Témazáró Dolgozat 6

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Tmazr dolgozat 6.

I. Should/Shouldnt/Must/Mustnt
You _____________ touch the fire! Its dangerous!
She _____________ stop eating, because she looks sick.
We _____________ tell the police what we have seen at the bank
He ______________ do his homework, if he wants to get a 5.
I _____________say bad thing about my teacher.
II. Present Perfect igk behelyettestse
I ________________(not / work) today.
We ______________ (buy) a new lamp.
We ______________ (not / be) on holiday yet.
Where ______you______ (be ) ?
He __________________(write) five letters.
She __________________ (not / see) him for a long time.
________you__________(be) at school?
The school _______________(not / start) yet.
_________he__________(speak ) to his boss?
No, he _______________(not/find) your keys yet.
b) Rakd rendbe a mondat szavait!
just seen have We film a good
Poland been to ever you Have
have never I swum ocean in the
she Has ever lost keys her
written I have the test already

III. Some- vagy any-?

somebody something





I have seen ______________ at your garage! Should I call the police?

I havent seen ____________ at the street, when the storm came.
I found _______________ in my tomato soup! Yuk! Its disgusting!
I havent found ______________ in my bag! I think _____________ stole my
You can come to our place ______________ you want. Even Sunday.
I havent loved ______________that much, only Justin! He is the love of my
IV. Looks or sounds?
I saw a picture of Bills new house. It _________ really nice.
My new apartment has three bedrooms, a big kitchen and theres a
great view from the balcony. It _____________ like a great place.
A: My new boyfriend is so sweet and romantic. Last night, he took me
out for dinner to an expensive French restaurant. B: He ____________
A: I have to work overtime until 11:00 p.m. every night, and
sometimes I work on the weekends too. B: It _______________ like your job
is really tough.
V. Hasznos kifejezsek - Useful expressions
Nem fogod elhinni, mi trtnt az
Bocsnat, elkstem.
ppen most rkeztem meg.
Mi trtnik?
Randit krt tlem.
Fordulj balra a lmpnl!
Nem akarom tudni.
Megyek s megnzek egy filmet.

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