [Authors note: It is well known that the rudrks a
bead is placed in a
glass of water after being held in the palm during the recitation of the mantra. this water is drunk
during the day.]
Oblations in the sacrificial fire with this mantra is very purifying. Now I shall teach the dhyna for
the mantra. Saying so, ukrcrya started reciting the loka for meditating on Lord Shiva

DHayana :-

Mtyujaya Meditation

r Tryabakkevara Mr tyujaya

The dhyna taught by ukrcrya (Siva Purna) is given below. There are other dhyna given in
other texts and these are being quoted at relevant places to the extent necessary. This is to be
recited once before meditating on r Mr tyujaya iva.

hastmbhojayugasthakumbhayugaldudghr tya toya irah

sicanta karayoryugena dadhata svke sakumbhau karau|

aksastramr g
ahastamambujagata mrdhasthacandrastravat
pysrdratanu bhaje sagirija tryaks a
mr t yujayam||
Translation: We praise (meditate) on the eight-armed, three-eyed Lord Mr t yujaya. He sits
cross legged on a lotus (padmsana). He holds two Kumbha (water vessels) with two lower arms
and uses two upper arms to sprinkle water on His own head. The two other lower-most arms
hold the auspicious kalaa on the center of the legs. The remaining two hands hold a rudrks aml and mr g
a mudra (yogic hand postures). The amrita (nectar) dripping from the crescent
moon on His head has made His whole body wet. The daughter of the mountain king (Himvat ~
Himalaya) is seated next to Him.
Explanation: The eight arms represent the eight directions of the zodiac called klachakra. With
each of these arms Lord Mr tyujaya protects the worshipper from the evil hands of fate and
time. The three eyes show his omniscience, the all-knowing iva. Sun is His right eye that
defines righteousness and truth (dharma). Moon is his left eye of attachment and emotion whose
opening is the joy of the world and whose closing is their sorrow. Agni is third eye of omniscience
which is the brhmana guru, the highest parames t h
i guru, the all-knowing eye of supreme
wisdom and knowledge. Kalaa is the pot containing water from five rivers, with five leaves
(paca pallava) representing Vis n u and Varuna. The water sprinkled on His head drops through
the crescent Moon to become Soma which is the nectar of life and it wets his body. This is
symbolic of the rudra-abhis eka ritual of anointing, consecrating by sprinkling water and other
liquids on the iva-liga.
In jyotisa, the Sun represents Lord iva in all signs and is the giver of life. The abhis eka ritual is
a prayer for rain as the Sun draws the water from the oceans by its mighty rays and pours it
down blessing the lands and rivers and bringing life on earth. This single constant action of Lord
Mr tyujaya sustains life on this planet and rudrbhis eka is symbolic of rainfall that sprinkles
water on the ground making it life sustaining. Rain occurs when the heavy rain clouds are forced
to cooler heights by high mountains and other currents. This is the akt (power) of Prvat, the
constant consort of Lord iva, who is referred to in this dhyna as the daughter of Himvat, the
Himalayan king-god.

Rs i -adi nysa mantra

kahola r s aye namah| irasi

gyatr chandase namah| mukhe

r mr tyunjaya devatyai namah| hr d

ju bjaya namah| guhye

hr aktaye namah| pdayo

Dhyna Bja mantra

Mr tyujaya bja, the seed of rejuvenation is actually the jva bja (seed of life which brings all
living beings) is (ju). It is formed from the starting syllable of the word (jva) which is
(ja). This bja was taught originally by Lord iva to Br haspati, due to which Br haspati became
the preceptor of the gods and due to which he was able to save Indra from definite destruction at
the hands of Lord iva. Pleased with his dedication and well-meaning disposition, Lord iva
blessed Br haspati to be known as (jva) by which he shall signify the very existence of life
and by whose presence, the god of death Yama will have to turn away. This power of Br haspati
has been explained in the Mah Nryana Upanisad. In the Kla-Chakra Br haspati becomes r
Jva and sits in the southern direction, which is the path of Yama, thereby blocking death from
happening. So long as r Jva sits in his southern direction, the being shall live. Thus, the
mr tyujaya bja (ju) simply means Jva Upadea.
The Bja mantra was obtained by Kahola-r s i ; the mantra is in Gyatr chandas; the mantra
devat (deity) is Sri Mr t yujaya (form of Shiva). This mantra is to be used for meditation and at
all times for protection from all evils. Bja means seed and unless this seed is panted properly in
the heart how can you expect the tree of bhakti to Lord iva to grow? It is imperative that
meditation be done with this bja mantra.

om ju sah
Meditate with this mantra repeating it very quietly in the mind. Bring the mind to focus on the feet
and recite the monosyllable (om). Then the bja (ju) has to be placed in the heart chakra.
Finally the sahasrara chara on top of the head is brought into metal focus with the seed syllable



