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1 Digital Equity
Candidates model and promote strategies for achieving equitable access to digital tools
and resources and technology-related best practices for all students and teachers. (PSC
4.1/ISTE 5a)
This artifact is a blog post on the subject of digital equity. I wrote this post during the
ITEC 7430 course. The blog post discusses how students of low socioeconomic status
are often unable to access technology outside of school they need for their education. My
post also provides supportive research on how this lack of equitable access puts them at a
This blog post demonstrates my ability to model and promote strategies for achieving
equitable access to digital tools and resources. In the post I describe several ways I can
facilitate the use of technology by my students that normally would be deprived of
equitable access. I explain in the blog post that I have plans of applying the Flipped
Classroom model in my classes. I lay out my plans to provide many options for student
to access the digital content, assuring equitable access. This blog post also demonstrates
my ability to model and promote strategies for achieving equitable access to technologyrelated best practices for all students and teachers. In my post I explore ideas on how I
can have technology learning sessions for interested faculty members at my school. I
want to make my school better by sharing all the great things that I have learned in the IT
program at KSU.
Doing the research that went along with writing this blog post provided me with a
better understanding of how educationally limiting it can be for students that do not have
access to needed technology outside of school. If I were to blog on this topic again I
would do more research to inform my post. Studying educational research has been on of
the best parts of this program. I believe I have truly grown as an educator through the
studying current educational research. The impact on my development can be assessed
by evaluating how I manage digital resources in order to assure digital equality in my

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