IQ Test

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aya al a 7 ae ORIGINAL ~ a : py =) CAMBRIDGE 1 eS om CERTIFIED VALID FOR AGES 14TO 75 Prat neh Camere FS me rekseo); |e WHAT IS YOUR 1.0. SCORE? Genius 430 plus SPER Pr) Sree Shean ae EST 90 - 109 Cae rae) The Cambridge Self-Scoring LQ. TEST This test is an exclusive Copyrighted product of the author. Copying, any ee all of the maria Contained within, vathout tbe writen corserk ot i 1s sticly © Copyright 1993 By Dan Pape fur By The Mags Group, ie ‘McKinney, Texas 75070 ISBN 1-882330-13-7 PRINTED USA You and Your 1.Q.! ‘In retent years researchers have leatned that the brain, which is divided into left and tight hemispheres, has assigned different mental tasks to ane side or the other. Highly intelligent people use both their left and right brain in equal balance. Most people, because of social ‘emphasis, schooling and parental training, are left-brain dominant! They are taught from an early age to develop such skills as: speech, language, writing, use of numbers and logic, letting the sla of the right brain, which controls visual-spatial concepts, creativity, mechanics and [ESP end intuition, become lazy and underproductive. That explains why we Go wellon certain mental tasks and poorly on others. ‘Some children find it dificult keeping up in school because they may be right-brain dominant ‘end have a tough time adjusting to leit-brain skills. Since schools emphasize left-brain skill testing, these children are considered ““slowleamers” and yet they may benoless intelligent. The leit brain can be characterized as being a “spotlight” thinker in that it sees the parts ‘before it sees the whole. It classifies and deciphers information piece by piece and then decides ‘on a whole logical conclusion, ‘The right brain can be characterized as being a “floodlight” thinker in that it sees the whole before the parts. Although creativity, “the birth of em original idea,” begins in the sight brain, its the left brain that systematically analyzes the idea and develops it. What is Intelligence? There are many in-depth definitions, but to put it simply: intelligence is the bility of the bbrain to absorb information and to analyze it accurately and rapidly. Most today agree that slthough most of our intellectual skills are genetically inherited, they are influenced by and can be improved through social and environmental learning, ‘The mare one develops the skill functions of both the lelt- and right-brain hemispheres, the more intelligent is that person, Intelligence tests are used to measure the brain's skills, but in order to be fair and accurate 25 & measuring tool, intelligence tests cannot evaluate only leit-brain skills. Since LQ. tests are designed to measure how fast you see and react to information and not how much you know, LQ. test questions should not contain knowledge questions or be culturally or ‘geographically biased. What Does I.Q. Mean? ‘Just as one’s car cannot exceed speeds greater than its engine's horsepower allows, the ‘human brain cannot respond toiinforrnation greater thanitts own ability or capacity. Havingan average I.Q, or inabilities and weaknesses in certain mental functions doesnot mean that one ~willenjoya useless and unfruitful life or be unsuccessful in occupational or business pursuits. ‘One doesn’t have to push the accelerator of the ar to the floor and reach high speeds to -enjoy a satisfying fide in the country. Having command of language, or being able to add numbers quickly, or being oxderly logical does not alone make one intelligent. Being creative, mechanically inclined or artistic doesn’t, either. Since the human brainis acomplex piece of equipment, it controls amultitude of skills and functions, The more proficient one is at using the diversified skills of the brain, the rire intelligent one is! What Will the Cambridge 1.Q. Test Do? ‘This test is one of the most comprehensive and accurate self-scoring!.Q. testseveroflered to the general public! It has been espetially designed into 10 subtestsin order