Understanding the Mah

Mtyujaya Mantra

It is important to understand the meaning of the words as this makes

the repetition meaningful and brings forth the results.
OM is not spelt out in the Rig-Veda, but has to be added to the beginning of all Mantras as given
in an earlier Mantra of the Rig-Veda addressed to Ganapati. This Mantra is given in the prayer
page of my Book Mahrishi Jaiminis Upadesa Sutra.
TRAYABAKKA refers to the Three eyes of Lord Shiva. Trya means Three and Ambakam
means eyes. These three eyes or sources of enlightenment are the Trimrti or three primary
deities, namely Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and the three AMBA (also meaning Mother or Shakti
are Sarasvat, Lakshmi and Gouri. Thus in this word, we are referring to God as Omniscient
(Brahma), Omnipresent (Vishnu) and Omnipotent (Shiva). This is the wisdom of Br h
aspati and is
referred to as r Datttreya having three heads of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.
YAJMAHE means, We sing Thy praise.
SUGANDHI refers to His fragrance (of knowledge, presence and strength i.e. three aspects) as
being the best and always spreading around. Fragrance refers to the joy that we get on knowing,
seeing or feeling His virtuous deeds.
PUSTIVARDHANAM: Pooshan refers to Him as the sustainer of this world and in this manner,
He is the Father (Pater) of all. Pooshan is also the inner impeller of all knowledge and is thus

Savitur or the Sun and also symbolizes Brahma the Omniscient Creator. In this manner He is
also the Father (Genitor) of all.
URVRUHAMIVA: URVA means VISHAL or big and powerful or deadly. AAROOKAM means
Disease. Thus URVAROOKA means deadly and overpowering diseases. (The CUCUMBER
interpretation given in various places is also correct for the word URVAROOKAM). The diseases
are also of three kinds caused by the influence (in the negative) of the three Gunas and are
ignorance (Avidya etc), falsehood (Asat etc as even though Vishnu is everywhere, we fail to
perceive Him and are guided by our sight and other senses) and weaknesses (Shadripu etc. a
constraint of this physical body and Shiva is all powerful).
BANDHANN means bound down. Thus read with URVAROOKAMEVA, it means I am bound
down by deadly and overpowering diseases.
MRTYORMKSYA means to deliver us from death (both premature death in this Physical world
and from the neverending cycle of deaths due to re-birth) for the sake of Mokshya (Nirvana or
final emancipation from re-birth).
MMRTT means please give me (m) some amr ta (life rejuvinating nectar). Read with the
previous word, it means that we are praying for some amr ta to get out of the death inflicting
diseases as well as the cycle of re-birth.


Steps in Mantra Siddhi

Bhaspati Gyatr

I will advise its recitation for forty days both in the

morning and evening, after lighting a lamp and sitting in any yogic posture (preferably
padmsana which is the picture of Lord iva in the picture) while facing east. Recite the Mahmantra 108 times (one rosary) or its multiples in each sitting. This is the greatest work of
Maharishi Vasist ha. Before commencing the mr tyujaya mantra recite the following small prayer
to the everlasting spirit of the Mahars i for his blessings and guidance.

ucimarkairbr haspatimadhvaresu namasyata| anmyoja cake|| Rig Veda III.62.
Translation: We pray to Br haspati (the Lord of this Universe and the teacher of this Vedic
Knowledge), whose wishes are inviolable, for good thoughts (that will lead to good speech and
actions that cannot be violated as it will be the truth).

Rishi-adi Nyasa
The preparatory rites should be learnt from any book on Karma-knd a (puj method). However
we give the simplest method of reciting this mantra to overcome the greatest of evils. Nyasa is
the method of protecting the self by placing the parts of the mantra on five body parts. These
body parts are the crucial centres for the spiritual energy.

Mantra Rs i is the Guru, the teacher of the mantra and to who the mantra was revealed
for the first time for the benefit of the world siras (head). In this case the Rs i is Maharsi
Vasist ha.


Chandas (meter, which is technically very specific for each mantra) mukha (mouth).
This vedic mantra is in anus t u
bh chandas. This is a metre having four pada (feet) of 8
phonemes each making the entire Anus t ubh meter as composed of 32 (8 x 4 = 32) syllables.

It maybe noted that any change in the metre shall cause a distortion in the chandas and the
mantra vibration shall be ruined.

Devat (the deity of the mantra) hr daya (heart). In this case the devat is Lord Shiva
addressed as r Tryabakkevara Mr tyujaya devat, the jyotirliga.


Bja (the seed syllable that created the mantra and contains the mantra within itself, like
the seed that creates the tree) Liga (sexual organ). There are some opinion on this, but the
most appropriate one is given by Vmadeva Rs i as (hau).


Shakti (the physical power of the mantra like the mother) pada (feet). It is the giver of
gati or direction. In this case the akt is Dev Ar tevar, addressed as (hr).

This portion is only for those who have received instructions for mantra upsana and know about
nysa. They can easily determine the five (or six) mantras for r s i -adi nysa, aga-nysa etc.

Sadiva mantra nysa

hau bja hr akt

vmadeva r s a
ye namah| irasi

trist ubh chandase namah| mukhe

sadiva devatyai namah| hr di

hau bjaya namah| guhye

hr aktaye namah| pdayo

Mtyujaya Mantra Nysa

The common meters according to the syllable count of a stanza, as multiples of 4: thus, dvipad
virj (20), gyatr (24), us n ih (28), anust ubh (32), br hat (36), pakti (40), tris t ubh (44), and
jagat (48). The mr tyujaya mantra is in the follower or bhakti stanza called anus t ubh (32).
Accordingly, the nysa for the mantra is as follows
Mr tyujaya mantra nysa

vasist ha r s aye namah| irasi

anust ubh chandase namah| mukhe

r trayambakkevara mr tyujaya devatyai namah|

hr di

ju bjaya namah| guhye

hr aktaye namah| pdayo

Others are required to recite the mantra for Mahars i Vasist ha 21 times.

va vasist hya namah

Prnyama is performed either with the Sadiva bja mantra, Kahola mr tyujaya bja mantra or
a joint form of both called the Mah-mr t yujaya bja.

