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Date: 2/12/15

Feast: Advent

Focus: First Sunday

Place: Classroom

Time:40 mins

Group: Year 7

Required Props (Cross, candles, symbol etc):

Advent Wreath

Gather (Introductory Rites)

How will symbols be displayed/used? (What specific action?):

Candles, cross and bible place on a table covered in a tablecloth at the
front of the classroom.
Lighting of the first candle of the advent wreath.
Let us begin in the name of the Father, the Son
and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Good Morning students, welcome to this weeks
liturgy on Advent. Advent is the start of the
church calendar preparing us to celebrate the
feast of Christmas. This is the first week of Advent
and we will therefore be lighting the first candle in
the Advent Wreath. Please join us in singing the
first song Even so Come.
Gathering Hymn:
Even so Come
All of creation
All of the earth
Make straight a highway
A path for the Lord
Jesus is coming soon
Call back the sinner
Wake up the saint
Let every nation
Shout of Your fame
Jesus is coming soon
Like a bride
Waiting for her groom
We'll be a church

Ready for You

Every heart longing for our King
We sing
Even so come
Lord Jesus come
There will be justice
All will be new
Your name forever
Faithful and true
Jesus is coming soon
Like a bride
Waiting for her groom
We'll be a church
Ready for You
Every heart longing for our King
We sing
Even so come
Lord Jesus come
So we wait
We wait for You
God we wait
You're coming soon
Chorus (2x)
Even so come
Lord Jesus come
Even so come
Lord Jesus come
Even so come
Lord Jesus come
(God we wait, we wait for You
We wait Your coming soon) .....4X
Thank You Sweet Jesus
(Passion Worship Band, 2015)
Opening Prayer:
Blessed are you, O Lord our God, king of the
You sent your Son to be the Light of the world and
spread his light of love to all. As we light the

candles of this wreath may its growing brightness

remind us of the approaching
nearness of your son so that the day of his
coming may find us prepared and filled with joy.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

the Word)(Liturgy ofListen

(Loyola Press, 2013)

Isaiah 40:3-5
Someone is shouting:
Clear a path in the desert!
Make a straight road
for the Lord our God.
Fill in the valleys;
flatten every hill
and mountain.
Level the rough
and rugged ground.
Then the glory of the Lord
will appear for all to see.
The Lord has promised this!

Respond Refect,Share,

(Isaiah 40:3-5, English Standard Version)

Lights the first candle of Advent.
Student states:
The message of the Advent wreath is the coming
of light into the world. Jesus said: I am the light of
the world, the light of the Advent wreath
represents the truth and hope that Jesus brought.
(Murch, 2004)
5 minutes of quiet reflection for students to reflect
on the light of Jesus and its place in their lives.
Let us pray:
Father in this season of advent we prepare our
hearts for Your coming.
You are the vine, we are the branches.

Come and tend us, prune us, clean us.

Discard in us everything that will not bear fruit,

Nourish in us everything that bears much fruit.

As we celebrate your first coming as a vulnerable

Our hearts await your glorious coming as the
eternal King.
Nurture in us expectant hearts O Lord.
Cultivate in us a deep longing for more of you O
Until that Day when you burst through the
And flood our horizons with your glorious

For yours is the kingdom and the power and the

though out all ages and generations.

Go & Tell (Concluding Rites)

(Brawn, 2015)

Closing Prayer:
Come, long-expected Jesus. Excite in us a
wonder at the wisdom and power of Your Father
and ours. Receive our prayer as part of our
service of the Lord who enlists us in God's own
work for justice.
Come, long-expected Jesus. Excite in us a hunger
for peace: peace in the world, peace in our home,
peace in ourselves.
Come, long-expected Jesus. Excite in us a joy
responsive to the Father's joy. We seek His will so

we can serve with gladness, singing and love.

Come, long-expected Jesus. Excite in us the joy
and love and peace it is right to bring to the
manger of my Lord. Raise in us, too, sober respect
for the God who acted there, hearty gratitude for
the life begun there, and spirited resolution to
serve the Father and Son.
We pray in the name of Jesus Christ,
whose advent we hail. Amen
(Catholic Online, 2015)
Concluding Hymn:
Come Lord Jesus Redemption City Church

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