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PACIFIC PHILOSOPHICAL Quarterly ac 'C PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERE EDLTORIAL BOARD: Hasty Fick, Ba {Berkeeyh Vtg. Aldih. Univesiy of lake Robert Auth, Overy of Rebenia thence Incodeee MP He Une of Alec ttommhany Ga Butan, Move Sate Univers (Bocena yt tne, of Caras atone ait ret Jeans Wiley Coke Unveni enka am baa, West Gem) Tolga" ay nd vf Cat Cn ianens invert Calgary Dad Hata. Unies of Caf 2 Heamen, Brian Loa, Mies (anodes Kal Lambert” Uivonay of Calgon) Chri orga’ Gms of Vator, in Pony, Sun trsey, Robes Reh, Une of ‘Wad Wvkey. Simon. erty of Pusbunts; Sepnen Seite rade Scho! and ign Coes {CON ga exch, of ln Pe Wk Univer of Caos San Bg) Tat 8 Vickers Claremon Cra Sioa! Richatd Wasemttom, Unser of Calor Seva Cra) "Pao! Gre ded the weckerat of Augie #28 [a elie lwp Quarters publishes Kou tes «yoann Naw, Hance a Dees by Bad Blackwell id) Orr rere fi ete shold bo ndleced to Hoorn tcp Td itesvely It Covley Noa Onlod OX TIF UK PO Bay 1350, Moray Hil Staton, N10, USA, Fatt oom gsm “Ea tals msm Ea ‘divest corectns te Pace Phicsophcal Qvartemy. co Exper of {he Pied Word Lid SIS Mam vom, Now Vevkc NY INDE USA {Uta en ‘wih he Crplah Clearans Centr to aatorze intra photeeopyng a Si atte nthe oural for 9 eS por pgs pe wile, ayaa ‘toni he made cnet tothe Copyright Chonan Conc 27 Cones: Soe Sie Ament OPH USA In, fant ma tested wth te CCC. us obtain permit fo photon ees fm the CC orm at are! 1d nie Cowley Red Oaoed ONCE, when te ame fev lap. Aderthing For dill ania the Advertsing. Manger. Bil Drake ‘Sesone fase) S87 or mnie clothe pubishers Types! by Come of Reading Fried ue boa Great Din by Wiebe Lid, Kens Urey of Sotto Cala BR SN OEP ARISTOTLE ON THE MULTIPLICITY OF BEING PAUL GRICE* 1 Invodection My enterprise, inthis oper, is to explore some ofthe questions wich tie ut fait wellknown caster of Avisotkis thess. In Categories, Trsoile duinguithes two torts of coe te aplieation ot word oF uate toa range of tutors; one im ws both the ond and gh ‘eiion econ. gas) py tout tt range Ue he whch ‘We word but no single detinuon apes hroyghout the range. ta the is sort of ene, Re 95 the word aiid! symm oF tore sti) {0 things whic ate sundrnume i the second applied harmony ‘o things whieh are merely homauma Provision i ako ade a intermite clas of eases, oF (if you preter i) for a sabvon of homonymous applications of word ino (a) esses “chance homonny and (6) cases of “other tut hance homey" or Atte eal ‘hem, cass o€ “paronyy" I sal Ibe! the ase ofthese sons fees of "Unjed Somante Mutipicay” (USN). Promincot among examples of USM the appticaton of the word ‘he seordig 0 ‘Asie, “being is Said in any wage"; and among frie important ‘amples of USM we fad the word deus ("good") whieh cenng Aristotle exhibits mulpistysevminay Tlfed to, and paps cen ‘dependent upon, that displayed by the word “beings for in Nica tc i Aristotle vers that “good i sald ms rany mayen” The doctrine ofthe USM of ‘ing i ntoriowly of pret importance to Arise, sine it used by hi 10 preserve the oerwis seeps ‘characterization of the ence of Mletphsin es the study of eine us Pate Panophuat Queer 9H) 17S. —__oHaTENS S240 ‘Set 19% erty of Suter Calter 6 PCIE HILOSOHICAL QUAREERLY being, hich is ttetened hy the jection thatthe word “beng” cao app smonymourly to al th tome wth whch Metaphysics x conceane tnd thot thore i, therclore, mo more a. genuine Shle sciene a Metaphysics thin there sx (ay) genuine single ascace scorned i tices, some of which (ike dshoves) are oral, ad some of which he ‘amps ae made of metal This object an, Arsotle hopes, beet by the teply that semantic mpi can he arte im the tcrninokoyy specifing the subject matter of single scence provided tat st utipeny ss wag Before I pel th questions wih whic inthis paper Usb may be concerned, should ike sy 1 word about the eat of my fatten Aristotle nd stent the prospects erving {Toni a sigaieont ‘ntti Yo the enguies whic {have in mind to undertake, Fst regatd Aisle a bits, lke one or soothe Mori fies, ot ue esl phiknopher of the par bt a beng «great plouoper hit 40 $y, Chink of hint belagcutoored with tay of he prem fo which sre today ae, or at east shuld be, devoting ou elf, Furttere, Iny view that obce he f propedylowrpete, he i Hhey found to have ‘eon noni uch problems in ways fom which we have mich eat, sulnrbe therefore to proremme of tying to interpret or contract ik ‘ims (ami T art not 48> fusy about tbe illrenee between these WO escrptions) in such 4 way thay nee the 4x toaly probing, 1 ‘mere to bi views which are tae rater than false, which are ressomed Father shan unensoned, nd which ace lazing ae profound rater han dil er tvih Sesta, sink that inthe phlosopel atea win ‘wich the tops ofthis paper fall there sve spell strong seasons for Tsien as atteniely a posse to what Arto bat toy A deinion fof the msture and range of metapisel enguies stone the rst fowmidable oF philosophical sks we need all the Belp Re cam Est, pauticularly atime when metapiyscas have onl sedenlly bee 0 re fmerge fon the skoety end to ay mind ace al hampered. by he iectoth of deeades of eule and wieation ot the hands of the rednecks of Vienna and their adherent. The mein quests to Wik Lsall be adesing mye ace thee in (GQ). H,m Arstoesogzests, at least some expressions connected with she notion of “being? exit seman malic, of which expressions i the ages eve? Mare precisely wich foce of the vet tobe and in hat syntactic constructs is this suggestion most plate? Wht ounuts ofthe ver, iC any, ane similar alected? {@)- What link i there, any, between unity, semantic mliplicy and ey or diference of mesning? (G). In what iferot ways may smaote mulipisny become unified? Indi to these thee main questions threat oe frien guste ARISFOILE ON THE MULTIPLICITY OF BEING ” nhick might on oocision potably engage o8r atenon. (2) What Chsidetatons, Hany, canter upon the aay of 9 sls defiision of Special pride af plore among pov eteria for ae of meting? Can this suggestion Be aga foe i oat a matter of ition? How, a 3 con the silty of ich a dofinton he eon?” [by Te Aviles eistion of