The Sadiva bja was obtained by Vmadeva Mahars i and the Sadiva Bja is
(hau). The Sadiva Bja mantra is (om hau sah) and this is used for
prnyama. This is preferred for protection of knowledge and the spiritual path.
For good health and protection from evils in the mundane world, the Mr t yujaya bja


obtained by Kahola Mahars i is used. Mr tyujaya bja is (ju) and the mr tyujaya bja
mantra is (om ju sah).
The initiated used a combined form of the Sadiva and Mr t yujaya bja to form the


Mah-mr tyujaya bja mantra. The Mah-mr tyujaya bja mantra is (om hau
ju sah) and includes both Sadiva (hau) and Mr tyujaya (ju).
It is also advisable to practise Vmadeva Rs i s Sadiva Bja mantra and Kahola Rs i s
Mr tyujaya Bja mantra separately. This is my personal recommendation and is in the lines of
the standard texts on Tantra. Others can skip this and go to the Mahmantra directly.


Vyasa :-

Vysa Mtyujaya Mantra

The students of SJC and those belonging to the Vais n

ava parapar should worship the
Jagadguru Maharsi Vedavysa instead with the Kahola Mr tyujaya Mantra prefixed and
suffixed. This is explicitly explained in Mantra Mahodadhih.
Vysa Mantra is defined as the starting name syllable i.e. nma bjks ara as taught by

vy vedavysya namah
To this is added the Mr tyujaya bja in the formula called saput a i.e. prefix and reverse suffix.
The Vysa Mr tyujaya mantra as given below has the mr tyujaya mantra before and after with
the latter part being in the reverse.

om ju sah vy vedavysya namah sah ju om
This mantra protects the school, the learning, books and the tradition. It protects dharma as
manifesting in this planet. It protects all that is good for this planet as this is the form of the
highest guru as an incarnation of iva. Vedavysa is known as the joint incarnation of iva and
Visn u and is called Hari-Hara vea. This mantra removes the blemish of Saturn on Jupiter, on
the Lagna or Lagnea and always protects a native who bows for guidance.


Japa :-

Mtyujaya Japa
This is to be followed by the Dhyna Mantra (Meditation) of r Tryabakkevara (One of the
twelve jyotirliga) and then meditate on r Tryabakkevara and Sri Ar tevar (Shakti) with
the relevant mantra as outlined above. Then follows the Rudra Puj. Meditate for at least 15
Minutes before starting the Japa (recitation of mantra). Those conversant with TM or other forms
of meditation, dhyna, dhrana etc. can use the mantra described above.
Vmadeva Rs is Sadiva Bja-mantra gives all happiness and removes all evils and sins. Tamas
is destroyed resulting in quick progress into Sattva Guna. Kahola Rishis Mr tyujaya Bja-mantra
gives good health, vitality and the native as removed from sin. The intelligence is restored and all
forms of black magic etc. are destroyed by the insurmountable omnipotent Lord iva.
Then repeat the following Mr tyujaya mantra 108 times or multiples of this number.

om, trayabakka yajmahe sugandhi pus t i vardhanam,
urvruhamiva bandhann mr t yormksya mmr t t.


Mahamantra :-

Mah-mtyujaya Mantra Japa

The Mah-mr tyujaya mantra is formed when the Mahmr tyujaya bja mantra comprising Sadiva and Mr tyujaya bja is attached to the Mr tyujaya
mantra along with the tri-loka vyhr ti which is the very embodiment of Svitr, the winner of
Yama and the akt of the Savitur Gyatr.
Mah-mr tyujaya bja mantra: (om hau ju sah)
Svitr tri-loka vyhr ti: (om bhrbhuva svah)

Mah-mr t yujaya mantra

om hau ju sah bhrbhuva svah
trayabakka yajmahe sugandhi pus t i vardhanam,
urvruhamiva bandhann mr t yormksya mmr t t.
sah ju hau bhrbhuvasvaro||
Thereafter, perform Rudra-abhieka (Ritual offering of the Paca-Amr ta or the five forms of
nectar as Honey, Ghee, Curd, Milk and Water) on the Shiva liga.

Nysa (protection) and dhyna (meditation) are to be performed before the japa and ritual.

Mah-mr t yujaya Dhyna

- - -

candrrkgni-vilocana smitamukha padmadvayntah st h

mudrpksa-mr g
ksa-stra-vilasat pni himu prabhm|
kot irendu galatsudh pluta tanu hrdis o
kanty vivavimohana pau-pati mr tyujaya bhvayet||

Mah-mantra Nysa
For the initiated, the mah-mr tyujaya mantra nysa is given below. Please note that the
chandas changes and the names of all the Mahars i have been included.

vasist ha kahola vmadeva r s a

ye namah| irasi

trist ubh chandase namah| mukhe

r trayambakkevara mr tyunjaya devatyai namah|

hr di

hau ju bjaya namah| guhye

hr aktaye namah| pdayo

Japa is the repetition of a mantra for a fixed number of times. Normally this is in multiples of 108.
Based on the teachings of Harihara in Prana Mrga, we advise that this mantra should be
recited for 8000 times in a period of forty days. The recitation of 108 mantra for forty days both in
the morning and evening covers this requirement. For other purposes larger number of
repetitions are advised.
After lighting a lamp and sitting in any yogic posture (preferably padmsana which is the picture
of Lord Siva in the picture) while facing east. Recite the mah-mantra 108 times (one rosary) or
its multiples in each sitting. This is the greatest work of maharishi Vasis t ha. Before commencing
the Mah Mr tyujaya mantra recite the mantra to the everlasting spirit of the mahars i Vasist h
for his blessings and guidance.

