2 3 Authentic Learning

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3 Authentic Learning
Candidates model and facilitate the use of digital tools and resources to engage students
in authentic learning experiences. (PSC 2.3/ISTE 2c)
This artifact is an Engaged Learning Project I designed and implemented. This project
was an Internet-based multidisciplinary project designed to enrich student's learning
experience through the use of a wide range of technology. This Engaged Learning
Project was an authentic learning experience because students had the opportunity to
interact with experts online, use an online asynchronous discussion board to discuss
project-related topics, and publish their own work to the project web site. This project
had real world meaning making it the definition of an authentic learning experience.
The design and implementation of this project demonstrates my ability to model and
facilitate the use of digital tools and resources to engage students in an authentic learning
experience. This project utilized the Internet to have students collaborate in large
numbers, across great distances, to determine how proximity to the equator affects
average daily temperature and hours of sunlight. In order to collect, analyze, and share
data, students participating in this project used a wide range of technology. I modeled
and facilitated students use of netbooks, Vernier LabQuest 2 data collection units,
desktop computers with network connections and an interactive white board.
The creation of this Engaged Learning project has helped me better understand the
dynamics of designing and implementing an authentic learning experience. A truly
authentic learning experience takes a lot of up front time to design. The outcome from
this increased amount of planning is the raised level of student enthusiasm and
participation in the learning experience. When designing and implementing Engaged
Learning Projects in the future I will dedicate more up front planning time in the design
The design and implementation of this Engaged Learning Project impacted student
learning by raising the level of student enthusiasm and participation in the learning
experience. The impact on student learning can be assessed by the evaluation of the level
of student engagement and the evaluation of the student created products.

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