tomeasure the skills ofboth your leit and right brain. You will do well on some of these subtests and poorly on others, unless you are a genius! This test will do three things: (1) It will give you your personal |.Q. score! {A composite evaluation of all 10 test parte) 42) Ut will allow you to discover separately and individually where your skill strengths and weakmesses lie. 43) It will indicate whether you are a left: or right-brain thinker, or both — and how dominant one side is over the other, if at all. ‘The Cambridge IQ test has been created from Q test parts and scoring charts formerly used by the US. Government. The Cambridge IQ test has not been standardized and does not representitself tobe a clinical test. t's purpose is to providean indication of one's) soore and should not be used as a clinical value, Keep in mind ‘that this is @ self-administered test and thatyourl.Q, acore can be affected and influenced by interruptions, yourltest-taking mood cad tofollow testing instructions, Enjoy it! I's fun to take but don'ttakethe resulis too seriously. IMPORTANT (READ THIS PAGE CAREFULLY BEFORE STARTING TEST This Test has been divided into ten (10) parts. Each part will test a different intellectua) skill. Read the instructions of each test part carefully and do the sample problems before starting any test part. Try to work in a comfortable, undisturbed atmosphere, Each test part has been allotted specific time amount. tfyouareto achieve an Accurate LQ, Score, you MUST adhere to each time allowance, ‘Speedand accuracy are the two most important factors of an.Q. Test. Youwill bejudgedonlyon the number of correct answers. Danot waste time on problem questions, Guessing is better than no answer. Donotexpect to finish all test parts. Itis suggested that youhave someone time. each test part for you so that you may work without interruption. It is not ‘necessary to finish the entire test in one sitting. ‘You willfind scoring instructions, answers, explanations and LQ. Scoreson the ‘pages following the completion of the Test. Remember! Work fast and do not waste time on problem ques- tine. Keep ecrap paper handy. TEST 1 MEMORY INSTRUCTIONS Danotlook at the symbcls below until youread the instructions, Below, you 20 different symbols with an assigned number under each symbol. Sake suers caret Gal coaceniasta ity tertecesoeer tas oocieeed number that belongs with each symbol. Do aot expect toremember themall. After I minute, stop studying and tarn the page and write the correct assigned number in the blank spaces below each symbol. You will have 1 minute. NOTE! You must memorize what number belongs to each symbol because the symbols on the next page will not appear in the same sequence as below. ‘Study these symbols and their assigned numbers for only 1 minute. [x] [A] ie | $ olf o) [& [+ LA 121 C3] (41 () fe) (71 Ce] [9] Go Ie] ZIE A % fe & [at] [12 14] [45 19} [20 Sgeeeeeee8 SARGSS8ESS SAMPLE PROBLEMS: TEST2 PERCEPTION INSTRUCTIONS _ This test deals with sets of numbers and sets of letters. Each numbersethas vests howl palit Oto 9. Find the number and enter it in the spaceat ‘the right. Each set of lettershas one letter that appears twice. Find the duplicate letter and enter it in the space at the right. SAMPLE 460828597 APEXCLATHON A ‘The wumber 1 is missing from the number set. The letter A appears tuice in the letter set. DO THESE PRACTICE PROBLEMS NOW 394618270 nas LOPAGRELITS — ‘The number 5 is missing from the number set. ‘The letter L appears twice in the letter set. If you understand how to do this test part, turn the page and begin Test 2. ‘Time: 2 Minutes, TEST 2 PERCEPTION Time: 2 Minutes. Find the missing number. Find the letter that appears twice. 682039715 SAPONIGTRSE 493261705 COTENIPELAR . 374690518 6 DANIPXOLPEF s 10, nh. 12, . 