Ganesh Vidya Yantra

The Ganesha yantra is

drawn based on the teachings of Sri Narada in the Ganesha dvadasanama stotra. The twelve
petal lotus is symbolic of the heart lotus and the door of this heart lotus is guarded by Ganesha.
This is a miraculous yantra and is used for various purposes.

Students aspiring to do well in their examinations and studies should make eight copies
of this yantra (jyotish eight copies for each of the 8 chara karaka) and offer them to eight
brahmana (priests/teachers) for three consecutive Thursdays along with 21 yellow laddoo


A spiritual aspirant hoping for siddhi of any mantra should visit a temple of the mantra
devta (deity associated with the mantra) and offer this yantra to the deity on the days
considered auspicious for the purpose.


Spiritual aspirants aiming to achieve perfection in Yoga and shastra should visit a Shiva
temple on Monday and offer this yantra at the Shiva Linga.


Spiritual aspirants aiming for moksha (emancipation) shoulod offer this yantra on
Thursdays at a Vishnu temple.


Businessmen should offer this yantra on Wednesdays at a temple to Lakshmi or

Ganesha for wealth and success in their business enterprise respectively.


atha rganeastotra||
rganeya namah | nrada uvca |

pranamya iras deva gaurputra vinyakam |
bhaktvsa smarenitya yuhkmrthasiddhaye || 1||

prathama vakratund a ca ekadanta dvityakam |
tr tya kr s n
apigksa gajavaktra caturthakam || 2||

lambodara pacama ca s a
st ha vikat ameva ca |
saptama vighnarjendra dhmravarna tathst a
mam || 3||

navama bhlacandra ca daama tu vinyakam |
ekdaa ganapati dvdaa tu gajnanam || 4||

dvdaaitni nmni trisadhya yah pat hennarah |
na ca vighnabhaya tasya sarvasiddhikarah prabhuh || 5||

vidyrth labhate vidy dhanrth labhate dhanam |
putrrth labhate putrnmoks rth labhate gatim || 6||

japedganapatistotra sadbhirmsaih phala labhet |
savatsarena siddhi ca labhate ntra saayah || 7||

ast e
bhyo brhmanebhyaca likhitv yah samarpayet |
tasya vidy bhavetsarv ganeasya prasdatah || 8||

|| iti rnradapurne sakat anana ganeastotra saprnam||
Translation: Obeisance to Lord Ganea. Nrada teaches Those who bow their heads in
obeisance to the son of Gour, Vinyaka who is the refuge protector of his devotees shall attain
longevity, fulfillment of all desires and fortune prosperity. Thereafter the great sage takes the
twelve most holy names of Sri Ganea [in the order of the twelve zodiac houses]. He concludes
that whosoever repeats these twelve names at dawn, noon and dusk shall always remove every
obstacle and trouble in his path to sure success and attain good fortune.
Students desiring knowledge and learning shall attain their wish while those desiring wealth,
obtain wealth.
Couples desiring children shall be blessed with progeny while the spiritualists aspiring for moks a

shall get sad-gati (guru and path to attain salvation).

By continuously reciting this hymn as described, these objects and constant association with r
Ganea is attained in six months. If continued for a year, then without doubt, siddhi (perfection,
expertise) is attained. Making eight copies of this hymn [writing on paper using red ink] and
distributing to eight learned people (brhmana) brings wisdom and great knowledge.

Badhak damana mantras

The mantras associated with the Ganesha Yantra have been taught in Mantra Mahodadhih of
Mahidhara. The damana (supression) bija (phoneme) is suffixed to these twelve names of
Ganesha to obtain the badhak damana mantras. These mantras remove all obstacles and
ensure that the work is completed successfully.

vakratund ya hu


ekadantya hu


kr s n
apingksya hu


gajavakrya hu


lambodarya hu


vikat ya hu


vighnarjya hu


dhmravarnya hu


bhlacandrya hu


vinyakya hu


gajapataye hu


gajnannya hu

Ucchista Ganesha

This is the dancing form of Ganesha and the meditation etc,

visualize Ganesha in a rather jovial, compromising mood. Ucchista Ganesha is worshiped to
remove domestic disharmony and the relationship with spouse is improved. All sorts of troubles
with in-laws etc vanish and the family gets together and lives happily. For the last two decades
we have advised the placing of a statue of dancing Ganesha (idol) near the headstand of the bed
and the relationship between couples has improved. Marriages which were on the verge of
breakdown have smoothed out in a most miraculous manner.
Sit facing east wearing clean clothes with an image or idol of dancing Ganesha in front. Light
lamp, incense, offer some sweets and water.

