Activitytimeline Brilliant Visibility Who Is Doing What and When It'S Going To Be Done

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People Say

ActivityTimeline = brilliant visibility who is

doing what and when it's going to be done
Our Vision
The idea to implement ActivityTimeline product was formed at the time when waterfall and
standard agile (scrum) methodologies were not working well for us. The task was to
manage one web development/design team that do many small projects in parallel with
resource sharing and a lot of change requests during design/implementation.
We had started investigation of possible solutions and came up with completely different
management approach. We called it "Resource Oriented Management".
We concentrated our attention on people not tasks and created Activity Timeline

Our Approach
We developed "Resource Oriented Management" that proved its right for living on our
current projects where people are shared across teams.
Center place has weekly dashboard that is represented as large table-like calendars. Every
row is one person, every column - one work day of a week.

Our Product
ActivityTimeline is not a replacement of all of your management tools, it is an addition to
them. ActivityTimeline fills the resource management gap in JIRA. And our way is to
manage teams and tasks on intuitive weekly-based resource dashboard. Project manager
sees current assignments of entire team on one screen.

Moreover, they can do correction of anticipated start/end dates, prioritization and reassignement of JIRA tasks directly on that screen. The dashboard supports two-ways
synchronization with JIRA and that means everything will be up to date automatically.

The tool provides excellent visibility of issue assignements and tasks schedule as well as
makes it easy to re-plan.

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