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Date _______________________

Scales of Measurement Worksheet

For each of the following measures, indicate the scale of
measurement (nominal (N), ordinal (O), interval (I), ratio (R)).

Gender (male/female)
Reaction Time
Satisfaction with instruction measured using Likert Scale
(very satisfied, satisfied, neutral, dissatisfied, and very
Aggressiveness as measured by number of punches at a
Bobo Doll within a 15 minute period
SAT scores
Rankings of employees
Customer satisfaction via number of return visits
Hours of paid employment per week
Annual salary
Drug dosage in millimeters
Perceived tastiness of an entre
Preferred brand of toothpaste
Patients likelihood of keeping an appointment
Number of headaches experienced within a months time
Political party affiliation
Self-reported level of anxiety
Anxiety as measured through a standardized test
Hearing threshold in decibels
Measuring the length of a piece of wood in centimeters
Are you a morning person or a night person
First, second, or third place
Birth weight
Gold, silver, bronze medals at the Olympics
Height of twins
Sea level
Dolenko 2015



I.Q. Scores

Dolenko 2015


Date _______________________

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