Ucchist a ganapati dhyna(recite once with a flower to offer to Ganesha)

sindravarnasaka yogapat t asamanvita lambodara mahkya

mukha karikaropama|
animdigunayukta ast abhu trilocana vijayvidyuta liga
moksakmya pjayet||



About Ucchista Ganapati

Ast a siddhi mantra

Stand up with folded hands Facing East, recite once

om a animyai namah svh|

Turn Facing SE recite once

om pra prptyai namah svh|

Turn Facing South recite once

om ma mahimyai namah svh|

Turn Facing SW recite once

om i iityai namah svh|

Turn Facing West recite once

om va vaityai namah svh|

Turn Facing NW recite once

om ka kmavaityai namah svh|

Turn Facing North recite once

om ga garimyai namah svh|

Turn Facing NE recite once

om si siddhyai namah svh|

Alternatively, these mantra are also done on the Ganesha Yantra eight petals starting from the
East petal and going in clockwise direction


Vahana :-

vhana mantra

This mantra is for the mouse on which Ganesha rides. Saturn represents sin and the mouse
represents Lord Yama, the god of death, who drags souls to the netherworld (narka) to be
punished for their sins. To overcome sins, Yama was turned into a mouse and had to carry
Ganesha around the world. Thereby his sins were dissolved. All human beings suffer due to sins
of past karma. To overcome them, they too must become like the mouse and carry Ganesha
around the world (temple of Lord Shiva and Shakti i.e. Shiva Linga). Reciting this mantra
circumbulate the Shiva Linga, prayer place or temple three times (at least) carrying the idol of

om ma msikyai gandhipavhanya dharmarjya svh|


Guru Vandan
This entry is part 7 of 7 in the series About

Sanjay Rath


Sarbani Rath


Beautiful Kids


Guru Vandan

A childhood habit that has always stood the test of time,

is the Guru Vandana. This was learnt at a young age and one does not need any ritual, time nor
place to recite it. However, we have done this everyday loudly when younger and silently when
older. Hope you all benefit from this. All mantras and remedies start working, no matter how bad
the dasha or evil the transit, Gurudeva always makes things work for the better. Kindly forgive the
typos and email me for corrections. I had learnt this in the odiya language and
this is the nearest sanskrit that I get.

Recite this once

nandamnandakara prasannam
jnasvarpa nijabhvayuktam |
yogndramdya bhavarogavaidyam
rmadguru nityamaha nammi -1

akhand amand alkra vypta yena carcaram |
tatpada darita yena tasmai rgurave namah ||2

ajnatimirndhasya jnjanaalkay
caksurunmlita yena tasmai rgurave namah ||3

gururbrahm gururvisn uh gururdevo mahevarah |

gurureva para brahma tasmai rgurave namah ||4

jnaaktisamrdhah tattvamlvibhsitah |
bhuktimuktipradt ca tasmai rgurave namah ||5

mannthah rjagannthah madguruh rjagadguruh |
madtm sarvabhttm tasmai rgurave namah ||6

janmukhmnya msdya vidysiddhirbhunmama |
mahtripurasaundarya stavadvaya gurumbhaje ||7

rmatparabrahma guru smarmi
rmatparabrahma guru vadmi |
rmatparabrahma guru nammi
rmatparabrahma guru bhajmi ||8

brahmnanda paramasukhada kevala jnamrtim |
dvandvtta gaganasadr a tattvamasydilaksyam ||9

eka nitya vimalamacala sarvadhsks i bhtam
bhvtta trigunarahita sadguru ta nammi ||10

namaste ntha bhagavan ivya gururpine |
vidyvatrasasiddhyai svkr tnekavigraha ||11

bhavya bhavarpya paramtmasvarpine |
sarvjnatamobhedabhnave cidghanya te ||12

svatantrya dayklr ptavigrahya ivtmane|
paratantrya bhaktn bhavyn bhavyarpine ||13

vivekin vivekya vimarya vimarinm |
prakin prakya jnin jnarpine ||14

purastatprvayoh pr s t he namaskuryduparyadhah|
sad maccittarpena vidhehi bhavadsanam ||15

tvatprasddaham deva kr takr tyosmi sarvatah |
my mr tyu mahpdvimuktosmi ivosmi ca ||16

Recite this mantra 108 times

om bhurbhuva svah smba sadivya namah

Tirupati Vyakaevara

Tirumala Venkateswara Temple, is a famous Hindu temple

located in the hill town Tirumala, near Tirupati in the Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh, India.
Tirumala is a hill town in Chittoor district in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India. Tirumala,
dedicated to Lord Vishnu, is one of the most popular centers of todays Hindu/Vedha Religion.
The temple is situated on Venkatadri(also known as Venkatachala or Venkata Hill) the seventh
peak in the seven hills of Tirumala, and hence is also known as the Temple of Seven Hills
(Saptagiri in Sanskrit). The presiding deity of the temple, Lord Venkateswara, is also
known by other names Balaji, Vishnu, Govinda and Srinivasa. The temple is reportedly the
richest (discussions exist about the Padmanabhaswamy Temple in Kerala) and the most visited
place of worship in the world, having overtaken Koneswaram temple in Trincomalee following its
17th century loot and destruction. The temple is visited by about 50,000 to 100,000 pilgrims daily
(3 to 4 crore people annually on an average), while on special occasions and festivals, like the
annual Brahmotsavam, the number of pilgrims shoots up to 500,000, making it the most visited
holy place in the world.
According to legend, the temple has a murti (deity) of Lord Venkateswara, which it is believed
shall remain here for the entire duration of the present Kali Yuga. In South Indian Alwar/Nayanar
Sri Vaishnava tradition the temple is considered one of the 108 Divya Desams.
This place was well known as Venkatachala for centuries. This name, it is believed, was given by
Lord Brahma Himself. This hill was in the Dwarparayuga known by the name of Sheshachala or
Sheshadri. The significance of this hill Venkatachala means Ven means SIN and Kata means
CUT, DESTROYED OR BURNT. It means that a person who worships the Lord in this place will
get cleansed of all his sins.