296035814 FLATINGOSEN 9271584038 SPIRALEKIJO 516274893 HASTINPAQER . OF S1ELTIS } RUSTCHILYAR 362914750 APEXOTIKENM 493163507 POCUHASTICE 936018475 » QUIXOTAUNSH 361927584 PASHOGINEST » 246978130 } RANGELTORZI » $97246038 SAMPLE PROBLEMS TEST 3. WORD COMPREHENSION INSTRUCTIONS In each group of 4 words below, one word does not Sand because it has the least in common with the other 3 words. Circle the word that doesn’t belong in the group. SAMPLE STAMP LETTER ENVELOPE MAILMAN ‘The answer is Mailman because it is the only person in the stoup. DO THESE PRACTICE PROBLEMS NOW 1. GUN BAYONET KNIFE SWORD 2. CHESS CHECKERS ‘GAME ‘CARDS ANSWERS 1. Gun, Allare weapons, but guns the only one that doesn't have a blade. 2 Game. The other 3 are all specific games. Ifyou understand how to do this test part, turn the page and begin Test 3. Time: 2 Minutes, TEST 3. ‘WORD COMPREHENSION Circle the word that least likely belongs in the group. 1. ee 3 10. i 12, 13. 14. 15. 16. 18, 19. BUTTER |. SURGEON . SMOKE SAND CONTAINER FATHER BOWLING. WIDTH BELT TRIAL FAST FRAME CLOUDY ‘TEACHER ROCK CARGO GUITAR DAWN WIND JUDGE CHEESE NURSE FIREPLACE BEACH BOX MOTHER SOCCER SHORT WALLET JUDGE SLOW PAINT SUNNY PROFESSOR PEBBLE ‘SHIP PIANO: NOON RAIN ARBITRATOR MILK PATIENT ASHES ‘WATER CAN UNCLE: BOXING TALL TE DEFENDANT RAPID CANVAS, HUMID UNIVERSITY STONE, ANCHOR VIOLIN DUSK STORM LAWYER Time: 2 Minutes. EGGS DOCTOR FIRE ‘SWIM BARREL NEPHEW BASKETBALL HEIGHT JURY ‘SPEED BRUSH OVERCAST ‘STUDENT BRICK HARBOR: ‘SAXOPHONE NIGHT SNOW REFEREE SAMPLE PROBLEMS TEST 4 ‘VISUAL DESIGNS INSTRUCTIONS Each question below has 3 items in the group. One item in each group dogs not belong because it has the feast in common with the other ditems. Choose the one thatleastiikely belongs and mark its letter in the space at the right. CAUTION! Do not waste time on problem questions. WORK FAST! SAMPLE PROBLEMS . w2 w4 ol @ 6 @8 Se 2 (a Q Des CS @ #4] aa 1, (c) It is the only odd number in the group. ‘2. (b) It is the only non round ball in the group. DO THESE PRACTICE PROBLEMS NOW_ L s (b) Cc () G (a) N (e) Q 2 a) a] () Ca Cc) C4 @ ee} @ E] ANSWERS 1, (d) It is the only letter with only straight lines, 2. (d) It is the only diagram with the dot in the larger portion. If you understand how to do this test part, turn the page and begin Test 4, Time: 2% Minutes. TEST 4 VISUAL DESIGNS Time: 2% Minutes. ‘Choose the one in each group that least likely belongs. 1 @ | to) A o® (3) > te) —— tor lay w= dE wing oo Ygisene UE See dL 4 @) iH (b) & CS) mM (a) & {e) Wa ie 8 me 6 eee oi wi ton: ee ee ee eS 2 A fh) © te Ay @ Bo we A ina & @® S co S&S te} A —_ te) > commer ad uo 0 2 = s ot @ ae, co) — —_— = 20. oft os olf Os o fll —— nL. a® wo 0 @ @ a 12, oJ] ol oF af) a a 13. oe wh) 2 x ox to A a «aN oH @wT wX oe gSjolo ohh x O}xy 6 “a ee woe wo RE el SAMPLE PROBLEMS TEST 5 NUMERICAL SPANNING INSTRUCTIONS: ‘This test deals with pairs of numbers. Look at each pair carefully. You will find some pairs to be exactly the same and some pairs will not. Place au X ‘between only those pairs of numbers that are NOT IDENTICAL! SAMPLE a 3. 6172981 ..x¢ 6172918 ‘The first and third pair of numbers are NOT IDENTICAL, so an X has been placed between them. The second pair of numbers are the same, sono Xhas been placed between them. DO THESE PRACTICE PROBLEMS NOW. 3. 468321... .468321 2. 7173027 ,...7173021 B. 99465173... ..39465178 ANSWERS: ‘Only the pair of numbers in Problem 2 are NOT IDENTICAL, soan Xshould have been placed between them. Ifyou understand how to do this test part, turn the page and begin Test 5. Time: 14; Minutes. TEST 5 NUMERICAL SPANNING Time: 1%) Minutes. Place an “X” on the dotied line between each pair of numbers that is NOT IDEN 6. a a ICAL. S3G116.......636116 2820303.......2328332 19020843.......19024343 282717287.......282717187 3712881218 AAS A546454 -ISNTT38T 8929182216...,....8929188216 6. 16. a7. 18. 45454323554... 91727137271... 91882831828... 17859537125....... 54556465454... 