Mechanical Seal Troubleshooting Guide

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FLOWTREND Mechanical Seals

Troubleshooting Procedures
FLOWTREND mechanical seals are precision engineered and manufactured
components, yet one of the most common causes of pump failure are due to the
malfunction of a mechanical seal.
By design, mechanical seals are friction contact devices and can be subjected to a
very wide (typically harsh) range of operating environments.


There are several reasons why mechanical seals fail. Here are just a few:
1) Pump/system problems
a. Pump runs dry
b. Vibration (inappropriate TIR of stub shaft, etc)
c. Cavitation
d. Misalignment of piping
e. Excessive temperatures
f. Pressure spikes
g. Etc.
2) Mechanical Seal problems
a. Damage to seal faces prior to installation
b. Incorrect installation
c. Insufficient or no attachment of water flush component
d. Excessive temperature
e. Excessive pressure

In the Troubleshooting Procedure section, we attempt to help you find the primary
cause of why the mechanical seal has failed. We discuss how to use the evidence
of the failed seal to establish what was, or still is, happening inside the pump or seal
The analysis of the seal failure will enable us to put forward our recommendations for
successfully sealing the pump.



Collect the entire seal

Examine the wear track (compare to sketches below)
Examine the faces for damage
Examine for signs of heat (bluing of stainless, etc.)
Examine the seal drive component for damage
Examine the springs for damage
Examine the elastomeres for damage

THEN, Compare:

Proper Wear Track. The pattern on the wide face will be equal to the
width of the narrow seal face. When this occurs, the cause of leakage is
unlikely to be seal related. The wear pattern should be concentric with the
inner diameters.

Narrow Wear Track. When the wear track is narrower than the thinnest
width face, this means the seal has been over pressurized and has bowed
away from the pressure. This bowing causes the seal to seal only on a
portion of the face width. This is from improper design and the seal must be
changed to a higher pressure, more rugged design.

No Wear Track. This usually means that both of the seal faces are
rotating with each other. Check that the drive mechanism or anti rotation
devices are working correctly.

Wide Wear Track. The wear pattern is wider than the narrow face. This
pattern indicates that opening of the faces has allowed excessive film
between the faces. This can be caused by a cocked stationary face, pump
misalignment, pipe strain, or pump cavitation. The pump misalignment or
vibration can cause the rotary seal to move back and hang up on the shaft.
The most practical solution to this is realignment of the pump. A wide wear
pattern is also symptomatic of excessive shaft motion.

Intermittent Wear Track. This wear pattern can be caused by cocking of

the stationary face and/or an excessive surface roughness of the stationary or
rotating seal face. Insure that all faces are not cocked and that they are flat
at the time of installation. Flowtrend seal faces are warranted to have a face
flatness of less that 3 Helium Light Bands.

Uneven Wear Track. This is an uneven wear pattern that rotates off of
the entire wide face at two points. The most probable cause of this is poor
pump shaft-drive motor alignment.

Cracked Hard Face. There are two main causes for cracking. Ceramic
seals can crack due to thermal shock (changing temperatures rapidly across
the ceramic seal face. If as stream of water hits a face, such as ceramic, that
is running hot, it will cause it to fracture.). The second cause of cracking is
mechanical shock, which can occur if the face is distorted by dropping or
hitting of the seal.

Chipped Edges. Chipping is caused by a large separation of the faces and

consequential breaking when they slam back into each other. It is most
often associated with Flashing (which is common in hot water systems or in
fluids that may have water condense in them). When water changes from a
liquid to a gas, it expands thousands of times in volume and can cause a
large face separation. This is also known as chattering. This can also be
caused by severe pressure spikes in the pump associated with cavitation.
Cavitation is cured by proper liquid volume entering the pump (refer to
NPSHr of pump). Usually, small vibrations, misalignments and the like
can not cause the breakage because they do not separate the faces enough.
The cure in the case of flashing is to reduce the face heat. This is done by
insuring that the seal spring tension was not excessive due to the installing it
wrong. Using of a single or double flush seal arrangement will provide
proper cooling fluid so that this does not occur.

Flaking and Peeling. This occurs primarily when a hard face is plated
with a material. A good example is the Chrome Oxide plated Stainless
rotating seals used by Fristam. Other OEMs also plate stainless steel faces
with a hard planning of satellite, ceramic, tungsten carbide, or a variety of
other materials. Flaking is usually a sign of either a defective coating, or
chemical attack at the bond between the base metal and the plating material.
The attack may be aggravated by heat generated at the seal face. Switching
to a solid face material will solve this problem. FLOWTREND only uses
solid face materials.

