5 3 Program Evaluation

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3 Program Evaluation
Candidates design and implement program evaluations to determine the overall
effectiveness of professional learning on deepening teacher content knowledge,
improving teacher pedagogical skills and/or increasing student learning. (PSC 5.3/ISTE
This artifact is an action/evaluation plan I created as part of a Technology Planning
Project for my school. I based my action/evaluation plan on the three other documents
that make up my Technology Planning Project, a technology survey, a shared vision, and
SWOT analysis.
The creation of this action/evaluation plan demonstrates my ability to design and
implement a program evaluation to determine if the professional learning included in the
plan improves teacher pedagogical skills or increases student learning. My
action/evaluation plan that I designed details how to implement instructional changes that
center on technology implementation across the curriculum. The plan includes
professional learning implementation and evaluation methods to determine if teacher
pedagogical skills are improved. The plan also includes strategies to improve student
learning through the completion of technology enhance instructional activities in all
subject areas.
The completion of this action/evaluation plan gave me a better understanding of the
complexities of designing and implementing a school wide technology plan. When
designing and implementing technology plans in the future I will collaborate with more
school leaders. In creating this artifact I consulted with my school principal and a
technician from my schools IT department. I can definitely see that this is not a process
that one person completes. It takes a team of collaborating school leaders.
The creation of this artifact impacted faculty development by providing a plan for the
implementation of technology professional learning. This impact can be assessed by
evaluating the improvement of teacher technology related pedagogical skills.

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