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ELL Report

1. Description
a. The setting of the field experience (e.g., in a classroom, at a community organization location,
I worked with two ELL students in my classroom during the students lunch and my planning
period. I selected my classroom since I have resources, textbooks, worksheets, as well as
technology tools, tablets, computers, and a projector.
b. The student(s)use a pseudonym to maintain confidentialitywith whom you are working (e.g.
age, grade level, level of English Proficiency, personal characteristics based on
observations/interactions, other information that may give the reader a more in-depth description
of the student)
TP and MP are Vietnamese students. They are both ninth grade students in my Latin I class.
Both students are socioeconically disadvantaged and receive free lunches. TP has lived in the US
for seven years and MP has lived here for five. They are highly gifted and motivated students.
Their English comprehension is strong; however, they are uncomfortable speaking in English. They
speak very quietly with heavy accents. They both struggle, in varying degrees, when it comes to
understanding idioms, expressions, humor, and other culturally based aspects of language and daily
life. They are uncomfortable being called upon and singled out, so I asked if both students would be
willing to work with me on this project.
c. The days and times that you met with the student.
We met during fifth period, 11:22-12:14, on the following dates: 2/20, 2/23, 2/27, 3/2, 3/5, 3/10, and
d. Ways in which you interacted/engaged with the student (including pedagogical strategies).
I used a collaborative group setting, in order to make the students comfortable. However, due to
the students different objectives, I differentiated the lessons. I used a combination of personal
and digital lessons to help the students. The students would watch videos, play games, or listen
to podcasts to learn and practice. Additionally, I would informally evaluate them by asking the
students questions and discussing what they learned. The videos and games were very helpful
since they provided the students with the visual aids necessary for more complete
comprehension. For informal assessments, we had discussions. In the formal assessments
online, I created questions that would activate the prior knowledge of the students and add
pictures in order to facilitate understanding.

2. Objectives and Assessments

Write 2-3 learning objectives and state how you will assess each. Provide evidence for meeting the


(Content) The student

will investigate the
characteristics of


Was the objective met?

Evidence of student


MP objective 1: the
student will improve his
English spelling.

MP objective 2: the
student will improve his
understanding of
colloquial English.

(Formative). I will observe and ask

questions while the student is

Yes. Maria was able to look at the

quadrilateral manipulatives and
identify (show and explain) all
the characteristics of each.

The student will play interactive

spelling games online, i.e. those
from, to
practice spelling. I will ask him to
spell some of the words aloud after
he has practiced to monitor his

Yes, MP was able to improve

his spelling. I administered a
written pre-test to assess the
students strengths and
weakness. From this pre-test, I
could tell that MP needed to
work on his spelling skills. After
working together and practicing
letter pairs and practice, I could
see a noticeable improvement on
his post-test.

Formal evaluations will be done

through online quizzes on the ESL
Partyland site as well as Quia.
After the student watches the
Learn English with English
Class101 videos on YouTub, I will
ask questions regarding the
videos content and proper ways to
use the new English phrases.
Formal evaluations will be done
through online quizzes on the ESL
Partyland site as well as Quia.

TPobjective: the
student will improve his
understanding of
American culture.

TP will use Go Natural English

resources (Youtube videos, blog,
and podcast) and Learn English
with English Class101 cultural
videos. After reviewing the
materials, I will propose various
cultural situations and ask TP
how he would respond.
Formal evaluations will be done
through online quizzes on the ESL
Partyland site as well as Quia.

Yes. MP was able to improve

his understanding of colloquial
English. I hear from the ESOL
case manager as well as MP
himself, that culturally based
language is hard for MP to
comprehend. After watching the
videos and discussing phrases
together, MP got a 90% on his
Quia posttest.
Yes. TP was able to improve his
understanding of American
culture. After watching the
videos and listening to the
podcasts, TP was able to
explain how to act appropriately
in different situations. TP
received an 87% on his posttest.

3. Resources
You are required to use 2-3 ELL-specific resources to help inform your understanding of ELLs and
increase your pedagogical strategies to assist students who are English Language Learners (ELLs). You
may use the resources listed within the module or other resources available to you. Briefly describe how
the resources were used to assist in your experience.
1) Iris Center- This site helped me understand the struggles of ELL students. I learned about
methods of helping ELL students, like activating background knowledge, using visuals,
differentiating instruction, creating word walls, varying assessments, etc. This site was a font of
information and resources that helped me reach my ELL students.
2) Educators Technology- This site listed free web resources for ESOL teaching. I found the ESL
Partyland site that I used for assessments from this site. It also has sites that provide materials,
handouts, lesson plans.
3) Go Natural English This site has an English tip blog, training ebook, podcast, and Youtube
channel. My students could access the lessons during their own time. TP loved the podcast,
since he could listen to it on the bus.
4) BBC Skillswise This site has games, lessons, and videos addressing reading, writing, spelling,
grammar, speaking, and listening skills. It was a great place for my students to practice their
individual goals.

5) Mrs. Hurleys ESL This site is a master list of resources. She has created subcategories (i.e.
lesson plans and worksheets, teacher resources, teacher clipart, ESL software and technology,
virtual field trips, and teacher tools) and posts links to other websites helpful to ELL teachers
and students. Her compilation is remarkable. This site gave me a great starting off point for
ideas, websites, lesson plans, etc.

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