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R: recepcionista

H: husped

R: Good afternoon! Welcome at the hotel Buenavista May I help you?

H: Yes, my name is _______________ (el nombre depende de quien quieres ser
t. T: Mr. Irbinn Zapata o Yo: Miss Erika Sulln) I have a reservation
R: Let me see, ____________ (el nombre depende de quien quieres ser t en la
parte de arriba. Si T eliges ser el recepcionista seria: Miss. Sullon. Y si
decides ser el husped seria: Mr. Zapata) you said.....
no I can't find it. How long ago did you make the reservation?
H: About a month ago.
R: Do you know the exact date?
H: Give me a second, I think I have it in my agenda.
Yes, it was the 18th of June
R: Ok, I found it. The problem was that someone forgot to write your name on
the main list.
H: Is everything in order?
R: Yes, (Miss or Mr. Depende de lo que elijas yaaa) There's no problem. Fill out
this registration card please
H: OK. Here it is.
R: How long are you planning to stay?
H: Three days. We will spend our vacation in a club.
R: That sounds like fun.

(Mr or miss, dependiendo, ya sabes ya? jiji) how will you be paying? Card or
H: errr visa.
Excuse me what additional services offer the hotel?
R: We have food service to the room and restaurant. Also taxi service.
H: Ok. Thank you
R: If you need anything, dial 1 for reception.
Do you need the bellboy to assist you with your bags?
H: No, I dont no. Dont worry it is not necessary.
R: Here is yoy key. The room number is 301 thanks for your choosing us and
enjoy your stay.

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