the wage of unin semantic itp exhanstve, ae Hs componedts mutually exclusive. and which fon of sian epics tthe semanbe malty commosted With ‘ing U. Heing and Semantic Multpicey A. Esitentol Heng and Semantic Motility The fist quent to be face with regard to the ponuble semantic ‘tipi of ing Cor of ea () 8 4 (ai) 4 90 Fry fle queso of ilerpretation: in What range of employments of the ‘ond be or af a appropiate Greek countspat) is semontie maliplity to be looked for, Flom 8 standard vcwpedet (iv which (oot fac Unly subse) thre wl bef east Tour pole Tact of seh Svan mlip ity: i) in the woe? tae eng “ee (i the word be’ token a «copula ims prdictonal statement, (0) 48 the trond te’ ake av expresing ienty, amd Ge) in the word “ein Comidete os 4 noun and av roughly eautalet to "objeto “entity Sone of these varan ave telly independent a oe sete. Since an ‘bjec or eniy sen to be snyhing which io exes rearomne oppose tht scenic stipiity won tach och nou ently ify and only iH abo ataches tothe Wore “est. Furthermore, i We fscept the commonly received ew that “exit” may be paraphrased in teams of elf Ay Jaius Caer, for csample, exate i and only Juve Caesar is Mental wth Jlise Caer), thea any” semantic ‘mult in the pase “ie eae wih” il go hand hand with ‘otesponingsesatie matlity i the word "exit. We ae then Kt Svc two pony independent canddaten for scamtic mali "be ‘Goemtood s+ meaning ‘exht) and "he! (understood az meaning cipal) G.EsL, Owen in Arse onthe Shares of Onelogy (ASO) ops fr the suppeniton that semantic mulipityttackes toe! (meaning "xis fdas Tor ato tine shaved hs bei, shall consider te, Since twa to sttibuo a wow 10 Arisole ony i 1 cam Bod fis work oe "ketmtively invent om his bebal, 4 reasonable plawable argument 10 Suppor it, Tahal ask whether we can find or devine nich a argument 8 thi instance. T offer the following v8 Pa Areunont AP (1) Cropics 244t7-48, L12105-7] eng (esitence), ike rity ie rotated of eveything, This saternent certainly implies that the mort xi is tly applicable 10 every objeet Ke may also imply that the Aniversl signed ny “exit (or, shots a plurality of such univers, that one or voner OC He universal ine by “ex ls lastantted by very objet, Bu Let us be ents, an le ws Bt assume that the second Inptcaos bok (2) [De fnerpetsion, chapters 2-6] Every sample desarave sentence [bropostiona contains «frome (> pate) hich Sonics something fd of sanething eke [16bs}, the “sotething ese’ being sgniied by a roan phxe, deed ‘the Uivinbilty of eeraive seences to lathes (asetions and dpphisis (ena), which spectively aim ‘deny snnething about something [17325] suggests tht the nation of the xhbiion of “subjet predicate form’ enters amo the definition of the onept of a dedantive sotence or proposion. Exiteial scotences Ivopositon| are no eoption to thls thesis and they even tolerate Quamitetions! rodiiers [19015-1, G) Trow (0) aid 2), H follows that extant propositions auribute Univers to subject item (It "exae sigulied a single universal it would sigity a genete tives, since asi sown by caegoryailleences, weve are aeremt Iways of existing whish would Be species of exatenee. [This step as hee supplies hy me) (5). Being (entence) is nota genus, and so is wot a generic univers Tha argued in Metaphyrice INH2O-25, and Ue det of hs argument snl he forint examined hy me Ian appendix to my presentation uf Mleurent A A uilleent account therefore, has 10 be found of What are aturalythoogit of as ways of existence, {6} rom (3) aud (3) follows that “ing? ene} doesnot sigily & og universal. (2) From (3) and (6) Ht lllows that “exe signifies mow one, nom another, of 4 ple of unvesals {8} I exist ignies a pray of univers, that plurality should satis two conditions fs, fa) shad be op sal a plurality as posible (by a0 initivelyseseptable principle of economy), and second, [beach of the ‘eames of to prlity should be an essential propery of items of the Kind to whic attaches: the removel of such apropos from any Lear. belonging to that hind ehovld deprive that bearer of existence, mone Trietly, ith respect to each ind, each clement property should. be nl by the concept of evsienee {@}. The onl wet of users which woul! say both of the conditions ave spose in (8) isthe sot oF eategonyeads themselves (asthe Imuct general Ist of esentialproperica one oF another of which ever) _AKUSTOTLE OW THE MULTIPLICITY OF HEE 1m ‘osject ponents); 0 the eategoryseas constitute the required plac (G0). So "ext by viele of sigalg = platy of universal, ext semande tauipichy Appenixto Argument AL “The osgumen piven ly Asie in favour of the contention that being it not genus &, 10 my mind. obscure: i rests om the Thesis tht agen ‘ann he preicabie of aifeenta of one of is species, an feng ‘wore gens t would have to offend again this proftion sine Hing Universally peedeabie. ‘The followings my speculative expansion of th fngument, HS ia specie of «genus Cth tal be Une ene (1) that ‘belongs esenially tr andi thetefove in the same category ab 8; (2) tha Sis lferentited, within G, by some wniversal Dy and (3) that D is category dllereot tom, an (0 to speak) “eatepoilly inferior to” 8 Gnd G fin that wo tem inthe eategry of § aod G may atte esoaially to, and be presale of, D). Two-fooed, for example, i diferent (f mae, will dfer in category fom mer and aria (wll be a gual tate than a substance) in sth wy that reir ma nor anna em BS predicable of; secondary substances are not predcuble of qualitis, even ough it may be the case that nevessrdy anything which as cert ‘aly isa certain sre of substance. Hut if Being were a genus, since being ‘S universally preable (ee sep (1) im Argument AL), i wou! be prccble of any uitferentia of an ofits specie. To show Uat "est possstes pot merely semante nulipity, but ‘wie Semnie malipiity, we shall need further argumene which [ Stall endeavour to supply. Argument AZ (1) BS the precoding onpument 1, am iem exis just m ge 1 belongs to some puticular category © [eg substance, quality, suanity, ete) Q). Weategory C isa category other thanx subsance, then nn sem cam be # € (fall under C) ony sx isa Cf soe subatancey, This thes ca be tem a