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It is the old warehouse at the prison. A dark, large room with a door
that leads to freedom. The room is lit by a single fluorescent light
above the door, and a Guard stands by the door.
The Prisoner is hiding behind a corner, waiting for the right time.
Each hour, the Guard opens the door and goes to patrol the wall from
the outside. This is her only chance to escape.
The Prisoner looks at her watch. Its almost time.
The Guard looks at his watch and turns around, trying to find the
right key.
The Prisoner looks at the Guard. He is a large man. He has a gun.
Will she be able to overcome him? She pulls out a knife.
The Guard opens the door. Daylight washes the room. The bright light
blinds him, he stands there, covering his eyes. Now is the time. Now
is the only chance.
The Prisoner gets up, walks towards the unsuspecting Guard. She lifts
her knife - and attacks the gGuard. He falls to the ground.
She escapes.
The Guard lies motionless on the ground. His eyes suddenly open.
He is not dead.

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