om bhrnamo bhagavate vyankat eya

Puranic literature which was composed roughly around the post-Mauryan and early-Gupta era
also mentions Tirupati as the Aadhi Varaha Kshetra. The Puranas associate the site with Lord
Varaha, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. The Varaha shrine holds great importance in Tirupati and
is said to be older than the main sanctum of Venkateswara.

om bhrnamo bhagavate varhya

om bhrnamo bhagavate skarya
The significance of Tirumala hills is extolled in one of the worlds oldest known sacred texts, the
Rigveda, and it is described as Vengadam Hills[citation needed]. The idol representation is in
essence the Godheads own manifestation for facilitating worship (hence known as
Archavathara). It symbolizes the Supreme Spirit in all its glory and in its immanent as well as
transcendental aspects (viz the Brahman of Vedanta). It is in this sense that the self-manifest
image of Vishnu (the Vedic God of Gods) on the Vengadam hills (Tirumala) is hailed with the
words Venkata-brahmane-namah.
The person, devoid of wealth and vision, is implored to go to the hill which burns up all evil
(vikata for Venkata) and drives away all obstacles to peace and prosperity. The call of the rishi
Sirimbitha has obviously not gone in vain

Ganesha Mantras
Beejakshara mantra

Sri Ganapati is the elephant headed son of Sri Shiva, belonging to the divine family that delivers
the soul from darkness and sin, the specific function of Sri Ganapati is to teach and drive away
ignorance (avidhya). He is represented by Ketu, the significator of emancipation from all kinds of
bondage including rebirth.
The Beejakshara of Sri Ganapati is gaM
Bja mantra: (ga) which is also called the Gt bja (for Srimad Bhagavat Gt) by those
learned in mantra stra. This is the starter of everything and just like the Bhagavat Gt,
provides the power to assimilate all knowledge.
Tantrika bja (physical abilities and strength): (gag) which sounds like Gaga

Vidya-Siddhi Mantra
The fourth house rules education and learning. Any affliction coming on this houses causes loss
of learning, breaks in education and the mind has problems in focusing on studies. This
phenomena is marked in children between 3 to 12 years of age due to the natural impact of
Mercury (Naisargika dasa). This is caused due to the shad-ripu or the six flaws that cause tamas
guna to prevail. A mantra that removes the energies from the sixth house and places them at the
fourth house will help in rectifying the problem. One such mantra is given below as it has six
words (sixth house energies removed) and sixteen syllables (fourth house spiritual energy
Siddha Mantra:
namo ganapate tubhya jyest hajyest hya te namah
This mantra is fully protected on both sides, a technical term called saput a, by the word
(nama). This word is means obeisances or bowing with complete humility and is of neuter
(napunsaka) gender. The mantra brings humility in children and they learn to bow to the teacher,
elders, books and the knowledge. Just as water flows from a higher level to a lower level, so also
the knowledge and good qualities will flow from a head in the higher level to the bowing head at
a lower level.

Karya Siddhi Mantra

How many times have you said or heard if only I had persisted or I should have been stronger?
Strength of mind and body to achieve is a rare gift seen in the great achievers. This is called
Parakrama bala or the ability to drive themselves towards the goal and become great men.
The third house has the energies that can be used for sexual activity (in fact the third house is
called maithua bhava implying sexual union), fighting or any physical action. The fifth house is
the seat of the thought that causes this action and the tenth house indicates the action itself. A
mantra that takes the energies of the third house to the tenth (or other) house is the best for daily
practice as it reduces the sexuality and bestiality in men helping them to focus better on the work
at hand. The following is a three word (takes energy from the third house), ten syllable (deposits
the spiritual energy into the tenth house) mantra where the deity sits in the fifth house. This
mantra finds mention in the Mah Nryana Upanisad.
Siddha Mantra:
om mahganapataye namah

Labha-Siddhi mantra

If every thought which is the seed for action

is successfully concluded, we would be the happiest people in the world. Alas this does not
happen and we are left wondering as to the cause of the obstruction and spend money, material
and other resources trying to achieve the objective.
A mantra that takes the energies of the fifth house to the eleventh house would be the best as it
converts the knowledge (fifth house) to gains (eleventh house). Such a delightful mantra that
helps us to achieve objectives is given in the Shiva Purana. It is said that Ganesha has two akt
(1) Siddhi dev giving all abilities and accomplishments and (2) Buddhi dev giving supreme
intelligence and sharp mind. They have two children (1) Laks a (goal attainment) which comes
from Siddhi and (2) Lbha (gains of hopes and desires) which comes from Buddhi dev. Both
these objectives are in the 10th (Laksa) and 11th (Lbha) houses. In the natural zodiac these
houses are ruled by Saturn Capricorn and Aquarius, making them difficult to achieve due to
various weaknesses that people possess. This mantra removes the ills of Saturn that plague
mankind and makes the sdhaka very competent and brilliant. It is strongly recommended if
Saturn is either tmakraka or aspects the Lagna (or Lagnea) in the chart. No doubt that the
iva Purna gives much emphasis to this mantra.
Purna Mantra: - -
om laksalbhayutya siddhi-buddhi-sahitya ganapataye namah