54556056054 28191982819.......28191982B19 VORTPGBOLT....762TELT 44315192515.......44315132518 SAMPLE PROBLEMS TEST 6 OBSERVATION INSTRUCTIONS Draw: left out in each picture. Do not waste time trying to be anartist. Only one thing has been left out in each picture, Work Fast. Draw what is missing. ANSWERS Draw the missing leg of the table. Draw the missing tail of the airplane. Ifyou understand how to do this test part, turn the page and begin Test 6, Time: 1% Minutes. SAMPLE PROBLEMS: TEST? LOGIC INSTRUCTIONS requires logical reasoning and deduction. Study each question and consider only the information given. Make no assumption Write the letter of your answer in the blank space. NOTE: Do not waste time on difficult questions! SAMPLE STATEMENTS Joan is taller than Mary. Mary is taller than dane. Jane is shorter than Helen, Helen is taller than Joan, Alice is shorter than Barbara, Which conclusion is definitely accurate? fa) Mary is taller than Barbara. (b) Barbara is taller than Jane. (©) Joanis taller than Alice. @Y Mavy is shorter than Het (©) None of the above. ANSWER @ Helen is taller than Mary because Joan is taller than Mary and Helen is taller than Joan. #f you understand how to do this test, turn the page and begin Test 7, Work fast. Time: 10 Minutes. TEST 7 LOGIC ‘Time: 10 Minutes. 1. STATEMENT: All WONGS are PLATS. No PLATS are GORTS. CONCLUSION: No GORTS are WONGS ‘The conclusion is: (a) True {b) False {c) Not determinable 2. JOHN solder than BOB. BOBis younger than STEVE. STEVE is older than JOE. JOE is older than JOHN. RAY is younger than JIM, Which conclusion is definitely accurate? {a) BOB is older than RAY. (b) JOE is older than BOB. (c) JOE is older than JIM. (d) JIM is older than BOB. {e) None of the above. es 3. “SPROG KRIPS PLOUT" means WARNING HURRICANE WATCH.” “KLOG MING KRIPS” means “BRACE FOR HURRICANE,” and “BARAX ed PLOUT DUNIS” means SMALL CRAFT WARNING,” WHAT DOES “SPROG” MEAN? (a) CRAFT (b) WATCH (c) BRACE (d) WARNING (e) HURRICANE —___ 4, SUNE lives 3 miles directly north of LOIS. ANN lives 3 miles directly south of STACEY. STACEY lives 3 miles directly east of SUNE. LOIS lives 3 miles directly west of ANN. IN RELATIONSHIP TO JUNE, WHERE DOES ANN LIVE? (a) NW (b) SE (c) NE. (@) SW _(e) Impossible to tel s ‘There are five houses on Elm St. Their colors are black, white, blue, brown and green, ‘but not necessarily in that order. The men who live in these houses are Mr. Brown, Mr. Blue, Mr. Green, Mr. White and Mr. Black. WHO LIVES IN THE BROWN HOUSE? SLUES 1. Mr, White smokes cigars and tives between the blue and white houses. ‘The man in the black house smokes & pipe. “The man in the blue house on the comer doesn’t smoke. |. Mr, Green smokes Camels and lives between Mr, White and Mr. Black Mr, Blue smokes Kools, ‘Mr, Brown lives next to the green house. ageee SAMPLE PROBLEMS. TEST 8 ‘SPATIAL RELATIONS INSTRUCTIONS _ Draw lines in the blank squares af the right to show how the pieces at theleft fit into the blank squares. ‘The lines drawn must fill the blank squares completely, SAMPLE 3. YO pAbo stoma | — moma] | -— somal A] DO THESE PROBLEMS NOW! 6. Ovo mOF Mf you understand how to do this test, tur the page and begin Test 8. Time: 4 Minutes. 9 Fo iF) (2) (2) (AI Ane eae a oS _! "TOW Wid Gl bol LW eal eel elds ees z at ; Lol txt Wt tl al LR cy YF cay 7 |= N Os) PSS SAMPLE PROBLEMS TEST 9 NUMERICAL SEQUENCES INSTRUCTIONS In each set below you are to insert the next number of the sequence in the blank space. NOTE: The key to these problems is to break down each set of numbers into groups until you observe a pattern or relationship between them. Then apply that pattern formula to the next groupand finally to solve the problem. ‘SAMPLE 1526374 & This set should be divided into two number gromps. The difference between the first two numbers is 4, 50 is 4 the difference between the remaining two number groups. Therefore, by adding 4 to the last number 4, you get 8. DO THIS PRACTICE PROBLEM NOW. La5eetse ANSWER This set of numbers should be divided into groups of three. Observe the first three. numbers: 1, 4and 5. Youadd3 to the first number to get 4, then youadd Ito the second number to set 5, Now look at the next threenumbers:2, Sand 6, Add3 tothe first number toget 5, thenadd 1 to the second number to get 6. Now apply that formula so solve the sequence. Add 3to 3 to get 6, then add 1 to get 7. So 7is the next number of the sequence. If you understand how to do this test part, turn the page and begin Test 9. Time: 244 Minutes: a TEST 9 NUMERICAL SEQUENCES —_—Time: 2¥, Minutes Insert the next item of the sequence in the blank space. aor Sea yee 225914 _ 3.105846 4339844161555 25 6.812793 _ 6251649 795684573 __ 823534745 _ O12 18-4116 92, 10. 