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2 Managing Digital Tools and Resources

Candidates effectively manage digital tools and resources within the context of student
learning experiences. (PSC 3.2/ISTE 3b)
This artifact is a screencast presentation of a student centered technology-enhanced
lesson plan I designed and implemented. The lesson plan that was conducted involved the
creation of a study guide and video presentation by 11th grade chemistry students. The
creation of these presentations was a learner-centered activity. The presentations were
then shared with the class through the class Wiki for review and remediation leading up
to the End of Course Test.
The creation and implementation of this lesson plan demonstrates my ability to model
and facilitate the management of digital tools and resources within the context of a
student learning experience. The lesson plan implemented involved students using Web
2.0 tools to create multimedia presentations. During the lesson I modeled how to
research and select a Web 2.0 tool for the creation of a presentation. Students followed
my examples and researched Web 2.0 tools and selected their own technology tools to
create their presentations. The implementation of this lesson plan allowed students to use
electronic devices and technology tools of their choosing. This provided students with
the opportunity to use devices such as smart phones, tablets, netbooks, and laptop
computers as well as any assistive technology needed for students with disabilities. The
wide variety of choices to the students required management of digital tools and
resources to ensure the success of the learning experience.
The designing and implementation of this technology-enhanced learning experience
has given me a better understanding of how to manage digital tools and resources within
the context of a student learning experience. Going forward I will do more research on
digital tools that students choose to use when completing multimedia projects. During
this learning experience students chose to use digital tools that I was not familiar with
which made management of these tools very challenging.
The design and implementation of this technology-enhanced lesson impacted student
learning at my school by providing students with the opportunity to engage in a
technology-enhanced learning experience. The impact on student learning can be
assessed by the evaluation of the student created products.

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