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Malabanan, John Glen

18, 2015



Professional Image Development

The Transformation of Students into Young Adults
Last Saturday, April 11, 2015 Ive attended a seminar about
professional imaging. It was a different kind of seminar compare to
seminars before. It dont discuss about business or number in the
business world and also it is not an inspirational talk. The seminar is
about yourself, how you will present yourself to others especially in the
work place; in the professional world. At first I thought that the seminar
will be boring because the title professional imaging didnt catch my
attention, but as the seminar goes on I became interested in the topics
that the speakers discussed.

The first speaker talked about on how you will prepare yourself
when you are going to an interview for your work. The first speaker is
working in Human Recourse Department. She gives some tips on how
to properly present yourself and on how to properly answer the
questions asked by the interviewee. I remember some of the things
that she points out in the seminar. First, every body movement that we
make have their corresponding meaning. If you are a secretive person
the interviewee can point that out especially if you are hiding
something. Then the next speaker discussed about the tips on how to
dress properly and how to take care your face. There are certain
proportions and angles that must be take into consideration in wearing

The second speaker focuses much on the girls proper way of

dressing. Overall I learned things over the seminar. Now I become more
conscious on what I wear, how I speak and how I act. I also learned to
take care of myself and my image to others. I was thankful to the
speakers because they inspired me to be more professional in
presenting myself in public.

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