Kamal Vidy

r Kamal Laksm

Kamaltmik of golden complexion and perfectly proportioned, is bathed by four elephants from
the four directions (kendra) using amr ta kalaa. Amr ta (nectar) constantly flows from kalaa
(jars) and nourishes the rivers and beings of the universe. She has four hands. In the two hind
hands, she holds two lotuses and her two fore hands are in abhaya mudr (fearlessness) and
vra mudr (boons) respectively. She is seated in padmsana (lotus posture) on a red lotus that
symbolizes purity. Although listed as the tenth Mahvidy, Kamaltmik is actually the first vidy
and Kali is the last.
Kamala means red lotus and Kamal refers to Her as the essence of the red lotus. This is
another name for Laksm. Her themes are associated with the exaltation of Venus (1) causing
fertility and marriage, (2) bestowing wealth, food and grains and (3) restoring the vitality and
immune system of the body. Kamala Laks m is the goddess of fortune, riches, marriage,
relationships, fertility and children, wealth, every kind of food and material well being.
SymbolsMantraStotra P1P2P3P4P5P6

Padmsana is automatically
attained by one who is merged with the bja (r) and the one name that automatically
purifies everything Visn u. Meditation initially on (A) the bja (r) and later on (B) the
mantra (om visn ave namah) are the prerequisites before attempting Kamaltmik
siddhi as they start the purification process. Every brhmana, be he of any tradition, knows too
well that he cannot do any pj without first purification by the name of Vis n u.
Two Red Lotus are symbolic of Her nature as that of the Sun god Srya who also carries two
red lotus in two hands. Jyotis a helps us to understand this very easily. Mahvidy akt are
associated with the 7th bhva (opposite) just as the 7th bhva shows the Doctorate (PhD) in
siddha (D24 chart). Venus is the significator of 7th bhva and the opposite sign from this is
the Lagna itself. Sun is the significator of Lagna. This shows the connection between
Kamaltmik and Srya. However the difference is that Kamaltmik actually connects the 7th
bhva with the Lagna thereby bringing marriage, fertility, business and success, foreign travels
and many blessings. Libra is among the three most fruitful signs of the zodiac and symbolizes
the benediction of Kamaltmik.
Abhaya Mudr or fearlessness which comes from complete knowledge or enlightenment is the
Hasa benediction. The exaltation of Venus needs the constant support of Jupiter for stability. In
simpler words, wealth (of every kind) comes by fortune or industry, but only stays with those who
have the wisdom to hold on to it.
Varada Mudr is the granting of personal desires. Both these Abhaya and Varada mudr are
also associated with r Somanth iva. Together they are the Gajakesari Yoga


Mantra :-

Mahvidy Mantras
Mundane Results Marriage, Fertility, Prosperity; Guru dks a if Venus is associated with 9th
bhva from kraka

om ai hr r kl sauh jagatprasutyai namah
Spiritual Results Siddhi, All learning resources; Guru dksa if Venus is associated with 9th
bhva from kraka

om ai hr r kl hasauh jagatprasutyai namah
Siddhi Mantras
Huge Energy surge, great support, constant success and accomlishment of every kind. [28

om r hr r kamale kamallaye prasiddha prasiddha
om r hr r mahlaks myai namah||
Para par Siddhi Laksm
Note the kl bja (Kr s n
a, Jagannth). Similar to above [28 syllable]

om r hr kl kamale kamallaye prasiddha prasiddha r hr kl r mahlaks myai
Kamala Vsini Mantra
Establishment of goodness (sattva) in the heart lotus which causes Is t a
devat to manifest and
rapid spiritual growth, faith in God and good karma

om r hr kl ai kamala vsinyai svh|

kamalavsini ram
| dhyna [Repeat Once]

padmasth padmanetr kamalayugavarbhtiyugdohsaroj|
dehotthbhih prabhbhistribhuvanavivara bhsvar bhsayanti|
mukthrbhirmonnatakucakala ratnamajrakc
graiveyomyaigaddhy ghr tamanimukut reyase rrbhavedvah||
Mantra (As taught by Shankaracharya) [Repeat 108 or 1008 or 100,008 times]

namah kamalavsinyai svh



okrarpin devi viuddhasattvarpin ||
devn janan tva hi prasann bhava sundari ||

tanmtracaiva bhtni tava vaks asthala smr tam |
tvameva vedagamy tu prasann bhava sudari ||

devadnavagandharvayaks a
rksasakinnarah |
styase tva sad laks mi prasann bhava sundari ||

loktt dvaittt samastabhtaves t it |
vidvajjanakrttit ca prasann bhava sudari ||

pariprn sad laksmi trtr tu aranrthisu |
vivdy vivakatr ca prasann bhava sundari ||

brahmarp ca svitr tvaddpty bhsate jagat |
vivarp vareny ca prasann bhava sudari ||

