Classroom Management Plan

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Classroom Community Rules

Verbal warning
Loss of privileges
Note/Call to Parent
Parent Conference
Office Referral

Praise from teacher
Watch film/Prizes
Work displayed
Classroom Student of the Week

Be prompt
Be polite
Be productive
Be prepared
Be honest

Our Goal : To have a

student centered, fun
filled, learning
community where we
develop great minds
and future leaders.

Rules Rationale: 1. Come to class

prepared, ready to learn and share
your knowledge. 2. Politeness earns
the respect of others and is essential
for getting along with other people.
3. Productivity will allow you to
achieve your objectives be efficient
with your learning tools and put in a
good effort. 4. Time (promptness)
is valuable and should not be wasted
- Put in the hard work now to reap
the rewards later. 5. Honesty
maintains trust and is hard to
reestablish once it is broken.

1. Enter the classroom quietly and
put your belongings in the
appropriate place. 2. Turn in
your homework to the homework
bin and begin the starter task on
the board immediately. 3. Walk
silently in the line while in the
hallways. 4. Raise your hand do
not call out.

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