application ofa xenon of the doctene of aera ey 4 Sesion which demas that te exstoee of s unvetsalrequees aot jst the pone bu the actualy of an ier which stares tt univer, ‘ns tosis, thou not my fstiation of i, seems to Be enunciated in Meaphysis TV, i, 10847. (G)_ Beings Cf some subsancey which instaniates C ens being # C ‘of something y which exists in har sense (interpretation) of exist whic ‘npropmiate fr substances, By hypothess, fora subtanes to exist fori to be 8 substance 4) So “sustantial existence’ pris to, and presuppase by, each fore of non-anetaninl existence (6) "So the se of wayn ia which “existence is sid? are united by 180 -PNCIME PMILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY ppropiae relation to pay outta being, mds Pex? eis ned semartie malls "hope hac the twin argument, which Ihave presented have Doth a recognizable ty with philosophical positions which Asti ts known {ole hed, and aban ss aspera charm, They d9. however, have heir drawbacks bah sm » torial and fom a eoneepal point of ‘len: My eusrntthonghte with ropa tothe st of These wo ase have been greatly iflacnced by my colleague Alan Coie TX eral pasage for consderation is Meiphyacr Vs si (8 7). totMa2est, part of the chapter devoted to what I (Being) in the “phisephical lexicon” contained the Metaphys. Tete, Aote fogs iscems thot whatewe things ae signified by the “orm of Prediction” (ie, presumably the eegorie), re sd Co Bein chemse es [pers dae, being” 8 many sensations as thet reforms of prediction. Since predates sometimes say what thing Is, vometimes fiat itis key sometimes bere Ht hy (apd $0 on) there ihn ‘ienicafo of eine eoespumding teach of thee. He anes with the remark that there so llereace Between "aa walks ours) fd “oun is walking (Coursing) {a} The obvious inteqetation of the lst remark is that the appeatance of sereforms lke “walks or ountes rate n0 dif, fine they an be tepliced by expesons In canoniat form ike “is ‘alking! ovis Housing, andi the ner expesions are regarded “ast as canon fora becse the wes al Che) Whose ‘rulgity be iat Last ath point deeystng are ot exena but Copan” Owen, thowgh be recognes [ASO P. #2] that Arise docs ‘rewcasson a extgora arson im the sense of de copulate" ‘ident onling to alow that Aste is prom covered here withthe copulativ 40 he ath srangaly interpret te ast tetark (Glrra2rad) a aludig to semanie maluplty in the eopola as being (apposed) a consequence of seman mliticty in the existential {Tn interpretationscoms cal wo defend (When Arse sayy that predicts sometimes sy what thing | sometimes at is ke (6 quality), somtimes how mu ic (is {qontty) so soon, he seems tobe sang ta we conser the ange of [recites which can be applied to some fem, for example to assistance Tike Souiates ov wen, tove priate ar eategrialy various. and 0 the tes of the copa ia the taeiption of thes predicates il undergo onespoating variation, But inthe (immediatly preceding sentence ‘Arti han sonnested! the seme mult in the copa not with Carotion petwecm predicates of one subject, bu with variation between “Sowa per se) edicaons po aiferent indeed ately ere’) Saljeet och predation ae "Socrates an”, “Cambri bie sa Siar fa blue. blve claus), A desire wo harmonize these statements ARISTOILE OW THE MULTIRLIGTY OF BEING 181 tends me wo wonder wheter Arse may be msisining Hot ony shat the copa abs semantic mikpiy which coreponds co stg (Afecenes between deren seen bout on et, for etna, Scere Dt abo that sir Seana sty fe iuabe to Imp ne wei females the an of ves tetwecn (Socrates haan” (8) “Caminie ue a caoue (i) "A regi ol (vo prude rages" To voles my spon ere Slt, mig be Arioiet ew ta I (a) “Sooate KF" Wan Scent (nese predate, () sigs a tem in tery Cot fester tn converse Arte ano erence {preset} ene ol orm of he proption Soren ey Be fegurded on exes by“Soctats ha something which where fepecesi same" oft sell) nh care cen Che copa Such scrapes te Toc rode a a coma ton expend by ha aed espa ain eon epee by oie cons) These redo scaly ars apn the recede hat Atk eyads existe semen (peponton) the heia Senne iit ate not the only posse ind of Use. A fern Kin of compl, agai te iabiay ofthe poston wich {have been treingao fr i were Actes rer than gh the spe that einfach, woul re the uote ofthe ek, spurl 2 toumlton 1 he ponion Mal eels ae a peer be of Ietjectyrediatesousment Ue pele (a got sta) that Owen TEES Ect tie ih sarge ASO wen he stings sine sae Tet daubstarexscace ne torn of sch aa objceton youd te tat, mame" or eying pots nly mambo of syn “ote onetime amie a singer Brecon thse itera, has to Be Sippond to pesppon the eatence of oat. Til be wed both ty ttuon, ons nett extend al nerpetatons etre meh I demanded for vier snd pareslr semen, order to expe Gucues nich arm comaeston wth te Squats of Opposition. TO Soop =p exo be molgasst “pat ame” weld e 6 ‘ppm tone” prepregs ne of pt omer rie gous exe asc) peso of ing ker Tt or fae tint fut ext This abr. "vse io me hat Art can be defend again he ate, To tepin vith, te Invasion of @ semana elton of presipoation i wot ts ony eeoune when tow i faced th oabie show the Square of ‘Oppo: one might or example ry to deploy pape nouon ot Drewppotion which would not gencrie the obo sty. Bu 8 fore serous ten might suggest Avisos hot more than one ‘Peto! of handing evel ha there ae ined two uch set 1 ‘PACHIC PHILOSOPHICAL, QUARTERLY both subject predicate in characer, which when combined aod the Share. In Mewphscx VIM, HZBIGE, whore the ear tpi a5 tm be what hin of aibuies ave constative of and differentiate between torts of sense things, Acsole argues the rage of such ctu features ievmuch nget than Bemoorits alton sod Indias ways of ging, (qu deltas of wary of enue objects, soc a threshold and ee, ‘Yeh contain onalogues of yous and diferent. AL hi punt laos Trento, be gives pllra of analy for existent about sk ‘nx he pater comtstseem) ofthe sequence some + kes" + De Merona’; eu Sone water frozen” (an anol fo ce exists") Ind "A tone b suse tyes portion” (an analysand for thruaold ens"). We bave, then, fr certain exbteaia definens Inojeceprediate orn whch hy wtheng the cleriens in efits, ‘Sminates