ksityaptejomarddhayomapacabhtasvarpin |
bandhdeh krana tva hi prasann bhava sudari ||

mahee tva hemavat kamal keavepi ca |
brahmanah preyas tva hi prasann bhava sudari ||

cad durg klik ca kauik siddhirpin |
yogin yogagamy ca prasann bhava sundari ||

blye ca blik tva hi yauvane yuvatti ca |
sthavire vr ddharp ca prasann bhava sundari ||

gunamay guntt dy vidy santan |
mahattattvdisayukt prasann bhava sundari ||

tapasvin tapah siddhi svargasiddhistadarthis u |
cinmay prakr tistva tu prasann bhava sudari ||

tvamdirjagat devi tvameva sthitikranam |

tvamante nidhanasthna svecchcr tvamevahi ||

carcarn bhtn bahirantastvameva hi |
vypyavykarpena tva bhsi bhaktavatsale ||

tvanmyay hr tajn nast
tmno vicetasah |
gatgata prapadyante ppapunyavatsad ||

tvansatya jagadbhti uktikrajata yath |
yvanna jyate jna cetas nnvagmin ||

tvajjnttu sad yuktah putradragr hdisu |
ramante visaynsarvnante dukhapradn dhruvam ||

tvadjay tu devei gagane sryamand alam |
candraca bhramate nitya prasann bhava sundari ||

brahmeavisn ujanan brahmkhy brahmasaray |
vyaktvyakta ca devei prasann bhava sundari ||

acal sarvag tva hi mytt mahevari |
ivtm vat nity prasann bhava sundari ||

sarvakyaniyantr ca sarvvabhtevar |
anant niskl tva hi prasann bhavasundari ||

sarvevar sarvavady acinty paramtmik |
bhuktimuktiprad tva hi prasann bhava sundari ||

brahmn brahmaloke tva vaikunt he sarvamagal |
idrn amarvatymambik varnlaye ||

yamlaye klarp kuberabhavane ubh |
mahnandgnikone ca prasann bhava sundari ||

nair rty raktadant tva vyavy mr gavhin |
ptle vaisn avrp prasann bhava sundari ||

suras tva manidvpe ainy ladhrin |
bhadrakl ca laky prasann bhava sundari ||

rmevar setubandhe sihale devamohin |
vimal tva ca rksetre prasann bhava sundari ||

klik tva klight e kmkhy nlaparvata |
viraj odradee tva prasann bhava sudari ||

vrnasymannaprn ayodhyy mahevar |
gaysur gaydhmni prasann bhava sudari ||

bhadrakl kurksetre tvaca ktyyan vraje |

mhmy dvraky prasann bhava sundari ||

ksudh tva sarvajvn vel ca sgarasya hi |
mahevar mathury ca prasann bhava sundari ||

rmasya jnak tva ca ivasya manamohin |
daksasya duhit caiva prasann bhava sundari ||

visn ubhaktiprad tva ca kassuravinin |
rvananin caiva prasann bhava sundari ||

laksmstotramida punya yah pat hedbhaksiyutah |
sarvajvarabhaya nayetsarvavydhinivranam ||

ida stotra mahpunyampaduddhrakranam |
trisadhyamekasandhya v yah pat hetsatata narah ||

mucyate sarvvappebhyo tath tu sarvasakat t |
mucyate ntra sandeho bhuvi svarge rastale ||

samasta ca tath caika yah pat hedbhaktitparah |
sa sarvaduskara trtv labhate param gatim ||

sukhada moksada stotra yah pat hedbhaktisayuktah |
sa tu kot trthaphala prpnoti ntra saayah ||

ek dev tu kamal yasmistus t
bhavetsad |
tasysdhya tu devei nstikicijjagat traye ||

pat handapi stotrasya ki na siddhayati bhtale |
tasmtstotravara prokta satya hi prvati ||

|| iti rkamal stotra saprnam ||

Namaste! We welcome the divine you

SoHamsa is the name of the Sun God as

addressed to by Sri Ganesha. Soham is a Sanskrit word or mantra which means I am
Him (Him refers to the omniscient Brahma) and thus, Soham is the mantra stating aham
brahmasmi. All the living beings on earth produce this sound So while inhaling and
Ham when they exhale.
In the reverse, the word hamsa is derived from joining of the words ahaM + saH and
represents the Jivatman/ individual soul. These two words sohaM and haMsa are the
same with reversed phonemes representing pranayama (breathing process) where one

starts with the inhalation and the other with exhalation. Taken together, these words
sohaM + haMsa = sohaMsa and refers to the merging of the Jivatman and
Paramatmanand that alone is the real goal of Jyotisa or Vedic Astrology. Every other
seemingly significant objective is only another milestone for this goal. No doubt then that
the great Adi Shankara wrote the
Prapacasra Tantra where the five great mantras addressing each of the tattva
(devat) are (om) (hr) (hasah) (soha) (svh) and
together they form the prapaca mantra

om hr hasah soha svh
This is an online resource for vedic astrologers to discuss the techniques of Parasara,
Jaimini and other as taught by Pt. Sanjay Rath. You are welcome to join and share in the
knowledge. Various free and paid courses are available in this website. In addition, the
teachers of SoHamsa offer some courses. Please browse these pages for information.
Listen to an audio of Pt.Sanjay Rath speaking about the importance of Surya, the Sun
God in jyotisa (vedic astrology)

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