16422553366 M1. 1162183144 ___ 42, 27921316713 ___ 13.6185 184123 ___ 4,3587461095712 05.11112224153391 _ 2 SAMPLE PROBLEMS TEST 10 CREATIVITY INSTRUCTIONS ‘You will find three words in each set below. Your task is to find a fourth word that can be used with each of the three words. In each case the fourth word must be placed after each of the three words or in front of them to forma new, common word. Write your fourth word choice im the blank space. NOTE: Don’t waste time on problem questions! SAMPLE FRIEND CRUISE MEMBER ‘SHIP. The answer is SHIP, which is placed after each of the three given words to form: FRIENDSHIP CRUISESHIP_ MEMBERSHIP DO THIS PRACTICE PROBLEM NOW! STAR POLE EAST sae The answer is NORTH: NORTHSTAR NORTHPOLE NORTHEAST Ifyou understand how to do this test, turn the page and begin Test 10, Time: 3 Miautes. BOOK cup TURN MINE, PAPER: LOOK BALL 5. STREAK SAVINGS RACE SNOW BUD PRINT CREATIVITY DEAD REAR FOUL PHONE SCOTCH FLY SPOT SEARCH HEAD WEIGHT DUST COIN QUARTER COME CAST SIDE BATH BED CORPS TREATY CHAIR TIDE List EYE HOSE MAN BAG PARTY RIBBON: FEVER BLOOD RIVER FLY POWER BASKET PIN GARDEN BOWL (CHEESE MOON SCORING INSTRUCTIONS Please check your own test results by looking at the answers on Pages 30, 31 and$2. Count the number of correct answers for Tests 1, 3, 5, 7 and only. Thisis called your “raw score.” Enteryour raw score for each of these tests in the appropriate spaces on Test Summary Chart I'on Page 26. After you finish entering the ‘raw scores” for the odd-numbered tests, ‘check your answers for Tests 2,4, 6, 8 and 10and enter your rawscoreson Test Summary Chart It on Page 27, The odd-numbered tests are all left-brain skills and the even-numbered testsareright-brain skills, In addition te learning your total .Q. score, this scoring procedure will enable you to ‘establish if you have lelt-brain or right-brain dominant intelligence. After you determine your raw scores, you must convert them to scaled scores by using the Scaled Score Conversion Charts on Pages 26and 27. Go downeach test part column Separately and stop at your raw score. Move across horizontally to the Scaled Score Column on the extreme left or right, Enter that scaled score on the appropriate Test ” Summary Chart. For example, araw score for Test Lmight be §. Onpage 26, godown Test ‘Column 1and stopat raw score 5. Move across horizontally to the Scaled Score Column and see a scaled score of II. Alter you have determined all your scaled scores, total them for the odd-numbered tests; then do the same for the even-numbered tests. Now you are ready to find your LQ, score. ‘Turn to Pages 28 and 29. Find your total sealed score for the odd-numbered testsin the extreme left or right columns. Go across horizontally and stop at the age group column that reflects your current age. That numbers your .Q. score forlett-brain skills. Example: If your total scaled score for the odd-numbered tests is 85 and youare between 30. and34 yearsold, your 1.Q. score would be 100, Now follow the same procedure for the even-numbered tests scaled scores and find your 1.Q. score for right-brain skills. “Now add your two 1.Q. scores together and divide by 2. The result is your overall 1.Q. score. By using the chart on the back cover, youcandetermine pourinteligence bracket. ‘Do not put too miich emphasis on your LQ, score since all LQ, tests use different scoring values. For example, this test uses a score of 130 points to establish genius, Some LQ. tests use 140, or 150, or 160 points to establish genius. So your 1.Q. bracket is more important than your LQ. soore. If there is a difference of less than 5 points between your left- and right-brain