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2 Research-Based Learner Strategies

Candidates model and facilitate the use of research-based, learner-centered strategies
addressing the diversity of all students. (PSC 2.2/ISTE 2b)
This artifact is a screencast presentation of a research based and student centered
technology-enhanced lesson plan I designed and implemented. The lesson plan that was
conducted involved the creation of a study guide and video presentation by 11th grade
chemistry students. The creation of these presentations was a learner-centered activity.
The presentations were then shared with the class through the class Wiki for review and
remediation leading up to the End of Course Test.
The creation and implementation of this lesson plan demonstrates my ability to model
and facilitate the use of a research-based, learner-centered strategy. The lesson plan
implemented involved students using Web 2.0 tools to create multimedia presentations.
This technology-enhanced learning experience followed a project based learning model
that is supported by current educational research. During the lesson I modeled how to
research and select a Web 2.0 tool for the creation of a presentation. Students followed
my lead and researched Web 2.0 tools and selected their own technology tools to create
their presentations, which provided a level of process differentiation and made the
activity learner centered. The implementation of this lesson plan addressed the diversity
of all students by allowing students to use electronic devices and technology tools of their
choosing. This provided students with the opportunity to use devices such as smart
phones, tablets, netbooks, and laptop computers as well as any assistive technology
needed for students with disabilities.
The designing and implementation of this technology-enhanced learning experience
has opened my eyes to how incredibly engaged student are when given project based
learning activities. Going forward I will dramatically increase the amount of project
based learning activities I implement in my classroom. In conducting these activities in
the future I will include more inquiry components to the projects.
The design and implementation of this technology-enhanced student centered lesson
impacted student learning at my school by providing students with the opportunity to
engage in a technology-enhanced student centered project based learning experience.
The impact on student learning can be assessed by the evaluation of the student created

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