the Word ‘en’ aloether. [Would sugest on Ait ‘alu that ths chimigaine form could be employed aalyee genet (eben te See caste "poo ext oie theetezory hing fom, The "Socrates is + aitslane” enshl be Wed 10 analyse snguor titel, ke “Socees exis 1B. Copulurive Being and Senne Baipliciy My stey for an attempted presentation of up argent in oppor of Ue Hypothesis thot une! seantie map So be Located the pd (ot in sarang of examples 10 which bes ase 9 copula, Gees of serakonal predation) wll be to put forward as Draliinay 4 par sete of theory of categories, which [ epard 35 being inte main Avs, to comment on some pois of ieres in {hur chctc and Gall to se fea bai fo he proposed argument. My ‘tub wi dept tom Arstolls's ok postion io ove exytwo respects thereby depicting, thik, n sOmeNot improved ticor, smd it wi Incoxpicte wha scem tobe tsongpcuows extension of his theory. thou one which, far es Tcan 26, he might wel ve acted without {otiment to is sce 49min hope to pu forward am sine of an (Eitinvorcategenes which soverdy more semi than the assemblage Stalta which we may etc rom Ago’ vain (G) Tatar, much st Atti did in Caugorie, by distinguishing 180 Cita reiaton Relation. My rlsions, wi fal eal ing and ‘Taine ate approximately tho cowvetes. respectively, of his rekon Dein ud of om gb a sobs) exes (haa) y approximately iy Enid of Qs present in) § Tall use the upper se ltters Vand Ht Sabie these eltions Hill ten by sting some of the formal Properties hich Umi tig to these relations. Cay remark that i Tir we caves fers seems to be epuons. Ling is exe (Vas las “7 Nom synmetceal (oymmety-tetral, and tastive. Hazzing, 00 the ARSTOTLE ON THE MULTIRUCITY 0 BEIK ss ‘ther hand, sno, either intransitive or transtiny net ‘pending on which sew taken ofan persion which I sal mention tnt moment), and (Eth symmetry ll cae, Aa nail 9 ies then yw essa toxin the sense tha iF ETE NO 2 hed oul not (or Would longer) ex I's, however, cotlaly not te fisaes thot hac, harsne enon! ois estes deed Tram inlined to think, thowgh Cam pot wll eotent tat thie st tse inca. Ham ipo Lo accept the folowing "mised a. El yandy Hy, thon x He the accetabity ofthis aw woul depend on {hein tht moda yhrzenvomething > Mt fot mosey] ey ‘nail fling er y (hat every sia ht iatsy) haze tim nn aspne 1 6809 the “mined law, CH) 11 y andy Ue, then x 112, sineo I would ike espouse he ee that subject x any ate) other than hat 2) arate only tadeda (9 8 somewhat techie Fone of inva exphined ee); in which cas, 1 mip ko espouse ia thatthe cpa cn be analyzed in term ofthe junction oy fn cH smesing wich 1y. But his procedure could easly be relates (@)_ Some defniions ean now be given. Hl be noted that ull Atle, 1 have made izing reexive; 0 some uf my deiitions mas ‘ter teo bis, ge T cannot Gla, a4 be did in Categories 3x? that nothing ies windvd substance. The defnins wl rons flows: 1) an individual f aothing other thanx 22 2) iv primary ila ean indivi and hing zz 3) kiko primary subaamial (in to eatopory of “substance of tome prinary ladda ees x 4) "ete a secondary substance 7 a primary substantial but not an ini 5) el kw! with 9 fx tne y and y ia» 5) is presale of xf cher izes yor x hazacs something z which ‘es y, (We may compare the fast deinton th my ear suggestion ofthe stasis of the cop) (3). Andy wi be a primary element in some catgory other van dat ff sutslumtls just i ce there i «primary in!» [on nd ‘sic primary substan) which Rate something > hich in sira aes y ahs allows forthe possiblity tat 2 may be idee thy) at ‘dvi. in the ease of Suc “foreign” predation method will be needed for determining whic foreign eatogoy evolved ar being the aegory of the predicated item ys Hete it amst be adrted dat ‘Arbo tein is les than Gly stifatoy. We cab stem to whe se ofthe deren one-word inttrogaves whieh ea be exteted om Filey te oa nt as ‘University Poss, 1988). 5 it PACIFIC PITLOSOPHICAL OUARTELY ‘Aisle, with dhe supposition that teas in «patil category may be ‘italy iavoke to provade-anewertt jst one of the kind of questions Shed by each of so ntenrogatives: butt ist ler that ach st of Imterouuives fs suleienty ompechensive else, for example, seem {Decay ti repramme). oe i ae wat the ration bass woul be for such ist nf questions And while Abitode says moc that is fmecesting about somme ptt xtogries, is tempt, for example in The aes of ust amd unity, £0 ek on primary singing maths Iie eit lear or cee eoerest. Rortnatly. however, for my present Punpses, sch shortcomings don ater wil be sulin fae Sse te svaiity of some dcrminaing procedure (Perhaps woe {lather Sevelpnent of the “hotermgatves ethos) since my main once is with the emeequences of scheme nyu sme proce of seh se 1a) At this point my sketch inonportes the previously estone| cxtension of Atstofls theory of etagonae, 1 segue that tbe a ‘peraion (etic Chal eal "sobstatzation) whi when appbed Sires to invidasls whieh long 102 munsubsanal cteyny {efoats them or eounterpars of them) i a a primary division ofthe (Steaory of substi thereby Insting or Heensog the rebated ites {Snes sljeste of hzzng theses Razed by We wl inhi one Frimry vss of cotepones othe ham hat ef subtaas. Quliis of Sutetanes for cxanpl might be floened wow primary substantia, Thereby becoming sobjets which Razz (ss) farther qualiatve or {quaniaes, or ghatetr: thot #20 tay, Iababliants of 2 som rary {Trison of ti or that nonsuistanal category. $0 the esegony a “atatives ony ice oles sane. qualities of sbsanlzed {Ghalses (or sbvtantazed quanti of subse, ad so thou any Teed tint. The scheme, a6 1 entgage He (2) woul provide for abstention si respest to some, but MOL maces? 