LQ. scores, you show an equal balance of skill command between your left and right brain, You indicate no dominent side. If there ls 6 or more point difference between your two separate 1.Q. scores, the one with the higher score is your dominant brain side, and you are either a dominantleft-or ight-brain thinker. The wider the point difference the mare dominant that brain side. 25 __TEST SUMMARY CHART 1 _ LEFT-BRAIN SKILL FUNCTIONS TEST RAW SCORES SCALED SCORES: L 3. & a . SUM OF SCALED SCORES: SCALED SCORE CONVERSION CHART RAW SCORES SCALED Test Test vest Test TEsT ‘SCALED SCORES 1 3 s 7 - SCORES 1 = r = = Rs 1 2 _ as = = = 2 3 1 45 = ~- _ 3 4 + 67 1 _ ~ 4 5 2 89 2 ~ a 5 ‘ < 10 a 1 2 ‘ t. 3 in 4 ~ 3 ¢ 8 3 2 s 2 4 3 ° 4 3 ‘ & 5 ° 10 - “ 7 3 6 10 un 5 18 8 es ? in 2 6 6 ° ‘ a 2 B i 1 10 S . w “ 8 “ t s 10 1“ cd 910 o m - Wn ws 6 mz 0 13 6 2 6 w 13-14 = “4 - 3 Ww 1B 15-16 - = 7 acy aid 1» 18 a a = 18 » 20 19-20 = = - 20 ‘TEST SUMMARY CHART II RIGHT-BRAIN SKILL FUNCTIONS TEST RAW SCORES: SCALED SCORES. Zz 4 4 é 6. 8. 10. SUM OF SCALED SCORES: —____ SCALED SCORE CONVERSION CHART RAW SCORES ‘SCALED Test TEST TEST Test Test — SCALED. ‘SCORES ‘SCORES 2 4 6 8 18 1 1 = 12 1 - 2 2 I a4 34 1 3 a4 2 86 5 = 4 56 3 78 « 2 8 78 4 \o0 od ~ 6 919 8 u 8 3 7 m2 6 2 9 - 8 13-14 z 3 10 4 9 18 8 u n 5 0 % 9 15, 2 6 n v 10 6 3 7 2 18 n 7 u 8 13 ~ Pry 18 1s 9.10 “4 20 18 » a Maz 15 a 4 20 a7 ast 16 22.23 45 ze 13 15-16 "7 2425 Ee = + 1718 18 ~ a a f= 19.20 19 = = s as ey 20 = os ~ a = 27 REGRESS eaten eew Ssaas LQ. BY AGE GROUPING SUM OF ‘SUM OF SCALED AGES AGES AGES AGES AGES AGES AGES AGES AGES SCALED SCORES 1419 20.28 25-29 3038 35.39 40-48 45.09 5059 55-78 SCORES 10 : : . : 2 : : + 1 16 i - e - 3 5 : - 1 oan 12 : : p : a : : : 2 13 es ee Z : : _ 3 4 . . . Ss : rt 74 (14 6 : . : = - nN 8 15 16 2 . i 2 . 2 6 16 VW : . : : : - AS 37." sie 18 : : : : = 2 Se 98: ois 19 . . . a . . 2 75 79 «19 20 : : : - : a ee 21 : : : : : a ot, Diet: ee 22 : : : : 0 ee ae aa ss - : : - mn 7 & & 28 24 : : : : ee ee | amme 25 : : : : Spe TS iS EERE Bb 6s : : : aes. Bh SR 86 Re) aes : : =e ers 8h a car Fer. 28 : : : + Th 7% 82 8 ss 28 29 : : : > ae rr BS ee ao SD) 300071 : : 2 TE 79: 6 88 a? ons Se sk CN 38 0 as Deo 2. 320 73 70 Se: Ee SU a | ET Se a “on yp 8B 2 2 eo 8 oS Hu 6 7 Ro SB 2 ep 1 8 OF SS ogg: Sas. as is Ra 86S 86 78 75H m2 9 97 36 Ba (S79) 6 eye: ae ish >) 98 | BRD ga FBT 38 97 tt KB S00 a. Miaka st eh ae) se 9 Stoo. ae: oe 2 8 9 8 OO % 8 wi 40 41s tte RAL 42 at 8 8k HS HDS AR 43 85H NH HA 4403785 10HC A 45 88 86 85 8B ZH_CN: 106A 8 LQ. SCORES CONVERTED FROM SCALED SCORES LQ. BY AGE GROUPING SCAIED AGES AGES AGES AGES AGES AGES AGES aces SCALED SCORES Il9 2028 2529 Sosa S589 HOM 4549 55-75 SCORES 6 9 8 & 8 6 OF (108 10746 47 a 88 87 108 wos 47 480 «9 BMS 100108 109 48 490 9301108 1049 50 9 M8101 ut BO | Sr 96 93RD 103108, uz Bl 52 98 9893 5100108109 132 5399 959k TT 108110 a 58 54 100959108107 us (54 55 029100104108 68S 56 103,100 99102105109 1756 57) 41ND 31050, 118 5B 1050210410812 9 59 7 104103 10610911317 120 60 «0381051041078 121 61 1010510510819 123 62 ml 6107 «107 «0926180 124 ne 1091084828 125 4011025119128 186 M1 361201 ie? Stas | A. Ghat) ts tes ug 1a 116119122126 6 64 6 us om 66 6: 68 19 5 57120. 123 127 69 121 116 116 118 «121128128 70 «122 «118 «18120. 122125129 Tm #123 U9 119 121 «123 127,130 72 124 120120122125 12830 73 (128121 12212126129 130+ 130+ 130+ 74 «126 «= 123183125 127130 130+ 130+ 130+ 75 128 «= 124125126128 130+ 130+ 130+ 130+ 16 71 78 cr 80 130+ Baxsesegaacasssses 75 129 125126128130, 130+ 130+ 130+ 130+ 76 130126127129 130+ 130+ 130+ 130+ 130+ 77 190+ 127-129 130 130+ 130+ 130+ 180+ 130+ 78 130+ 128130, 130+ 130+ 130+ 130+ 130+ 130+ | 79. 130+ 129 130+ 130+ 130+ 130+ 130+ 130+ 180+ 80. 81 130 130 130+ 130+ 130+ 130" 130+ 130 130+ 81 * Thetum of scaled scores totaling more than 81 determine thatyou score genius regardless of your age. TesT1 TEST2 TESTS Testa Tests ANSWERS AND EXPLANATIONS ‘Check your own test resus ‘Svote 1 point for each correct answer. 1.4) 2.15) 3. (6) 4.(E) 5.(2) 6.