Heidegger Index

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Heidegger: Sein und Zeit

Heidegger: Varet och Tiden 1 - 2

Heidegger: Being and Time Translated by John Macquarrie & Edward Robinson
Heidegger: Being and Time Translated by Joan Stambaugh
"Both translations can be recommended, as boht are faithful to the German,
and both include extensive, helpful indexes. It is often worth consulting
both translations when one is reading a passage closely."
Hubert Dreyfus: Being in the World
"A detailed work, influential in the English-speaking world."
Richard Polt: Heidegger an introduction
The book providing description for some of the other books
Joan Stambaugh: Thoughts on Heidegger
Rdiger Safranski: Martin Heidegger
"The most trough biographical study; includes thoughtful observations about
Heidegger's philodophy as well as about his personality and actions."
Theodore Kisiel: The Genesis of Heideggers Beingand Time
"The most detailed account available of Heidegger's development trough the
writing of Being and Time. Difficult but very valuable."
The Cambridge Companion to Heidegger
"An excellent collection of essays by leading scolars on a wide variety
of topics. Most are helpful for beginnerw."
Routledge: Heidegger and Being and Time
"A compact commentary on Being and Time. Does not cover other texts.
Tends to misinterpreat Being-in-the-world in terms of having concepts."
Guttorm Flistad: Heidegger
En glimrende introduktion for skandinaviske tungeml
Heidegger reexamined vol 1 - 4
Ed. Dreyfus & Wrathall

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