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7 Assessment
Candidates model and facilitate the effective use of diagnostic, formative, and summative
assessments to measure student learning and technology literacy, including the use of
digital assessment tools and resources. (PSC 2.7/ISTE 2g)
This artifact is a data inventory I assembled from information provided to be by my
schools testing coordinator. This inventory is a list of many of the types of data my
school collects. This inventory also contains information associated with each type of
data. It contains the dates the data is collected. It also contains who has access to the
data and how it is used.
This artifact demonstrates my ability to model and facilitate the effective use of
diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments as well as the ability to use digital
assessment tools and resources to measure student learning and technology literacy. In
order to use data effectively an organization must have a clear picture of all the types of
data it collects and how it is currently being used. Constructing this inventory models
and facilitates the effective use this data. Once a clear understanding of what data is
being collected and how it is being used an organization can then begin to cross reference
the diagnostic, formative, and summative data collected from various assessments in an
effort to improve student achievement.
Constructing this data inventory has given me a better understanding of how much
diagnostic, formative, and summative data is actually collected at my school. It has also
given me insight into how this data can be used to develop a better understanding of my
schools current level of student achievement. In the future I plan to improve this data
inventory by linking each data type listed to actual collected data in order to make
accessing multiple data types simultaneously more convenient.
This artifact has impacted school improvement by providing the administration and
teachers at my school a reference source containing all the data being collected. This
impact can be assessed by the evaluation of the level of data used to drive instruction and
by the evaluation of student scores on assessments.

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