1 al tame Shick intl Belong o sme now substan catgry sme ean Towever, might be ineligible forthe apoleaon of subarsiaization, ni fw other categorie it might e tht ly subcategories would be eligible {or ubstantataton; [would ensue thst sulmanttzaton went hand Inond with Deming rbject of hazing; bat (€) wou not euranice (het sustained ts woul hz rte tems in every nom-substi ter. "The schome as have sti ous abet or athomaticain carter: and it would be neces t take sie thot could have appistion to oretet cats might a, even if conceely applicable, be ony partial inchaacer; i might, for example, provide fr one Kind of eatery (say Topial eatgoree), but leave ther kinds of categories, Tike msory Catporics urprovded for. But it sone version of were to prove Mabe that would generate several pllosophical dividends [ARISTOTLE ON THE MULTILICITY OF DEING 18s (1) Tue scheme would leave sonm in mone then ene way for sub- Categoria diversities within a given overall category. (a) There might be Uistincions between, for example, quis of substanes, qualities of ‘qantiies of stbtanes, qualities of quate of ations of Subsomes, Sint so loth All of these specie kates wots fall thin gener ategory of ality, and there woald be onportanty to Tesla (that Soule desi) gsi ng Ren longing Yo mote than one ea ‘son. (b) Wain an alcady eecrimiated category or sub-emegory ‘ere might bes eatogora dint betwen substanGlabie and om ‘hstanlzabe ems (2) There il he room (again shold it som otherwise desirable) to adopt» erin of realy distin! fom the pets ites teow (aii condition of Beg “quantifiable over". One might for example, inst thot rity ataches, ofall oay attaches, only to tome WES elds being zc, Being ize, and being hazed, ae emelves azzers (Ghat i, re aseepile to substation} (Gp, Sine cannot be whuned that moe psimaty subs wl eesie prdieables i every som substantial eategor, tte is room fer Siictions of restos between the tange of categories from which Doses app tone Rae, an! ha rom which preiesbes pp 0 Shother: and these vrlaons it prodcaionablerchnes could be we 2 Simeone of depce of relay (he sicher the reulet, with peimay {beanie tthe tp) I, Semantic Mulipliciy and Multpliciy of Meaning Its now time to take toe, Ihave vseused two diferent roesestions shout te parable losaton ef semantic multiplet associated wth fhe folon of tring. One would ts in the range of mainly gern Spesiieatons ofthe notion of extenve (tthe use ofthe verb 10 Be 0 ‘ily entenee): the wer would ef the axe ofthe opal to sety Seren predcatb-ction. Both suggestions seem to have. solid ‘Austotelian foundations; te eatgova lilt of Ue ee esd wwelestisbed Arstotctian dectites, Sofa, den, Uhre might sem Tite too for 2 preference of une suggestion 1o the ole. These ae owever to lines of reflection which n one way or another sight vine this equim The Gat Hine of rection won allow that Anse oF fan Atsiotelian might fave good reasoas for seeking th, father than Imerely one, predication-eation, remem peri connected wth ni tively acepabl resuitons onthe scope of uansviy, and wi a desi te block auch wavanted inferential oven ap "Socrates ewe, white ‘ulowe, 50 Socrates is = colour” But it wil romain eve thet no 186 PACIFIC PIL OSOPHICAL QUARTERLY characterization hos ben gen of the cons ofa predieaton elation a onal popes nay hve heen ie zing and re notaries foal pris way erate Cie pes fr someone wantin, he kl hwo apy the rms vei nasa’ in parr enc. Nore ea what ext-rial Sopenenation cold be povided: ome would hardly suppose, fo SERA tach ronal nsw be wnebe of oem dete Te iis ca be ta the telson sont (and presmobly cannoo bane acral hactesa i! which t mis mish east rete 3 Jfublem eeu ten st pt ate! appearanecs he ton of & Mechelen svelte ad eho appre taps wes cos ae itesory. This Hoe el seston then, might conte tester areal thats apn the fst of the fw sugentions. hee Chung Lam rt ste how seven to tke this i of reeston The ceo Le ef ttc, fomever, one Whi {am crsny factmod te tke sesh Unlike the fot would no fea the ration Arde of Joe rates shan the other ao ews aout te Menon of 4 cctain semen tipo I WOU! rib sage Woreeure that he air Anstt of eer im woud! vols sSelsncypon of ste’ pio, lest weno asompanied by & {Poors of cota ot west tous itineton. we SMetle to supone arb tb ling ht tho exten sss "haat lott went sd tht hear the eat ha pry of meaning H mld lan bea stake to attribute Asie The sty athe wopuasne x ay Spine of onoier of to pedinnrseltns testy ing lay of wien, i he Bisequone tat the cpu" hes methane mein, Whe ‘iS neat open sprint wit nis ‘pevoctnay bey sited by a pricelr expres, rom ig esi ow tmasy meaning tbat econ poms He sugges posy Tats pola exretson may hve ony ene meaing sl yet be wed Cinaerent occas to Semis cren mierab 1 00 nb ae {Hat tinrialy cower were admit to the tal of phish! Tncouoe te arr to be Herm sn wbick the fang of ptr Sfprenioos igi cont bt this hoi! fat dows os esaish om inwsue connect Setwcon iors nd he seeing of pic Xpeon; and sald be mode oe abundoved shold sabsequen fala eccton pense resem for apg och tue ‘Univeral and Meaning Tram awate thot the soggestion, whether advanced om behalf of Arse for ependeal, thot a dstncton shuld be mie between, onthe oe nd, the enteilor universal, which either n general or ons partclar ARISTOTLE ON THE MULTIPLICITY OF EDN 167 fceision are signed by the expresion, ary on the oer tan ‘meaning o meanings ofthe expression in question, whichis kel wo give Fie toa sewe of shock think, soreover a suscepti 1 hi sense ‘oF toc wl be independent ofthe question weber the person who ees is Headly Or unfienaly towards univensus. Let us eonsier ist the easton of de ubo sendy to wives. He wll be Table to ake the view that the team for intoscing universal i the fst ple wat Pari, indeed exclusively, to equip ouseles with rage of ens, ‘och of whieh woul save ss that which was meant, oF one Of he that vas meant by sgnicant expressions. This is what universal do nd Js what dey ae supposed te Jo, and dey doe pect wel iis mot therefore wn onder 10 propore a severance of jnt that conection wih caning whit gies univers «raison ate. One who rent ‘niet can hardly be expected tobe more sympatbte to the propos Sicha person might be ualnly o nivereal her beans, Uke Cue, Wile be prepared to describe cach of 4 multe of expresion st teigmeaniael, be wot prepared to count a eat specications ‘of wa ts hat a mcaningfl expeeion spent, oF nl prepared to Slow that dine expremions may each meus the sume thing, Thee ‘evils re plaily linked iti lite to ask of two meaning ‘cprenions what sat cach meas we cot bardly prevent i from cing the cae, somtimes, that what each enor jut