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North American University

Education Department
M.Ed. in Educational Leadership & M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction
Name:Halil Celik

Date: 07.18.2015

This template is adapted from
The plan should guide the LEAs use of education technology for the next three

Dates that between the plan will be effective: 8/1/15 to 6/30/18

LEA: School of Science and Technology- Discovery, Leon Valley, Texas 78238
Region: 20
Approximate # of Students: 420
Approximate Percentile of Students with Economically Disadvantaged: 62%
Stakeholders within ELA:
Principal, District IT Manager, Assistant Principals, Computer Teacher.
Community Stakeholders:
Parents, Other Teachers and Other Staff Members.
Summarize the relevant research and describe how it supports the plan's
curricular and professional development goals.
Summarize the plans major curricular and professional development outcomes
that are supported by research.
To observe and follow up the progress of students academic achievement in
and out of the school facilities to ensure;
i) the students with a success of below the state standards to catch the
expected level of achievement,
ii) the students with a success of satisfactory in state standards to reach
advanced level standard requirements,
iii) the students with an advanced success level in state standards to have
high level targets and meet and compete with other gifted and talented
students in state and nationwide platforms.
Describe and cite the relevant research that supports the plans outcomes.
Kulik, James A. "Meta-analytic Studies of Findings on Computer-Based
Instruction," Technology Assessment in Education and Training, edited by
E.L. Baker and H.F. O'Neil Jr. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1994.
Describe the connection between the research and the plans goals.

According to Kulik and et al On average, students who used computerbased instruction scored at the percentile on tests of achievement
compared to students in the control conditions without computers who
scored at the 50th percentile Students learn more in less time when they
receive computer-based instruction Students like their classes more and
develop more positive attitudes when their classes computer-based
Describe information gathered from site visits, including best practices.
Most of the information gathered from home visits done by our staff
members show that parents and students believe in the benefit of the
integration of technology in education. Especially parents and guardians
are excited about using more technology to see their childrens exact
school subjects and progress on those subjects.
The Plan must establish clear goals and realistic strategy for using
telecommunications and information technology to improve education services.
(Answer at least 2 questions for each subsection below)

Describe teachers' current access to instructional technology and current use of

digital tools.
Question & Answer 1
Question & Answer 2

Describe students' current access to instructional technology and current use of

digital tools. Include a description about the LEA policy, practices, and/or
replacement policy that ensures equitable technology access for all students.
Question & Answer 1
Question & Answer 2

Describe goals and an implementation plan, with annual activities, for using
technology to improve teaching and learning. Describe how these goals align to
the LEA's curricular goals that are supported by other plans. Describe how the
LEA's budget (LCAP) supports these goals, and whether future funding
proposals or partnerships may be needed for successful implementation.
Question & Answer 1

Question & Answer 2

Describe goals and an implementation plan, with annual activities, to address

Internet Safety and the appropriate and ethical use of technology in the
Question & Answer 1
Question & Answer 2
The Plan must have a professional development strategy to ensure that staff
understands how to use these new technologies to improve education services
(Answer at least 2 questions for each subsection below)

Summary of the teachers' and administrators' current technology proficiency and

integration skills and needs for professional development.
Question & Answer 1
Question & Answer 2

Describe goals and an implementation plan, with annual activities, for providing
professional development opportunities based on your LEA needs assessment
data and the Curriculum Component of the plan.
Question & Answer 1
Question & Answer 2
The Plan must include an assessment of the telecommunication services,
hardware, software, asset management, and other services that will be needed to
improve education services.

(Answer at least 2 questions for each subsection below)

Describe the existing hardware, Internet access, electronic learning resources,

technical support, and asset management already in the LEA that will be used to
support the Curriculum and Professional Development Components of the plan.
Question & Answer 1
Question & Answer 2
Describe the technology hardware, electronic learning resources, networking and
telecommunications infrastructure, physical plant modifications, technical
support, and asset management needed by the LEA's teachers, students, and
administrators to support the activities in the Curriculum and Professional
Development components of the plan.
Question & Answer 1
Question & Answer 2
The plan must include an evaluation process that enables the school to monitor
progress toward the specific goals and make mid-course corrections in response
to new developments and opportunities as they arise.
(Answer at least 2 questions for each subsection below)

Describe the process for evaluating the plan's overall progress and impact on
teaching and learning.
Question & Answer 1
Question & Answer 2

Describe the schedule for evaluating the effect of plan implementation, including
a description of the process and frequency of communicating evaluation results
to tech plan stakeholders.
Question & Answer 1
Question & Answer 2

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