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Lesson Plan Language Analysis

This form should be completed when planning a language lesson (presentation or practice), as opposed to a skills lesson. A copy should be attached to your Lesson Plan.
Target language area: (circle one)

grammar / structure / lexis / function / other (specify)

Form: (example exponent of the target item / part of speech)

Affirmative: I work. + subj + 1st form
3rd person 1st form + s/es

Negative: subj + aux (do) + not + 1 st form

3 rd person does

Question: Aux (do) + subj + 1 st form

3rd person does

Present Simple is used to express permanent human truths or about things that happen regularly or all the time

Pronunciation features:
The pronunciation of the s/-es ending depends on the sound that comes before it. The rules are the same as for the plural s/-es endings.

Any peculiarities: (e.g. unusual plural form / exceptions to a rule / register / etc)

Anticipated problems:
- omission of the -s ending in the 3rd person Present Simple
- pronunciation of 3rd person Present Simple: /s/, /z/, /IZ/ are used

Planned solutions:
- drill practicing the s ending with exercises where students have to
reformulate 1st person sentences into 3rd person
- drill pronunciation, have the students observe teachers mouth while

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