the ame a Nha the flier means Alternatively the enemy of uniersals might fot wash to lminse specications af menning othe posit of syeonyay bis tor that on lute acount ofthe fall ange of meaning nmeps can be provided without resort Yo universals. But the eaenbes of “niet rom whichever camp they come, may well nist that one who, tulike them. daposed tp bring ia univerals 6 not at livery 46 Ccntemplate voi thm fom that conection with meaning Which he Sw have 16 allow at amdenying tice cai to exitence Lam not sute that sich hostility tothe gncrat Kea of divorcing the signlextion of one or more universal trom the posession of ane oF more Imeoninge i ms hly Sounded silly it appears to ben WU ask Someate whether he ows the hth place of Nopaleon, he might ep in ‘Gorsea." Alteativeiy he might rp "am afraid I dont, Napoleon was om Cos, Iam faid have never bon tle to get 0 Corsa 0 L ‘Stine! interpretations af the quesion tem to me toe plat connowtog ‘mth the fontoning af certain pronouns as (3) niet Ineropstives (b) 1 ola in mj example, ho As reply aime knowledge whore [Napoleon was horn the tend eis ignorance of that pace were (8 Shick) Nopocon was Foe, “There are ote Ways of ooking tthe inguste phenomenon presented Iss ACKEIE LOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY by mg exmple, wich are not iasompatibe with the way just outed te ndced hich may turnout o be weal complements tot One imp drow atcation fo a daneson Between noted of propstos ml tonmedge of tings. sugeeing hat bat the Rt respondent clams iP mopoitisnl nowedges res, what the. scond respondent Shade tng Krowede th cor rxpnent ext a etn ‘operon krowedge ba voters stent fname cones {he tem to whch hs pepontonl ig cate. Thor 6 feo WS ato why the to tas svcd nt cnet he we oe ee ‘or atnvn to tis appouch, we might ne min that ome Kid of Ehmae might be dependent ste H might or ean be the Coo hat hnowing a hing coves so the pneon ot pts indefncyextented sappy of pees of proposer Kross Micke caey of prupetinal hones which fee (0 a; Steal) noted ox mgt como ot na indtitesopl of fics: 0 opesions Lmwicige att bt abe nthe peseion of Coundaton rt tse from whack popotions! Keowee ay be feniy penined, Yet ther iden ty he eonered bx wi te Tecogin tia dite senptowe Ike many oer ti 6 pass {faye wie a seneace sey che sibee penn presente prtionsavsone night tert ate Bt lace of Nolen my osc ies rleeny peste Kemah en be sages hot ft mths ov at east he ind ofthe Rot respondent te Dose "the bth pace of Nolen ace poset, whereas th ue ef the second regonie# onc tern, potently 3 tea asthectenresi I we spec the pass 0 ost prety {he ger ase, eile mcesoy thot ome shoal be ae 19 poi ‘Rona or tmentioned tem to whch he prodiote i queen ih Imps iben, inte ene f the fe respondent i norma) seuss {Peet some press som wich no eevee, the bith poe of Napoleon Sp elevance ef ths dscsion to he ope of meaning i universal thar any some play be allge ht tose ve vok tribe he ter ih ering ei ie premio wom re guilty of sepannting ssh pase "mowing cain afte mond “eateshed at tlecing to nonedae of 2 Sj or ing, as Knowledge of thst whi” the won waterbed Sih or mecas (tere the prom “whi = elatir prnow) ‘SRico, in tac the pire pay teers fo hnowing wat the word Tented" means mbee he ponoat wha int nero ‘Nice tansettne. Te theory of waivers ening, them, eon 8 ‘Som nd tht th tes y the at ht prea itch meaning of en expres E, may Be Mena wih the meaning, ARISTOILE ON THE MULTIELICITY OF NERS 189 of the expresion x bt plainly to ktow the meaning of Ey pot the This attack ng the hone genesis of units asthe focal clemcat in ‘certain Kind of an-tominalsti cory of meaning ight encounter he following response. [might mot be denied that the kind of syntactical ‘under, whieh Ihave boon tempting o expose, en fact «lands fs Indced een commited ty ante was have champions the eae universal. I, however, a remedol blunder which can be rete Uesately not oly thou Jamz, bat even wi aontage tothe vie" ft anivenal asthe primary continents of meaning. Cnet mire ne mite, thy cam be, and abould be, thought ot nd seseted 9 Being those lems Which ae the meanings ofthis oF tt clement of mewn. the cud ten, owing ihe meaning ofan expression B would emerge et Snowing what E meas, tbat i, a6 propeciions! knowledge conncetod ‘it interropaive promouse riher thn as thing Knowledge connected Sih ative pronouns. So everything comes righ Inthe end and the ‘etveen univers end meanings cant be put asunder “This defence of the inviolbility ofthe fink between universal and ‘meanings oy be ingeionyconatved, but wot, tink tress. 1 the speeieaton of teunings were a provide no etely weal mode of fmployme for universal one they ane recopized as being aound, But rather the sole jsifetion nd raison te of the spostion thet they te around, the specication of meaning noukd have to be not merely omeibing that can be commudiously done with univers, but rather omebing which cannot te dane er fly done without univers, To my ‘mind ths stronger ryuement eannot be met. There er, [think come ‘ores of expressions E such that knowing the meaning of E cannot comfortably be tepesemed ae Knowing, with respect 1 some secepable fully that Hs that & whieh the deserption “he (a) meaning of E ppc. Ife swo evap: 1) Tet were sy “The wind is Bowing ate dren of Sacramento" ‘uy normally equipped English speaker would tov the meaning bath overt and oo the corent ocision of the phrge i the drecion of ‘Sacramento that tosay he would kuow both what in genera the pie means snd whist meat by Kon the oeeston of uterance, But such cumple of knowledge of the easing in general, a ho the meaning ‘leant toa parla cision, of partic phrive ofr st Teams ‘iter roqits, noi nine by, he apelin of on adie eat) ch to be proper regarded ax Ut to whch the decipion “ihe Treaning of the pre fn the diction of Sacramento” apps citer feoealy or om this ocasion. tis wey that there inal an adie Ent, the prave in he direction of Sacraments" does nt sem 9 Be one ‘ich appes wo any paral enya eve iit wete posible wtf 0 eACINE PHILOSORNICAL QUARTERLY the li, such a jostcatin seene handy cont to one's capacity for knoving