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Chapter 1

History of Judaism - Aaron

Aaron (c. 13th century B.C.E.) brother of Moses and first high priest of the Israelites Aaron was born
in Egypt to Amram and Jochebed (Ex 6:20), and was the older brother of MOSES. Both were members
of the tribe of Levi, which thanks to them became the tribe of priests and LEVITES (assistants to the
priests). According to the book of EXODUS, Aaron accompanied Moses to beseech the PHARAOH to
free the Israelite slaves. Aaron acted as the spokesperson for Moses, who was slow of speech (Ex 4:10).
Aarons rod, like Moses, became a conduit of miracles and plagues, and God, who usually spoke only
to Moses, sometimes spoke to Aaron as well. Each of the two thus meets the definition of a prophet.
Once freed from slavery, Aaron played a fundamental role in the life of the Israelites in the desert.
On the one hand, God consecrated Aaron and his sons as the priests of ISRAEL. On the other hand,
Aaron agreed to build the GOLDEN CALF for the people of Israel when they become frightened while
Moses was up on the mountain for 40 days, supposedly receiving the law from God. Despite this lapse,
God retained Aaron as HIGH PRIEST, and his male descendants are KOHANIM, or the priestly class.
Aarons right to be high priest was confirmed in the story of Korach in the book of Numbers. Korach
led a rebellion against Aaron, but the rebels were swallowed up by the earth, demonstrating the family
of Aaron were the only legitimate high priests (Ex 16:2535). The ancient rabbis seemed to place Moses
and Aaron on an equal footing, sometimes even giving Aaron a higher status than Moses. According
to rabbinic thought, Moses represents a strict political leader, while Aaron represents a gentler priest
of the people.

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