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Teachers and administrators were sent a survey and asked to provide input about Blended

Learning. The attachments below will provide details about these surveys. Answers to Questions
#1, #4 and #5 of the survey were follow up questions based on answers to previous questions.
These answers were based on each individuals personal feelings and are not notated here. The
primary purpose of this survey was to gather information from teachers and administrators to
determine what they know and how would feel about integrating blended learning into everyday
teaching and learning. The results of these answers are as follows, Respondents were asked:
What do you know about blended learning? 19 teachers and 4 administrators participated in the
survey and 16/19 teachers knew what blended learning was; the other three teachers have heard
the term but didn't know how it was executed. All four administrators knew about blended
learning. Additional data can be found from the attachment. One interesting fact worth noting is
throughout this survey there were 3 teachers who consistently answered negatively about in
blended learning; what was common with these 3 teachers is they are veteran teachers 2-3 years
away from retirement.

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