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SEALS By Wendy Chasteen

Church Depth
1-2 Depth
3 The Little Ones
4 Tragedy
Church Height
5 Celebration During Suffrage
6 Gifts I
7 Gifts II
8-9 Height
10 Injustice
11 Mine Suffer
12 Orders
Pale Horse
13 King Isaac's Bowl/Horse
14-15 Pale Locust Horse (Puts Crown On Ground)
16 Perfect Love As A Weapon (Against Righteousness)
17 Pesach Pour
18-21 Shemos Shemos
22 Torah
23 Witnesses
24 Take Height
25 Thank You
Weight And Measure Horse
26 Haste To Destruct Before TRUMP
Introduction HORSE
Messiah Measures Earth
Weights And Measures Horse Is Gone
Church Scope
27-28 Church Scope
29 Crouch
30 Focus
31 Opulence
32 Opulence II
33-34 Opulence III
35-36 Scope
37 Self Righteous Potsherds

Church Weight
38-40 Admonition
41 American Child
42 American Flag
43 America's Yoke
44 Axis
45 Convoluted Yoke
46 Cup Of Jerusalem
47 Eclipse
Flying Scroll
48 Enemies Of G-d
49-51 Flying Scroll
52 Line Of Demarcation
53 Locust
54 Scorning Israel
55 Seed Directive
56 Seed Of Righteousness
57 Seed Strategy
58 Seed To Enemy
59 Testimony
60 Widows And Orphans
61 Yoke
Church Width
62-68 All Encompassing View
69-70 Church Width
71 Seeds From Rocks
72 Width
73 Width And Scope

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