P9 Kyle Heller

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Kyle Heller

111 W 7th S #409

Rexburg, ID 83440

Table of Contents

Photo Design
Event Ad
Web Design


One of my favorite past-times has always been going on walks and
exploring. I was able to capture this picture which to me could be on a
postcard. I used photoshop for this project and messed with the hue and
saturation of this photol I tried to make a light side and a dark side. On the
left side, youll notice that for the masking part of the project, I placed a
picture of an eye over this sun, which provided a nice glowing effect. I feel
that this image complements the quote I used as well.

May 30, 2015

Course Instructor:

Jason Reeder


Photoshop, Masking Tool


Create an inspirational montage.


I first had to take my picture. I took several picturea of the same
scenery until I found one that I liked. The first thing I did in Photoshop was
adjust the hue and saturation. Next I added the picture of the eyeball and
placed it over the sun. I applied the masking tool (opacity) to create the
transparent effect to add some of the features from the sun.

Photo Design

For my photoshop activity, I really wanted to focus on color and birghtness. The day
that I took this photo was actually really cloudy and stormy but I managed to turn the
photo into a bright sunny day. The color scheme I chose to use was blue. By adjusting the
hue and saturation, I was able to bring out the blue in this picture to add to the consistency.

May 23, 2015

Course Instructor:

Jason Reeder




Enhance a photo in Photoshop to illustrate your skills with Adobe software.


I worked hard on matching different parts of the picture to keep the color scheme consistent.
Much like my other Photoshop work, I tried to make a light side and a dark side for contrast. The
left isde is the light and the right side is of course the dark. I really like how this photo turned out.

Event Ad

I got this picture out of a magazine and had to scan it. This is an event
ad to promote a basketball tournament where the winner can play against
Lebron James. Its an all day event for family and kids. I felt the picture is a great
representation of the culture of basketball and the challenge of the competition.

May 16, 2015

Course Instructor:

Jason Reeder


Photoshop, Microsoft Word


Use Word to creat an Event Ad for a local event that will raise awareness for a

First, I scanned in the picture from the magazine artcile that I chose. Next, I
uploaded the picture to Photoshop and took out the features of the picture
that I didnt want by using the Lasso Tool. I also used the eyedropper tool to
change the color of the text and Nike symbol to the color of a basketball. Finally,
I did the rest of the touch-up work that I wanted in Word and added the text.


I designed a professional flier for a Graduate Leadership Conference. This
flier would be hung up at the school in the MC to advertise the event. I designed it by
inserting pictures I felt were professional but also accurately represented the nature
of the event. I also designed the text boxes to give it a unique and interesting twist.

May 9, 2015

Course Instructor:

Jason Reeder


Adobe InDesign


Design a professional flier for a Graduate Leadership Conference.


I chose two pictures I felt advertised the learning aspect of the conference as well as the
results aspect. I designed the top section as a stack of blocks to make the flier visually appealing
and eyecatching. I felt that if I were to walk by the flier my eyes would be drawn to the top
and bottom of the flier and naturally would then be drawn to the information in the middle.

Web Design

Im really passionate about skydiving so I wanted to design a website that illustrated the appeal
and the extreme outcomes of skydiving. It makes sense to do this by having a picture of an acutal place
taking place. I also designed my own logo for Sky Drop which is a skydiving company that I invented.

June 27, 2015

Course Instructor:

Jason Reeder


HTML, CSS, Illustrator


Design a website while learning how to accurately use HTML and CSS.


I first had to outline my HTML code by placing the box, the logo and the picture (that I got
online). Next designed the site using CSS. I made the text box opaque as well as my logo so the
viwer could still see the picture in the background. Lastly, I chose my text and the color of my text.


I chose to make a business card for an Engagement Planning company. The
company will help men looking to ask for their significant others hand in marriage
pop the question. It also helps girls selecting the right ring, and plan the wedding.
The most unique part of the card is there is a hole cut out in the bottom of the
card, where girls can insert their finger (as if theyre wearing the ring on the card).

June 13, 2015

Course Instructor:

Jason Reeder


Adobe Illustrator and InDesign


Create a new logo and design a business card


First, I had to find an image to use for the front of my card. I chose this image after getting
the idea to put the finger hole below the ring. Next, I focused on the typography. I downloaded
a wedding-themed font. Lastly, I matched the holes to make the card more realistic.


I designed three different logos for the siydiving company Sky Drop that I created.
I was going for a James Bond feel for the first logo, the second one I designed when I was
just messing around with Illustrator. I wrote Sky Drop twice using two different colors
and then with the Pathfinder tool I made a backdrop: with alternating colors. The last
logo was the most popular one. I just designed a parachute that I put above my text.

June 6, 2015

Course Instructor:

Jason Reeder


Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop


Design three logos for a company.


I mainly designed each of my logos with the pen tool, which is what I used
to make the parachute. I used Pathfinder in Illustrator to manipulate the text. I
also went into photoshop and used the Quick Selection tool to get the airlplane
which I got from the internet. Lastly, I downloaded a Skydiving themed text.





I made a brochure for a skydiving company. On the front are two backpack straps. On
the straps I have my logo. On the back is the backapck. When you open it, you should see
a spread out backpack. Inside my trifold, I have sections describing two unique aspects of
the skydiving companuy.. In the middle is a collage of images illustrating these two aspects.

July 11, 2015

Course Instructor:

Jason Reeder


Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign


Design a brochure for a company demonstrating skills with the Adobe systems and the
textwrap function.

First I cut out my images using the Quick Selection Tool in Photoshop. Next I inserted them into
InDesign. It took me a few times to put my images in the right panels. Next I designed my logo and again
used Quick Selection to insert it onto my backpact straps. Last, I typed up my text for the company.

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