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Christopher J.

Table of Contents
Core Leadership Competencies
A. Leadership
* Created and Implemented a Middle School PBIS System
* Created a PLC Structure for school year 2015-2016
* Organized and ran the Fall 2015 6th Grade Orientation at Middle School
B. Organizational Management
* Developed and Reviewed the Title I budget at Riverside Elementary
* Created the Master teacher schedule at the Middle School
* Created the Master paraprofessional schedule at the Middle School
C. Diversity Leadership
* Analyzed Free/Reduced Reading Data Grade3-6 Services and Non Services
* Performed HS Equity walk 2 Free/Reduced Students
* Created and Implemented a Para Training and Mentor/Mentee Program
D. Policy and Law
* Created a New Tennessen Warning for HS office staff to use
* Created a Checklist/Cease and Desist Paperwork complied with Law
* Created Prom Policy was implemented along with other Handbook Changes
E. Political Influence and Governance
* Presented Prom Policy and Handbook changes to School Board
* Discussed Educational issues with area Representatives
* Attended all School Board Meetings during the 2014-2015 school year
F. Communication
* Organized Community meeting and school officials regarding common core
* Created a FLY survey to gather staff feedback about school year
* Teacher Union President handled multiple issues that arose on contract
G. Community Relations
*Created a District Thank you to area businesses highlighted events at school
* Organized Staff to represent school in local parades
* Organized and Ran Color Run for Middle School and Elementary Students
H. Curriculum planning and development for the success of all learners
* Read Well By 3rd Grade and Literacy Plan
* Created and Implemented a Para Training and Mentor/ Mentee Program
* Attended Read 180 programs/training for Middle School Students

* Attended and Participated in Staff Development Meetings

I. Instructional Management for the success of all learners
* Standards Based Grading Presentation
* Performed formal and walk through observations HS and MS level
* AVID presentation to HS
* 1:1 IPad Initiative in district: Presentation about Cyberbullying/Wetterling
J. Human Resource Management
*Participated in interview and selection process of Choir Teacher
* Participated in interview and selection process of Reading Corp Tutors
* Created a Para Training and Mentor Program
K. Values and Ethics of Leadership
* Opposed Schedule where students put into leveled classrooms
* Performed Equity Walk at HS Level on 2 Free/ Reduced Students
* Creation of PBIS and implementation at MS
L. Judgment and Problem Analysis
* Developed Master Para Schedule based on para preference and IEPs
* Created Para training program and Mentor program to address turnover
*Member of HS problem solving team
M. Safety and Security
* Participated on Board Meetings pertaining to school remodel/ safety concerns
* Updated JCC emergency Plan and schedule for 2015-2016 school year
* Organized and Attended Jacob Wetterling Presentation dangers to students
K-12 Principal Competencies
A. Instructional Leadership
* AVID presentation to HS
* Organized and assisted in running Kinderkamp
* Social Studies Curriculum Review Cycle
B. Monitor Student Learning
* Standards Based Grading Presentation
* Problem Solving Team
* PBIS System at Middle School/ design to reduce students missing class
C. K-12 Leadership
* Para Training Program/ Mentor Program
* Worlds Best Workforce Plan
* MS and HS Principal for the Day

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