(P) 7.7) BAN) 9.16) 10.) 11. (0) 12, (A) 13. (9) 14 (R) 18, (B) 16 (E) 17.¢2) 18.(C) 19.(2) 20.(U) 21. (0) 22. (8) 23. (5) 24. (R) 25. (1) Soore 1 point for each correct answer. 1. (EGGS) It is the only non-dairy item. 2, (PATIENT The others all tend to the patient. 3. (FIREPLACE) The others can exist outside a fireplace. 4. (SWIM) It's the only action word of the group. ‘5. (CONTAINER) The others are all forms of a container. 6 (MOTHER) The only female of the group, 7, (BOXING) The onily non-ball sport. & (WIDTH) The only one that is not a forrn of height. 9. WALLET) Its the only item that is not worn or exposed outside, 10. (TRIAL) The others are all people. Tial isan event. 1. (SPEED) The others are ail forms of speed. 12, (FRAME) The only one that's not a necessary tool to paint a picture, 13. (HUMID) The only one that denotes moisture in the air. 14. (UNIVERSITY) The others are all people. 15. (BRICK) The only one that is man made. ‘16. (HARBOR) It’s a place. The others are things. 17, (SAXOPHONE) The orily non-string instrament. 18. (NOON) The only one that occurs atthe same tine each day. 19. (STORM) The others are types of a storm. 20. (LAWYER) The others are professions that require making rulings. ‘Score 1 point for each correct answer, 1, (@) The only one that does not have an equal number of dots to its number of sides. 2. (b) Arrows pointing in opposite directions, 3. (b) Sis the only curved letter of the group. 4 (@) The only rectangle divided into 8 patts. 5. (a) Isthe only one that has two arrow points. 6. (©) The only one with the same number of dashes to its number value. 7. (@) The only design with a black center ele. & (b) The only figure with a white space at ts top, 9. (a) ‘The only one with 2 dots below the line that appears underneath the circle. 10. (e) The only one whose airows do not point altemately in different directions. 11. (e) ‘The only design with one eyebrow, 12, (e) The only one with a diagonal line down from left to right. 13. (€) ‘The only one with two dots next to each other. 14. (@) The only letter that would change its kdentity if tured upside down, 15. (a) The only one with two tie-tac-toe’s in its make-up. Score U point for each correct answer. ‘An X should have been placed between the following pair of numbers only. 2-3-5-8- 10-11-14. 45. 18 - 20-22-23 25-27 Score 1 point for each correct answer marked with X. ‘Tests TEST Missing things in pictures: (1) Eyebrow (2) Tail (3) Goal Post Crossbar (it) Ice Skate Blade (5, Second Step (6) Door Hinges (7) Table Nat (8) Door Handle Center Screw (0) Cord (11) Buttonhole (12) Handle (18) Knuckle on Middle Finger (4) Oac Locks (18) Ball in Hand of Bowler on Left (13) Shadow on Ground at Tree (17) Reflection of Arm and Brush in Mirror (18) The State of Florida (19) Trigger (20) Large Diarrond iin Upper Left. Score 1 point for each correct answer, 1. (a) Change the words to recognizable words. Alldogsareanimals. Noanimalsare plants Therefore no plants are animals, 2. (b) Joe is older than Bob because John is older than Bob and Joe ts older than John. 3. (b) The only word common tothe firsttwo stetementsis “HURRICANE.” Theonly coded word common to the first two statements 1s “KRIPS,” therefore “KRIPS” means HURRICANE,” ‘The only word common to the first and third Statements is “WARNING” and the only coded word common to the first and third statements is “PLOUT,” therefore “PLOUT” means “WARNING.” So, if “RRIPS” means HURRICANE” and “PLOUT” means “WARNING,” “SPROG" has to mean “WATCH.” (b)SE. Drew a map from dues to determine result. See position below, JUNE STACEY LoIs ANN 5. MR.BLUE. Drawachartof fveseparate columns across and numberthem 1 to5, Each column will detail three jtems: the house color, the smoking habit and the name of tha occupant. Begin with clue #3 and place “Blue House” and “Doesn't Smoke” in Column 1. Clue #1 place “White House” in Column 3, and "Mr. White” and “Cigars” in Column 2. Clue #4 places “ Green'* in Column elong with “Camels” and places “Mr. Black’ in Column 4, Nowuse deduction from Clue #5 to place “Mr. Blue” and “Kools” in Column 5, since the occupant in Column 1 | doesn't smoke. Clue #6 places “Mr, Brown’ in column 1 and the "Green House” in Colurnn 2, since we elready know that Mr. Black is in Column 4 and doesn’t live next to the Green house, Mr. Brown does, ‘CONCLUSION: The brown house is in Column 5 and Mr. Blue is the occupant. Score I point for each of the first four questions and 3 points for Question #5. | Deg | ag (Y ‘X] ate 18, Drawings may face different directions. Score 1 point for each correct answer. 