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Palaeontology is the study of fossils and
extinct life forms.
Although fossil records are incomplete, they
can tell us much about the history of life on earth.
Fossil species are often similar to, but may
differ from current species.
Fossils can be dated to establish their
approximate age.
Older sediments have older fossils. New fossil
types mark changes in the past environments of the
Modern day species can be traced through
fossil relatives to distant origins.
Transitional fossils:
Are examples of organisms which show
features of more than one group.
They indicate the development of one group
of organism from another and help us understand
how evolutionary change may have occurred.
Example 1- Crossopterygian fish:
Fish which could absorb oxygen from the air
appeared 400 million years ago.
It is thought hat amphibians developed from
fish along this line of descent.

The Crossopterygian fish had bones in its fins

which suggest it could walk on land.
The fish like features include scales and fins
and gills.
The amphibian features include lobe fins and
Example 2- Therapsids (mammal like reptiles):
Therapsids had a jaw bone between that of
reptiles and mammals.
There is evidence that Therapsids were warm
blooded( a feature shared with some dinosaurs and
Therapsids provide evidence that mammals
developed from reptiles.
Example 3-Archaeopteryx (most common):
It is a reptile like bird.
The reptilian features include long tail, claws,
no keel, solid bones and teeth.
The bird like features includes wishbone and

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