236pre Observationsheet

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TEACHER: EmmaJones







The purpose of sharing this information is to give your appraiser a full understanding of the context and aims of your lesson before the observation.
Broad aims/context of this lesson:
How does it link to other lessons or other topics/units within the subject?

This lesson is the final lesson before the students have an end-of-topic test on Genetics. It is purely revision!
Specific intended learning outcomes for this lesson:
What do you want to achieve from this lesson in terms of subject-specific /key competency outcomes etc?
e.g. what are the students learning and why are they learning it?
Students are to familiarise themselves with areas of difficulty so they can focus their energy towards the harder ideas to prepare for their assessment on Thursday. It is
up to the students to decide where to focus their attention.
Students preparation for this lesson:
How were the students expected to prepare for this lesson? (e.g. general reading, specific reading, specific assignment etc)
They have been practicing exams and/or revising their notes and/or updating their notes leading up to this week but nothing is required to be completed in preparation
for this specific lesson.

Assessment of the intended learning outcomes:

How will the students know the criteria of assessment/success indicators? How do you propose to check the extent to
which the intended learning outcomes have been achieved? How will the students identify their next steps?
Students assess themselves against the SOLO document and decide what their next steps are - either to practice what theyre good at or work on what theyre struggling
with. They can bounce ideas off me and I will offer guidance to those who I think need it.

Students learning after the lesson:

What learning activity do you want the students to undertake after the lesson? How will you set this up during the lesson?
How/when will you check that they have undertaken that learning activity?
To keep revising! The next time I see them will be the test.
Students Voice:
Who are two students you would like the appraiser to talk to about their learning? NOTE: The appraiser might also talk to other students.
Any students are fine. Some that may offer good insight are Katie Quirke, Aneet Kaur, Alex McLennan, perhaps Ari McAlley

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