31 MANA ANSWERS AND EXPLANATIONS — Continued TEST9 —_1. (9) Progression of odd numbers. 2, (20) The difference between the firs two numbers is 3. The difference between the second, and third numbers is 4. The difference between the third and fourth numbers is 5, so that 6 must be the difference between the fourth and fith number. 14 plus 6 = 20. 3. (8)Divide this sequence into sets of wo numbers. The second number's one-halfotthe ist snurnber. 4. (24) Divide numbersinto groups of four. Multiply the first and second numbers to getthe third fiumber, then subtract one from the third number to get the fourth number, 5. (1) Each number in regression is divided by 3. 6. (8)Divide nto ses of tuo numbers. Thessecond number's the square rootothe first number 7, (A)Divide into sets of3 numbers. From the fistnumbersubtract 4 then add Ito getthe third number 8. (9)Divide into sets of3 numbers, The sum ofthe first two numbers equals the tid number. 9. (8) The first, third and fifth numbersindicate a progression of two. The seventh number therefore willbe 8. 10. (4) Divide into sets of 3 numbers, The second number is the square toot of the first. Then subtract two to get the third number. 11, (18) Starting with the second number, every other number goes down by one. 12, (4)Divide into sets of2 numbers, The sumnof thedigits of the first numberequals the second ‘number. The sum of the digits of 13 = 4, 13. (9) Divide into sets of2 numbers. The first number multiplied by 3 equals the second number. 14. (11) Diside into sets of 4 numbers. Add the first and second numbers to get the third, then subtract 1 from the third number to get the fourth number. 15. (10)Divideinto sets ofS numbers. The first number multiplied by the second number equals the third number. The fourth number added to the third number equals the fifth number. Score 1 point for each correct answer, 3F10 1.END 2,LINE 3.BUTTER 4.LIGHT 5. OVER 6 GOLD 7. BACK we 8.OUT 9,ROOM 10, PEACE 11. HIGH 12. BLACK | 1S.PIRE. 19. TE 16, YELLOW 16.BANK 17, HORSE 18. BALL 19. ROSE 20. BLUE Score 1 point for each correct answer, ‘Check to see if you allowed 3 points for Question #5 on Test 7. 32 ) 90000 > i oleveaztssurss) | ABOUT THIS TEST! he CAMBRIDGE 1.Q. TEST is one of the most comprehensive, most accurate self-scoring 1.Q. Tests ever published for the genera! public! At your convenience and in the privacy of your home you will discover what you've always wondered about! Your personal 1.Q. Score! The human brain, which is divided into two hemispheres, has assigned specific mental skills to either side. Since most people are either left- or right dominant, it explains why we do well on certain mental tasks and poorly on others. This elaborate 10-part test will tap into and measure the multiple skill functions of both your ieft and right brain sides, and not only will provide you with your total 1.Q. score, but it will allow you to determine if you are a left- or right-brain dominant thinker! ‘Take an unusual journey into your thought control center and discover how smart you really are! It's a fun test to take and comes complete with testing and scoring instructions and answers and explanations to all questions. ARE YOU A LEFT- OR RIGHT-BRAIN THINKER? Left-Brain Right-Brain Skill Functions Skill Functions ‘ Intuition—ESP Visual—Spatial ine Arts Creativity Mechanics thythm and Music * Emotions Attitudes © Physical Coordination # Space ISBN 1-882330-13-7 + PRINTED RVUSA

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