what such 4 phrase mean (2) By.a prodely pace argument I may know peel well what Invent by he phrase ‘he inducement which I eller you for Looking ater ‘ny sacle eve though Tam either belped mor bidere by The presenee (or absenee of ans toh othe fet tat sere sone ams tem this susie the Jesrption Pe mean ofthe phrase the iaucmnt ish Toff you fr looking after my garden!" Before faving thi op {shoul make to coments: ist the fit thar ile connection beivcen wnverals and. meanings may aot be inviolable doce tot dapeme someone who wises 10. modify i frm Ubligations to oake Sew jot what chages be is making! socom’ 9 theory of teasing soul alto rove am ndapensble rationale forthe invredeton of univers, ight hi out to be acumen ypon ‘etapa 0 offer an alesse atl, Bat hs qs Ma hase {o wait for anoter occasion IV. Motes of Unification of Semantic Maltpliciny ‘Let ws forthe moment stan pen mind on the satu of Arbo’ ‘ews about the eomection bebeen the nieton of seman muti Urine preence ot oenee of hey of menting Ado sts a ‘number of meso kindof unation whch I shall onder ons by Se, As one enibarks on this nterptne one might Well Bar iamid the ppt) that the Int poids Hy. Aste might not Ue ime to be Exhaustive, an that the monber and proper chataeeriatign of die modes hich do ova a Asblle's nt sornetimes uncertain. Astle sfes to {ses in which 2 general term sapped by zferenee to a central tm ot ‘Spe ef items acces in which there a ingle source fru eosibuton to Rte end tis nt clenr wheter be ging single gencrl description Sa par more specie dexesptons each of hich apple co ies Shiosins of examples T Kooi po ws) of setting th wert. The roves of wnfcton actly sted By ARs ors i (2) wha bal tl ecunive aifeon in nie the appcaon of each rember of ange of peedentes ts dtormined by he conions qoversing the Srvlestion of n primary member of that range, (O) what Tay, oh ‘lsc to G.E. Onen al foc nieation (uienion which derives {rom coonction with «single cinta tem), @) shale wniieston, i Inkch the appa ity of one predate or las of rect is geese Ty analogies with oer pret o dues of recat, {sal comer these headings in ond, ARISTOTLE OW HE MULTELICIEY €F BEING wt ecutive Unieation The cases of recusive uation ae primarily, though oot exhsirely, ‘athena in earacer: dey ave abo cases in which what one mish eal the “woul” species of + generic universal sland to one another in elation’ exempting. priority and posterity. "The Patni, so Atoll tellus tepanded auch pity and posterionty a adele terween fellow species of 4 single emus, Arittle does not eapiily starite to thew, but he dee no exc reject and able 4 et Seite accepted i Wy should pronty aed potent lad in the Woy of being ferent species of single gemin? Why should not diferent ‘umes be distinc spose of he gems mune? In the ease of amber Daa. (1218) aes a reac asda: here Meteo 4M (rivera) sgnied by "numer" Ht would have to be poe to the Ket uber, which simple: this arsement might ke expsnded 2 los Comey sequence a "mmierpepertie” (PP eg ees, ess J such sequence sates, er ai, the following omiions (2) For any and or anya 1, nstantiaes Penal x dows not Insunaine (oo nee 209 (5) For any x and foc any m2 1+ dass Pent someon y (2) iantiter PO (6) IP = PY mo counterpart of (a), (b) Boks Ps the fat mtr. Ir he lines fe aoe cnt apie abi scent of opie no eacae of mabe pope, tet ese SESS Siboat monies tee era rode aay pn be fro to cach af pes and pr to Py bt anes Phe st Ter am a spread nth be pio {hy ths ty av mam der bat he soe condos remit 1 aries cqone oper ate ae. ropes “Fre they woe om ptf hem woud the is i the ‘meting ole tens, san Boag a meg w at shot ttn dota Fog eb oes crn father re ofr posi {iy "One mig acm fo eres cory “an” gens sgecraia motel bene fst a sepa pe of [int inva sre gine untae aera rage of ‘efr sud capes ect ote ove gaol wal Tht 182 PACIFIC PHILOSOPHICAL. QUARTERLY dog might te or tere ob xia U9 io” Te ctabetbe gen fe ona ol at ha Sac Me Bete ao apes sete spec). The ean’ ln wt a he ay dW ey sim pe oy he aa mo ge cra SEL SARC hou some ah the eho tay Sean ugh of sour wi be empnes ry a dns nn ecm tnely aseple 10 make 2 Rea Sates of Ut ny po of peta U, ol Us 1) tty um orm ane fe a or ery age ong el en ais theses Tae peer acn wo sich E api, a oth sae nels gene oner Use mie coe Us Tr Re afedy ied by ser oe ets 8. The sree a te, Semen he oes Sol enc nee STRESUMADSRN spas bu is cxpeion dos mo ren tet ete nae o's em Focal Unifation The second sue of uation to whch senate vip ey be Tei hao ical union, b died slash n Meas WoW iy tonsa, thee Arts Bigs op too of is Oe TRiae te spy of the ative belly ant ec He SEE aS Sresthng to wich te mon heal” apis rested, Sosy ner he or um teh, oe eg ese tht ae th nate tht in hese ta pode aot otc tates mam obese tes Fs ea of ite Sir comidcatans ply fo appstos of he ative ek "Sha cht ewe mete oon thing ein aed rele cause tpn Re amber Seem ero ped to eeghatne becouse foc ofthe medal or” On the sos Uisidarcrpaction of tht posaze Arial wll be sugexing at seats ae tony wl be righ im ppg the opty SaaS Jeunes to pada ens depends ntlaoship of sh iGo deel bt wre og te ‘Satonhip in question i inaabiy that of stanton, er sat of {Gucsnip arcequenly ivcved. There however, a ese bviws TEE aruone min ave teen taking ap tn positon woul ‘Shan nh rept to cen, ht the onl way i which hua eras be ened to univeree tt of eset: hat tere wl be ARISTOTLE ON THE MULTIFLIERTY OF BEING 19s ‘other eis which wil indeed genera entities though st univers (6 tiem indvidal ems may be rested in 9 variety of ways which me skint rom instanton. The relative mers of tes ta len wl he mater for debate This mode of uniaion ef special ars in my present ent since Aviston states quite panly at this the mode Of uniton wich npc, to the seme mulipcty connected with being. Category “erent sont of things may al said to be By sre of ferent Kral omnextions which they fave w the fea em, which gal be itimately tnneted with the modo uf substance. ‘Tis sentra er might ean individual sbntance or, mote likly, igh Bethe notion of subst "ype: any tems whic “ized” ais spe would be an Indiv sbstance snd so oul! exit But noauttantia