Pitting, Blistering, & Corrosion. The carbon used in FLOWTREND

mechanical seals is selected for the particular application and should not be
subject to these problems. The problems occur when the wrong carbon is
being used. Most seal carbons use an impregnated face (FLOWTREND
uses a triple impregnated carbon) and this is not obtainable when a carbon is
machined from tube stock by indiscriminate producers. Corrosive attack of
carbon can be stopped by selecting carbons which are relatively binder free.
In the few fluids which attack a pure carbon or carbon graphite, such as
nitric acid, oleum, chlorosulphonic acid and some exotic highly oxidizing
acids, the alternative is to use a PTFE or filled PTFE face. Faces made from
PTFE are a poor substitute for carbon, but are appropriate for the few fluids
where a pure carbon will not withstand the fluid.

Deep Wear. This is typically associated with externally mounted seals in

misaligned pumps, seals in severe abrasive service, and/or products that
under go a phase changes to form crystals on the seal face. The particles
embed in the carbon face and grind the hard face. The problem is often
compounded by the reuse of the carbon face, because it shows little wear.
The common cure for this type of seal wear, is to adapt a single or double
flush seal arrangement to the pump and by adapting the use of hard faces
such as Silicon Carbide.

Heat Checking. This is often caused by the inability of the face to

conduct heat away. The heat can come from the product temperature,
friction, vaporization of the product, coupled with brief cooling of the faces
from the product being pumped. If any discolorations of the seal parts are
observed, then high friction between the seal faces has been created. Further
evidence in O-ring hardening and setting may support this. The most
probable cause is dry running, flashing, or very poor face lubrication.The
common cure is to reduce face temperature by adapting a single or double
flush seal arrangement and/or changing the seal face materials.

Seal Drive Problems: Most seal designs use some way to transmit
torque from the shaft to the rotary seal face. Quite often it is done with pins,
set screw, o-rings, or some other form. To check for this clue, you must first
determine for your particular seal where the drive junction is located. Seals
are usually loose in torsion, that is, outside the pump, you can twist them
slightly before they engage. You are looking for signs of wear at the pin,
screw, etc.
Slip Stick: If the two faces stick together the drive ring will lodad up
with high stress. This is then transferred back to the face causing it to
accelerate and then stick again. Instead of a smooth rotary motion, the face
is being beaten around in its circular path. Slip stick is caused by a lack of
face lubrication. This can be caused by a variety of problems. You must
look at the other clues to determine the most likely. Lack of face lubrication
can be caused by:
- Installing the seal at the wrong working length.
- Too much pressure acting on the face, i.e. using an unbalanced seal
where a balanced seal should be used.
- The fluid being sealed has poor lubricating properties.
- The face combination is bad. Using faces for their chemical
resistance without regard for their ability run as a seal face.
- Pump cavitation.

- On vertical pumps air trapped in the rotor case chamber.

This is a very important clue because it tells you about the nature of your
product. Double seal arrangements are necessary when a product is not a
good lubricant. This clue will tell you about your products lubricating
Spring Breakage: Springs usually break because of chemical attack
at the same time the device is being stressed. The phenomen of stress
corrosion cracking is explained by many different theoretical methods. It is
commonly seen in seals when stainless steel springs are used in certain
fluids. When the fluid being sealed contains chlorine, bromine, iodine,
fluorine and ions or compounds of these elements, they often will attack the
chrome oxide layer that protects most grades of stainless steel. While the
oxide layer is being attacked, the flexing will open up small cracks. If the
oxide particles wedge into these cracks, a sudden failure can occur. For this
reason, most spring materials should be high grade stainless steel or alloys
such as Hastelloy or Monel. Spring breakage accompanies flexing of the
device, but repeated axial compression of a spring will not cause fatigue
failure. This happens when a portion of the spring is extended too much or
flexed in torsion. When the seal is mounted externally, the spring is not
actually in the pumped media, and can only be attacked if primary seal
failure has occurred. Some springs are meant to rotate in one direction.
When a deformed spring is notices, it was most likely that the pump was
rotated in the wrong direction, or the wrong spring was used.
Elastomere Issues: Swollen, sticky, or disintegrating elastomeres.
This is a sign of chemical incompatibility. It is solved by using a different
material. Charts should be consulted, or if none are available, product
immersion testing can be performed. If the product is a mixed solvent and
no elastomere is suitable, then a PTFE encapsulated or Kalrez O-ring should
be selected. Hardening, Charring, Cracking, of the elastomere. All of these
are signs of excessive heat. Usually the source of the heat is the face or a
metal to metal contact of two parts. Excessive face heat is caused by lack of
lubrication and subsequent friction. It could also be a sign that the pump has
run dry. Look for signs of metal to metal contact. This is very common, yet
often overlooked because the marks look like they may have been machined
onto the seal originally.
Rubbing: Some easily overlooked causes for rubbing are:
- Flushing lines coming into the seal chamber housing and extending
into the seal chamber itself.
- Gaskets slip into the seal cavity
- Rotary or stationary rings come in contact with the rotating shaft.

- Build up of scale in the seal area.

- Seal are not concentric with the shaft.
- Excessive shaft deflection caused by throttling the discharge or
otherwise operating the pump at its wrong capacity or pressure.

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