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Project Overview

vineri, 27 februarie 2015


Project Name: DGB Iasi

Company Name: NA
Presenter Name: Cosmin Sparhat

Describe the project in non-technical terms.
The main purpose of the project is to improve the image of mini football in Iasi county by creating the site DGB(Bahlui Galac tic
Division), a site for mini football amateur community based in this city.
Project Goals
Ultimate goal of project
Expand the site to other counties, eventually extend nation wide.
Relationship to other projects
The DGB project will be the improved version of, the main site for mini football in
Romania which hosts all leagues from all counties.
High-level timing goals
The project needs to be live by the end of august 2015.
State assumptions about resources allocated to this project
Initially there are no resources allocated for the project
Project Leader: Cosmin Sparhat
Operations/Development Expert:
Database Administrator:
Development team:
Own equipment
Iasi and other
Support & outside services
Access to all information about leagues, statistics and teams
Publicity and support provided by the president of the DGB Iasi league and by DGB coaches.
Working environment: Microsoft Visual Studio 2013
Programming language: C#
Database language: MySQL

Highlight any procedural differences from regular projects of this type
Working type: tasks and deadlines manually set
Prerequisites Page 1

Working type: tasks and deadlines manually set

Discuss requirements, benefits, and issues of using new procedures
Review schedule milestones here
Current Status
Overview of progress against schedule
On-track in what areas
Behind in what areas
Ahead in what areas
Unexpected delays or issues
Related Documents
Marketing plan
Location or contact name/phone
Location or contact name/phone
Post mortem
Location or contact name/phone
Submit questions
Location or contact name/phone

Prerequisites Page 2

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