ets could sla be a4 Be by ‘rue of thee slatonship(iferemt ia eliferent eases) to the sate central item; some things may be sid to be becuse they uit alfetons of Substance, other became they are roves Towards substance, and 30 Ws evident tht Arsoie itualy thinks of the foal tem as Being 2 universal, at east some kid of general elit: but sch ection is ot mandatory nothing prevcats the focal item few being x parol Consider the adjective “Trench ae it oseurs inthe phrases, “Pench sien", “Hench poem’, “French profesor”. The following feature ae Fethops signiicat (1) The appearance ofthe active in hese phrases ‘nat Tight call “adjunctive rather tha “coupe” on “aia” [A French poem. is mt a Isc, meting which combines the parte features of being a pocm and being French, «fat plilsopher would simply combine the features of tnt fat and of being a pisapt. “French” here occurs $0 fo speak, adverbial (2) The phase “French sien” sandaaly means “eteen of Fance”, wale the phaue “Prone poem” standarly means "poem in French ut it ould be stake 0 oppose that ths fet imple that these ae tw (indeed oe tha 60) !meinings or senses of the word "French. The wind “French” Ins oly fone mcaning. namely “of or pertning to France” will, however te ‘that Tight al oonen sontve' we sight ides sy if you like, Wha While “French” has only tne meaning or sinc, # has ® vate) of ‘earings cont: lative to one cites. “Fierh nests “a Fees 4 in he phrase “Freeh eizen, whereas rete to another conte “Prenet™ means, “in the Frenen'ngangs” as in the pease “French pea. Whether the focal item i universal or a porter is quite Inelevant 10 he question ofthe meaning ofthe relied acetic the Ica art no mexe the meaning ofthe adjective meal Pane the meaning ofthe adjective French’. As a ennetading oberon Tmry remark that whe the atackment of the context sony nll sugges an imezprtation in contest of a Word it noed mot be the case that ch a 19 -PACWIC PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY sogaeston finden. It ight e foe stance tat “Fresch poem see tomcat poem voxpencl m French” une here Mee Sumer cat wich ase, prep, he prate maht man I sa dyn enh emptor some eopeton). For he Phrase Har ei cune” mete would be tro snows meanings cone od rece weal ve vo depend on er gus coment oF the ciamutanens of wean Anak! Unison tan to what sil th sting ofthe way ext ty arto being wn wt am calling US Sy a ease eich i pies fon te oa ange we souned rb tng dete within in ag ore a so betwee the pce aera eh ermine the sees at tks ence (pra) between te acme of aancraee cay tis at tgp o obj, Mare expt ato sercam pete ui Uy and Uy eke. wah determine the verte of Te ei o esp) betok the expicon of Feet Oy amt af be style Ce The paring carer Riad ieainent of ts topic ass oa umber of feet SS nthe te wo gmc Ars fit it ave oe (eed ateclreterion, He ag ve ve fm tf xa STA te the apt of which we Ber tgs of abject 11 BE serene ae way, aerate). be out ve given a ‘Sup car harem of he nd of nai we anon) seme gi prone ksng 10 uy Wo termine the rae eae of tend of acnanting, Unfrtunly he doe pier of ‘mele ers oy te ost meanest tot the may mee might ual testy apcatins of amet: me ae Haan iat gt vi eee, smectite sul sh ree napeetom ht heat accent forthe apietion of the wef bros vb nd mex of mt on, wea Mugen ta amo) reapomble fo the apo of the 22076 Sins arb bso ea water and to ured ‘Sf Sh ergs do not cy fr aa ao ee Ave ems ofa ote te commento ae ae wt am th ov fea Pebap the, kat omkcl a ee don Rae vv tpgete Aros ew ta te aan atte word good bstbuabe 1 te fact tak whi one saree ins meh are pa a ltd things in oneal LONE GasFSPeatgey in a way wth angst the yi wich good a ee enon eutegoy ave rele othe general an of NE Mee one tat seco neg Apa fom ley te AARISIDILE/ON THB MUCTILCITY OF UEING 19s brointaion of his ka, Ros suggestion takes for granted someting shh Aste isl ds ot ell namely htt aplication of he Spit soo on exemption of nition whieh te tome tals: Rows suggenon abut good woud, mower, be best oly 2 Geeion of one spc cnt of sion, utd ould xt five au any ger aceunt of sch wrieaion. Tigh ai ta ile fegplemcnty saane ie deiable tom the vo sy” goer femani conep sch perms acento aire Yo the principle hat Scr glen whore somes to Uncmaion of such queone a8 the ‘satan betwece analogy, mcaphor, sm, allegory snd partie Sovfc ns Arete el cone sexe ly ln to me ha the inary notion behind the sme of sna tht of proportion Tis mths inomnied for eample, x Aus treatin ein, shes on Kind ol aie is tape to cont fe ade proportion tn va ox pony) ad nce dese ei or dent) oat ‘exits + eatery how what sat eas, ow something appexinating fo, quntiies relationsbip pots converted ‘noqeeave rion Seneondcnc oui. tos wwe nig Be cm bck pon hat we mig hope tobe apie conjecture Trike at my fe tak oe pronaon of a0 example, cogene to ‘Alo, of the unison ly ssogy ofthe tpicon tw eng of SMjec ot wome ect. I shad expect this to tveve the detec a Analogical inks betucen the exempta of the vat of every ‘thi ie pel sny be mc ogy, Myce open eve tow, Insite sumer fica kgs of sha ght be thong esting an algal weston One of te wel be aap of he i sepect of what might te temedsymactea tops Sategor. A subninos, nds phys saan ea mp of wa tuto tl, might be sid to grow, an mo be tempi ere Co ‘gest that the rloonly Involved univer, that of incre ue ox feting ner, prove the funda tc othe sian of {hiveral the won prow’ ave hve, nto peak toe round for traning ofthe ter, Bu nt ont he pyc fasance Mc tthe russes fe satan yal De alo gon the Piece of a buts magi, Some een or rae Moy, oes or etal cacy and cet guny (nu) mg ach Be Si gow: an it seme dot pau Luge ta how omy ‘the pro tes or stan acids might be dferent and more cr up, lee boriagycomeced ih, gown on te pat of te Stance ee wl aves be tome Kind uf erepondsee anlage Somericn beroet govih it the cae of t nomial om and tooth inthe cave of ata, Another and ferent hd of Sato ation may separate some ofthe wives whi he mod Syroway be uw 0 sgniy from others, these wl be Snmested ih 196 {PACITE PL OSOPHICAL QUARTERLY rene in the sinctegoin win the elegy of cubase win

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