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6 Instructional Design
Candidates model and facilitate the effective use of research-based best practices in
instructional design when designing and developing digital tools, resources, and
technology-enhanced learning experiences. (PSC 2.6/ISTE 2f)
This artifact is a screencast presentation of a Multimedia Design Project/ WebQuest
that I designed and used in my classroom. The design of this activity was based on best
practices in instructional design and followed a research based constructivist instructional
model. This WebQuest was used to help students construct an understanding of how the
Earths tilt produces the yearly seasons and guide them in the construction of their
knowledge of natural phenomenon associated with the Earth Moon Sun system. This
learning experience culminated with the students creating a multimedia presentation in
which they had to explain and make predictions based on knowledge gained in the
completion of the learning activity.
The design and implementation of this WebQuest demonstrates my ability to model
and facilitate the effective use of research-based best practices in instructional design.
This webquest guided students as they researched and participated in online activities
designed to help them construct an understanding of how the Earths tilt produces the
yearly seasons. After completing the webquest my students were able to explain, describe
and predict natural phenomenon associated with the Earth Moon Sun system. My
students demonstrated these higher order thinking skills by creating a multimedia
presentation displaying the knowledge they constructed.
Completing this WebQuest has given me a better understanding of how important it is
to design activities according to research-based best practices in instructional design. I
have developed a passion for improving my instruction through applying research based
best practices. Going forward I will be combing through research to improve the design
of activities I use in my classes. In the future when I use WebQuests I will design them
with more inquiry, which research has proven to be effective in increasing student
The design and implementation of this WebQuest impacted student learning by raising
the level of student participation and supporting higher order thinking skills in the
learning experience. This increase in higher order thinking skills is the result of applying
research-based best practices in instructional design in a technology-enhanced learning
experience. The impact on student learning can be assessed by the evaluation of the level
of student engagement and the evaluation of the student created products.

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