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Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


(Short Type Questions)
1. What is the meaning of an Image? What is Digital Image Processing?
2. Why we need digital image processing?
3. Write down the fundamental steps of digital image processing.
4. What are the components of digital image processing system?
5. What do you mean by image sensing? What are the types of image acquisition system?
6. Define image sampling and quantization.
7. What is meant by Pixel?
8. Define Illuminance and reflectance.
9. What is dynamic range of a gray scale image?
10. Write the expression to find the number of bits to store a digital image?
11. Define spatial & intensity resolution of a gray scale image.
12. What are the different types of pixel Neighborhood?
13. When two pixels said to be connected in case of binary and gray scale image?
14. Write down the different types of adjacency and their conditions.
15. What is the advantage of m-adjacency over 8-adjacency?
16. What are the different types of distance measure?
17. What is image enhancement?
18. Write down the basic types of intensity transformations.
19. Write down the logarithmic transformation functions with its transform curve.
20. What is gamma correction? Cite an example for it.
(Long Type Questions)
1. Briefly describe the fundamental steps of digital image processing with neat sketch.
2. With neat sketch explain the components of image processing system.
3. Describe the elements of human visual perception.
4. With proper diagram, explain how image is formed in the eye?
5. Briefly describe different image acquisition systems with
6. What are the steps in image digitization? Explain image quantization in detail. .
7. Explain different types of adjacency with their conditions.
8. Briefly describe all types of distance measure with example.
9. Describe all types of geometric transform with their transformation matrix.
10. What are gray level transformations? Explain log transformation and power law transformation?

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