6 3 Reflection

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Claire Mracek

6.3 Field Experiences

Candidates engage in appropriate field experiences to synthesize and apply the content
and professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions identified in these standards. (PSC
The Capstone Log represents the time and activities that took place over my yearlong
Standard 6.3 states that candidates engage in appropriate field experiences to synthesize
and apply the content and professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions identified in
these standards. This log lists each field experience that occurred throughout my
capstone project. Each experience was important for different reasons and led me to the
next phase of my project. It was important to synthesize these experiences and apply
them to content, knowledge, skills, and dispositions found in the PSC standards so I
could see how my project was developing.
My biggest takeaway from this project was the importance of making time to log, reflect,
and identify how each experience was connected to a PSC standard. This helped me to
become more familiar with the standards and best identify next steps in my project.
This log directly impacted faculty development as it pushed me to record my steps, time
spent, and reflections.

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